204 research outputs found

    مبدأ المساواة في الإسلام دراسة تحليلية في مفاهيم التًميز والتًمييز: THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUALITY IN ISLAM IS AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF THE CONCEPTS OF DIFFERENTIATION AND RACISM

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    هدفت الدراسة إلى بيان مبدأ المساواة في الإسلام من خلال عدة أطر مهمة، والتي تمثل المفاهيم المعرفية والعملية لمبدأ المساوة بين البشر، ومن خلال تلك المفاهيم، نستطيع أن نتوصل إلى حقائق مهمة تتبين أن المساواة الإنسانية ليست بالضرورة أن تعني أن يتساوى الناس في كل أمورهم الحياتية الاجتماعية والسياسية والاقتصادية وما شابه ذلك، -وهو ما تعنيه الدراسة بإمكانية التمايز في هذه الجوانب- وإنما يقصد بمبدأ المساواة في الإسلام أن الناس سواسية في الحقوق والواجبات، وهو ما يمكن أن نسميه وجوب المساواة وامتناع التّمييز العنصري خاصة في هذا الجانب المحوري "الحقوق والواجبات". وهذا هو المنظور الإسلامي لمبدأ المساواة في هذا الجانب الحيوي. كما أن الإسلام أتاح وحث على التنافس والتفاضل بين الناس في شتى المجالات الحياتية العلمية والعملية، ولذلك فالناس متفاضلون في المنازل حسب الجهود التي يبذلونها في تطوير ذواتهم، وتقديم المنافع لمجتمعاتهم، وهذا التفاضل لا يمس عنصر المساواة في الحقوق والواجبات في المنظور الإسلامي، ولا يؤدي إلى التّمييز العنصري. الجدير ذكره في هذا الصدد أن هناك إشكالية في ازدواج المعايير المعاصرة لفهم حقيقة وفلسفة المساواة الإنسانية، ولذلك فإن مبدأ المساواة يطرح ضمن معايير بعضها غير قابل للتطبيق، وقد تٌسبب تلك المعايير انفصامًا في المجتمعات، ومن ضمن تلك المعايير الغير واعية بمبدأ المساواة، المساواة بين البشر بشكل مطلق دون النظر إلى عوامل التمايز والتفاضل بينهم، وهناك من يخلط بين عامل التمايز والتفاضل وعامل التّمييز العنصري، وهذه إشكاليات استدعت دراسة هذا الموضوع بشكل يمكن من خلاله إظهار مبدأ المساواة في الشريعة الإسلامية ضمن معاييره المنضبطة. وسوف تتبع الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي للتتبع النصوص التشريعية ذات العلاقة، وتحليلها بما يتلاءم مع موضوع الدراسة للوصول إلى النتائج المطلوبة.Abstract in Arabic هدفت الدراسة إلى بيان مبدأ المساواة في الإسلام من خلال عدة أطر مهمة، والتي تمثل المفاهيم المعرفية والعملية لمبدأ المساوة بين البشر، ومن خلال تلك المفاهيم، نستطيع أن نتوصل إلى حقائق مهمة تتبين أن المساواة الإنسانية ليست بالضرورة أن تعني أن يتساوى الناس في كل أمورهم الحياتية الاجتماعية والسياسية والاقتصادية - وهو ما تعنيه الدراسة بإمكانية التمايز في هذه الجوانب- وإنما يقصد بمبدأ المساواة في الإسلام أن الناس سواسية في الحقوق والواجبات، وهو ما يمكن أن نسميه وجوب المساواة وامتناع التّمييز العنصري خاصة في هذا الجانب المحوري "الحقوق والواجبات". وهناك إشكالية في ازدواج المعايير المعاصرة لفهم حقيقة وفلسفة المساواة الإنسانية، ولذلك فإن مبدأ المساواة يطرح ضمن معايير بعضها غير قابل للتطبيق، وقد تٌسبب تلك المعايير انفصامًا في المجتمعات، ومن ضمن تلك المعايير الغير واعية بمبدأ المساواة، المساواة بين البشر بشكل مطلق دون النظر إلى عوامل التمايز والتفاضل بينهم، وهناك من يخلط بين عامل التمايز والتفاضل وعامل التّمييز العنصري، وهذه إشكاليات استدعت دراسة هذا الموضوع بشكل يمكن من خلاله إظهار مبدأ المساواة في الشريعة الإسلامية ضمن معاييره المنضبطة. وسوف تتبع الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي للتتبع النصوص التشريعية ذات العلاقة، وتحليلها بما يتلاءم مع موضوع الدراسة. وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى نتائج من أهمها: أن المساواة لا تتعارض مع التميّز، وأن التميّز لا يعني التمييز، وأن الإسلام بمبادئه وقيمه الحضارية يؤسس للمساواة بين الناس على أساس الوحدة الإنسانية، وأن الوحدة القيمية والحضارية هي قيم للتمييز وليست للتمييز.   Abstract in English The study aimed to clarify the principle of equality in Islam through several important frameworks, which represent the cognitive and practical concepts of the principle of equality between human beings, and through these concepts, we can reach important facts that show that human equality does not necessarily mean that people are equal in all their life matters. Social, political, economic, and the like -which is what the study means about the possibility of differentiation in these aspects- but by the principle of equality in Islam he means that people are equal in rights and duties, which we can call the obligation of equality and the abstention of racial discrimination, especially in this pivotal aspect, "rights and duties". This is the Islamic perspective on the principle of equality in this vital aspect. Likewise, Islam has allowed and encouraged competition and differentiation among people in various fields of scientific and practical life. Therefore, people are different at home according to the efforts they exert in developing themselves and providing benefits to their societies. This differentiation does not affect the element of equality in rights and duties in the Islamic perspective, and it does not lead to racism. It should be noted that there is a problem with double standards in the contemporary understanding of the truth and philosophy of equality among human beings. Therefore the principle of equality is presented within the criteria, some of which are not applicable. These standards may cause division in societies, for example, there are those who call for equality between human beings Absolutely without looking at the differential factors between them. There are those who confuse differential with racism. The study will follow the descriptive and analytical method for reading the relevant legislative texts and analysing them in proportion to the subject of the study. The study found results which: that equality does not contradict with excellence, and that differentiation does not mean racism, and that Islam, with its principles and cultural values, establishes equality among people based on human unity, and that the value and cultural unity are values of differentiation and not racism

