145 research outputs found

    Plantas silvestres ornamentales comercializadas en los mercados de la flor de Tenancingo y Jamaica, México

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    En nuestro país se han adoptado todas aquellas especies ornamentales que son famosas en el mundo, incluyendo algunas representantes de México; sin embargo, todavía se tiene material genético ornamental con grandes posibilidades de insertase en el comercio de la horticultura ornamental. Debido a lo anterior, se elaboró un listado de plantas silvestres comercializadas en los mercados de la flor de Tenancingo, Estado de México y Jamaica, Distrito Federal, México. El trabajo se realizó durante la época de verano- otoño (21 de junio-21 de diciembre del 2007), en este periodo se visitó, cada 15 días durante seis meses el área de estudio con la finalidad de obtener ejemplares para su identificación taxonómica, se hicieron entrevistas y se registró: nombre común, lugar y fecha de recolecta, vendedor, lugar de comercialización y valor ornamental. La identificación taxonómica de las especies se realizó mediante el uso de claves disponibles en bibliografía. Como resultados se reportaron 131 especies silvestres, distribuidas en 42 familias y 93 géneros, donde Orchidaceae fue la más representativa a nivel de especies. En cuanto al valor ornamental de las especies se observó que es toda la planta la queproporciona el mayor valor ornamental con 41%. El 53% de las especies proviene del Estado de México. De todas las especies 3% están amenazadas y 2% en protección especial según la NOM-059- ECOL-2001

    New insights in bacillus subtillis levansucrase mechanism and applications

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    B. subtilis levansucrase (SacB) is a widely studied glycoside hydrolase from Family 68 family. Although reports on SacB properties date back to the 70’s (Chambert & Gonzy-Tréboul, 1976), questions regarding levan synthesis mechanism are still open. These questions refer to the factors influencing reaction specificity, including the effect of sucrose and levan hydrolysis, product structure and levan molecular weight. In this conference we review recent findings regarding the modulating effect of SacB concentration on levan molecular weight distribution (Porras-Domínguez et al., 2015; Raga-Carbajal et al., 2016). In effect, we demonstrated that high enzyme concentrations (\u3e1.0 µM), direct levan synthesis exclusively to low molecular weight products (av 7.6 KDa), while low enzyme concentrations (\u3c 0.1µM) favor the synthesis of a high molecular weight levan fraction (\u3e2000 kDa). From a detailed HPAEC-PAD analysis of product evolution, a shift from a clear non-processive elongation mechanism at high protein concentrations to a -most likely- processive mechanism when low protein concentrations are used in the reaction. Trough calorimetric experiments we demonstrate that these changes in enzyme performance do not involve protein-protein interactions (Raga-Carbajal et al., 2016). We demonstrated, through an extensive characterization of the levan hydrolysis reaction by SacB, that the wide diversity of products derives also from fructosyl transfer to free sugars available from sucrose and levan hydrolysis. Actually, levan is an efficient fructosyl donor for fructosylation reactions, in which FOS such as levanbiose, inulobiose, blastose, …, are formed (Méndez-Lorenzo et al., 2015). The efficiency of SacB fructosylation with levan as donor was applied for the synthesis of blastose, a sucrose analogue with potential prebiotic properties. For this reaction, fructose was transferred to trehalose to produce a (2-6) fructosylated trehalose, which was later hydrolysed by trehalase to yield blastose (Miranda-Molina et al, 2017). Up to now there is not an efficient enzyme for the synthesis of levan-type FOS, in spite of intensive efforts to modify SacB or other levansucrases specificity by site directed mutagenesis. For this purpose, after a complete characterization of a combined bi-enzymatic reaction between SacB and an endolevanase produced by B.licheniformis. (LevB1) (Porras-Domínguez et al., 2014) we designed a fusion enzyme containing both activities. This fusion enzyme is able to produce levan-type FOS from sucrose, with molecular weights in the range of DP2 to DP10 including mainly 1-kestose, 6-kestose, neokestose, levanbiose and blastose, with 40% w/w yields. Chambert, R., & Gonzy-Tréboul, G. (1976). European Journal of Biochemistry / FEBS, 62(1), 55–64. Méndez-Lorenzo, L., Porras-Domínguez, J. R., Raga-Carbajal, E., Olvera, C., Rodríguez-Alegría, M. E., Carrillo-Nava, E.. López Munguía, A. (2015). PLoS ONE, 10(11), 1–15. Miranda-Molina, A., Castillo, E., & Lopez Munguia, A. (2017). Food Chemistry, 227, 202–210. Porras-Domínguez, J. R., Ávila-Fernández, Á., Miranda-Molina, A., Rodríguez-Alegría, M. E., & Munguía, A. L. (2015). Carbohydrate Polymers, 132(October), 338–344. Porras-Domínguez, J. R., Ávila-Fernández, Á., Rodríguez-Alegría, M. E., Miranda-Molina, A., Escalante, A., González-Cervantes, R., López Munguía, A. (2014). Process Biochemistry, 49(5), 783–790. Raga-Carbajal, E., Carrillo-Nava, E., Costas, M., Porras-Dominguez, J., López-Munguía, A., & Olvera, C. (2016). Glycobiology, 26(4), 377–385


