111 research outputs found
El uso de los videojuegos en el aprendizaje de las Ciencias Sociales
Presentamos una experiencia que se ha desarrollado en el marco del Máster
Universitario en Profesorado en Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato,
Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas (MAES), de la Universidad de Sevilla.
En concreto se trata del diseño y experimentación de un proyecto de innovación que
toma la forma de una secuencia de actividades para ser experimentada durante el
período de prácticas con un grupo de alumnos de 1º de Bachillerato de un IES de la
ciudad de Sevilla. Supone, además, una experiencia personal de reflexión sobre las
posibilidades, para la enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, de la utilización de un recurso
didáctico, los videojuegos, tan cercano a la cultura y al universo simbólico de los
jóvenes.We present an experience that has been developed in the framework of the Master of
secondary teacher training at the University of Seville. Specifically it is the design and
testing of an innovation project that takes the form of a sequence of activities to be
experienced during the practice with a group of students from a High School coursein
Seville. It also assumes a personal experience of reflection on the possibilities for the
teaching of Social Sciences, using a learning resource, videogames, so close to the
culture and the symbolic universe of the young
La mujer en el Gades Julio-Claudio. Una aproximación de género a la vida y el papel femenino romano
En este trabajo se pretende ofrecer una visión del estado de la cuestión sobre el papel de la mujer romana en Gades. Se mostrarán las actividades y labores realizadas por ellas durante la época Julio-Claudia, tanto en la vida como en la muerte, desde que son niñas hasta que se convierten en mujeres adultas, prestando particular atención a los rituales y a las actividades que desarrollaban tanto en el ámbito doméstico, social, político como en el ámbito religioso, tratando de recopilar y comentar los vestigios arqueológicos que sobre ellas se han hallado en Gades. Se ha recurrido a fuentes primarias, literarias, arqueológicas y epigráficas, para llegar a mostrar cómo vivían y cómo eran tratadas y valoradas estas mujeres. Y, para acabar, durante todo el ensayo se han puesto en evidencia claras diferencias de género en la sociedad entre la mujer y el hombre romano
Advanced study for the numerical resolution of the Navier-Stokes equations. Applications to the industrial and aerodynamic fields: Case MD2
El treball consisteix en el desenvolupament de codis en C++ per a la resolució de les equacions multidimensionals de Navier-Stokes, el que es coneix com a CFD (“Computational Fluid Dynamics”). A través de l’ús de mètodes numèrics, concretament de tècniques de volums finits i “solvers” d’equacions lineals, s’han obtingut els resultats per a una sèrie de casos d’estudi: Smith-Hutton, Lid Driven Cavity i Differentially Heated Cavity. Finalment, s’ha desenvolupat un cas propi que tracta sobre la propagació del fum originat en un incendi a l’interior d’un túnel. Al llarg del treball es desenvolupen les diferents equacions que s’utilitzaran en cada cas i es profunditza en cada un dels termes que les componen. Per altra banda, es mostra el procés de discretització temporal i espacial per a cada una de les equacions. En tots els casos estudiats, que disposen de solucions analítiques o de referència, es comparen els resultats obtinguts amb els de referència i es comprova que el codi desenvolupat té com a resultat uns valors molt pròxims als teòrics. El primer cas (Smith-Hutton) que es resol tracta sobre el transport d’una propietat en un fluid i, per resoldre’l, es fa ús de l’equació de la convecció-difusió. En aquest cas es parla tant de la resolució de l’equació com dels diferents esquemes convectius que es poden utilitzar. En el segon i el tercer cas es resolen les equacions de Navier-Stokes utilitzant el “Fractional Step Method”. En el segon cas (Lid Driven Cavity) s’analitza l’efecte que té una velocitat externa sobre un fluid que es troba contingut en un espai delimitat. En el tercer cas (Differentially Heated Cavity) s’analitza la convecció lliure a través de l’aproximació de Boussinesq i com aquesta modelitza els corrents que s’indueixen a causa dels canvis de temperatura en el fluid. En l‘últim cas s’introdueix el món de la turbulència i s’analitza com es propaga el fum en l’interior d’un recinte tancat. En aquest cas, s’analitza el model de Smagorinsky, un model de turbulència del tipus “Large Eddy Simulations”. Com que el codi desenvolupat no ha proporcionat resultats satisfactoris, s’ha fet una primera aproximació a través d’imposar un camp de velocitats conegudes i s’ha resolt l’equació de la convecció-difusió en 3D. Finalment, s’ha calculat l’impacte ambiental i el cost associat al desenvolupament del treball a través d’un pressupos
Multi-destination beaming: apparently being in three places at once through robotic and virtual embodiment
