112 research outputs found

    Scelta varietale per la coltivazione del mirto

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    In the framework of the cultivar selection program of the DESA - University of Sassari, 40 selections have been completely described. Differences for plant shape and vegetative vigour, fruit and green biomass yield, fruit technological characteristics and leaf essential oil composition may be easily observed in the large availability of cultivars. In order to know the most sensitive selections to the reflowering occurrence and to have a good definition of the fruit ripening time, cultivar description included a careful observation of the phenological behaviour. The first results of a further selection program are also presented. More than 20 new cultivars have been obtained by open pollination and seedling characterization and are actually under evaluation

    La Coltivazione del mirto come complemento alle raccolte da piante spontanee per la sostenibilità dell'utilizzo industriale

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    The myrtle liqueur industry is developed in Sardinia by using the myrtle berries harvested from spontaneous plants as raw material. The market growth of this liqueur changed them from a home-made product to an industrial one, with increasing export to the national and international consumers. Myrtle liqueur is just an example of the typical regional sweet liqueurs of low alcohol content that recently are appreciated to a world level. Fruit harvests from spontaneous plants are well organized but the yield is not predictable depending on meteorological factors and on the occurrence of some events such as fires. Also the quality of the raw material is out of the control of harvesters and liqueur factories. The need to have an alternative system of raw material production and to reduce the ecological pressure over spontaneous plants generate a ten year long research for the optimisation of growing models of the species and the cultivar selection. The main results of the research program for myrtle cultivar selection and evaluation are reported. In particular, plant phenology and fruit technological characteristics for liqueur production were carefully observed

    Patrimonio genetico delle pomacee in Sardegna: il pero: cenni storici e cultivar individuate

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    The cultivation of pomaceous varieties, especially the pear, has for many centuries been of great importance and widely diffused in Sardinia. This is confirmed by many historical documents, a brief riview of which is given in this paper. Also reviewed are the principal pomological and qualitative characteristics of pear cultivars, either of local origin or which were introduced in ancient times, and which can still be found on the island. For the most part they are cultivars either forgotten or on the way to becoming extinct, but which present special characteristics, both in form and taste, which justify plans being implemented for the recovery and exploitation. In fact, this idea appears to represent one of the approaches to the problem of limiting the importantion of fruit and vegetables into Sardinia: that of offering the consumer typical, high-quality produce with a «difference» with respect to italian national standards

    Modulation of cholesterol homeostasis by antiproliferative drugs in human pterygium fibroblasts.

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    PURPOSE. The authors have previously shown that the growth of cultured fibroblasts obtained from primary pterygia was associated with an increase in cholesterol esterification, suggesting that alterations of cholesterol homeostasis may be involved in the development and progression of this disorder. This investigation was conducted to determine whether antiproliferative agents such as pioglitazone (PIO) and everolimus (EVE) may inhibit proteins involved in the cholesterol ester cycle and the proliferation of pterygium fibroblasts (PF). METHODS. Quiescent normal conjunctival fibroblasts and PFs were treated with or without inhibitors of cell proliferation (PIO and EVE) or with inhibitors of cholesterol esterification— progesterone (Pg) and Sandoz compound (SaH)—and then were stimulated to growth by 10% fetal calf serum (FCS). Cell proliferation was assessed by counting cells. Trypan blue uptake was used to determine cell viability. mRNA and protein levels were determined by reverse transcription‐polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blot analysis, respectively. RESULTS. PIO and EVE significantly abolished the increase in cholesterol esters, acyl-coenzyme A cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT1), and multidrug resistance protein (MDR1) mRNA observed in growing cells. Each inhibitor upregulated ATP-binding cassette-A1 (ABCA1), neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase (NCEH) mRNA, and caveolin-1 expression in a manner similar to that of specific inhibitors of cholesterol esterification such as Pg and SaH. CONCLUSIONS. Intracellular modifications of cholesterol homeostasis may be relevant to pterygium development. Moreover, antiproliferative agents such as PIO and EVE may represent a potential topical medication in the prevention and inhibition of pterygium growth at an early stage, probably by modulation of cholesterol ester metabolism. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2007;48:3450‐3458) DOI:10.1167/iovs.06-105

    Approccio partecipativo per lo sviluppo integrato e la gestione delle zone marginali in Nord Africa: progetto dimostrativo di lotta alla desertificazione in Marocco e Tunisia