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    En el análisis y pronóstico del tipo de cambio existen estudios basados en técnicas de series de tiempo junto a modelos paramétricos tales como: regresiones, modelos multivariados y de panel pero muy pocos se aventuran en el terreno no para-métrico como el de la inteligencia artificial específicamente las redes neuronales artificiales (RNA) las cuales tienen ventajas como: aprendizaje, auto organización, tolerancia a fallos, flexibilidad y por ello es posible crear una herramienta basada en RNA con mayor certidumbre a los métodos tradicionales, con ellas, se pueden observar los periodos con mayores fluctuaciones así como los componentes que determinan el comportamiento del tipo de cambio 8 Se construyeron 5 modelos en total, 3 de Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNA), un modelo lineal (GLM) y uno de tipo GARCH donde los modelos basados en inteligencia artificial permitieron una mayor certidumbre de predicción con los datos disponibles y publicados únicamente por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) en un periodo de análisis de 2000 a 2014, datos libres y homólogos en metodología para su consulta, así como se destaca el uso dado al software libre especializado

    Antimicrobial Activity and Physicochemical Characterization of Oregano, Thyme and Clove Leave Essential Oils, Nonencapsulated and Nanoencapsulated, Using Emulsification

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    Background and objective: Functional properties of essential oils are attributed to their components, many of which exhibit antimicrobial activity against pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms in a wide variety of foods. However, essential oils are unstable compounds; therefore, they can be encapsulated for a better protection and increase of functionality. In this work, antimicrobial activities of oregano, thyme and clove leave essential oils (non-encapsulated and nanoencapsulated) were assessed against Escherichia coli ATCC 29922, Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 14028 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 using emulsification.Material and methods: The essential oils were characterized based on their physicochemical properties. Nanoemulsions were prepared, using 5% (w w-1) of essential oils, and then characterized based on their physical properties, stability and encapsulation efficiency. The microdilution antimicrobial assay was carried out to assess minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration of the essential oils and their nanoemulsions. Data from physical properties of the essential oils and physical properties, stability and encapsulation efficiency of the nanoemulsions were statistically analyzed.Results and conclusion: Antimicrobial activity of the essential oils showed decreases in minimum inhibitory concentration by 27-60% for the nanoencapsulated oils, compared to nonencapsulated oils. Nanoencapsulated and nonencapsulated oregano essential oils exhibited the lowest minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration values. Based on the results, nanoencapslulated essential oils may further be used in various foods to avoid microbial contaminations.Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest

    Los sobrecostos de importación del puerto del Callao y su influencia en la cadena de comercialización de empresas importadoras de productos químicos en lima metropolitana, año 2019

