38 research outputs found

    Instability of Rotationally Tuned Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    The possibility of effectively inverting the sign of the dipole-dipole interaction, by fast rotation of the dipole polarization, is examined within a harmonically trapped dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate. Our analysis is based on the stationary states in the Thomas-Fermi limit, in the corotating frame, as well as direct numerical simulations in the Thomas-Fermi regime, explicitly accounting for the rotating polarization. The condensate is found to be inherently unstable due to the dynamical instability of collective modes. This ultimately prevents the realization of robust and long-lived rotationally tuned states. Our findings have major implications for experimentally accessing this regime.Comment: 9 pages with 5 figure

    Coupled pair approach for strongly-interacting trapped fermionic atoms

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    We present a coupled pair approach for studying few-body physics in harmonically trapped ultracold gases. The method is applied to a two-component Fermi system of NN particles. A stochastically variational gaussian expansion method is applied, focusing on optimization of the two-body correlations present in the strongly interacting, or unitary, limit. The groundstate energy of the four-, six- and eight-body problem with equal spin populations is calculated with high accuracy and minimal computational effort. We also calculate the structural properties of these systems and discuss their implication for the many-body ultracold gas and other few-body calculations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Universality in rotating strongly interacting gases

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    We analytically determine the properties of two interacting particles in a harmonic trap subject to a rotation or a uniform synthetic magnetic field, where the spherical symmetry of the relative Hamiltonian is preserved. Thermodynamic quantities such as the entropy and energy are calculated via the second order quantum cluster expansion. We find that in the strongly interacting regime the energy is universal, however the entropy changes as a function of the rotation or synthetic magnetic field strength.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Universality and itinerant ferromagnetism in rotating strongly interacting Fermi gases

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    We analytically determine the properties of three interacting fermions in a harmonic trap subject to an external rotation. Thermodynamic quantities such as the entropy and energy are calculated from the third order quantum virial expansion. By parameterizing the solutions in the rotating frame we find that the energy and entropy are universal for all rotations in the strongly interacting regime. Additionally, we find that rotation suppresses the onset of itinerant ferromagnetism in strongly interacting repulsive three-body systems.Comment: 5 pages with 3 figure

    Anisotropic and long-range vortex interactions in two-dimensional dipolar Bose gases

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    We perform a theoretical study into how dipole-dipole interactions modify the properties of superfluid vortices within the context of a two-dimensional atomic Bose gas of co-oriented dipoles. The reduced density at a vortex acts like a giant anti-dipole, changing the density profile and generating an effective dipolar potential centred at the vortex core whose most slowly decaying terms go as 1/ρ21/\rho^2 and ln(ρ)/ρ3\ln(\rho)/\rho^3. These effects modify the vortex-vortex interaction which, in particular, becomes anisotropic for dipoles polarized in the plane. Striking modifications to vortex-vortex dynamics are demonstrated, i.e. anisotropic co-rotation dynamics and the suppression of vortex annihilation.Comment: PRL accepted, 6 pages, 5 figure

    Virial expansion for the optical response of doped two-dimensional semiconductors

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    We present a quantum virial expansion for the optical response of a doped two-dimensional semiconductor. As we show, this constitutes a perturbatively exact theory in the high-temperature or low-doping regime, where the electrons' thermal wavelength is smaller than their interparticle spacing. The virial expansion predicts new features of the photoluminescence, such as a non-trivial shape of the attractive branch related to universal low-energy exciton-electron scattering and an associated shift of the attractive peak from the trion energy. Our results are in excellent agreement with recent experiments on doped monolayer MoSe2 [Zipfel et al., Phys. Rev. B 105, 075311 (2022)] and they imply that the trion binding energy is likely to have been overestimated in previous measurements. Our theory furthermore allows us to formally unify two distinct theoretical pictures that have been applied to this system, with the conventional trion picture results emerging as a high-temperature and weak-interaction limit of Fermi polaron theory.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Crossover from exciton polarons to trions in doped two-dimensional semiconductors at finite temperature

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    We study systematically the role of temperature in the optical response of doped two-dimensional semiconductors. By making use of a finite-temperature Fermi-polaron theory, we reveal a crossover from a quantum-degenerate regime with well-defined polaron quasiparticles to an incoherent regime at high temperature or low doping where the lowest energy "attractive" polaron quasiparticle is destroyed, becoming subsumed into a broad trion-hole continuum. We demonstrate that the crossover is accompanied by significant qualitative changes in both absorption and photoluminescence. In particular, with increasing temperature (or decreasing doping), the emission profile of the attractive branch evolves from a symmetric Lorentzian to an asymmetric peak with an exponential tail involving trions and recoil electrons at finite momentum. We discuss the effect of temperature on the coupling to light for structures embedded into a microcavity, and we show that there can exist well-defined polariton quasiparticles even when the exciton-polaron quasiparticle has been destroyed, where the transition from weak to strong light-matter coupling can be explained in terms of the polaron linewidths and spectral weights.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure