15 research outputs found

    Treatment of chronic macular edema

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    Makula je specijalizirano područje retine koje zbog gustoće receptora i nedostatka krvnih žila omogućuje čovjeku najjasniji vid, tj. to je područje na koje u konačnici pada srediÅ”nja zraka svjetlosti nakon ulaska u oko. Sukladno svojoj kompleksnosti i najmanja patoloÅ”ka stanja mogu uzrokovati oÅ”tećenja centralnog vida, dok degenerativne promjene na makuli predstavljaju glavni uzrok sljepoće u svijetu. Edem makule kao vodeći patoloÅ”ki entitet predstavlja trajan izazov u stvaranju učinkovitije i sigurnije terapije. DosadaÅ”nje metode uporabe nesteroidnih antireumatika i kortikosteroida nadiÅ”le su topičku primjenu i otvorile nove mogućnosti u vidu intravitrealnih injekcija. Primjena acetazolamida takoĎer je naÅ”la svoje mjesto kao oblik konzervativnog liječenja, dok s druge strane kirurÅ”ki pristup omogućava alternativu ili terapiju izbora kod pratećih oÅ”tećenja retine i vitreusa. Laser fotokoagulacija je metoda koja daje zadovoljavajuće rezultate i predstavlja zlatni standard u liječenju, prvenstveno dijabetičkog makularnog edema i dijabetičke retinopatije. U novije vrijeme uporaba anti-VEGF terapije pokazuje izvanredne rezultate i njena bi standardna primjena u kombinaciji s laser fotokoakulacijom predstavljala budućnost liječenja dijabetičkog makularnog edema.Macula is a specialized area of retina which high density of photoreceptors and lack of blood vessels enable high visual acuity, respectively, an area on which ultimately falls the central ray of light after entering the eye. In accordance with its complexity the most insignificant pathological states can affect the central vision acuity, while degenerative changes on macula represent the world's main cause od blindness. Macular edema as the leading pathological entity represents enduring challenge in creating more effective and more safer therapy. Previous methods of non-steroid and corticosteroid use have overcome the topical application and have opened new opportunities in the form of intravitreal injections. Acetazolamid use has also found its place as a form of conservative type of therapy, while, at the other hand, surgical access provides an alternative or a therapy of choice in states associated with retina or vitreus injury. Laser photocoagulation is a metod which gives satisfactory results and represents a golden standard, primarily diabetic macular edema and diabetic retinopathy therapy. Recently, the use of anti-VEGF therapy showes outstanding results and her sandard use in combination with laser fhotocoagulation would represent the future of diabetic macular edema therapy

    Treatment of chronic macular edema

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    Makula je specijalizirano područje retine koje zbog gustoće receptora i nedostatka krvnih žila omogućuje čovjeku najjasniji vid, tj. to je područje na koje u konačnici pada srediÅ”nja zraka svjetlosti nakon ulaska u oko. Sukladno svojoj kompleksnosti i najmanja patoloÅ”ka stanja mogu uzrokovati oÅ”tećenja centralnog vida, dok degenerativne promjene na makuli predstavljaju glavni uzrok sljepoće u svijetu. Edem makule kao vodeći patoloÅ”ki entitet predstavlja trajan izazov u stvaranju učinkovitije i sigurnije terapije. DosadaÅ”nje metode uporabe nesteroidnih antireumatika i kortikosteroida nadiÅ”le su topičku primjenu i otvorile nove mogućnosti u vidu intravitrealnih injekcija. Primjena acetazolamida takoĎer je naÅ”la svoje mjesto kao oblik konzervativnog liječenja, dok s druge strane kirurÅ”ki pristup omogućava alternativu ili terapiju izbora kod pratećih oÅ”tećenja retine i vitreusa. Laser fotokoagulacija je metoda koja daje zadovoljavajuće rezultate i predstavlja zlatni standard u liječenju, prvenstveno dijabetičkog makularnog edema i dijabetičke retinopatije. U novije vrijeme uporaba anti-VEGF terapije pokazuje izvanredne rezultate i njena bi standardna primjena u kombinaciji s laser fotokoakulacijom predstavljala budućnost liječenja dijabetičkog makularnog edema.Macula is a specialized area of retina which high density of photoreceptors and lack of blood vessels enable high visual acuity, respectively, an area on which ultimately falls the central ray of light after entering the eye. In accordance with its complexity the most insignificant pathological states can affect the central vision acuity, while degenerative changes on macula represent the world's main cause od blindness. Macular edema as the leading pathological entity represents enduring challenge in creating more effective and more safer therapy. Previous methods of non-steroid and corticosteroid use have overcome the topical application and have opened new opportunities in the form of intravitreal injections. Acetazolamid use has also found its place as a form of conservative type of therapy, while, at the other hand, surgical access provides an alternative or a therapy of choice in states associated with retina or vitreus injury. Laser photocoagulation is a metod which gives satisfactory results and represents a golden standard, primarily diabetic macular edema and diabetic retinopathy therapy. Recently, the use of anti-VEGF therapy showes outstanding results and her sandard use in combination with laser fhotocoagulation would represent the future of diabetic macular edema therapy

    Virtual Modelling and Simulation of a CNC Machine Feed Drive System

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    This paper deals with the virtual modelling and simulation of a complex CNC machine tool feed drive system. The first phase of the study was the modelling of a very complex structure of the feed drive which consists of many elements (position, velocity and current control regulators, actuators, mechanical transmission elements, etc.). All these elements have great influence on important parameters of the machine tool such as movement stability, positioning accuracy and dynamic stiffness. For the modelling of the system the Matlab-SIMULINK and Matlab-Sim Scape Toolbox software was used. The Matlab-Sim Scape Toolbox allowed us to use the complete CAD model of the geometry of the machine tool, automatically calculating the selected properties. The influence of changing and optimizing several feed drive parameters (position loop gain Kv, proportional gain Kp of the velocity controller, integral gain of velocity controller-Tn, electrical drive time constant Te, total moving mass m, sampling period Ts, etc.) on the positioning accuracy and the dynamic stiffness was simulated, tested and validated. The finished Matlab-Simulink and Sim Scape models were initially visualized in the Matlab program. They were very simplified, comparing with their later visualization in the Virtual Reality EON Studio program

    Understanding emotions: origins and roles of the amygdala

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    Emotions arise from activations of specialized neuronal populations in several parts of the cerebral cortex, notably the anterior cingulate, insula, ventromedial prefrontal, and subcortical structures, such as the amygdala, ventral striatum, putamen, caudate nucleus, and ventral tegmental area. Feelings are conscious, emotional experiences of these activations that contribute to neuronal networks mediating thoughts, language, and behavior, thus enhancing the ability to predict, learn, and reappraise stimuli and situations in the environment based on previous experiences. Contemporary theories of emotion converge around the key role of the amygdala as the central subcortical emotional brain structure that constantly evaluates and integrates a variety of sensory information from the surroundings and assigns them appropriate values of emotional dimensions, such as valence, intensity, and approachability. The amygdala participates in the regulation of autonomic and endocrine functions, decision-making and adaptations of instinctive and motivational behaviors to changes in the environment through implicit associative learning, changes in short- and long-term synaptic plasticity, and activation of the fight-or-flight response via efferent projections from its central nucleus to cortical and subcortical structures

    Treatment of chronic macular edema

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    Makula je specijalizirano područje retine koje zbog gustoće receptora i nedostatka krvnih žila omogućuje čovjeku najjasniji vid, tj. to je područje na koje u konačnici pada srediÅ”nja zraka svjetlosti nakon ulaska u oko. Sukladno svojoj kompleksnosti i najmanja patoloÅ”ka stanja mogu uzrokovati oÅ”tećenja centralnog vida, dok degenerativne promjene na makuli predstavljaju glavni uzrok sljepoće u svijetu. Edem makule kao vodeći patoloÅ”ki entitet predstavlja trajan izazov u stvaranju učinkovitije i sigurnije terapije. DosadaÅ”nje metode uporabe nesteroidnih antireumatika i kortikosteroida nadiÅ”le su topičku primjenu i otvorile nove mogućnosti u vidu intravitrealnih injekcija. Primjena acetazolamida takoĎer je naÅ”la svoje mjesto kao oblik konzervativnog liječenja, dok s druge strane kirurÅ”ki pristup omogućava alternativu ili terapiju izbora kod pratećih oÅ”tećenja retine i vitreusa. Laser fotokoagulacija je metoda koja daje zadovoljavajuće rezultate i predstavlja zlatni standard u liječenju, prvenstveno dijabetičkog makularnog edema i dijabetičke retinopatije. U novije vrijeme uporaba anti-VEGF terapije pokazuje izvanredne rezultate i njena bi standardna primjena u kombinaciji s laser fotokoakulacijom predstavljala budućnost liječenja dijabetičkog makularnog edema.Macula is a specialized area of retina which high density of photoreceptors and lack of blood vessels enable high visual acuity, respectively, an area on which ultimately falls the central ray of light after entering the eye. In accordance with its complexity the most insignificant pathological states can affect the central vision acuity, while degenerative changes on macula represent the world's main cause od blindness. Macular edema as the leading pathological entity represents enduring challenge in creating more effective and more safer therapy. Previous methods of non-steroid and corticosteroid use have overcome the topical application and have opened new opportunities in the form of intravitreal injections. Acetazolamid use has also found its place as a form of conservative type of therapy, while, at the other hand, surgical access provides an alternative or a therapy of choice in states associated with retina or vitreus injury. Laser photocoagulation is a metod which gives satisfactory results and represents a golden standard, primarily diabetic macular edema and diabetic retinopathy therapy. Recently, the use of anti-VEGF therapy showes outstanding results and her sandard use in combination with laser fhotocoagulation would represent the future of diabetic macular edema therapy

    Structure of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems

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    Tool monitoring system - modular structure

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    Sustav nadzora reznoga alata treba osigurati pouzdano nadgledanje stanja oÅ”trice reznog alata. On treba biti jednostavan za konfiguriranje za različite uvjete obrade uz nedvosmislenu interpretaciju rezultata. Implementacija sustava nadzora podrazumijeva rjeÅ”avanje niza podzadataka kao Å”to su odabir tipa signala, definiranje perioda uzorkovanja, postupak odabira uzoraka, filtriranje signala, izbor i rangiranje značajki, odabir tipa neuronske mreže, postupak učenja i stvaranja baze znanja, načini operativnog posluživanja i metode provođenja reakcija. Na osnovi takvih promiÅ”ljanja u radu je predložen modularan koncept sustava nadzora. Sustav je testiran na procesima s promjenjivom dubinom obrade i materijalima različite tvrdoće.The main purpose of a tool condition monitoring (TCM) system is to ensure reliable monitoring of the cutting tool edge condition. The system should be simple to configure for different cutting conditions and the obtained results should be interpreted in an unambiguous way. Implementation of monitoring system involves finding solutions to a number of sub-tasks such as selection of the type of signal, definition of sampling rate, selection of patterns, signal filtering, methods for the selection and ranking of features, the process of learning and creation of knowledge base, user friendly procedure for operating TCM, and methods of reacting on established tool condition. Based on these considerations, a modular concept of tool condition monitoring system is proposed. The concept has been tested on machining processes with variable material hardness and cutting depths