107 research outputs found

    Effect of hexagonal on the in-plane crushing behaviour of plain weave composite hexagonal quadruple ring system

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    In this study, an experimental investigation into the crushing behaviour of one dimensional composite hexagonal cellular structure between two plates has been carried out. The materials have been used to accomplish the studies are the plain weave E-glass fabric and the epoxy resin. The tested cellular structures are composed of 4 × 1 hexagonal cells with angles varied between 35° and 60°. Various crashworthiness parameters of the tested cellular structures such as crushing load capacity, energy absorption capability and force efficiency were computed and discussed. The crush failure modes of the tested rings were identified and analysed. Results showed that the hexagonal ring angle has a significant effect on the crush failure loads and energy absorption capability. Increasing the cell angle showed a decrease in energy absorption capability and load carrying capacity. Additionally, the cell angle has a remarkable effect on the failure sequence of the ring cells.Scopu

    Experimental Study on Vibration Level of Automotive Flexible Wiper System

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    This study represent the experimental study of automotive flexible wiper system by using analytical and test rig analysis. In order to doing so, conservation and newtonian approach is applied to develop two dimensional of differential equation for the system. In analytical approach, the results have shown in time and frequency domain, which are represented the annoying noise and vibration level during the system operate. These results were compared with experimental study using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) technique. In this comparison, these two results have shown a correlation data and it is believed trustworthy to make a further analysis. The percentage of correlation is more than 97 percent.

    Comparative infectivity and transmissibility studies of wild-bird and chicken-origin highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses H5N8 in chickens

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    Despite the recent advances in avian influenza viruses surveillance and genomic data, fundamental questions concerning the ecology and evolution of these viruses remain elusive. In Egypt, H5N8 highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIVs) are co-circulating simultaneously with HPAIVs of subtypes H5N1 and low-pathogenic avian influenza viruses (LPAIVs) of subtype H9N2 in both commercial and backyard poultry. In order to isolate AIVs from wild birds and to assess their potential in causing infection in commercial poultry, a total of thirty-four cloacal swab samples were collected from apparently healthy migratory wild birds (Anas acuta, Anas crecca, Rallus aquaticus, and Bubulcus ibis) from four Egyptian Governorates (Giza, Menoufia, Gharbia, and Dakahlia). Based on matrix (M) gene-targeting real-time reverse transcriptase PCR and subsequent genetic characterization, our results revealed two positive isolates (2/34) for H5N8 whereas no H5N1 and H9N2 subtypes were detected. Genetic characterization of the full-length haemagglutinin (HA) genes revealed the clustering of two reported isolates within genotype 5 of clade The potential of a wild bird-origin H5N8 virus isolated from a cattle egret for its transmission capability within and between chickens was investigated in compare to chicken origin H5N8 AIV. Chickens inoculated with cattle egret isolate showed varying clinical signs and detection of virus shedding. In contrast, the contact chickens showed less levels of virus secretion indicating efficient virus inter/intra-species transmission. These results demonstrated the possibility for spreading of wild bird origin H5N8 viruses between chicken. In conclusion, our study highlights the need for continuous and frequent monitoring of the genetic diversity of H5N8 AIVs in wild birds as well as commercial poultry sectors for better understanding and determining the genetic nature of these viruses, which is fundamental to predict any future threat through virus reassortment with the potential to threaten human and animal health. Likewise, an assessment of coverage and efficacy of different vaccines and or vaccination regimes in the field conditions should be reconsidered along with strict biosecurity measures

    Synthesis and molecular docking of new hydrazones derived from ethyl isonipecotate and their biological activities

