119 research outputs found

    Predictors of Group Cognitive Behaviour Therapy outcomes for the treatment of depression in Malaysia.

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    The aim of this study was to identify predictors of response to treatment for depression in Malaysia, using demographic and cognitive predictors. 113 patients, that were diagnosed with depression, were randomly assigned to the Treatment-As-Usual (TAU) (n = 55), or TAU plus eight sessions of Group Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (TAU + GCBT; n = 58). Pre-treatment using the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS), the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire-Malay (ATQ-Malay), the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale-Malay (DAS-Malay), a quality of life scale, and demographic characteristics, were used in a series of multiple regression models, as potential predictors of the Beck Depression Inventory-Malay (BDI-Malay) post-assessment scores. Regression results revealed that age, the quality of life scale, and all three cognitive measures were significant predictors of outcomes in the Group Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (GCBT) group, showing that Beck's cognitive model for depression could be applied in Malaysia

    ASEAN Community and Prospects for the Development of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang

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    By entering the era of higher education industrialization, Indonesia is required to improve itself so that it can compete with other ASEAN countries. According to several university ranking data, the quality of Indonesian education is still below Singapore and Malaysia. The portrait of the quality of Indonesian higher education is still very vulnerable to injustice and lack of equity             Competition for a professional workforce, having mature skills and being equipped with good language skills are prerequisites for competing fairly with other ASEAN member countries. Of course, Raden Fatah State Islamic University Palembang, which has approximately 25,000 students consisting of 39 study programs and 500 lecturers, both domestic and foreign graduates, has great potential to be involved in preparing a reliable workforce in their fields. The quality of the workforce must be supported by the quality of education held in each country, including UIN Raden Fatah Palembang. With good quality, the country's human resources are ready to compete in the ASEAN labor market. The factors that determine the effort to improve the quality of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang in facing the ASEAN Community include: vision and mission; rules; governance guidelines; student body; human Resources; infrastructure; Tri Dharma College; international cooperation; visiting lecturer; and Asean issues. All of these factors are the basis for higher education management

    Relationship among depression, self-efficacy, and quality of life among students in medical and allied health sciences

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    Introduction: This study examined a cognitive model of depression among undergraduate students of medical and allied health sciences. Methods: Participants (N = 279) completed a series of questionnaires related to depression (Beck Depression Inventory-Malay), negative cognitions (Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire-Malay), dysfunctional attitude (Dysfunctional Attitude Scale-Malay), stressful life events (Life Events Survey), self-efficacy (General Self-Efficacy) and quality of life (WHO Quality of Life- BREF). Results: Results of descriptive analysis revealed a higher percentage of severe depression among males when compared to female students. Results of structural equation modeling indicated an adequate fit of the model (x2= 21.29, df = 15, p > .13; GFI = 0.97; CFI = 0.97; RMSEA = .04). Conclusion: The findings also indicated the potential roles of self-efficacy in mediating depression. The results are discussed in terms of self-regulating strategies of managing depression and the roles that university authorities may play in helping students to regulate depression

    The beck anxiety inventory for Malays (BAI-Malay): a preliminary study on psychometric properties

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    Introduction: The purpose of the present study was to investigate exploratory factor analysis of the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and reports its reliability and validity in Malaysia. Method: One thousand and ninety participants from four different samples(namely students, general population, medical and psychiatric patients) completed the Malay version of Beck Anxiety Inventory, as well as additional questionnaires such as Fear Questionnaire, Anxiety Sensitivity Index, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, and Catastrophic Cognition Questionnaire. Results: Exploratory factor analysis revealed a three factor solution and accounted for 48.01% of the total variance. The three-factor structure appeared to be; subjective anxiety, autonomic, and neurophysiology. The Cronbach alpha coefficients (α) ranged from 0.66 to 0.89 with satisfactory overall alpha value (.91). Evidence was also found acceptable concurrent validity of the BAI-Malay (range between r=.22 to r=.67). Conclusion: This study shows that the BAIMalay is a reliable and valid instrument to measure symptoms of anxiety in the Malay population and can be used in research and clinical service in Malaysia. However, replication of study by using confirmatory factor analysis and application of the instrument among anxiety patients worth of further investigation

    Prediksi Indeks Harga Produsen Pertanian Karet Di Indonesia Menggunakan Metode LSTM

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    Karet alam merupakan salah satu bahan baku tanaman yang memiliki pasar yang cukup luas dalam perdagangan internasional, karena dibutuhkan sebagai bahan baku di berbagai industri. Harga produksi karet harus diramalkan karena harga produksi merupakan harga pertama diantara tingkat harga lainnya. Oleh karena itu, informasi mengenai perubahan harga pada suatu produsen sangat penting sebagai sistem peringatan dini terhadap fluktuasi harga pada tingkat harga selanjutnya. Algoritma Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM) dipilih karena dianggap cocok untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan peramalan indeks harga produsen pada sektor budidaya karet, karena LSTM sendiri merupakan salah satu pengembangan neural network yang dapat digunakan untuk memodelkan. data deret waktu dan mampu belajar terus menerus. Analisis parametrik yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah jumlah hidden neuron, epoch dan ukuran stack. Kombinasi parameter terbaik yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini adalah 50 hidden neuron, 25 epoch, dan stack size 10. Nilai terbaik yang dihasilkan pada penelitian ini adalah nilai RMSE data training sebesar 384,20 dan nilai RMSE test sebesar 306,01 dan nilai latih MAPE sebesar 1,25 dan nilai uji MAPE sebesar 1,09%. Perhitungan error MAPE terbaik pada penelitian ini adalah studi Prediksi Indeks Harga Produsen Pertanian Karet di Indonesia dengan Metode Long Short Term Memory yang memberikan MAPE terbaik. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa MAPE error dapat dikatakan sangat baik karena nilai MAPE terbaik yang dihasilkan kurang dari 10%


