103 research outputs found


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    The use of Machine Learning (ML) has been increasingly present in several applications, especially in content recommending systems available on streaming platforms. However, sometimes the automation provided by machine learning can negatively impact the user experience, making the user no longer in control of which content he wants to access, generated from a vicious cycle of recommendations based on preferences of use. Human-Centered Machine Learning (HCML) aims to provide alternatives so that machine learning (ML) can allow explicit control to the user, as opposed to an implicit interaction. This article aims to demonstrate the potential of the applicability of HCML and optimization of navigation in the redesign of Twitch, a platform for streaming electronic games. Thus, an analysis of the platform interface was carried out based on the navigation design, identifying possible alternatives adapted from the premise established by HCML.  O uso de Aprendizado de Máquina (Machine Learning - ML) tem sido cada vez mais presente em diversas aplicações, especialmente em recomendação de conteúdo em plataformas de streaming. No entanto, por vezes a automatização proporcionada pelo aprendizado de máquina pode vir a impactar negativamente a experiência do usuário, fazendo com que este não tenha mais um controle sobre qual conteúdo deseja ter acesso, gerado a partir de um ciclo vicioso de recomendações baseadas em preferências de uso. O Human-Centered Machine Learning (HCML) visa prover alternativas para que o aprendizado de máquina (ML) possa permitir um controle explícito ao usuário, em contraposição a um aprendizado implícito. Este artigo tem como objetivo demonstrar o potencial da aplicabilidade do HCML e otimização da navegação no redesign da Twitch, uma plataforma de streaming de jogos eletrônicos. Deste modo, realizou-se uma análise da interface da plataforma tendo como base o design de navegação, identificando possíveis alternativas adaptadas a partir da premissa estabelecida pelo HCML. &nbsp

    Associations between sole ulcer, white line disease and digital dermatitis and the milk yield of 1824 dairy cows on 30 dairy cow farms in England and Wales from February 2003–November 2004

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    The milk yields of 1824 cows were used to investigate the effect of lesion-specific causes of lameness, based on farmer treatment and diagnosis of lame cows, on milk yield. A three level hierarchical model of repeated test day yields within cows within herds was used to investigate the impact of lesion-specific causes of lameness (sole ulcer, white line disease, digital dermatitis and other causes) on milk yield before and after treatment compared with unaffected cows. Cattle which developed sole ulcer (SU) and white line disease (WLD) were higher yielding cattle before they were diagnosed. Their milk production fell to below that of the mean of unaffected cows before diagnosis and remained low after diagnosis. In cattle which developed digital dermatitis (DD) there was no significant difference in milk yield before treatment and a slightly raised milk yield immediately after treatment. The estimated milk loss attributable to SU and WLD was approximately 570kg and 370kg respectively. These results highlight that specific types of lameness vary by herds and within herds they are associated with higher yielding cattle. Consequently lesion-specific lameness reduction programmes targeting the cow and farm specific causes of lameness might be more effective than generic recommendations. They also highlight the importance of milk loss when estimating the economic impact of SU and WLD on the farms profitability


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    The increasing demand for natural resources, for agricultural use and urban development, could advance towards areas with possible risk of groundwater contamination, because they are not well planned and/or inadequate environmental studies appropriate to a particular condition of use. This situation is related to the natural vulnerability that evaluates soil type, geology, slope and permanent preservation area; identified as environmental conflicts, due to inappropriate activities, in areas with potential risk of groundwater contamination. Thus, the objectives of this study were to conduct a survey of potentially contaminating activities and to relate their areas of influence with the map of natural vulnerability, which defines the interrelationship among soil maps, geology, slope the municipality of Faxinal do Soturno – RS, Brazil to check possible improper soil use. For this purpose, data were collected from wells and a potentiometric surface map was generated from the static level of wells, which allowed the estimation of groundwater flow. In the municipality, potential activities, including cemeteries, hospitals, fuel station, brick kilns and sawmills with potential risk of contamination were identified. With available technical procedures, potentially contaminating activities were identified in areas of medium and high vulnerability, which characterizes the possible risk of contaminating the groundwater.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/2179460X17176A demanda crescente dos recursos naturais, para o uso agropecuário e para o próprio desenvolvimento urbano, pode estar avançando para áreas de possível contaminação das águas subterrâneas, por não serem planejados e/ou realizados estudos ambientais prévios adequados à determinada condição de uso. Esta situação, relacionada com a vulnerabilidade natural que avalia: tipos de solo, geologia, declividade e área de preservação permanente; identificam-se como conflitos ambientais, devido à realização de atividades inadequadas, em zonas de potencial risco à contaminação das águas subterrâneas. Assim, o presente estudo tem como objetivo, realizar um levantamento das atividades potencialmente contaminantes e, interagir suas áreas de influência com o mapa de vulnerabilidade natural, este definido pela inter-relação de mapas de solo, geologia e pela declividade do município de Faxinal do Soturno – RS, a fim de verificar os possíveis usos inadequados do solo. Para esse propósito, realizou-se o levantamento dos dados dos poços tubulares da localidade, resultando no Mapa de sua superfície potenciométrica, a partir do nível estático dos poços, o que possibilitou estimar o fluxo das águas subterrâneas. Em campo, identificaram-se atividades de potencial risco de contaminação, como: cemitérios, olarias, serrarias, um hospital e um posto de combustível. Após a avaliação de todos os procedimentos técnicos, foram identificadas atividades potencialmente contaminantes em áreas de média e alta vulnerabilidade, o que caracteriza o possível risco de contaminação das águas subterrâneas no município em questão