It has been shown that an illusion of ownership over an artificial limb or even an entire body can be induced in people through multisensory stimulation, providing evidence that the surrogate body is the person’s actual body. Such body ownership illusions (BOIs) have been shown to occur with virtual bodies, mannequins, and humanoid robots. In this study, we show the possibility of eliciting a full-BOI over not one, but multiple artificial bodies concurrently. We demonstrate this by describing a system that allowed a participant to inhabit and fully control two different humanoid robots located in two distinct places and a virtual body in immersive virtual reality, using real-time full-body tracking and two-way audio communication, thereby giving them the illusion of ownership over each of them. We implemented this by allowing the participant be embodied in any one surrogate body at a given moment and letting them instantaneously switch between them. While the participant was embodied in one of the bodies, a proxy system would track the locations currently unoccupied and would control their remote representation in order to continue performing the tasks in those locations in a logical fashion. To test the efficacy of this system, an exploratory study was carried out with a fully functioning setup with three destinations and a simplified version of the proxy for use in a social interaction. The results indicate that the system was physically and psychologically comfortable and was rated highly by participants in terms of usability. Additionally, feelings of BOI and agency were reported, which were not influenced by the type of body representation. The results provide us with clues regarding BOI with humanoid robots of different dimensions, along with insight about self-localization and multilocation
Don't Trust the Candy Man : a reading of Willy Wonka's Enjoyable "Villainy in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and Its Film Adaptations
This dissertation approaches Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1964) and its film adaptations using the theoretical frameworks of Literary and Cultural Studies. My aim is to determine whether the character Willy Wonka functions as a villain or not. I argue that, though he presents villain-like qualities, he does not fulfil this function because of his enjoyable performance. First, I claim that, in the novel, Wonka's humour conceals his villainy. Then, I analyse the 1971 adaptation, which stresses his sarcasm. Finally, I show how in the 2005 version his villainy is softer, yet also particularly 'weird'.Aquesta dissertació aborda Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1964) de Roald Dahl i les seves adaptacions cinematogràfiques des dels estudis literaris i els estudis culturals. El meu objectiu es determinar si Willy Wonka funciona com un vilà o no. Sostinc que, malgrat presentar característiques pròpies dels vilans, no funciona com a tal degut a la seva actuació entretinguda. Primer, defenso que, a la novel·la, l'humor de Wonka dissimula la seva vilania. Aleshores analitzo la adaptació del 1971, que emfatitza el seu sarcasme. Finalment, mostro com a la versió del 2005 la seva vilania es més lleu, però també especialment 'estranya'.Esta disertación aborda Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1964) de Roald Dahl y sus adaptaciones cinematográficas des de los estudios literarios y los estudios culturales. Mi objetivo es determinar si Willy Wonka funciona como un villano o no. Sostengo que, a pesar de presentar características propias de los villanos, no funciona como tal debido a su actuación entretenida. Primero, defiendo que, en la novela, el humor de Wonka disimula su villanía. Entonces analizo la adaptación de 1971, que enfatiza su sarcasmo. Finalmente, muestro como en la versión de 2005 su villanía es mas leve, aunque también especialmente 'extraña'
Estequiometria i metabolòmica d'Alopecurus pratensis i Holcus lanatus en condicions de sequera
La variabilitat de l'estequiometria elemental dels organismes a causa de l'ontogènia i dels canvis en les condicions ambientals està relacionada amb la variabilitat metabolòmica. Això és degut a que els elements operen majoritàriament com a parts de compostos moleculars. Així doncs, la hipòtesi realitzada per Rivas-Ubach et al., (2012), la qual postula que els estudis estequiomètrics i metabolòmics d'un conjunt d'espècies vegetals exposades a condicions ambientals diferents han de mostrar la flexibilitat que posseeix un organisme a l'hora de modular la seva estequiometria i el seu metaboloma per tal de mantenir la forma òptima sota condicions variants, esdevé la base que sustenta l'experiment EVENT II. A partir de l'estudi de les relacions estequiomètriques, -principalment C:N:P- i del metabolisme d'Alopecurus pratensis i Holcus lanatus en situacions simulades de sequera, s'han obtingut resultats que evidencien una clara diferenciació a nivell d'espècie, de part de la planta i de tractament. El metabolisme i l'estequiometria diferencial que presenten ambdues gramínies dóna suport a la hipòtesi del nínxol biogeoquímic. A nivell de parts de la planta, s'observa un clar augment de la relació C:nutrients a la part aèria, mentre que a les arrels, aquesta relació disminueix. La part aèria doncs, necessita més C per invertir en funcions estructurals, mentre que l'elevada concentració de nutrients i metabòlits a les arrels donen indicis de la presència de mecanismes osmòtics per a facilitar l'entrada d'aigua, i de creixement, per a la recerca de noves fonts d'aigua, observant-se una disminució de la relació part aèria:arrels. Un altre factor que demostra aquest creixement radicular són les