    Effective corporate governance mechanisms, ownership structure and financial reporting quality: evidence from Oman / Muneer Rajab Amrah and Mohammed Mahdi Obaid.

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    This study aimed to examine the relationship between corporate governance effectiveness and financial reporting quality among family and non-family owned companies in the Sultanate of Oman. This study used a panel dataset for 68 companies listed on the Muscat Securities Market for 6 years from 2013 to 2018. The study contributes to the literature by extending previous financial reporting quality with a consideration of the Sultanate of Oman business environment where family ownership control is more common. Additionally, this study contributes by using a composite measure of corporate governance mechanisms to capture the combined effect of corporate governance effectiveness on the propensity of financial reporting quality, based on the agency's theoretical framework. This study is based on the difference between family and non-family owned firms with Type I and Type II agency problems, with differences in ownership and control. This study contributes to the literature by examining the influences of corporate governance effectiveness on financial reporting quality, which is expected to be different between family and non-family firms. The empirical results indicate that the association between corporate governance effectiveness and its financial reporting quality is positive and significant for both, the full sample as well as the non-family firms. However, this relationship appears to be weaker for family owned firms

    Synthesis, characterization and preliminary pharmacological evaluation of new non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pyrazoline derivatives

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    A series of six pyrazoline ring derivatives as a pharmacophore were incorporated to the naproxen; to increase its size were synthesized and preliminarly evaluated as anti-inflammatory agents with expected selectivity toward COX-2 enzyme. In vivo acute anti-inflammatory effects of the final compounds (5a-f) were evaluated in rats using egg-white induced edema model of inflammation. The tested compounds and the reference drug (naproxen) produced significant reduction of paw edema with respect to the effect of control group (propylene glycol 50%, v:v). However, compound 5d and 5e show comparable effect to naproxen at all experimental time while compounds 5a, 5b and 5c produced significantly lower inhibitory effect than naproxen at time 120-240 minutes. Furthermore, compound 5f exert significantly higher paw edema reduction than naproxen at 60-240 min. Also the antibacterial activities of the final compounds were evaluated by Well Diffusion Method. All tested compounds exert significant antibacterial activity against tested Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria in comparison to dimethyl sulfoxide as control group. In comparison the antibacterial results among the tested compound 5e may regard the best one and compound 5c the lower one

    Global shocks and their impact on Nigeria: Lessons from global Financial crisis.

