523 research outputs found

    An eye-tracking project in industrial design education: A case study for engaging in the research process

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    [EN] The practice of design is constantly evolving; new technologies have become a support for the implementation of disruptive proposals in diverse disciplines, including design products. A Paradigm shift are present in the design and engineering education related with support technologies and developing new products. The objective of this work is to present the novel process of a design project that incorporates a creative and objective process for designing and validating products in order to attract, engage and retain talent in design and engineering courses for research and technology implementation. The challenge was a project for create an novelty industrial tool board with a minimum number of tools validated by Eye-tracking (ET) technology. The ET technology is based on the study of eye movement, which provides an objective indicator of where a person's overt, and typically centered, attention is focused. Twenty-eight students from the third year of Industrial Design Bachelor's program were involved in this academic course and used a product design methodology to implement the technology and dynamics of the ET. The results of this education project revealed a novel dynamic in design education. The results reveled an improved interest in research and technology implementation. Students perceived the relevance of ET technology in a fundamental phase of product design. In addition, the students shared their enjoyment and interest in reusing this technology in similar processes. The students' perception of factors, such as utility, novelty and relevance of this technology, in their design processes was positive. Finally, the novel process became familiar to the students, even if it was their first-time using ET technology. This work reveals how technology becomes a fundamental part of the process and how to guide students to integrate rigid and meticulous processes in design products without neglecting the creative process.The authors would also like to acknowledge the financial support provided by the Novas grant (Laboratorio de disetio, exploracion y validacion de productos y cspacios), PEP No. PHHT002 18ZZ00041, as well as the support of the Writing Lab and TecLabs at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, throughout the production of this work.Márquez Cañizares, JC.; Rojas, J.; Higuera-Trujillo, JL.; Muniz, G. (2020). An eye-tracking project in industrial design education: A case study for engaging in the research process. IEEE. 127-132. https://doi.org/10.1109/EDUCON45650.2020.9125143S12713

    Product Validation in Creative Processes: A Gender Perspective in Industrial Design Projects

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    [EN] Design education and practice are continuously evolving. Educational institutions must include intellectual complexities and new curriculum to support good design education. The design education future emerges multidisciplinary knowledge, teaching innovation and employment necessities. This paper describes a methodology centered in product validation with industrial design students. Focusing on discovering the student experience during the project execution, in addition to observing closely the female design student's perception on the methodology and process developed. The academic project was the design of a novel tool board. The students developed the proposed project in a period of eight weeks. Sixteen students participated as a sample of this research. The methodology consisted of eight phases that spanned from project brief to project conclusion, introducing two phases focused on validation exercises for the elements created to reach the solution of the tool board. During the end of the two evaluation phases, two surveys were applied asking for information on his previous experience during his design education and three elements that assessment the design methodology implementation: utility, novelty, and relevance. Using multiple choice and Likert scale answers the students answered the surveys. The survey's findings revealed relevant information on the project implementation focused on evaluation phases during the product design. The results revealed how students reflected on their previous experience developing projects, and how the design tool board integrate important phases like validation. Also, the students evaluated with a positive value the utility, novelty, and relevance of the developed project. However, the most important finding was the female perception comparing male students. The female assessment of novelty and relevance increased during project implementation, highlighting novelty as a perceived element to a greater range than men. This research results allowed us to discover more information about female students experience with creative and validation processes.The authors would also like to acknowledge the financial support provided by the NOVUS grant ID: N20-158-41 (Validación científica como herramienta educativa en proyectos de carácter creativo), as well as the support of the Writing Lab and TecLabs at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, throughout the production of this work.Rojas, J.; Higuera-Trujillo, JL.; Muniz, G.; Marín-Morales, J. (2021). Product Validation in Creative Processes: A Gender Perspective in Industrial Design Projects. IEEE. 760-765. https://doi.org/10.1109/EDUCON46332.2021.9453948S76076

