899 research outputs found

    Analisis Ujaran Dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Jepang Tingkat Dasar : Fokus Pada Pertanyaan Pengajar

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis pertanyaan, strategi pertanyaan dan bagaimana respon pembelajar terhadap pertanyaan pengajar dalam kelas bahasa Jepang. Partisipan adalah satu orang pengajar bahasa Jepang penutur asli dan 16 mahasiswa asing pascasarjana di salah satu universitas negeri Jepang yang mengikuti pembelajaran partisipan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis pertanyaan yang paling banyak digunakan adalah pertanyaan iya/tidak sebanyak 59,51%, diikuti dengan jenis pertanyaan referensial sebanyak 27,03%, dan terakhir jenis pertanyaan display sebanyak 13,45%. Terdapat lima strategi yang digunakan yaitu penggantian kata, penyederhaan, pengulangan, penguraian, dan penggalian. Jenis pertanyaan iya/tidak dan pertanyaan display paling mudah mendapatkan jawaban. Sedangkan pertanyaan referensial merupakan pertanyaan yang cukup sulit mendapatkan jawaban terutama jika pertanyaan ditujukan kepada seluruh pembelajar. Namun penunjukkan perorangan akan lebih mudah mendapatkan jawaban. Pertanyaan referensial merupakan pertanyaan yang cukup sulit, sehingga untuk penelitian berikutnya perlu untuk menghitung berapa durasi waktu yang diperlukan pembelajar untuk menjawab pertanyaan terutama untuk pertanyaan referensial

    Exploring the Application of Focusky-Based Presentation Media on Students’ Creative Writing in Indonesian University Context

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    Globally, students have long familiarized with utilizng a presentation program from Microsoft named Powerpoint, this program is good just not enough to attract the attention of students’ creativity. It is necessary a program that can not only be used to display concepts but also be able to attract the attention of students while presenting. The program in question is Focusky, in addition to being easy to use the program is also able to display slides with zoom in-zoom out effect with friendly facilities and object effects galore making this program very suitable used by students in presenting their tasks in front of the class. This study employs a qualitative descriptive study by conducting data collection through books and other literature as the main object.  Descriptive analysis method provides a clear, objective, systematic, analytical and critical picture and description of the application of focusky presentation media to the creative writing of Unuiversity students. Students in general, for example in the Faculty of Literature UMI do not have the same information technology capabilities (evenly) where there are those capable while some who are less in designing presentations. Hence, utilizing focusky will help students who could make creative presentations media to the best of their abilites.  Focusky-based presentation acts as an alternative to support students creativity that is very appropriate to apply to creative writing ideas and motivate students during presentations in higher education setting

    Penentuan Parameter Weibull untuk Mendapatkan Densitas Daya Angin di Kawasan Blang Bintang Aceh Besar

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    Angin adalah salah satu sumber daya energi yang dapat dikonversikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi listrik dalam mode on grid dan off grid. Pada daerah dengan karakteristik angin yang tepat, energi angin mungkin sudah dapat bersaing dengan pembangkit listrik lainnya, tetapi pada beberapa daerah yang tidak memiliki potensi angin yang cukup analisa kecepatan angin perlu dilakukan minimal satu tahun. Dalam penelitian ini, data kecepatan angin diperoleh dari BMKG Blang Bintang Aceh Besar. Selanjutnya semua data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode numerik yang berbeda untuk mendapatkan parameter fungsi distribusi Weibull bentuk k dan skala c, kecepatan angin rata-rata (Vw), dan potensi energi atau densitas daya angina (Pw) di kawasan Blang Bintang Aceh Besar. Hasilnya, parameter Weibull yang dihitung dengan menggunakan metode empiris dan metode momen dapat menunjukkan hasil yang lebih baik daripada metode grafik. Nilai Vw dan Pw dengan menggunakan metode momen didapatkan masing-masing sebesar 4,60 m/s dan 76,154 Watt/m2. Nilai tersebut lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan hasil dari menggunakan metode grafik dan empiris yaitu masing-masing Vw sebesar 4,24 m/s dan 4,59 m/s serta Pw sebesar 60,986 W/m2 dan 75,649 W/m2.The wind is one of the convertible energy sources to meet the needs of electric energy in on-grid and off-grid modes. In areas with the right wind characteristics, wind energy may already be able to compete with other power plants, but in some areas that do not have sufficient wind potential, wind speed analysis needs to be carried out for at least one year. In this study, wind speed data were obtained from BMKG Blang Bintang Aceh Besar. Furthermore, all data were analyzed using different numerical methods to obtain the parameters of the Weibull distribution function of shape k and scale c, average wind speed (Vw), and potential energy or wind power density (Pw) in the Blang Bintang Aceh Besar area. As a result, the Weibull parameter calculated using the empirical method and the moment method can show better results than the graph method. The values of Vw and Pw using the moment method were obtained respectively 4.60 m/s and 76.154 Watt/m2. This value is greater when compared to the results using graphical and empirical methods, namely Vw of 4.24 m/s and 4.59 m/s, respectively, and Pw of 60.986 W/m2 and 75.649 W/m2.


