66 research outputs found

    Network congestion control at the application layer

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    Application-layer protocols play a special role in network programming. Typical programmers are more familiar with them and more likely to implement them. Well-designed application-layer protocols follow many patterns that improve the performance of applications using these protocols. We present a subset of these patterns that focuses on the congestion control at the application layer.Facultad de Informátic

    Insight into the impact of COVID-19 on Australian transportation sector : an economic and community-based perspective

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    The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a major virus outbreak of the 21st century. The Australian government and local authorities introduced some drastic strategies and policies to control the outspread of this virus. The policies related to lockdown, quarantine, social distancing, shut down of educational institute, work from home, and international and interstate travel bans significantly affect the lifestyle of citizens and, thus, influence their activity patterns. The transport system is, thus, severely affected due to the COVID-19 related restrictions. This paper analyses how the transport system is impacted because of the policies adopted by the Australian government for the containment of the COVID-19. Three main components of the transport sector are studied. These are air travel, public transport, and freight transport. Various official sources of data such as the official website of the Australian government, Google mobility trends, Apple Mobility trends, and Moovit were consulted along with recently published research articles on COVID-19 and its impacts. The secondary sources of data include databases, web articles, and interviews that were conducted with the stakeholders of transport sectors in Australia to analyse the relationship between COVID-19 prevention measures and the transport system. The results of this study showed reduced demand for transport with the adoption of COVID-19 prevention measures. Declines in revenues in the air, freight, and public transport sectors of the transport industry are also reported. The survey shows that transport sector in Australia is facing a serious financial downfall as the use of public transport has dropped by 80%, a 31.5% drop in revenues earned by International airlines in Australia has been predicted, and a 9.5% reduction in the freight transport by water is expected. The recovery of the transport sector to the pre-pandemic state is only possible with the relaxation of COVID-19 containment policies and financial support by the government

    Therapeutic Potential of Seaweed Bioactive Compounds

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    Edible seaweeds are rich in bioactive compounds such as soluble dietary fibers, proteins, peptides, minerals, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. Previously, seaweeds were only used as gelling and thickening agents in the food or pharmaceutical industries, recent researches have revealed their potential as complementary medicine. The red, brown and green seaweeds have been shown to have therapeutic properties for health and disease management, such as anticancer, antiobesity, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, antihyperlipidemic, antioxidant, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiestrogenic, thyroid stimulating, neuroprotective, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and tissue healing properties. In proposed chapter, we discussed various active compounds include sulphated polysaccharides, phlorotannins, carotenoids (e.g. fucoxanthin), minerals, peptides and sulfolipids, with proven benefits against degenerative metabolic diseases. Moreover, therapeutic modes of action of these bioactive components and their reports are summarized in this chapter

    Application of Deep Learning on UAV-Based Aerial Images for Flood Detection

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    Floods are one of the most fatal and devastating disasters, instigating an immense loss of human lives and damage to property, infrastructure, and agricultural lands. To cater to this, there is a need to develop and implement real-time flood management systems that could instantly detect flooded regions to initiate relief activities as early as possible. Current imaging systems, relying on satellites, have demonstrated low accuracy and delayed response, making them unreliable and impractical to be used in emergency responses to natural disasters such as flooding. This research employs Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to develop an automated imaging system that can identify inundated areas from aerial images. The Haar cascade classifier was explored in the case study to detect landmarks such as roads and buildings from the aerial images captured by UAVs and identify flooded areas. The extracted landmarks are added to the training dataset that is used to train a deep learning algorithm. Experimental results show that buildings and roads can be detected from the images with 91% and 94% accuracy, respectively. The overall accuracy of 91% is recorded in classifying flooded and non-flooded regions from the input case study images. The system has shown promising results on test images belonging to both pre-and post-flood classes. The flood relief and rescue workers can quickly locate flooded regions and rescue stranded people using this system. Such real-time flood inundation systems will help transform the disaster management systems in line with modern smart cities initiatives