    Nuevas tendencias en el diseño de materiales y estructuras

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    El presente texto incluye temas como las nuevas herramientas para la modelación de diferentes problemas relacionados con la Ingeniería Civil; la implantación de un modelo matemático para el análisis dinámico no lineal de las viviendas prefabricadas, que permite simular el comportamiento histerético del sistema estructural de la vivienda a partir del comportamiento cíclico experimental; las herramientas de la inteligencia artificial (las redes neuronales) para la modelación de fenómenos complejos presentes en el comportamiento de algunos materiales, en este caso en tres arenas típicas y su relación esfuerzo-deformación; nuevos enfoques en el diseño de estructuras y materiales, nuevas tendencias de diseño tanto de las estructuras como en los materiales compuestos; una perspectiva sobre nuevos materiales compuestos o alternativos, que proponen materiales de origen natural combinados con materiales tradicionales en la industria de la construcción. Presenta una breve descripción de los materiales compuestos, tipo sándwich, y propone un nuevo compuesto a partir de conglomerados de material vegetal y ferrocemento. E incluye el estudio de los suelos residuales estabilizados con cal y se evalúa su comportamiento mecánico.PRÓLOGO............. 15 PRESENTACIÓN.............. 17 Primera parte Nuevas herramientas para la modelación de problemas en Ingeniería Civil Capítulo 1 APLICACIÓN DEL MODELO DE Bouc y Wen EN EL ANÁLISIS SÍSMICO DE VIVIENDAS PREFABRICADAS Daniel Alveiro Bedoya Ruiz 1.1 INTRODUCCIÓN.............. 21 1.2 AVANCES EN EL MODELO DE Bouc y Wen............. 23 1.3 SISTEMAS HISTERÉTICOS NO LINEALES............ 27 1.3.1 Ecuación de movimiento............ 30 1.3.2 Parámetros de forma de la histéresis............ 31 1.3.3 Disipación de energía............. 34 1.3.4 Rigidez, resistencia y estrangulamiento..............35 1.4 Identificación de sistemas y control.............. 37 1.5 APLICACIÓN DEL MODELO EN VIVIENDAS PREFABRICADAS............. 38 1.5.1 El modelo en casas prefabricadas de ferrocemento............. 41 1.5.2 Dinámica y comportamiento no lineal............. 44 1.6 CONCLUSIÓN............ 45 Capítulo 2 DETERMINACIÓN DE LA RELACIÓN CONSTITUTIVA DE LAS ARENAS USANDO REDES NEURONALES ARTI FICIALES (RNA) Hernán Eduardo Martínez-Carvajal - Márcio Muniz de Farias 2.1 INTRODUCCIÓN............ 51 2.2 MODELAMIENTO CONSTITUTIVO DE MATERIALES........... 53 2.3 MODELAMIENTO CONSTITUTIVO USANDO REDES NEURONALES ARTIFICIALES............. 55 2.4 LA BASE DE DATOS............ 56 2.5 LA ARQUITECTURA DE LA RED NEURONAL............... 58 2.6 RESULTADOS DE LA SIMULACIÓN............. 60 2.7. CONCLUSIONES.............. 65 Segunda parte Nuevos enfoques en el diseño de materiales y estructuras Capítulo 3 Diseño por desplazamientos de pilares de puentes Matthew J. Tobolski - José I. Restrepo 3.1 INTRODUCCIÓN............ 69 3.2 ESPECTRO DEL DISEÑO............. 72 3.3 AMORTIGUAMIENTO............ 74 3.4 RESPUESTA INÉLASTICA............. 75 3.5 COMBINACIÓN DE FACTORES DE AMPLIFICACIÓN DE DESPLAZAMIENTO............. 79 3.6 CAPACIDAD DE DESPLAZAMIENTO............ 80 3.7 PROCEDIMIENTO DE DISEÑO............ 85 3.8 OBJETIVO DE DESEMPEÑO DE SEGURIDAD DE LA VIDA.............. 86 3.9 OBJETIVO DE DESEMPEÑO DE FUNCIONAMIENTO INMEDIATO.............. 89 3.10 DISEÑO DE LOS ELEMENTOS............. 92 3.11 ANÁLISIS PARAMÉTRICO............. 93 3.12 EXIGENCIA SÍSMICA Y DUCTILIDAD DE CURVATURA.............. 93 3.13 PROPORCIÓN DE LA ROTACIÓN RESIDUAL............. 94 3.14 DIÁMETRO Y ALTURA DE LA COLUMNA.............. 95 3.15 CONCLUSIONES.............. 98 3.16 APÉNDICE. EJEMPLO DE DISEÑO............... 99 Capítulo 4 UN NUEVO ENFOQUE PARA EL ANÁLISIS Y DISEÑO DE ESTRUCTURAS DE HORMIGÓN ARMADO Héctor Guillermo Urrego Giraldo 4.1 INTRODUCCIÓN.............. 111 4.2 COMPORTAMIENTO DEL HORMIGÓN............. 113 4.3 COMPORTAMIENTO DEL ACERO.............. 115 4.4 CURVATURA.............. 117 4.5 EJEMPLO 1.............. 123 4.6 MÉTODO PROPUESTO............... 136 4.7 EJEMPLO 2............. 138 4.8 CONCLUSIONES............... 