baixes relacions N:P trobades, fet que dóna suport a la hipòtesi de la velocitat de creixement.La variabilidad de la estequiometria elemental de los organismos debida a la ontogenia y a los cambios en las condiciones ambientales está relacionada con la variabilidad metabolómica. Esto se debe a que los elementos operan mayoritariamente como partes de compuestos moleculares. De esta forma, la hipótesis realizada por Rivas-Ubach et al., (2012), la cual postula que los estudios estequiométricos y metabolómicos de un conjunto de especies vegetales expuestas a condiciones ambientales diferentes han de mostrar la flexibilidad que posee un organismo a la hora de modular su estequiometria i su metaboloma para poder mantener la forma óptima en condiciones variantes, es la base que sustenta el experimento EVENT II. A través del estudio de las relaciones estequiométricas, -principalmente C:N:P- y del metabolismo de Alopecurus pratensis y Holcus lanatus en situaciones simuladas de sequía, se han obtenido resultados que evidencian una clara diferenciación a nivel de especie, de parte de la planta y de tratamiento. El metabolismo y la estequiometria diferencial que presentan ambas gramíneas da suporte a la hipótesis del nicho biogeoquímico. A nivel de partes de la planta, se observa un claro aumento de la relació C:nutrientes a la parte aérea, mientras que en las raíces, esta relación disminuye. La parte aérea, pues, necesita más C para invertir en funciones estructurales, mientras que la elevada concentración de nutrientes i metabólitos en las raíces da indicios de la presencia de mecanismos osmóticos para facilitar la entrada de agua en la planta, y de crecimiento, para la búsqueda de nuevas fuentes de agua, observándose una disminución de la relación parte aérea: raíz. Otro factor que demuestra este crecimiento radicular son las bajas relaciones N:P encontradas, hecho que da suporte a la hipótesis de la velocidad de crecimiento.The elemental stoichiometry variability of organisms caused for ontogeny and the changes in environmental conditions is linked with metabonomics variability. This is due that elements operate as a piece of molecular components. Thus, the hypothesis realized by Rivas-Ubach et al., (2012), wihich posits that the stoichiometrics and metabonomics studies of a set of vegetal species exposed to different environmental conditions show the flexibility that organism has when have to modulate his stoichiometry and his metabonomic for to maintain the optimal form in variables conditions, is the base of EVENT II experiment. Through to study of stoichiometrics relations - mainly C:N:P- and metabolism of Alopecurus pratensis and Holcus lanatus in drought simulated situations, the results obtained show a clear differenciation at specie level, part of plant level and treatment level. The differential metabolism and stoichiometry that present both grasses supports the biogeochemical niche hypothesis. At level of part of plant, there is a clear increase of C: nutrients relation in aerial part, whereas in the roots, this relation decreases. The aerial part, thereby, needs more C to invest in structural functions, whereas the high concentration of nutrients and metabolites in the roots is due to presence of osmotic mechanisms for improve water uptake, and growth for the research of new sources of water, showing a decrease of the relation aerial part: roots. Another factor that demonstrates this root growth are the low N:P relations observed. This result allows apply the growth rate hypothesis
An embodied perspective as a victim of sexual harassment in virtual reality reduces action conformity in a later Milgram obedience scenario
Group pressure can often result in people carrying out harmful actions towards others that they would not normally carry out by themselves. However, few studies have manipulated factors that might overcome this. Here male participants (n=60) were in a virtual reality (VR) scenario of sexual harassment (SH) of a lone woman by a group of males in a bar. Participants were either only embodied as one of the males (Group, n=20), or also as the woman (Woman, n=20). A control group (n=20) only experienced the empty bar, not the SH. One week later they were the Teacher in a VR version of Milgram’s Obedience experiment where they were encouraged to give shocks to a female Learner by a group of 3 virtual males. Those who had been in the Woman condition gave about half the number of shocks of those in the Group condition, with the controls between these two. We explain the results through embodiment promoting identification with the woman or the group, and delegitimization of the group for those in the Woman condition. The experiment raised important ethical issues, showing that a VR study with positive ethical intentions can sometimes produce unexpected and non-beneficent results.Tis research was funded by the US Ofce of Naval Research, Award Number N62909-14-1-N119 ‘Exploring Moral Action Using Immersive Virtual Reality’Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Benefits of Paediatric to Adult Transition Programme in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: The BUTTERFLY Study of GETECCU and SEGHNP