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    El presente proyecto de investigación busca identificar aquellos sobrecostos logísticos del puerto del Callao que incurren en el proceso de comercialización de mepresas importadoras de productos químicos en Lima Metropolitana. La problemática reside en que las empresas del sector quimico estiman que no deberían existir ciertos costos logísticos, ya que está afectando a su proceso de comercialización para los que importan materia prima para fabricar, siendo ellos los más afectados en comparación a los que importan un bien para el consumo; lleva consigo, a que dichas empresas no le han prestado el nivel de importancia adecuado. Por lo mencionado, este proyecto de investigación, se planteó como objetivo principal, determinar de qué manera los sobrecostos logísticos de importación del puerto del Callao influyen a la proceso de comercialización en empresas importadoras de productos químicos en Lima Metropolitana, año 2019. La metodología de la investigacion, tiene un enfoque cuantitativo y diseño descriptivo correlacional. El instrumento empleado fue: Encuestas escala tipo Likert. Además, se empleo para el análisis estadístico el software SPSS y para el análisis la constrastacion de las hipótesis el coeficiente de correlaicon Rho Spearmen. Por último, con ayuda de los resultados de la presente investigación se plantearon conclusiones y recomendaciones en base a nuestra problemática, las misma que ayudaran a la mejora de competitividad de precios y manejo de las empresas encuestadas del sector químico.The present research project seeks to identify those logistic cost overruns of the port of Callao that incur in the chain of commercialization of chemical importing companies in Metropolitan Lima. The problem lies in the fact that companies in the chemical products sector consider that there should not be certain logistic costs, since it is affecting their marketing chain for those who import raw material to manufacture, being the most affected compared to those that matter a good for consumption; leads, to which these companies have not lent the appropriate level of importance. Therefore, the present research project, as a main objective, was to determine how logistic cost overruns in Puerto del Callao affect the marketing chain in chemical importing companies in Metropolitan Lima, year 2019. The research methodology has a quantitative approach and descriptive correlational design. The instrument used was: Likert scale surveys. In addition, the SPSS software was used for the statistical analysis and the correlation of the Rho Spearmen correlation coefficient for the analysis. Finally, with the help of the results of this research, conclusions and recommendations were raised based on our problems, which will help to improve the competitiveness of prices and management of the companies surveyed in the chemical sector.Trabajo de investigaciónCampus Lima Centr

    Familial chylomicronemia syndrome: A family case report in U.S./Mexico border by CEDIAMET

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    Primary familiar hyperchylomicronemia syndrome (FHS) is an extremely rare autosomal recessive condition. In 80% of cases is a result of a mutation in lipoprotein lipase, meanwhile, the 20% is a malfunctioning enzyme due to APOC2, APOA5, LMF1, or GP1HBP1. It is estimated FHS affects 3000 to 5000 individuals globally, with no correlation by sex or race. We are presenting a family with FHS in Reynosa, Mexico. The index patient was a male 36 years old who attended the CEDIAMET clinic after his 6th episode of acute pancreatitis. He has triglycerides 1300 mg/dl and CT scan with Balthazar C score. He suffered other five episodes of acute pancreatitis since 20 years old with serum triglycerides between 1,000 and 3,000 mg/dL. Each episode progressed in pain intensity and Balthazar score from A to C. The patient received treatment with bezafibrate and captopril because of hypertension. The physical exam shows eruptive xanthomas on his back, otherwise no other clinical relevant findings. He has a family history of recurrent pancreatitis in his father, and two older sisters (from a total of 3 sisters). This is the first case of FHS presented in RGV. To our knowledge, only one mutation in lipoprotein lipase had been described in Guanajuato, Mexico (Colima-Fausto 2017). The p.Gly188Glu mutation affects the lipid-binding region, leading to a complete loss of LPL function. We will research this case to determine if they have a mutation on any of the known genes and if negative, to sequence the regions for seeking new mutation on the U.S.-Mexico border. The common treatment for lowering triglycerides works small or not at all. Other conditions like hypothyroidism or Cushing were ruled out. A specialized exam is the post-heparin activation of lipoprotein lipase inadequate release of the enzyme. The dietary treatment includes a very low-fat diet (no more than 20 to 30 g fat/day), and avoiding alcohol. Plasmapheresis is an option for avoiding acute pancreatitis treatment. Recently, tiparvovec was discontinued in Europe (2007), and was the first gene therapy approved. Volanesorsen is another option that reduces triglycerides by 50 to 80%, currently in phase II and III trials

    Estudio florístico de la parte central de la barranca nenetzingo, municipio de Ixtapan de la sal, Estado de México