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    Purpose: To investigate the antibacterial and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities of hydrazone derivatives (8a-h) of ethyl isonipecotate.Methods: The reaction of ethyl isonipecotate (2) with 3,5-dichloro-2-hydroxybenzenesulfonyl chloride (1) in an aqueous basic medium yielded ethyl 1-[(3,5-dichloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)sulfonyl]piperidin-4- carboxylate (3). Compound 3 was subsequently converted to ethyl 1-[(3,5-dichloro-2-ethoxyphenyl) sulfonyl]piperidin-4-carboxylate (5) via O-alkylation. Compound 5 on reaction with hydrated hydrazine yielded 1-[(3,5-dichloro-2-ethoxyphenyl)sulfonyl]piperidin-4-carbohyrazide (6) in MeOH. Target compounds 8a-h were synthesized by stirring 6 with different aromatic aldehydes (7a-h) in MeOH. All the synthesized compounds were structurally elucidated by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR), electron impact mass spectrometry (EI-MS) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy. For antibacterial activity, solutions of the synthesized compounds were mixed with bacterial strains, and the change in absorbance before and after incubation was determined. For enzyme inhibitory activity, change in the absorbance of mixtures of synthesized compounds and enzyme before and after incubation with substrate was determined.Results: The target compounds were synthesized in appreciable yields and well characterized by spectral data analysis. Salmonella typhi was inhibited by 8e (MIC 8.00 ± 0.54 μM), Escherichia coli by 8f (8.21 ± 0.83 μM), Bacillus subtilis by 8c (8.56 ± 0.63 μM) and Staphylococcus aureus by 8c (8.86 ± 0.29 μM). Two compounds, 8e and 8d, were very effective inhibitors of α-glucosidase with IC50 values of 40.62 ± 0.07 and 48.64 ± 0.08 μM, respectively.Conclusion: Low IC50  values of the synthesized compounds against α-glucosidase demonstrates their potential in type-2 diabetes treatment. Furthermore, these compounds exhibit substantial antibacterial activity against the bacterial strains tested.Keywords: Antibacterial activity, α-Glucosidase inhibition, Ethyl isonipecotate, Hydrazo

    Structural and functional insights into non-structural proteins of coronaviruses

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    Coronaviruses (CoVs) are causing a number of human and animal diseases because of their zoonotic nature such as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). These viruses can infect respiratory, gastrointestinal, hepatic and central nervous systems of human, livestock, birds, bat, mouse, and many wild animals. The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a newly emerging respiratory virus and is causing CoVID-19 with high morbidity and considerable mortality. All CoVs belong to the order Nidovirales, family Coronaviridae, are enveloped positive-sense RNA viruses, characterised by club-like spikes on their surfaces and large RNA genome with a distinctive replication strategy. Coronavirus have the largest RNA genomes (~26–32 kilobases) and their expansion was likely enabled by acquiring enzyme functions that counter the commonly high error frequency of viral RNA polymerases. Non-structural proteins (nsp) 7–16 are cleaved from two large replicase polyproteins and guide the replication and processing of coronavirus RNA. Coronavirus replicase has more or less universal activities, such as RNA polymerase (nsp 12) and helicase (nsp 13), as well as a variety of unusual or even special mRNA capping (nsp 14, nsp 16) and fidelity regulation (nsp 14) domains. Besides that, several smaller subunits (nsp 7– nsp 10) serve as essential cofactors for these enzymes and contribute to the emerging “nsp interactome.” In spite of the significant progress in studying coronaviruses structural and functional properties, there is an urgent need to understand the coronaviruses evolutionary success that will be helpful to develop enhanced control strategies. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the structure, function, and interactions of coronaviruses RNA synthesizing machinery and their replication strategies. © 202

    Influence of weed control methods, poultry manure and planting pattern on growth and yield attributes of maize (Zea mays l.) in the northern Guinea Savannah zone of Nigeria

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    Field trials were conducted during the rainy seasons (2012 and 2013) at the  Research Farm of Institute for Agricultural Research, Samaru Zaria and College of Agriculture and Animal Science, Mando Kaduna, in the Northern Guinea Savannah Zone of Nigeria, to determine the Influence of weed control methods, poultry manure and planting pattern on the performance of maize (Zea mays L.). The treatments consisted of six levels of weed control (S-metolachlor + atrazine at 1.98 and 2.64 kg a.i/ha, butachlor at 1.5 and 2.5 kg a.i/ha, hoe weeding at 3 and 6 weeks after sowing (WAS) and a weedy check), three levels of poultry manure (0, 4 and 8 t/ha) and two planting pattern (single and double row per ridge). The treatments were laid out in spit-plot design replicated three times. Weed control and poultry manure were assigned to the main plots, while planting pattern was assigned in the sub-plots. Results from the study showed that application of S-metolachlor + atrazine at 2.64 kg a.i/ha, butachlor at 2.5 kg a.i/ha and hoe weeding at 3 and 6 WAS produced taller maize plants, increase in relative growth rate and higher grain yield. However, application of poultry manure at 8t/ha gave the tallest maize plants, increase in relative growth rate and higher total grain yield, while double planting pattern (double row per ridge) suppressed weed population and ensured better crop performance and higher grain yield compared to the single planting pattern (single row per ridge).Key words: weed control, planting pattern, poultry manur

    Transgenic chicks expressing interferon-inducible transmembrane protein 1 (Ifitm1) restrict highly pathogenic h5n1 influenza viruses

