839 research outputs found


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    The engineering building of the University Leicester built-in 1963 has been a British icon for decades now. Applications of Robotic technologies are uprising nowadays, which provides a contingency to manipulate the benefits of robotics for executing challenging and precarious facade cleaning processes. This paper surveys the facade cleaning robotic technologies exist in the market. It exhibits the comparative analysis of four notorious robotic facade cleaning solutions namely Sky Pro, Gekko, BFMR (Building Façade Maintenance Robot) and Sirius_c. The comparison is executed using Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) techniques. This study analyses the performance of the robots based on the critical parameters such as water consumption, cleaning efficiency, cleaning dimensions and ease of implementation. Although none of these robotic solutions are implemented off the shelf, some adaptation on these solutions is necessary for the development of robotic techniques work successfully in real time. This paper proposes a hybrid robotic solution combining the vacuum pump adhesion and wheeled locomotion for the effective cleaning of the complex external building structure based on the MCDA and QFD analysis. It highlights the significant future research directions in this field

    Approximated Computation of Belief Functions for Robust Design Optimization

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    This paper presents some ideas to reduce the computational cost of evidence-based robust design optimization. Evidence Theory crystallizes both the aleatory and epistemic uncertainties in the design parameters, providing two quantitative measures, Belief and Plausibility, of the credibility of the computed value of the design budgets. The paper proposes some techniques to compute an approximation of Belief and Plausibility at a cost that is a fraction of the one required for an accurate calculation of the two values. Some simple test cases will show how the proposed techniques scale with the dimension of the problem. Finally a simple example of spacecraft system design is presented.Comment: AIAA-2012-1932 14th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference. 23-26 April 2012 Sheraton Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawai

    Peripartum cardiomyopathy in uncorrected tetralogy of fallot: a case report

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    Tetralogy of Fallot (ToF) is the most common cyanotic congenital heart with incidence about 10% of all congenital heart disease. Natural survival to the fourth decade is extremely rare (only about 3%), but there is a tendency of increasing number of women with cyanotic congenital heart disease living 3 to 4 decades and are becoming pregnant. Because of significant physiology adaptation and changes, pregnancy and delivery process are troublesome for most unhealthy women, including those with uncorrected ToF. For ToF patients, it remains an important cause of maternal morbidity (62.5%), and even mortality (10%) and has significant effects on fetal outcome. Discussed below a case of pregnancy in a 30 year old woman with uncorrected ToF, dyspnoea class II of New York Heart Association, on 36th week pregnancy with complication of postpartum cardiomyopathy. Through dedicated medical care, patient's condition improvement can be seen. Prognosis of pregnancy in patient with uncorrected ToF is poor without optimal obstetrical and medical management

    An Unusual Foreign Body in the Maxillary Antrum: A Case Report and Pertinent Review of Literature

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    Maxillary sinus is the largest of the paranasal sinuses and occupies the body of Maxilla. It is pyramidal in shape with base toward lateral wall of nose and apex directed laterally into thezygomatic process. It is roof is formed by the floor of the orbit and grooved by infraorbital nerve. Foreign bodies may present in the paranasal sinuses through a variety of traumatic andiatrogenic events. We describe a case where a sharp foreign body penetrated into the maxillary sinus. We used the open surgical approach, for the removal of sinus foreign body

    The appendage role of insect disco genes and possible implications on the evolution of the maggot larval form

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    AbstractThough initially identified as necessary for neural migration, Disconnected and its partially redundant paralog, Disco-related, are required for proper head segment identity during Drosophila embryogenesis. Here, we present evidence that these genes are also required for proper ventral appendage development during development of the adult fly, where they specify medial to distal appendage development. Cells lacking the disco genes cannot contribute to the medial and distal portions of ventral appendages. Further, ectopic disco transforms dorsal appendages toward ventral fates; in wing discs, the medial and distal leg development pathways are activated. Interestingly, this appendage role is conserved in the red flour beetle, Tribolium (where legs develop during embryogenesis), yet in the beetle we found no evidence for a head segmentation role. The lack of an embryonic head specification role in Tribolium could be interpreted as a loss of the head segmentation function in Tribolium or gain of this function during evolution of flies. However, we suggest an alternative explanation. We propose that the disco genes always function as appendage factors, but their appendage nature is masked during Drosophila embryogenesis due to the reduction of limb fields in the maggot style Drosophila larva