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    No se cuenta todavía con un inventario completo de plantas que existen en el territorio mexicano. Aún quedan grupos por conocer y zonas del país sin explorar. En tal situación se encuentra la barranca Nenetzingo, Ixtapán de la Sal, Estado de México. Con el objetivo de contribuir con el conocimiento de la fl ora se elaboró un listado de las especies, donde se incluyen algunos aspectos como: forma biológica, fenología reproductiva y abundancia. El trabajo consistió en colectar, secar y prensar todas las especies del área de estudio durante 21 meses, para su posterior identifi cación y con ello se elaboró el listado. Como resultados se reportan 362 especies distribuidas en 89 familias y 248 géneros, se reportan 17 especies por primera vez para el estado. Las familias más importantes a nivel de género son: Asteraceae, Poaceae y Fabaceae con 12.9, 10.6 y 5.2% de géneros cada una; de igual forma en especies 14.1, 9.4 y 6.4% respectivamente. La mayoría de las plantas son hierbas y arbustos representando el 82.6% del total de las especies identifi cadas. Los periodos de fl oración y fructifi cación de la fl ora son verano y otoño sumando 67.6% y 69.4% respectivamente. Gran parte de las plantas son abundantes (47.8%), seguida por frecuentes (29.3%) y escasas (22.9%). Finalmente se observa que la zona de estudio tiene un número considerable de diversidad refl ejada en el número de especies; sin embargo, de acuerdo al análisis de la fl ora se detecta que es un lugar perturbado requiriendo acciones para su conservación

    Cardiac troponin I release after a basketball match in elite, amateur and junior players

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    BACKGROUND: Available scientific data related to cardiac troponin I (cTnI) release after intermittent exercise is limited. It is also of interest to determine what personal or environmental factors mediate the exercise-induced release of cTnI. This study had two objectives: 1) to examine the individual release of cTnI to a basketball match; and 2) to establish the influence of athlete status as well as biological age on cTnI release. METHODS: Thirty-six basketball players (12 adult elite [PBA]: 27.3±4.1 years, 12 adult amateur [ABA]: 29.6±2.9 years, and 12 junior elite [JBA]: 16.6±0.9 years) participated in a simulated basketball match with serial assessment of cTnI at rest, immediately post- and at 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 h post-exercise. RESULTS: The basketball match increased cTnI levels (pre: median [range]; 0.006 [0.001-0.026]; peak post: 0.024 [0.004-0.244] μg/L; p=0.000), with substantial individual variability in peak values. PBA and JBA players showed higher baseline and post-exercise cTnI values than ABA (all p<0.05). Peak cTnI exceeded the upper reference limit (URL) in the 26% of players (3 PBA; 6 JBA). CONCLUSIONS: The current results suggest that intermittent exercise can promote the appearance of cTnI and that this is potentially mediated by athlete status

    Project: Center for Diabetes and Metabolism [Centro de Diabetes y Metabolismo: CeDiMet], a collaborative dream comes true

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    Reynosa urban area has 690,000 inhabitants (384,000 adults \u3e20 years old), 35% moved from other states. The use of cell phones is in 81%, personal computer or laptop with 29%. The prevalence of overweight is 39%, obesity 36%, and T2D 13%. The expected adult population with T2D is 49,900 individuals. The are 5 clinics prepared to attend T2D, and few with specialized personnel. The CeDiMet is a collaborative clinic involving health personnel and researchers from the Universidad Mexico Americana del Norte, Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas, Hospital General de Mexico “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga”, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, and the Texas Diabetes Institute in San Antonio. The funding source comes from private companies in Reynosa. The clinical structure includes physicians, nurses, nutritionists, psychologists, and a section for telemedicine for consulting specialists from USA and Mexico City. Besides clinical attendance, the CeDiMet will conduct educational activities in offices, factories, churches, and schools for prevention of obesity complications (T2D and hypertension), early detection of diabetic foot, fatty liver, and endothelial damage. “Tree of Health in the Family” is a program to encourage youth to know and understand the metabolic problems in their families to focus on prevention. Recently, we obtained a grant from COTACyT to explore the effect of COVID-19 in a cohort of 200 students and their families. The analysis of post-traumatic stress due to confinement and antibodies concentration to detect contacts and its association with metabolic problems is an example of the research we can perform