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    Mammalian cells utilize a wide spectrum of pathways to antagonize the viral replication. These pathways are typically regulated by antiviral proteins and can be constitutively expressed but also exacerbated by interferon induction. A myriad of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) have been identified in mounting broad-spectrum antiviral responses. Members of the interferon-induced transmembrane (IFITM) family of proteins are unique among these ISGs due to their ability to prevent virus entry through the lipid bilayer into the cell. In the current study, we generated transgenic chickens that constitutively and stably expressed chicken IFITM1 (chIFITM1) using the avian sarcomaleukosis virus (RCAS)-based gene transfer system. The challenged transgenic chicks with clinical dose 104 egg infective dose 50 (EID50 ) of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) subtype H5N1 (clade showed 100% protection and significant infection tolerance. Although challenged transgenic chicks displayed 60% protection against challenge with the sub-lethal dose (EID50 105 ), the transgenic chicks showed delayed clinical symptoms, reduced virus shedding, and reduced histopathologic alterations compared to non-transgenic challenged control chickens. These finding indicate that the sterile defense against H5N1 HPAIV offered by the stable expression of chIFITM1 is inadequate; however, the clinical outcome can be substantially ameliorated. In conclusion, chIFITM proteins can inhibit influenza virus replication that can infect various host species and could be a crucial barrier against zoonotic infections. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Insights into the genetic evolution of duck hepatitis a virus in Egypt

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    Duck hepatitis virus (DHV) is one of the commercially important diseases of ducklings worldwide. It is an acute and highly infectious disease of ducklings caused by three different sero-types (1–3) of duck hepatitis A virus (DHAV), and serotype 1 is the most common in poultry. To date, little is known about the prevalence and genetic characterisation of DHAV-1 in Egypt. In the current study, isolation and complete genomic analyses of DHAVs circulating in commercial duck farms in different Egyptian governorates were conducted. A total of eighteen samples were collected from six Egyptian governorates of 3–11 days old ducklings (Pekin and Mullard) with a his-tory of nervous signs and high mortality rates. Five out of eighteen (5/18) samples were screened positive for the DHAV-1 based on the VP1 gene. These samples were individually used for virus isolation in embryonated duck embryos (EDE), followed by complete genome sequencing. Phylo-genomic analyses showed that DHAV serotype I; genotype I were diversified into four different groups (1, 2, 3 and 4). Most of the recent circulating Egyptian DHAV strains are clustered within group 4, while isolates characterised within this study were clustered within group 1. Recombination analyses revealed that the emergence of a new recombinant virus—DHAV-1 strain Egypt-10/2019—through recombination. Likewise, the selective pressure analyses showed the existence, inside or near areas of the viral attachment or related functions, of positive scores highlighting the importance of natural selection and viral evolution mechanism at different protein domains. The findings of this study provide updated information on the epidemiological and genetic features of DHAV-1 strains and underscore the importance of DHAV surveillance as well as re-evaluation for currently used vaccines

    Food waste minimisation practices

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    In order to achieve an efficient waste minimisation, there is a need to be an understanding on the awareness of the waste minimisation in the major food operator including cafeteria. Thus, this chapter provide an observation of the waste minimisation at several cafeterias which include of manageable and unmanageable waste systems. This chapter will explain how the cafeteria is doing to cut back on or at least recycle the huge amount of food waste or cooking waste for waste minimization. Case studies were conducted at the Sis Wani House of Catering, Enayati Cafeteria and Hadramawt Cafeteria in UTHM campus. Determination of the level of knowledge about waste minimization among cafeteria workers and customers (students) were studied to measure the awareness on waste minimization

    Characteristic Of Thermoplastics Corn Starch Composite Reinforced Short Pineapple Leaf Fibre By Using Laminates Method

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    In recent years, the increased demand of biodegradable polymers has sparked the research interest in the development of alternatives to conventional polymers. As such, starch considerably one of the best substitutes to the non-degradable polymers owing to its advantages. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the mechanical, physical and environmental characterization of bio-composites, which is in this case the thermoplastic corn starch (TPCS) reinforced with a 2 mm length of pineapple leaf fibre(PALF). The selection of different weight percentages in the range of 20 to 60 weight percentage (wt.%) of PALF contents were applied in this work. The mixtures of TPCS with different wt.% of PALF were made by using a hot compression moulding at 165 °C for 15 minutes. Several testing has been performed to determine the bio-composites characteristics. The results show that by incorporating 40 wt.% loading of PALF, the tensile and modulus strength has increased to the maximum. It is also seen that there is an inverse relationship between the moisture content and the wt.% loading of PALF. However, the water and moisture absorption show a direct relationship with wt.% loading of PALF. Meanwhile, the soil burial decreases when the wt.% loadings of PALF increase while the results for water solubility suggest vice versa. It is also found that the TPCS with 40 wt.% of PALF have a good miscibility between matrix/fibre in the bio-composites
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