    A machine learning approach for GRB detection in AstroSat CZTI data

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    We present a machine learning (ML) based method for automated detection of Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) candidate events in the range 60 keV - 250 keV from the AstroSat Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager data. We use density-based spatial clustering to detect excess power and carry out an unsupervised hierarchical clustering across all such events to identify the different light curves present in the data. This representation helps understand the instrument's sensitivity to the various GRB populations and identify the major non-astrophysical noise artefacts present in the data. We use Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) to carry out template matching, which ensures the morphological similarity of the detected events with known typical GRB light curves. DTW alleviates the need for a dense template repository often required in matched filtering like searches. The use of a similarity metric facilitates outlier detection suitable for capturing previously unmodelled events. We briefly discuss the characteristics of 35 long GRB candidates detected using the pipeline and show that with minor modifications such as adaptive binning, the method is also sensitive to short GRB events. Augmenting the existing data analysis pipeline with such ML capabilities alleviates the need for extensive manual inspection, enabling quicker response to alerts received from other observatories such as the gravitational-wave detectors

    Penrose Limits and Non-local theories

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    We investigate Penrose limits of two classes of non-local theories, little string theories and non-commutative gauge theories. Penrose limits of the near-horizon geometry of NS5-branes help to shed some light on the high energy spectrum of little string theories. We attempt to understand renormalization group flow in these theories by considering Penrose limits wherein the null geodesic also has a radial component. In particular, we demonstrate that it is possible to construct a pp-wave spacetime which interpolates between the linear dilaton and the AdS regions for the Type IIA NS5-brane. Similar analysis is considered for the holographic dual geometry to non-commutative field theories.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX; v2: added reference

    Generating asymptotically plane wave spacetimes

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    In an attempt to study asymptotically plane wave spacetimes which admit an event horizon, we find solutions to vacuum Einstein's equations in arbitrary dimension which have a globally null Killing field and rotational symmetry. We show that while such solutions can be deformed to include ones which are asymptotically plane wave, they do not posses a regular event horizon. If we allow for additional matter, such as in supergravity theories, we show that it is possible to have extremal solutions with globally null Killing field, a regular horizon, and which, in addition, are asymptotically plane wave. In particular, we deform the extremal M2-brane solution in 11-dimensional supergravity so that it behaves asymptotically as a 10-dimensional vacuum plane wave times a real line.Comment: 23 pages, 1 eps figure; harvmac; v2:refs added; v3:minor comments adde

    A soliton menagerie in AdS

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    We explore the behaviour of charged scalar solitons in asymptotically global AdS4 spacetimes. This is motivated in part by attempting to identify under what circumstances such objects can become large relative to the AdS length scale. We demonstrate that such solitons generically do get large and in fact in the planar limit smoothly connect up with the zero temperature limit of planar scalar hair black holes. In particular, for given Lagrangian parameters we encounter multiple branches of solitons: some which are perturbatively connected to the AdS vacuum and surprisingly, some which are not. We explore the phase space of solutions by tuning the charge of the scalar field and changing scalar boundary conditions at AdS asymptopia, finding intriguing critical behaviour as a function of these parameters. We demonstrate these features not only for phenomenologically motivated gravitational Abelian-Higgs models, but also for models that can be consistently embedded into eleven dimensional supergravity.Comment: 62 pages, 21 figures. v2: added refs and comments and updated appendice

    Neural sensing and control in a kilometer-scale gravitational-wave observatory

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    Suspended optics in gravitational-wave (GW) observatories are susceptible to alignment perturbations, particularly slow drifts over time, due to variations in temperature and seismic levels. Such misalignments affect the coupling of the incident laser beam into the optical cavities, degrade both the circulating power and optomechanical photon squeezing, and thus decrease the astrophysical sensitivity to merging binaries. Traditional alignment techniques involve differential wave-front sensing using multiple quadrant photodiodes but are often bandwidth restricted and limited by the sensing noise. We present a successful implementation of neural-network-based sensing and control at a GW observatory and demonstrate low-frequency control of the signal-recycling mirror at the GEO 600 detector. Alignment information for three critical optics is simultaneously extracted from the interferometric dark-port camera images via a convolutional neural net-long short-term memory network architecture and is then used for multiple-input-multiple-output control using soft actor-critic-based deep reinforcement learning. The overall sensitivity improvement achieved using our scheme demonstrates the capabilities of deep learning as a viable tool for real-time sensing and control for current and next-generation GW interferometers
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