991 research outputs found

    Implementasi Metode Profile Matching Pada Penjurusan Bidang Minat Siswa (Studi kasus di SMA 12 Semarang)

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    Siswa kelas X SMA belum dapat menentukan bidang minat apa yang harus mereka pilih disebabkan oleh pengetahuan yang kurang. Meskipun kepala sekolah serta guru telah memberikan pengarahan pada siswa, namun tidak sepenuhnya memberikan solusi masalah yang dihadapi siswa kelas X SMA. Selain itu sekolah juga dituntut untuk terus saling bersaing untuk memiliki kualitas siswa yang baik dan memajukan kualitas sekolah, sehingga sistem atau teknologi yang mendukung penjurusan juga harus diadakan untuk mendukung akreditas sekolahan. Kemampuan penalaran berbasis kemiripan data atau profile matching adalah salah satu elemen utama pada sistem berbasis pengetahuan. Kemampuan pada sistem berbasis pengetahuan mampu mendefinisikan kemiripan dengan sangat baik. Hasil percobaan yang dilakukan perhitungan profile matching dapat memberikan perbandingan, pada peminatan kelas IPA siswa sebanyak 192 hanya 84% saja yang positif bisa masuk. Sedangkan jika peminatan kelas IPS seluruh siswa sebanyak 192 semuanya bisa masuk. Sehingga dengan adanya sistem yang diterapkan dengan metode Profile Matching  ini akan dapat membantu sekaligus menjadi tambahan dukungan dalam siswa SMA kelas X yang ingin mendaftar peminatan sekola

    Freedom, family, hope and rewards? Points of departure for development studies research on direct selling

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    Implementasi Metode Profile Matching Pada Penjurusan Bidang Minat Siswa (Studi kasus di SMA 12 Semarang)

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    Siswa kelas X SMA belum dapat menentukan bidang minat apa yang harus mereka pilih disebabkan oleh pengetahuan yang kurang. Meskipun kepala sekolah serta guru telah memberikan pengarahan pada siswa, namun tidak sepenuhnya memberikan solusi masalah yang dihadapi siswa kelas X SMA. Selain itu sekolah juga dituntut untuk terus saling bersaing untuk memiliki kualitas siswa yang baik dan memajukan kualitas sekolah, sehingga sistem atau teknologi yang mendukung penjurusan juga harus diadakan untuk mendukung akreditas sekolahan. Kemampuan penalaran berbasis kemiripan data atau profile matching adalah salah satu elemen utama pada sistem berbasis pengetahuan. Kemampuan pada sistem berbasis pengetahuan mampu mendefinisikan kemiripan dengan sangat baik. Hasil percobaan yang dilakukan perhitungan profile matching dapat memberikan perbandingan, pada peminatan kelas IPA siswa sebanyak 192 hanya 84% saja yang positif bisa masuk. Sedangkan jika peminatan kelas IPS seluruh siswa sebanyak 192 semuanya bisa masuk. Sehingga dengan adanya sistem yang diterapkan dengan metode Profile Matching  ini akan dapat membantu sekaligus menjadi tambahan dukungan dalam siswa SMA kelas X yang ingin mendaftar peminatan sekola

    Aplikasi Sistem Pencarian Halte BRT Terdekat Kota Semarang Menggunakan Metode A* Berbasis Android

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    BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) is one of public transportation that can be used in Semarang City. This bus is operated to break down the congestion in Semarang city which is increasing. This paper aims to make the application of the bus stop search system closest and is expected to facilitate the people of Semarang city in the use of BRT (Bus Rapid Transit).  A* Algorithm, This algorithm is a Best First Search algorithm that combines Uniform Cost Search and Greedy Best-First Search. Where the Price considered f(n) is derived from the actual price g(n) plus the approximate price h(n). The created application provides the nearest stop information by using the A* method. From the calculations performed using the A* method and conducted 20 experiments at different locations, the A*  method has 100% accuracy in determining the nearest up and down stops, if in an accurate Global Positioning System