Inflammatory bowel diseases; Transition to adult care; Transitional careEnfermedad inflamatoria intestinal; Tránsito a la atención adulta; Cuidados de transiciónMalaltia inflamatòria intestinal; Trànsit a l'atenció adulta; Cures de transicióBackground: Transition is a planned movement of paediatric patients to adult healthcare systems, and its implementation is not yet established in all inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) units. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of transition on IBD outcomes. (2) Methods: Multicentre, retrospective and observational study of IBD paediatric patients transferred to an adult IBD unit between 2017-2020. Two groups were compared: transition (≥1 joint visit involving the gastroenterologist, the paediatrician, a programme coordinator, the parents and the patient) and no-transition. Outcomes within one year after transfer were analysed. The main variable was poor clinical outcome (IBD flare, hospitalisation, surgery or any change in the treatment because of a flare). Predictive factors of poor clinical outcome were identified with multivariable analysis. (3) Results: A total of 278 patients from 34 Spanish hospitals were included. One hundred eighty-five patients (67%) from twenty-two hospitals (65%) performed a structured transition. Eighty-nine patients had poor clinical outcome at one year after transfer: 27% in the transition and 43% in the no-transition group (p = 0.005). One year after transfer, no-transition patients were more likely to have a flare (36% vs. 22%; p = 0.018) and reported more hospitalisations (10% vs. 3%; p = 0.025). The lack of transition, as well as parameters at transfer, including IBD activity, body mass index < 18.5 and corticosteroid treatment, were associated with poor clinical outcome. One patient in the transition group (0.4%) was lost to follow-up. (4) Conclusion: Transition care programmes improve patients' outcomes after the transfer from paediatric to adult IBD units. Active IBD at transfer impairs outcomes.This work was supported by a grant from the Young Group of the Spanish Gastroenterology Association (AEG)
Isoform-Specific Reduction of the Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factor TCF4 Levels in Huntington's Disease
Huntington's disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disorder with onset of characteristic motor symptoms at midlife, preceded by subtle cognitive and behavioral disturbances. Transcriptional dysregulation emerges early in the disease course and is considered central to HD pathogenesis. Using wild-type (wt) and HD knock-in mouse striatal cell lines we observed a HD genotype-dependent reduction in the protein levels of transcription factor 4 (TCF4), a member of the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) family with critical roles in brain development and function. We characterized mouse Tcf4 gene structure and expression of alternative mRNAs and protein isoforms in cell-based models of HD, and in four different brain regions of male transgenic HD mice (R6/1) from young to mature adulthood. The largest decrease in the levels of TCF4 at mRNA and specific protein isoforms were detected in the R6/1 mouse hippocampus. Translating this finding to human disease, we found reduced expression of long TCF4 isoforms in the postmortem hippocampal CA1 area and in the cerebral cortex of HD patients. Additionally, TCF4 protein isoforms showed differential synergism with the proneural transcription factor ASCL1 in activating reporter gene transcription in hippocampal and cortical cultured neurons. Induction of neuronal activity increased these synergistic effects in hippocampal but not in cortical neurons, suggesting brain region-dependent differences in TCF4 functions. Collectively, this study demonstrates isoform-specific changes in TCF4 expression in HD that could contribute to the progressive impairment of transcriptional regulation and neuronal function in this disease
Synaptic RTP801 contributes to motor-learning dysfunction in Huntington's disease
RTP801/REDD1 is a stress-responsive protein that mediates mutant huntingtin (mhtt) toxicity in cellular models and is up regulated in Huntington's disease (HD) patients' putamen. Here, we investigated whether RTP801 is involved in motor impairment in HD by affecting striatal synaptic plasticity. To explore this hypothesis, ectopic mhtt was over expressed in cultured rat primary neurons. Moreover, the protein levels of RTP801 were assessed in homogenates and crude synaptic fractions from human postmortem HD brains and mouse models of HD. Finally, striatal RTP801 expression was knocked down with adeno-associated viral particles containing a shRNA in the R6/1 mouse model of HD and motor learning was then tested. Ectopic mhtt elevated RTP801 in synapses of cultured neurons. RTP801 was also up regulated in striatal synapses from HD patients and mouse models. Knocking down RTP801 in the R6/1 mouse striatum prevented motor-learning impairment. RTP801 silencing normalized the Ser473 Akt hyperphosphorylation by downregulating Rictor and it induced synaptic elevation of calcium permeable GluA1 subunit and TrkB receptor levels, suggesting an enhancement in synaptic plasticity. These results indicate that mhtt-induced RTP801 mediates motor dysfunction in a HD murine model, revealing a potential role in the human disease. These findings open a new therapeutic framework focused on the RTP801/Akt/mTOR axis
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