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    Penelitian ini berjudul “ Prospek Usaha Laundry di Pekanbaru Untuk Meningkatkan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah Menurut Tinjauan Ekonomi Islam (Studi Kasus Usaha Laundry Kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru)”. Penelitian ini bersifat penelitian lapangan (Field Research) di Usaha Laundry Kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru. Adapun alasan penulis memilih judul ini karena ingin mengetahui bagaimana prospek usaha laundry di Kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru, studi kelayakan proyek serta faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat usaha laundry untuk meningkatkan usaha mikro kecil dan menengah, dan bagaimana tinjauan ekonomi Islam terhadap usaha laundry di Kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru. Dalam penulisan ini populasi berjumlah 45 usaha, karena penulis menggunakan sistem Purposive Sampling yaitu sebanyak 23 usaha. Dalam pengumpulan data, penulis menggunakan wawancara dan angket yang di ambil dari lokasi penelitian. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pengusaha usaha laundry, sedangkan objek penelitian adalah usaha laudry. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan teknik analisa kualitatif dengan metode deduktif, induktif dan deskriptif

    A review on assessment and treatment for depression in Malaysia.

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    This paper aimed to review the literature on depression that focused on its assessment and treatment in Malaysia. PsycINFO, Medline, local journals were searched, and 18 published articles were included in this paper. Results indicate that research on depression in Malaysia, particularly validation studies and psychotherapy research, was weak and fragmented, with minimal empirical evidence available. Pharmacotherapy still dominated the treatment for depression, and, in terms of psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) was recently practiced, but only a few studies have reported on the treatment efficacy of CBT. Major limitations of studies were noted, and, consequently, the problems that are associated with the implementation and future direction of clinical and research on depression in Malaysia were discussed. In short, the contribution of empirical research on the assessment and treatment for depression remained inconsistent and fragmented and urgently in need of further empirical investigation


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang menyebabkan kecelakaan lalu lintas jalan raya di Jalan Raya Gresik-Babat Kabupaten Lamongan. Kecelakaan adalah suatu kejadian yang disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, yang intinya disebabkan oleh ketidakefisienan kombinasi faktor-faktor utama, yaitu: pengguna jalan (manusia), lingkungan, jalan dan fasilitas lalu lintas kendaraan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan memberikan kesempatan yang sama kepada setiap anggota populasi untuk menjadi anggota sampel. Dengan demikian, proses pemilihan beberapa sampel n dari populasi N dilakukan secara acak. Uji yang digunakkan adalah percobaan menggunakan metode acak (Simple Random  Sampling). Faktor penyebab angka kecelakaan lalu lintas tertinggi di Kabupaten Lamongan adalah faktor pengemudi, dengan rata-rata 96,57% teridentifikasi sebagai penyebab tertinggi kecelakaan lalu lintas di semua kelompok


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang menyebabkan kecelakaan lalu lintas jalan raya di Jalan Raya Gresik-Babat Kabupaten Lamongan. Kecelakaan adalah suatu kejadian yang disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, yang intinya disebabkan oleh ketidakefisienan kombinasi faktor-faktor utama, yaitu: pengguna jalan (manusia), lingkungan, jalan dan fasilitas lalu lintas kendaraan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan memberikan kesempatan yang sama kepada setiap anggota populasi untuk menjadi anggota sampel. Dengan demikian, proses pemilihan beberapa sampel n dari populasi N dilakukan secara acak. Uji yang digunakkan adalah percobaan menggunakan metode acak (Simple Random  Sampling). Faktor penyebab angka kecelakaan lalu lintas tertinggi di Kabupaten Lamongan adalah faktor pengemudi, dengan rata-rata 96,57% teridentifikasi sebagai penyebab tertinggi kecelakaan lalu lintas di semua kelompok

    Treatment for anxiety disorders in Malaysia

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    This current study aims to systematically review the treatments for anxiety disorders in Malaysia. PsycINFO, MEDLINE databases, and 28 local journals were used to search published papers in this area. Eight articles were subjected to review after excluding 273 papers that did not meet the inclusion criteria. A total of 598 participants with various types of anxiety disorders were included in the review. Based on the findings, the combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy provided better treatment outcomes if compared to psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy alone. The combination of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and cognitive behaviour therapy was considered as one of the most effective treatment to treat patients with anxiety disorders in Malaysia. This is in line with the clinical practice guidelines from the Ministry of Health Singapore and Canada. Even though there were some limitations in the methodology and reporting of the results, it can be concluded that efforts have been taken to conduct studies related to treatments for patients with anxiety disorders in Malaysia. Future studies are suggested to make conscious efforts to overcome these limitations