144 Capítulo 5 DESEMPEÑO SÍSMICO DE PÓRTI COS PLANOS DE ACERO CON EL SISTEMA KNEE-BRACING Ricardo León Bonett Díaz - Carolina López Toro 5.1 INTRODUCCIÓN.............. 147 5.2 MARCO CONCEPTUAL.............. 149 5.3 CRITERIOS PARA ESCOGER EL KNEE Y EL BRACE.............. 151 5.4 CASO DE ESTUDIO............. 153 5.5 INCORPORACIÓN DEL DISPOSABLE KNEE BRACING............. 165 5.6 EVALUACIÓN DE LA CAPACIDAD SÍSMICA............. 167 5.7 ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS.............. 172 5.8 CONCLUSIONES................ 176 Capítulo 6 TENDENCIAS EN EL DISEÑO DE MEZCLAS ASFÁLTI CAS EN CALIENTE ¡MARSHALL vs SUPERPAVE! Carlos Rodolfo Marín Uribe 6.1 INTRODUCCIÓN.............. 179 6.2 DESCRIPCIÓN DE LAS METODOLOGÍAS DE DISEÑO............... 180 6.3 Algunas diferencias entre las dos metodologías.............. 190 6.4 DESARROLLO DE UN TRABAJO EXPERIMENTAL.............. 192 6.4.1 Selección de materiales............ 192 6.4.2 Obtención del porcentaje óptimo de asfalto........... 195 6.4.3 Caracterización mecánica y dinámica de las mezclas asfálticas............. 195 6.5 ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS.............. 203 6.6 CONCLUSIONES............... 204 Capítulo 7 EL EFECTO ARCO EN SUELOS John Mario García Giraldo 7.1 INTRODUCCIÓN............. 209 7.2 EL ARCO COMO FORMA ESTRUCTURAL.............. 210 7.2.1 Definición de arco.............. 210 7.2.2 Historia del arco como elemento estructural............. 211 7.3 F ORMAS DE ARCO............ 212 7.4 EFECTO DE LA GEOMETRÍA ESTRUCTURAL EN LA DISTRIBUCIÓN DE TENSIONES EN EL INTERIOR DE UN ELEMENTO............. 215 7.4.1 Esfuerzos en un elemento estructural............. 215 7.4.2 Distribución de tensiones en el interior de un elemento estructural............. 216 7.5 GEOMETRÍAS ÓPTIMAS............... 219 7.6 ESTUDIO DEL EFECTO ARCO EN LOS SUELOS............ 220 7.6.1 Efecto de arco sobre una escotilla móvil (trapdoor).............. 220 7.6.2 Análisis del efecto arco en los suelos por Terzaghi en 1945........... 222 7.7 ANÁLISIS DEL EFECTO ARCO EN LOS SUELOS POR HANDY EN 1985.............. 226 7.8 ANÁLISIS DEL EFECTO ARCO EN LOS SUELOS POR HARROP EN 1989.............. 233 7.9 ANÁLISIS DEL EFECTO ARCO EN LOS SUELOS POR SALGADO EN 2002.............. 237 7.10 CONCLUSIONES............ 241 Tercera parte Nuevos materiales compuestos o alternativos Capítulo 8 MATERIALES COMPUESTOS A BASE DE FERROCEMENTO Y MATERIAL VEGETA L Daniel Alveiro Bedoya Ruiz - Juan Camilo Aldana Barrera - Leonardo Ávila Vélez 8.1 INTRODUCCIÓN.............. 247 8.2 MATERIALES COMPUESTOS.............. 249 8.2.1 Núcleo............. 252 8.2.2 Corteza estructural............. 253 8.2.3 Sistemas constructivos............ 254 8.3 COMPORTAMIENTO EXPERIMENTAL DE LOS COMPUESTOS DE FERROCEMENTO Y MATERIAL VEGETAL............. 255 8.3.1 Núcleo de material vegetal............ 256 8.3.2 Corteza de ferrocemento.............. 260 8.3.3 A. 3.3 paneles de ferrocemento con núcleo vegetal............. 261 8.4 CONCLUSIONES.............. 266 Capítulo 9 COMPORTAMIENTO MECÁNICO DE SUELOS RESIDUALES ESTABILIZADO S César Augusto Hidalgo Montoya - Mario Alberto Rodríguez Moreno 9.1 INTRODUCCIÓN.............. 271 9.2 ESTABILIZACIÓN DE SUELOS CON CAL............. 273 9.3 PROPIEDADES RESILIENTES O RESILIENCIA............... 275 9.4 CARGAS EN EL PAVIMENTO.............. 276 9.4.1 Tipos de cargas que actúan............. 276 9.4.2 Duración de la carga cíclica............. 279 9.5 MÓDULO RESILIENTE............. 279 9.6 F ACTORES GENERALES QUE AFECTAN EL MÓDULO RESILIENTE............. 281 9.6.1 Factores que afectan el Mr de suelos finos............ 281 9.6.2 Factores que afectan el Mr de materiales granulares............ 284 9.7 ENSAYOS PARA DETERMINAR EL MÓDULO RESILIENTE.............. 286 9.8 CORRELACIONES............... 289 9.9 PROPIEDADES RESILIENTES DE SUELOS ESTABILIZADOS.............. 290 9.10 ENSAYOS DE LABORATORIO.............. 292 9.11 ANÁLISIS DE RESULTADOS............... 295 9.11.1 Compresión simple............ 296 9.11.2 Tracción indirecta............. 299 9.11.3 CBR............. 300 9.11.4 Módulo resiliente.............. 302 9.12 CONCLUSIONES.............. 30