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    This research examines caricature of Habib Rizieq on the cover Tempo magazine. The focus of this research is to examine how the meaning of Habib Rizieq’s caricature with description qualitative methods. The theoritical review used is Charles Sander Pierce’s semiotics, namely by looking at the meaning of the sign (icon, index, and symbol), object and interpretant. This study examine 2 (two) caricatures that were studied from 23-29 July 2018 edition regarding the source of pronography. So it can be concluded that the researchers interpretation assessed that the two caricatures were related to the events that occured

    Developing Video Based Language Learning to Support Students’ Autonomous Study in Higher Education Setting

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    The pilot study focuses on three issues: how to articulate the need for learning videos in the language course, how to design learning videos in the language course, and how to articulate the feasibility and practicality of learning videos in the language course at the Faculty of Letters, Muslim University of Indonesia. This study employs a qualitative descriptive approach. The findings of this study indicated that students required more engaging learning resources than books and presentation slides, one of which is a learning video packaged in animation to capture students' attention and motivate them to learn the content or material in the learning video. Language learning videos with material paragraphs are produced using the video animation concept, specifically whiteboard animation. This design was picked based on the animated video's attractiveness to the audience in order to pique their interest in the material or film after it is shown. The viability of learning videos as determined by validation results from media and material experts on newly designed Indonesian language learning films is extremely good. The video's form or presentation, as well as the content included inside, are adequate and sufficient to allow it to forward to the following stage, namely testing to ascertain the answers or replies of lecturers and students. The practicality of the learning videos, as determined by lecturers and students' reactions, is extremely good; there are no substantial barriers to lecturers and students using these learning videos

    Analisis dan Desain Tingkat Pencahayaan Pada Ruang Perpustakaan Universitas Iskandar Muda

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    Pencahayaan yang baik serta memenuhi standar ialah suatu aspek yang sangat berguna dan bermanfaat untuk menambah kenyamanan serta keamanan terhadap pengelola ataupun pemustaka dalam melaksanakan aktivitasnya. Pencahayaan yang kurang baik bisa menyebabkan pengelola ataupun pemustaka menderita sakit kepala, keletihan mata, mata kering, mata perih, serta keluhan pada leher dan bahu dikala melaksanakan kegiatan semacam membaca, menulis, bekerja, serta mengoperasikan komputer dan lain sebagainya. Pada perpustakaan Universitas Iskandar Muda, saat ini pencahayaannya masih kurang baik dan belum sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) karena sebelumnya ruang perpustakaan UNIDA berfungsi sebagai ruang belajar namun selanjutnya dialih fungsikan menjadi perpustakaan tanpa mengubah sistem pencahayaannya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis dan mendesain tingkat pencahayaan pada perpustakaan UNIDA sesuai dengan standar SNI. Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan menggunakan rumus sesuai SNI 03-6575-2001 dan mendesainnya dengan software DIALux Evo v.9.1. Hasilnya, didapatkan bahwa tingkat pencahayaan pada perpustakaan UNIDA sebelumnya sebesar 252 lux, setelah dihitung sesuai dengan SNI maka didapatkan tingkat pencahayaan pada perpustakaan UNIDA menjadi 592 lux. Hasil tersebut membuat sistem pencahayaan pada perpustakaan UNIDA menjadi lebih baik, aman, dan nyaman serta sesuai dengan standar SNI.Good lighting and meeting standards is an aspect that is beneficial to add comfort and security to managers or users in carrying out their activities. Poor lighting can cause managers or users to suffer from headaches, eye fatigue, dry eyes, sore eyes, and complaints in the neck and shoulders when carrying out activities such as reading, writing, working, operating computers, etc. At the Iskandar Muda University library, currently, the lighting is still not good and not by the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) because previously the UNIDA library room functioned as a study room but was later converted into a library without changing the lighting system. This study aimed to analyse and design the lighting level in the UNIDA library by SNI standards. The method used is by using the formula according to SNI 03-6575-2001 and designing it with DIALux Evo v.9.1 software. The result, it was found that the lighting level in the previous UNIDA library was 252 lux, after being calculated according to SNI, the lighting level in the UNIDA library was 592 lux. These results make the lighting system in the UNIDA library better, safer, more comfortable and by SNI standards


