773 research outputs found

    Beter grip op het multifunctioneel landbouwbedrijf, Stappen naar samenwerking op multifunctionele landbouwbedrijven, verantwoordingsdocument

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    Multifunctionele landbouwondernemers die hun bedrijf willen ontwikkelen kunnen dit doen door binnen hun bedrijf samen te werken met andere ondernemers. Dit vraagt echter wel om een zorgvuldige afweging van de ondernemer. De stappen die genomen moeten worden in een samenwerking zijn in deze rapportage weergegeven. Daarnaast is het proces en de reflectie van een aantal werksessies beschreven. Deze sessies zijn gehouden met multifunctionele landbouwondernemers die nagedacht hebben over de mogelijkheid van samenwerking op hun bedrijf. Deze rapportage is een verantwoordingsdocument

    Treatment of early puberty in adopted and non-adopted children: when, why and how

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    Normal puberty is the result of the maturation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. Primary and secondary sexual characteristics develop by the increase in the serum levels of gonadal steroids: oestradiol in girls and testosterone in boys. The main players in the process of normal puberty are the hypothalamus, by producing pulsatile Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone (GnRH), and the pituitary. GnRH influences the pituitary via the portal vein system and the pituitary secretes the gonadotrophins Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (LH and FSH). LH and FSH in turn stimulate the gonads to develop the cells essential for reproduction and to secrete the gonadal steroids. In girls this maturational process primarily leads to the development of the breasts and internal genitalia. Menarche follows as a result of ongoing maturation. In boys it results in growth of the testes, pubic and axillary hair, lowering of the voice and spermarche. In both sexes, a pubertal growth spurt occurs as well as further psychosocial and psychosexual development

    Impacts of Rainfall and Forest Cover Change on Runoff in Small Catchments: A Case Study of Mulunguzi and Namadzi Catchment Areas in Southern Malawi

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    The impacts of climate change on water resources have received much attention globally especially in the last 30 years. Rainfall, the main driver of the hydrological cycle, has been varying in parts of the world in various ways. The picture is more complicated if impacts of land cover changes on water resources are also taken into consideration. These two pose challenges which require an integrated approach to address. Not many of such studies have been conducted in Malawian catchments and other tropical regions. In this study, annual, seasonal and monthly series of rainfall and river discharge of the Mulunguzi and Namadzi River catchments, two small sub-catchments in the Lake Chilwa catchment area, were analysed for trends using the non parametric Mann-Kendall statistic and Sens slope estimator. Further, Linear regression and the RainRU model were applied to establish whether the relationship between rainfall and runoff in the two catchments has changed. Furthermore, linear regression was used to establish how increased forest cover has influenced river flows in the two catchments. The results suggest that rainfall in the Mulunguzi catchment has decreased significantly at all scales and this has also led to reduced river flows. Increased forest cover since the pre 1950s has also resulted in reduced flows but this is not as significant as the rainfall decrease. In the Namadzi catchment, the rainfall trends suggest a varying pattern with no obvious straight trends. At annual and some months timescale, the rainfall has increased significantly. The river flow on the other hand suggests an overall declining pattern. This pattern is well linked with significant forest area increments which have occurred since 1995. It is therefore important that more detailed studies should be conducted to gain further insight to these relations as both catchments are important socioeconomically.Keywords: Land use; land cover; river flow; rainfall; climate change

    Smallholder irrigation productivity for sustainable intensification: Water balances for high value crops in northern Ghana

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    United States Agency for International Developmen