    Keamanan Pesan Teks Menggunakan Teori Chaos dan Electronic Code Book

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    Masalah keamanan merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam system informasi. Dalam komunikasi pasti akan ada pengiriman pesan kepada orang lain, maka tentunya pesan tersebut harus sampai dengan aman. Sebuah informasi umumnya hanya ditunjukan bagi golongan tertentu, sangatlah pentinguntuk mencegah agar keamanan pesan tidak sampai jatuh kepada pihak-pihak lain yang tidak berkepentingan.Untuk mengurangi tindak kejahatan dalam keamanan data, maka kriptografi bias dijadikan solusi yang tepat. Dalam penelitian ini, teori Chaos dengan Logistic Map akan digunakan untuk membangkitkan kunci secara acak dan panjang. Kemudian kunci tersebut diterapkan pada algoritma Stream Cipher dan Electronic Code Book (ECB).Dengan teori Chaos tersebut akan dihasilkan kunci yang acak dan panjang kunci sama dengan panjang plainteks pada Stream Cipher. Sedangkan pada ECB akan menambah jumlah panjang kunci yang acak sehingga dapat menutup kelemahan. Dari hasil penelitian ini, teori Chaos dengan Logistic Map dapat mempermudah dalam mengingat kunci yang acak dan sekaligus panjang. Selain itu penelitian ini juga mengembangkan pada nomor iterasi tertentu yang dihasilkan oleh Logistic Map dapat dipilih menjadi nomor iterasi pertama kunci sehingga dalam pembangkitan kunci akan menambah variasi dan kemungkinan dalam penebakan kunci

    STUDI EFEKTIVITAS KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA SEKOLAH : Analisis Pengaruh Karakteristik Pribadi, Perilaku Memimpin, Kualifikasi Pekerjaan dan Konteks Tugas Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Efektivitas Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dan Dampaknya Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja SMP Swasta di Kota Cimahi Jawa Barat