    Big data in construction: current applications and future opportunities

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    Big data have become an integral part of various research fields due to the rapid advancements in the digital technologies available for dealing with data. The construction industry is no exception and has seen a spike in the data being generated due to the introduction of various digital disruptive technologies. However, despite the availability of data and the introduction of such technologies, the construction industry is lagging in harnessing big data. This paper critically explores literature published since 2010 to identify the data trends and how the construction industry can benefit from big data. The presence of tools such as computer-aided drawing (CAD) and building information modelling (BIM) provide a great opportunity for researchers in the construction industry to further improve how infrastructure can be developed, monitored, or improved in the future. The gaps in the existing research data have been explored and a detailed analysis was carried out to identify the different ways in which big data analysis and storage work in relevance to the construction industry. Big data engineering (BDE) and statistics are among the most crucial steps for integrating big data technology in construction. The results of this study suggest that while the existing research studies have set the stage for improving big data research, the integration of the associated digital technologies into the construction industry is not very clear. Among the future opportunities, big data research into construction safety, site management, heritage conservation, and project waste minimization and quality improvements are key areas

    Big Data and Its Applications in Smart Real Estate and the Disaster Management Life Cycle: A Systematic Analysis

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    Big data is the concept of enormous amounts of data being generated daily in different fields due to the increased use of technology and internet sources. Despite the various advancements and the hopes of better understanding, big data management and analysis remain a challenge, calling for more rigorous and detailed research, as well as the identifications of methods and ways in which big data could be tackled and put to good use. The existing research lacks in discussing and evaluating the pertinent tools and technologies to analyze big data in an efficient manner which calls for a comprehensive and holistic analysis of the published articles to summarize the concept of big data and see field-specific applications. To address this gap and keep a recent focus, research articles published in last decade, belonging to top-tier and high-impact journals, were retrieved using the search engines of Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science that were narrowed down to a set of 139 relevant research articles. Different analyses were conducted on the retrieved papers including bibliometric analysis, keywords analysis, big data search trends, and authors’ names, countries, and affiliated institutes contributing the most to the field of big data. The comparative analyses show that, conceptually, big data lies at the intersection of the storage, statistics, technology, and research fields and emerged as an amalgam of these four fields with interlinked aspects such as data hosting and computing, data management, data refining, data patterns, and machine learning. The results further show that major characteristics of big data can be summarized using the seven Vs, which include variety, volume, variability, value, visualization, veracity, and velocity. Furthermore, the existing methods for big data analysis, their shortcomings, and the possible directions were also explored that could be taken for harnessing technology to ensure data analysis tools could be upgraded to be fast and efficient. The major challenges in handling big data include efficient storage, retrieval, analysis, and visualization of the large heterogeneous data, which can be tackled through authentication such as Kerberos and encrypted files, logging of attacks, secure communication through Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS), data imputation, building learning models, dividing computations into sub-tasks, checkpoint applications for recursive tasks, and using Solid State Drives (SDD) and Phase Change Material (PCM) for storage. In terms of frameworks for big data management, two frameworks exist including Hadoop and Apache Spark, which must be used simultaneously to capture the holistic essence of the data and make the analyses meaningful, swift, and speedy. Further field-specific applications of big data in two promising and integrated fields, i.e., smart real estate and disaster management, were investigated, and a framework for field-specific applications, as well as a merger of the two areas through big data, was highlighted. The proposed frameworks show that big data can tackle the ever-present issues of customer regrets related to poor quality of information or lack of information in smart real estate to increase the customer satisfaction using an intermediate organization that can process and keep a check on the data being provided to the customers by the sellers and real estate managers. Similarly, for disaster and its risk management, data from social media, drones, multimedia, and search engines can be used to tackle natural disasters such as floods, bushfires, and earthquakes, as well as plan emergency responses. In addition, a merger framework for smart real estate and disaster risk management show that big data generated from the smart real estate in the form of occupant data, facilities management, and building integration and maintenance can be shared with the disaster risk management and emergency response teams to help prevent, prepare, respond to, or recover from the disasters

    Network congestion control at the application layer

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    Application-layer protocols play a special role in network programming. Typical programmers are more familiar with them and more likely to implement them. Well-designed application-layer proto-cols follow many patterns that improve the performance of applications using these protocols. We present a subset of these patterns that focuses on the congestion control at the application layer