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    This research is a descriptive qualitative research that aims to find out the problems of physical education teachers related to facilities and infrastructure: a descriptive qualitative study on teachers in SD cluster II, Tanete Riattang Barat sub-district, Bone district. Research data obtained through observation sheets and interviews Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of this study indicate that in the category of physical education facilities in the sport of soccer, there are 4 schools that have met the standards, while 3 of them have not met the standards. As for the volleyball branch, there are 4 schools that have met the standards, while 3 of them have not met the standards. In athletics there are 4 schools that have met the standards while 3 of them have not met the standards. And in the gymnastics branch there are 5 schools that have met the standards and 2 of them have not met the standards. From the results of this study, the ability of schools to procure facilities and infrastructure for standard physical education subjects is limited, schools find it difficult to add sports facilities and infrastructure needed in the implementation of physical education subjects due to lack of land and sources of school funding in the form of school operational funds from local governments


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    This study was a correlational study that aimedto determine whether thre was or there was not an influence of the teacher attention to interest in learning science of the fourthgrade students of SDN 13 Biru, Tanete Riattang District, Bone Regency. The research population was all fourthgrade students of SDN 13 Biru in totaling 63 people. Data collection was done by using a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques include: statistical analysis of simple linear regression and significance test. The results of the study, namely (1) the value of R square = 0,004 (42%) which means the contribution of the teacher's attention to the students' interest in learning science was 4%, and (2) the value of t count (11,95) > t table (2,002), so Ho was rejected and H1 was accepted. Conclusion: teacher's attention had a significant effect to interest in learning science


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    ABTRAKSDalam melaksanakan Fungsinya rumah sakit sangat berpotensi terjadi bencana kebakaran, yang menyebabkan rumah sakit chaos, kerugian materil dan korban jiwa. Berita di media massa tentang kebakaran Rumah sakit di Indonesia,yang menimbulkan korban jiwa. Penelitian ini bertujuan.untuk mengetahui fasilitas peralatan proteksi kebakaran dalam mendukung penanggulangan bencana kebakaran yang berpedoman pada Peraturan Mentri Pekerjaan Umum Nomor 10/KPTSI/2000 /tanggal 30 Desember 2000 Tentang Ketentuan Teknis Pengamanan Terhadap Bahaya Kebakaran pada Bangunan Gedung dan Lingkungan serta mengetahui kesiapan petugas/karyawan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh dalam menghadapi bencana kebakaran Jenis penelitian ini kualitatif deskriptif dengan perolehan data melalui observasi, wawancara, pengamatan dan pemeriksaan langsung, penulis melakukan Penilaian fasilitas bangaunan rumah sakit dengan hasil komponen kelengkapan tapak dengan bobot 26 % nilai 9.00 komponen sarana penyelamat dengan bobot 25% nilai 6.25 komponen proteksi aktif dengan bobot 24 nilai 5.342 dan komponen proteksi pasif dengan bobot 26% nilai 7.704,faktor yang mempengaruhi kesiapan petugas / karyawan rumah sakit Umum Daerah dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh dalam menanggulangi bahaya kebakaran adalah adanya manajemen penanggulangan bencana kebakaran rumah sakit yang meliputi, kerangka kerja manajemen penanggulangan bencana kebakaran.Identifikasi bahaya dan resiko kebakaran Penanggulangan kebakaran dan evakuasi Sarana dan prasarana penanggulangan kebakaran Pencegahan dan deteksi dini kebakaran,Evaluasi dan tindak lanjut Staff developmenKata kunci : Kebakaran Gedung Rumah Sakit, Kesiapan Personil, Pengaman Bahaya Kebakara
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