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    Penelitianiniberangkatdaripermasalahankinerjasekolah yang belum optimal disebabkanolehsalahsatufaktorbelumefektifnyakepemimpinankepalasekolah.Kajianempiristerhadapkinerja SMP swasta di kotaCimahimenunjukkanhasil yang belummemuaskanterlihatdariprestasiakademiksiswasepertinilaiujiannasional SMP swasta di kotaCimahisebagianbesarberadapadaurutanduapuluhkebawahdibandingkancapaiansiswadari SMP negeri di Kota Cimahi. Mengacupadakelemahantersebut, penelititertarikuntukmelakukanstuditentangefektivitaskepemimpinankepalasekolah yang difokuskankepadaderajatmempengaruhipengikutnyauntukmeningkatkankinerjasekolah. Tujuanutamapenelitianiniadalahmendeskripsikangambaranempirisdanmenganalisismengenaiseberapabesarpengaruhefektivitaskepemimpinankepalasekolahdandampaknyaterhadappeningkatankinerjasekolahdarivariabel-variabelkarakteristikpribadi, perilakumemimpin, kualifikasipekerjaandankontekstugaskepalasekolah. Unit analisiskepemimpinankepalasekolahdanrespondenpenelitianiniadalahpara guru sekolah SMP swasta di kotaCimahi, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakanpendekatankuantitatifdengan menerapkan analisisjalur(path analysis) untukmenjelaskandanmenjabarkankondisimasing-masingvariabelsecararinci sertamengkaji hubungankasualitasantarvariabel-variabelpenelitian. Sampel penelitian yang ditelitiadalahseluruhsekolah SMP Swasta di kotaCimahi yang berjumlahsebanyak 24sekolahdenganrespondenpenelitiansebanyak 390 orang (guru) dariseluruh SMP swastatersebut. Temuanpenelitianiniadalah (1) terdapatpengaruhpositifkarakteristikpribadikepalasekolahterhadapefektivitaskepemimpinankepalasekolah, (2) terdapatpengaruhpositifperilakumemimpinkepalasekolahterhadapefektivitaskepemimpinankepalasekolah, (3) tidakterdapatpengaruhpositifkualifikasipekerjaankepalasekolahterhadapefektifitaskepemimpinankepalasekolah, (4) terdapatpengaruhpositifkontekstugaskepalasekolahterhadapefektivitaskepemimpinankepalasekolah, (5)terdapatpengaruhpositifkarakteristikpribadikepalasekolahterhadapkinerjasekolah, (6) tidakterdapatpengaruhpositifperilakumemimpinkepalasekolahterhadapkinerjasekolah, (7) terdapatpengaruhpositifkualifikasipekerjaankepalasekolahterhadapkinerjasekolah (8) terdapatpengaruhpositifkontekstugaskepalasekolahterhadapkinerjasekolah, (9) terdapatpengaruhpositifefektivitaskepemimpinankepalasekolahterhadapkinerjasekolah, (10) terdapatpengaruhpositifkarakteristikpribadi, perilakumemimpin, kualifikasipekerjaan, kontekstugasterhadapefektivitaskepemimpinansecaralangsungdantidaklangsung, dan (11) terdapatpengaruhpositifkarakteristikpribadi, perilakumemimpin, kualifikasipekerjaan, kontekstugasterhadapkinerjasekolahsecaralangsungdantidaklangsungRekomendasipenelitiditujukankepadaDinasPendidikan, YayasanPendidikandanKepalaSekolahadalah (1) kualifikasipekerjaankepalasekolahperludirincidenganlebihjelasdandijadikanrujukandalam proses seleksi, pembinaandanpeniaiankepalasekolah, (2)perludikembangkan program pelatihandanpengembangankepalasekolah yang difokuskanuntukmembangunkarakteristikpribadi, perilakumemimpindankontekstugaskepalasekolah yang dapatmeningkatkanefektivitaskepemimpinankepalasekolahdanpadaakhirnyaberdampakterhadappeningkatankinerjasekolahsecarakeseluruhan. Kata Kunci: Efektivitaskepemimpinan,kepalasekolah, karakteristikpribadi, perilakumemimpin, kualifikasipekerjaan, kontekstugas, kinerjasekolah This study starts from the problems of school performance that is not optimal due to one factor of in effective school leadership.The performance of Junior High School in Cimahi, West Java has shown unsatisfactory result today, which can be seen from the academic achievement of Private Junior High School's students, such as the result of the national examination which mostly under 20th rank compared to the achievement of Public Junior High School's students in Cimahi. Based on that weakness, the researcher interested inconducting a study about the effectiveness of principal leadership which is focused on the degree to influence subordinate for improving the school performance. The main aim of the present study is to describe empirical description and to analyze how far the influence of principal leadeship's effectiveness and its impact to the increasing of the school performance from variables. The variabels are personal characteristic, leading behavior, work qualification, and the task context of the principal. The subject and respondents of the present study are teachers from Private Junior High School in Cimahi, West Java. This study uses qualitative approach by applying path analysis to desribe and explain each variable condition in detail and to examine the causality relationship between the variables. The research sample studied is the entire private junior high school in the town of Cimahi, calculated to as much as 24 schools with research respondents as many as 390 people (teachers) from all the private junior high school. The result of the present research are (1) there is a positive influence from principal's personal characteristic to the effectiveness of the principal leadership, (2) there is a positive influence from principal's leading behavior to the effectiveness of the principal leadership, (3) there is no positive influence from principal's work qualification to the effectiveness of the principal leadership, (4) there is a positive influence from principal's task context to the effectiveness of the principal leadership, (5) there is a positive influence from principal's personal characteristic to the school performance, (6) there is no positive influence from principal's leading behavior to the school performance, (7) there is positive influence from principal's work qualification to the school performance, (8) there is a positive influence from principal's task context to the school performance, (9) there is a positive influence from principal leadership effectiveness to the school performance, (10) there is a positive influence from personal characteristic, leading behavior, work qualification, and task context to the leadership effectiveness directly or indirectly, (11) there is a positive influence from personal characteristic, leading behavior, work qualification, and task context to the school performance whether directly or indirectly. The recommendation from the result are (1) work qualification of principal is needed to be stated in detail and clear. It can be a reference for stakeholders in selection, training, and evaluating process of the principal. (2) Training and developing program which are focused on developing principal's personal characteristic, leading behavior, and task context are needed to be developed. It can increase the effectiveness of principal leadership and give effect to the improvement of the whole school performance. Key words: Leadership effectiveness, principal, personal characteristic, leading behavior, work qualification, task context, school performance

    Sistem Pendataan Barang Yang Masuk Ke Gudang Secara Otomatis Menggunakan Media Barcode