    Caracterização epidemiológica da sífilis congênita no Brasil entre os anos de 2017 e 2021

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    This article aims to identify and analyze the epidemiological profile of congenital syphilis in Brazil, from 2017 to 2021. This article is an epidemiological, retrospective, descriptive study on cases of congenital syphilis in Brazil and its regions, with data obtained from the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN), between 2017 and 2021. The variables of interest were: age group of the newborn, sex, ethnicity, region, education and maternal age group, completion of pre- -natal, maternal syphilis, partner treatment and evolution of cases. It was found that in the period from 2017 to 2021, 109,737 cases of congenital syphilis were recorded. During this period, the year 2018 was responsible for the majority of case numbers, followed by a decline until the year 2021. The results of this study highlight a high rate of occurrence of congenital syphilis in the country. However, it is crucial to highlight the limitations of the data presented, due to the significant underreporting of cases. Therefore, it is essential to structure and implement actions to control this disease and improve its reporting. Congenital syphilis is a preventable condition, but its consequences are numerous, especially for the fetus.Este artigo tem por objetivo identificar e analisar o perfil epidemiológico da sífilis congênita no Brasil, no período de 2017 a 2021. O presente artigo se trata de um estudo epidemiológico, retrospectivo, de caráter descritivo, sobre os casos de sífilis congênita no Brasil e suas regiões, com dados obtidos do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN), entre 2017 e 2021. As variáveis de interesse foram: faixa etária do recém-nascido, sexo, etnia, região, escolaridade e faixa etária materna, realização do pré-natal, sífilis materna, tratamento do parceiro e evolução dos casos. Verificou-se que no período de 2017 a 2021 foram registrados 109.737 casos de sífilis congênita. Durante esse período, o ano de 2018 foi responsável pela maioria dos números dos casos, sendo prosseguido por uma queda até o ano de 2021. Os resultados deste estudo destacam uma elevada taxa de ocorrência de sífilis congênita no país. No entanto, é crucial ressaltar as limitações dos dados apresentados, devido à subnotificação significativa de casos. Portanto, é fundamental estruturar e implementar ações para controlar essa doença e melhorar sua notificação. A sífilis congênita é uma condição evitável, mas suas consequências são numerosas, especialmente para o feto. &nbsp