    A gabor filter-based protocol for automated image-based building detection

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    Detecting buildings from high-resolution satellite imagery is beneficial in mapping, environmental preparation, disaster management, military planning, urban planning and research purposes. Differentiating buildings from the images is possible however, it may be a time-consuming or complicated process. Therefore, the high-resolution imagery from satellites needs to be automated to detect the buildings. Additionally, buildings exhibit several different characteristics, and their appearance in these images is unplanned. Moreover, buildings in the metropolitan environment are typically crowded and complicated. Therefore, it is challenging to identify the building and hard tolocate them. To resolve this situation, a novel probabilistic method has been suggested using local features and probabilistic approaches. A local feature extraction technique was implemented, which was used to calculate the probability density function. The locations in the image were represented as joint probability distributions and were used to estimate their probability distribution function (pdf). The density of building locations in the image was extracted. Kernel density distribution was also used to find the density flow for different metropolitan cities such as Sydney (Australia), Tokyo (Japan), and Mumbai (India), which is useful for distribution intensity and pattern of facility point f interest (POI). The purpose system can detect buildings/rooftops and to test our system, we choose some crops with panchromatic high-resolution satellite images from Australia and our results looks promising with high efficiency and minimal computational time for feature extraction. We were able to detect buildings with shadows and building without shadows in 0.4468 (seconds) and 0.5126 (seconds) respectively

    Localization of sound sources : a systematic review

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    Sound localization is a vast field of research and advancement which is used in many useful applications to facilitate communication, radars, medical aid, and speech enhancement to but name a few. Many different methods are presented in recent times in this field to gain benefits. Various types of microphone arrays serve the purpose of sensing the incoming sound. This paper presents an overview of the importance of using sound localization in different applications along with the use and limitations of ad-hoc microphones over other microphones. In order to overcome these limitations certain approaches are also presented. Detailed explanation of some of the existing methods that are used for sound localization using microphone arrays in the recent literature is given. Existing methods are studied in a comparative fashion along with the factors that influence the choice of one method over the others. This review is done in order to form a basis for choosing the best fit method for our use

    A prototype of an energy-efficient MAGLEV train : a step towards cleaner train transport

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    The magnetic levitation (MAGLEV) train uses magnetic field to suspend, guide, and propel vehicle onto the track. The MAGLEV train provides a sustainable and cleaner solution for train transportation by significantly reducing the energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions as compared to traditional train transportation systems. In this paper, we propose an advanced control mechanism using an Arduino microcontroller that selectively energizes the electromagnets in a MAGLEV train system to provide dynamic stability and energy efficiency. We also design the prototype of an energy-efficient MAGLEV train that leverages our proposed control mechanism. In our MAGLEV train prototype, the levitation is achieved by creating a repulsive magnetic field between the train and the track using magnets mounted on the top-side of the track and bottom-side of the vehicle. The propulsion is performed by creating a repulsive magnetic field between the permanent magnets attached on the sides of the vehicle and electromagnets mounted at the center of the track using electrodynamic suspension (EDS). The electromagnets are energized via a control mechanism that is applied through an Arduino microcontroller. The Arduino microcontroller is programmed in such a way to propel and guide the vehicle onto the track by appropriate switching of the electromagnets. We use an infrared-based remote-control device for controlling the power, speed, and direction of the vehicle in both the forward and the backward direction. The proposed MAGLEV train control mechanism is novel, and according to the best of our knowledge is the first study of its kind that uses an Arduino-based microcontroller system for control mechanism. Experimental results illustrate that the designed prototype consumes only 144 W-hour (Wh) of energy as compared to a conventionally designed MAGLEV train prototype that consumes 1200 Wh. Results reveal that our proposed control mechanism and prototype model can reduce the total power consumption by 8.3 x as compared to the traditional MAGLEV train prototype, and can be applied to practical MAGLEV trains with necessary modifications. Thus, our proposed prototype and control mechanism serves as a first step towards cleaner engineering of train transportation systems
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