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    Warehouse is an inseparable part in the trading business. Warehouse management systems, particularly distribution warehouse is usually done manually, such as collection of goods entering into the warehouse and grouping goods according to its type. This method is felt less effective and efficient as it can cause a collection of errors due to inaccurate calculations. This problem then becomes the basis of design model of collection of goods system that enter into the warehouse automatically using barcode media, where the barcode contains information of goods. Collection of goods is done by reading a barcode through the barcode scanner that is connected with a Personal Computer connected to the microcontroller to drive the conveyor and sliding motor that controlled by motor drivers for collection and grouping goods according to its type automatically. Goods can be grouped according to its type after collection of goods through the barcode scanner

    Negotiating Gender and Bureaucracy: Female Managers in Indonesia's Ministry of Finance

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    There is global recognition of the need for more women in decision-making positions within bureaucracies to ensure gender-equitable policies and outcomes. Article 7 of the Convention of the Elimination of the Discrimination against Women commits states to ensure equality between women and men in political and public life, including participation in formulating government policy. In Indonesian government agencies, women now are employed in almost equal numbers to men. This thesis considers whether these changes represent genuine empowerment for these women, focussing on the gendered processes within the Ministry of Finance (MOF). There is a small but growing literature on female managers in developing country government agencies. However, no studies systematically combine an analysis of gendered processes within these organisations with an exploration of women’s work/family balance. This thesis develops such a combined approach. It draws on a range of data sources including interviews with 121 MOF employees, personal observation and documents. The analysis compares gendered practice within three different ministerial departments. Drawing on Goetz’s concept of the “gendered archaeology of organisation”, this thesis reveals a high degree of gender inequality in the daily practices. This includes overt discrimination in recruitment, as well as more indirect forms of discrimination in promotion and training. The thesis considers how employment in the MOF shapes the identities of female managers, and how these women balance their domestic lives with their careers. Among other things, this considers the effects of corruption, Islamic conservatism, Javanese culture, a bureaucratic reform programme and a gender mainstreaming initiative. The thesis observes how these women exercise agency within and outside the MOF, and the extent to which their education and professional status empower them in their working lives. The thesis also examines how gendered processes within the MOF affect its external policies

    Visually Impaired Novice Translators in Using Translation Techniques

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    Background: This study aims to determine the translation techniques used by visually impaired translators in translating popular scientific texts. Visually impaired translators were used as the subjects of this study because when compared to sighted translators, visually impaired translators had a different way of doing translation activities. The difference in this performance is influenced using text-to-speech tools they use. Apparently, this phenomenon has not been discussed by various specialized translation research previously and by involving blind translators as research subjects directly, translation techniques can be expected to be identified naturally. Methodology: Using popular scientific texts in the field of psychology, two visually impaired translators were assigned to translate 24 sentences in a translation experiment. To analyze the data that was collected, the researchers used analytical techniques consisting of a domain, taxonomy, and componential analysis.  Findings: Since they are too dependent on text-to-speech aids, visually impaired translators use a lot of literal and discursive creation translation techniques. The appearance of these two techniques in their translation implies that the resulting translation cannot match the context of the sentence. This happens because text-to-speech applies word-for-word reading. Conclusion: It is important for visually impaired translators to understand the weaknesses of their translation. Translators should minimize the use of literal and discursive creation translation techniques when translating popular scientific texts. One way is to improve their translation competence.       &nbsp

    Analisis Perbandingan KDRT oleh Suami dan Istri di Jawa Barat

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    The phenomenon of domestic violence cases trend to increase in Indonesia,whether committed by the husband or the wife. This study has a high urgency becauseit is expected to provide relevant solutions to the social problems. A survey of domesticviolence-prone families conducted in two regencies, i.e. Cianjur and Indramayu Regency.The sample was selected from two districts and 4 villages with the number of respondents178 families, each consisting of a husband and wife. Data on domestic violence wereanalyzed and compared with the test T-test. The results showed that domestic violencecommitted husband to wife and vice versa wife against husband, both in Cianjur andIndramayu Regency is included in the low category. Necessary to develop a modelof intervention to strengthen local institutions that can support a family protectionagainst domestic violence at the community level, for example through Posdaya (FamilyEmpowerment Post)
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