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    Developed a-five variable VAR model of the Nigeria economy for period 1970 – 2010, the study tested the general wisdom, ―Global financial crisis does not impact on Nigeria economy‖. Data were mainly sourced from both the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and the publication of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) and Philips-Perron (PP) tests were used in testing the null hypothesis that there is a unit root in the time series of interest. The variables considered were (1) log of GDP (2) log of FDI (3) log of REM (4) EXR and (5) CPI. Impulse-response functions were employed to examine the recovery from shocks makes full use of the within-country variation. We introduced the constant term and two lagged values of each variable in each equation and found that the impact of financial crisis on Nigeria was possible through financial links, trade links, remittances and other capital flows.This implies that the common believe about the Nigeria economy that global shocks through financial crisis does not have any impact is not quite accurate, for initially the global shocks made unstable the Nigerian economy through the macroeconomic variables understudied although after the initial instability resulting from the global shocks, the Nigeria economy then dependent less on fluctuations in the global economic crisis. We on that premise opined that the crisis presented an opportunity for Nigeria to unbalance the Nigeria economy by concentrate on leading sectors like power, education, agriculture so that the development of these sector can bring about a locomotive growth and results in balanced sector in the long run

    Corona virus 2019 like illness and public adherence to preventive measures, Sudan 2020

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    Introduction: In December 2019, a novel corona virus disease was identified and was responsible for the new cases of respiratory tract infections in Wuhan, China. This virus was responsible for the pandemic with more than 84 million cases and 1.82 million deaths worldwide. In Sudan till now the reported cases exceed 23,000 with 1.400 deaths. This study aims to determine the prevalence of COVID_19 suspected cases, health seeking behavior and public adherence to protective measures. Methods: Descriptive community based cross sectional study, conducted in Khartoum state 2020. 3499 respondents with diverse socio-demographic backgrounds were finally enrolled in the study. Data was collected through Manitoba Corona Virus 2019 screening form which distributed through online anonymous Google forms. Data was entered and analyzed by Statistical Package of Social Sciences version 23. Results: The study revealed that 26.5% of the respondents were clinically suspected. with headache or fatigability being the most common symptom followed by pharyngitis and then dry cough.  Asthma and chronic respiratory disease as the commonest comorbidities. Wearing facial masks and regular hand washing were found to be the most used protective measures with only 39.4% implicates social distancing in their daily life. Health seeking behavior was significantly different among suspected respondents the majority tend to use antibiotics than to isolate themselves or undergo testing. Conclusion: COVID_19 suspected cases were prevalent among Sudanese population, screening capacity has to be increased with more strong policies for implications of personal protective measures in the daily life.   &nbsp

    Kernel estimation of returns of retirement funds of employers based on monetary earnings (subscriptions and compensation) via regression discontinuity in Iraq

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    Regression Discontinuity (RD) means a study that exposes a definite group to the effect of a treatment. The uniqueness of this design lies in classifying the study population into two groups based on a specific threshold limit or regression point, and this point is determined in advance according to the terms of the study and its requirements. Thus , thinking was focused on finding a solution to the issue of workers retirement and trying to propose a scenario to attract the idea of granting an end-of-service reward to fill the gap ( discontinuity point) if it had not been granted. The regression discontinuity method has been used to study and to estimate the effect of the end -service reward on the cutoff of insured workers as well as the increase in revenues resulting from that. The research has showed that this reward has a clear effect on increasing revenues due to the regularity of workers in their work and their work continuity . It has also found that using Local Linear Smother (LLS) by using three models of bandwidth selection. Its results after the analysis in the Regression program have been as follows: The CCT (Calonico, Cattaneo & Titiunik) beamwidth gives the best performance followed by the local linear regression using the LK (Lembens and kalyanman) beamwidth. The real data has been used in sample size 71 represented in compensation as a variable of effectiveness (illustrative) X and the revenue as a result or an approved variable Y, while the results of the traditional OLS estimation method have not been good enough

    The Concept of The Intellect: An Encyclopaedic Glance through al-Tabari, al-Ghazali, and Abduh

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    It is historically evident that the main arguments regarding the intellect and revelation is basically about which of the two supersedes the other and which is more superior. This paper looks mainly at the concept and understanding of the intellect through some dictionaries and in the major works of the great scholars. The paper further delves into the cognates there are for the intellect in the Qur'an to strengthen the arguments of the scholars. The wok is encyclopaedic though, it should not be misconstrued as depending on solely on 'encyclopaedias' as it generally connotes; it is encyclopaedic in the sense that it deals with major works of the selected scholars.  Keywords: Concept, the Intellect, al-Tabari, al-Ghazali, and Abduh, Islamic, obligation, superiorit

    Fingerprint positioning of users devices in long term evolution cellular network using K nearest neighbour algorithm

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    The rapid exponential growth in wireless technologies and the need for public safety has led to increasing demand for location-based services. Terrestrial cellular networks can offer acceptable position estimation for users that can meet the statutory requirements set by the Federal Communications Commission in case of network-based positioning, for safety regulations. In this study, the proposed radio frequency pattern matching (RFPM) method is implemented and tested to determine a user’s location effectively. The RFPM method has been tested and validated in two different environment. The evaluations show remarkable results especially in the Micro cell scenario, at 67% of positioning error 15m and at 90% 31.78m for Micro cell scenario, with results of 75.66m at 67% and 141.4m at 90% for Macro cell scenario