3,769 research outputs found


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    Artikel ini membahas tentang pendekatan gestalt terhadap Perilaku merokok siswa. Perilaku merokok adalah suatu kebiasaan buruk yang dilakukan oleh seseorang karena perilaku tersebut selain dapat merusak kesehatan diri sendiri juga dapat mengganggu kenyamanan orang sekitarnya. Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku merokok, diantaranya: kurangnya perhatian dari orang tua, pengaruh teman sebaya, dan keluarga yang berantakan (broken home). Pendekatan Gestalt merupakan suatu pendekatan yang berpendapat bahwa individu memiliki permasalahan karena menghindari masalah yang dihadapi. Gestalt memandang bahwa setiap individu secara positif memiliki kemampuan untuk memikul tanggung jawab pribadi dan dapat bertindak terhadap dirinya. Dengan Pendekatan Gestalt, setidaknya dapat mengurangi perilaku merokok yang terjadi dikalangan siswa. Sebab perilaku merokok adalah perilaku maladaptif, selain dapat membahayakan kesehatan sendiri, perilaku merokok juga dapat membahayakan orang lain, karena asap yang dapat mengganggu kenyamanan orang lain.

    Analisis Energi dan Eksergi Pengeringan Pisang Memanfaatkan Panas dari Kondensor Ac (Air Conditioner)

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    AC (Air Conditioner) yang lebih dikenal dengan pendingin ruangan banyak digunakan baik pada rumah tangga maupun perkantoran. Selama ini AC hanya dimanfaatkan udara dinginnya saja sedangkan panas yang keluar melalui kondensor lebih banyak dibuang ke lingkungan. Panas dari kondensor AC dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pengeringan bahan pangan atau hasil pertanian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini secara umum memanfaatkan panas dari kondensor AC untuk pengeringan pisang, sedangkan tujuan khususnya adalah untuk mengetahui model termodinamik pengeringan pisang serta melakukan kajian energi dan eksergi pada proses pengeringan ini. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh COP dari sistem adalah sebesar 5,25, laju pengeringan (drying rate) sebesar 3,74 gr/menit, energi pengeringan rata-rata adalah 0,68 kW dengan efisiensi energinya adalah 24,83% dan eksergi pengeringan rata-rata adalah sebesar 0,009 kW dengan efisiensi eksergi pengeringan adalah 20,56%

    Behind the trend of Englishing the business names in Aceh, Indonesia: A postcolonial analysis

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    This study critically analyzes the recent trend of Englishing shop names in Aceh province. Borrowing Bhabha’s postcolonial theory, this study attempted to uncover the shop owners’ perceptions of privileging English and marginalizing local languages, even though their customers are mostly local. Data collection was by taking pictures and interviewing 20 owners of the shops, four females and 16 males. Results show that the 120 shop names in Banda Aceh and surrounding it are in English, modified English and Indonesian ordering, hybridized English and Indonesian ordering, hybridized English Acehnese language and English, English and English ordering, and mixed owner’s names and English ordering. They voluntarily mimicked the Western culture by using English names because they believe that English is marketable, modern, practical, flexible, familiar, and short for shop branding, while the local language looks not modern, unpractical, and weird. In conclusion, most shop owners in the two districts in Aceh negotiate the Western hegemony for the economic benefits


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    Investigating students’ interest on reading journal articles: Materials, reasons and strategies

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    This article investigates students’ reading materials, reasons for reading journal articles, and strategies in handling its difficulties. The data was collected by the use of qualitative method with structured interview. A number of eight students were purposely selected as the participants of this study, each representing eight different units studying in the seventh semester at a university in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. In analyzing the data, this research employed the qualitative descriptive analysis of data organization, data examination and data explanation. The findings showed that the favorite reading materials for students are website articles and social media captions, followed by non-fiction readings and newspapers. It is also found that preparing assignment is the utmost popular reason for reading journal articles for the students. Students also said that looking up in dictionary, internet surfing, consulting friends and lecturers, more practices, predicting the meaning of the words, and partial reading were some strategies they used to tackle the problems of reading journal articles. The implication of this study can be of actual practice to the academic reading course and curriculum and material development, especially for future improvement on students’ reading performance and proficiency

    Possible Dysregulation of Orexin and Dopamine Systems in Anorexia Nervosa

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    Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a psychiatric illness characterized by a lack of motivation and a taste for rewarding food consumption. Mood disorders such as depression and stress are frequently associated with this condition. Abnormalities in several neural systems have been identified in patients with AN, including serotonin, dopamine (DA), appetite-related neuropeptides, and other neurochemical systems. Moreover, the changes that occur between the mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway and the orexin neurons in the lateral hypothalamus (LH) in response to the reduction in food consumption are key in the development of AN. Several studies suggest a functional relationship between orexin and dopaminergic circuits. LH orexin neurons project dense fibers on dopaminergic neurons, potently activating these neurons. DA and orexin neurons regulate negative and positive motivational states, such as drug and food seeking behavior. For this reason, it is important to extend the study of the functional and emotional interactions that exist between both neuronal systems to design new drugs that act at a behavioral and molecular level to treat AN. This chapter provides an overview of the evidence from literature implicating dopamine-orexin systems in AN and discusses recent advances that have contributed to our current understanding of the mechanisms underlying the molecular bases of AN


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    Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) is one of the business units managed by the village community as the spearhead of the welfare of the village community in the field of micro economics, the background of this research is due to almost every village, especially in Karangpapak Village, Cisolok Subdistrict, District Sukabumi, the organizational culture has not yet run both of these are seen in the management of BUMDes which when formed did not provide good performance and was not in accordance with Permendesa Number 4 of 2015 concerning Establishment, Management and Management, and Disbanding of Village-Owned Enterprises, the expected outcome of this research was the creation of the Karangpapak BUMDes Organizational Culture in accordance with what is expected by the village government and in accordance with existing regulations that serve as guidelines for regions and villages in the formation and management of BUMDes, the research method to be conducted is qualitative descriptive based on primary and secondary data consisting of 3 In forman namely Head Of Village, Director of BUMDes and Community Elements.   Keywords: Organizational Culture, BUMDe

    Expressionist Opera House

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    With the development of Palembang city, the stress level will also increases, the human need for entertainment is also increased. With a growing of entertainment needs then the need for entertainment facilities is growing as well, amd one of many ways to facilitate those needs is through a show of arts performances. There are many performances that take place in the city of Palembang, both traditional arts performances and concerts, but there are still no buildings that meet the standards of acoustic performances that can accommodate both the art of music, dance or opera. By designing Expressionist Opera House in Demang Lebar Daun, it is expected to facilitate the entertainment needs of the community and the artists who need a place to perform both local and international art. The design will be focused on the presentation of the performance space and facilities and their supporting facility such as theaters and concert halls that will be designed according to the standard acoustic with "Beauty in Motion" theme
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