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    Nelle zone aride e semiaride, l’agricoltura e la pastorizia rappresentano fondamentali risorse per la sussistenza delle popolazioni locali. Nonostante la loro importanza strategica, in queste aree, le produzioni risultano sovente limitate e irregolari, manifestando un grosso limite allo sviluppo delle attività agropastorali. Gli ecosistemi dei territori interessati si presentano spesso fragili, a causa dell’azione combinata di fattori climatici e delle attività umane. L'aratura e la rimozione indiscriminata della vegetazione, insieme all’irregolarità e all’insufficienza delle piogge sono spesso responsabili di fenomeni di degrado dei suoli, distruzione su grande scala della copertura vegetale e desertificazione. La crescente domanda di foraggio per gli allevamenti, di gran lunga superiore alla produttività dei pascoli (Le Houerou, 1990; 2000), ha provocato un aumento della pressione sul pascolo e la messa in coltura ad orzo di terre tradizionalmente adibite esclusivamente a pascolo, causando una accelerazione dei fenomeni di degrado del suolo (Abu Zenat et al. 2004). Inoltre, si è evidenziato un impoverimento qualitativo dei pascoli, dove le specie di alto valore foraggero sono spesso sostituite da piante meno produttive, meno appetibili e meno nutrienti di quelle originali (Juneidi and Abu-Zanat, 1993). In questo contesto, l’impianto di arbusti foraggeri garantisce la copertura vegetale del suolo, offrendo protezione contro l’erosione e rappresenta una potenziale risorsa di foraggio e legna da ardere (Mulas e Mulas, 2004). Le specie Opuntia ficus indica, particolarmente tollerante all’erosione idrica ed eolica (Nefzaoui et al. 2000), e Atriplex nummularia, perfettamente adatta ai climi mediterranei aridi o semiaridi (Hyder ed Akil, 1987), sono le più impiegate nelle regioni del Nord Africa e Medio Oriente. In questo lavoro si riportano i risultati di un intervento di sviluppo integrato, basato sull’impianto di Opuntia ficus indica e Atriplex sp.pl., nell’ambito del progetto europeo SMAP II “Demonstration Project on Strategies to Combat Desertification in Arid Lands with Direct Involvement of Local Agropastoral Communities in North Africa ” coordinato da NRD-UNISS e realizzato in aree aride e semiaride degradate di Marocco e Tunisia

    The genetic diversity of Sardinian myrtle ( Myrtus communis L.) populations

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    Background: The myrtle ( Myrtus communis ) is a common shrub widespread in the Mediterranean Basin. Its fruit and leaves exhibit antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties, and are used for their content of essential oils and for their medicinal properties, but most commonly as an ingredient in locally made liquor. The uncontrolled exploitation of natural stands has reduced both the species\' geographical coverage and the size of individual populations. The selection of genotypes for controlled cultivation requires a characterization of the genetic diversity present both within and between populations. Results: Genotypic variation was evaluated using ISSR profiling and genetic diversity characterized using standard population genetics approaches. Two major clusters were identified: one capturing all the candidate cultivars selected from various Sardinian localities, and the other wild individuals collected from Asinara, Corsica and Surigheddu. A moderate level of gene flow between the Sardinian and Corsican populations was identified. Discriminant analysis of principal components revealed a level of separation among the wild populations, confirming the population structure identified by the clustering methods. Conclusions: The wild accessions were well differentiated from the candidate cultivars. The level of genetic variability was high. The genetic data were compatible with the notion that myrtle has a mixed pollination system, including both out-pollination by insects and self-pollination. The candidate cultivars are suggested to represent an appropriate basis for directed breeding

    Monitoring of TCA concentration in stoppers obtained by cork oak from different Sardinian areas

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    A spatial and temporal distribution analysis of TCA biosynthesis phenomenon in the cork, through the use of both analytical data of sensory type and other instrumental determinations, was performed. By means of the sensory analysis, following the methodology of ISO 20752/2007 (E), it was determined the number of TCA-positive stoppers released and the percentage of caps with different defects. In each batch of caps, different scents have been identified: corked taste, mold, abnormal odor and doubt. The processed data from sensory analysis were broken down by geographic distribution and related to the instrumental determinations

    Myrtus polyphenols, from antioxidants to anti-inflammatory molecules: Exploring a network involving cytochromes P450 and Vitamin D

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    Inflammatory response represents one of the main mechanisms of healing and tissue function restoration. On the other hand, chronic inflammation leads to excessive secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines involved in the onset of several diseases. Oxidative stress condition may contribute in worsening inflammatory state fall, increasing reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and cytokines release. Polyphenols can counteract inflammation and oxidative stress, modulating the release of toxic molecules and interacting with physiological defenses, such as cytochromes p450 enzymes. In this paper, we aimed at evaluating the anti-inflammatory properties of different concentrations of Myrtus communis L. pulp and seeds extracts, derived from liquor industrial production, on human fibroblasts. We determined ROS production after oxidative stress induction by H 2 O 2 treatment, and the gene expression of different proinflammatory cytokines. We also analyzed the expression of CYP3A4 and CYP27B1 genes, in order to evaluate the capability of Myrtus polyphenols to influence the metabolic regulation of other molecules, including drugs, ROS, and vitamin D. Our results showed that Myrtus extracts exert a synergic effect with vitamin D in reducing inflammation and ROS production, protecting cells from oxidative stress damages. Moreover, the extracts modulate CYPs expression, preventing chronic inflammation and suggesting their use in development of new therapeutic formulations