    Polychaetes as biological indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    Este artículo cuenta con una adenda, ver DOI: 10.47193/mafis.3422021010606.Los poliquetos (Annelida) son organismos en íntimo contacto con el sedimento donde viven y el agua sobrenadante. El estrés ambiental genera rápidas respuestas en estos organismos que se refleja en los individuos y sus poblaciones, por lo que se utilizan como indicadores biológicos de disturbios y de calidad ambiental. Los poliquetos han sido ampliamente utilizados en monitoreo ambiental y en bioensayos, y muchos estudios ecotoxicológicos se realizan con poliquetos. En casi todos los hábitats bentónicos estos organismos juegan un papel muy importante en la organización y estructura de las comunidades bentónicas y redes tróficas. Son un ítem fundamental en la alimentación de otros invertebrados y de aves migratorias y peces. Los poliquetos también tienen importancia económica para la industria farmacéutica, y de alimentos concentrados para especies marinas de cultivo (peces y crustáceos), en el campo médico y en la bioingeniería, además de la recreativa (acuarofilia, carnada) y por supuesto para el consumo humano. Varios de los índices de impacto ambiental y calidad ambiental existentes se basan en las características de tolerancia/sensibilidad de los organismos bentónicos, y muchos de ellos son poliquetos. Existen unos pocos trabajos de revisión de estos organismos como indicadores, pero todos en idioma inglés. Este trabajo muestra una actualización de los datos referidos a Latinoamérica y el Caribe, e incluye una amplia revisión bibliográfica.Polychaetes (Annelida) are in intimate contact with the sediment where they live and the supernatant water. Environmental stress generates rapid responses in these organisms that are reflected in individuals and their populations, so they are used as biological indicators of disturbance and environmental quality. Polychaetes have been widely used in environmental monitoring and bioassays and many ecotoxicological studies are carried out with polychaetes. In almost all benthic habitats, these organisms play a very important role in the organization and structure of benthic communities and trophic webs. They are a fundamental item in invertebrates feeding and for migratory birds and fishes. Polychaetes are also economically important for the pharmaceutical industry, as concentrated food for cultured marine species (fish and crustaceans), in the medical field and in bioengineering, as well as to recreational (aquarium, bait) and of course for human consumption. Several of the existing environmental impact and quality indices are based on the tolerance/sensitivity characteristics of benthic organisms, and many of them are polychaetes. There are a few revision works of these organisms as indicators, but they are written in English. This work shows an upgrade referring to Latin America including an extensive literature review

    A search for ultra-high-energy photons at the Pierre Auger Observatory exploiting air-shower universality

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory is the most sensitive detector to primary photons with energies above ∼0.2 EeV. It measures extensive air showers using a hybrid technique that combines a fluorescence detector (FD) with a ground array of particle detectors (SD). The signatures of a photon-induced air shower are a larger atmospheric depth at the shower maximum (Xmax_{max}) and a steeper lateral distribution function, along with a lower number of muons with respect to the bulk of hadron-induced background. Using observables measured by the FD and SD, three photon searches in different energy bands are performed. In particular, between threshold energies of 1-10 EeV, a new analysis technique has been developed by combining the FD-based measurement of Xmax_{max} with the SD signal through a parameter related to its muon content, derived from the universality of the air showers. This technique has led to a better photon/hadron separation and, consequently, to a higher search sensitivity, resulting in a tighter upper limit than before. The outcome of this new analysis is presented here, along with previous results in the energy ranges below 1 EeV and above 10 EeV. From the data collected by the Pierre Auger Observatory in about 15 years of operation, the most stringent constraints on the fraction of photons in the cosmic flux are set over almost three decades in energy

    Study on multi-ELVES in the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    Since 2013, the four sites of the Fluorescence Detector (FD) of the Pierre Auger Observatory record ELVES with a dedicated trigger. These UV light emissions are correlated to distant lightning strikes. The length of recorded traces has been increased from 100 μs (2013), to 300 μs (2014-16), to 900 μs (2017-present), to progressively extend the observation of the light emission towards the vertical of the causative lightning and beyond. A large fraction of the observed events shows double ELVES within the time window, and, in some cases, even more complex structures are observed. The nature of the multi-ELVES is not completely understood but may be related to the different types of lightning in which they are originated. For example, it is known that Narrow Bipolar Events can produce double ELVES, and Energetic In-cloud Pulses, occurring between the main negative and upper positive charge layer of clouds, can induce double and even quadruple ELVES in the ionosphere. This report shows the seasonal and daily dependence of the time gap, amplitude ratio, and correlation between the pulse widths of the peaks in a sample of 1000+ multi-ELVES events recorded during the period 2014-20. The events have been compared with data from other satellite and ground-based sensing devices to study the correlation of their properties with lightning observables such as altitude and polarity

    Outreach activities at the Pierre Auger Observatory

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