12 research outputs found
This paper presents the results of research on the phenomenon of the pilgrimage to the graves of wali’s in the Mandarese community of the South Sulawesi. This study used a descriptive qualitative method to describe the behavior of pilgrimage to the graves of the wali’s by the Mandarese community by observing the graves of Syekh Abdul Mannan, Syekh Abdurrahim Kamaluddin and Imam Lapeo. Data were collected using interview and observation methods, as well as conducting a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in Majene. The research was conducted from March to October 2020. The results of the study found that the Mandarese society always made pilgrimages to the tomb of Syekh Abdul Mannan (as the first propagator of Islam in the Banggae area), the tomb of Syekh Abdurrahim Kamaluddin (as the first spreader of Islam in the Binuang-Tinambung area), and the tomb of Imam Lapeo (Mandarese Islamic preacher who is believed to have karamah) because the Mandarnese society made the tomb as religious tourism, the grave as a place where prayers are answered, a place to receive blessings, and also as a place to study Islamic history in the Mandarnese region.Artikel ini menyajikan hasil penelitian tentang fenomena ziarah makam wali dalam masyarakat Mandar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan perilaku ziarah ke makam wali oleh masyarakat Mandar dengan mengamati makam Syekh Abdul Mannan, Syekh Abdurrahim Kamaluddin dan Imam Lapeo. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode wawancara, dan observasi, serta melaksanakan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) di Majene. Penelitian dilakukan mulai dari Maret s/d Oktober 2020. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa masyarakat Mandar senantiasa melakukan ziarah ke makam Syekh Abdul Mannan (sebagai penyebar Islam pertama kali di daerah Banggae), makam Syekh Abdurrahim Kamaluddin (sebagai penyebar Islam pertama kali di daerah Binuang-Tinambung), dan  makam Imam Lapeo (Pendakwah Islam Mandar yang dipercaya mempunyai karamah) disebabkan masyarakat Mandar menjadikan makam sebagai wisata religi, tempat mustajab berdoa, tempat mendapat berkah, dan juga sebagai tempat belajar sejarah Islam di wilayah Mandar.
Fiqh of Civilization in Building a Legal State: The Relevance of Muhammad Arkoun's Thought
Arkoun's political concept is very relevant to the expected idea of civilizational fiqh to resolve social problems nationally and internationally. The purpose of this article is to discuss the fiqh of civilization as an element of the rule of law which is connected with the political thought of state administration Muhammad Arkoun which is based on Islamic values in a legal state. Fiqh of civilization is a major breakthrough in building a legal state in analyzing current problems in the country and the world. This research uses the method qualitative with a conceptual approach by applying and studying thinking Muhammad Arkoun about the political concept of state administration based on values Islam through his works. This research contains the concept of political state; Muhammad Arkoun emphasized the importance of broadening the view of sources of Islamic law and contextual interpretation of Islamic law. Arkoun emphasized that state politics in Islam is more focused on the unity of the people, including religion and state. This aspect is currently being developed through fiqh concepts of civilization. Arkoun's critical thinking can help face the challenges of modernization and globalization in the Islamic world, which are reviewed in building a legal state according to the concept of Islamic statecraft
The debate on philosophical sufism: Dynamics and dialectics in Aceh
This research aims to explain the philosophy of tasawuf Hamzah Fansri in Nusantara Islam. The textual research method was employed to interpret the contents in the manuscripts of tasawuf falsafi in Aceh, especially regarding tasawuf falsafi, which Hamzah Fansūrī developed. The study findings confirm that Hamza Fansūrī's philosophical tasawuf thought is "symbolic-comtemplative" and attempts to locate the exploration of the symbols that are highlighted as the essence and substance of the teachings of philosophical tasawuf. There is a misunderstanding about philosophical Sufism, especially by other parties who try to observe and assess the substance of the teachings of philosophical Sufism, which is a natural thing. Criticism of Hamzah Fansurī's philosophical tasawuf thoughts, especially those made by Nūr al-Dīn al-Ranīrī, is commonplace and reasonable in the scientific realm of Islam. However, the accusation of slander and the opinion that Hamzah Fansurī has gone astray and deviated from Islamic principles is something common sense cannot accept. Hamzah Fansurī's thoughts related to Wujudiyah's views are widespread and have not only developed in Aceh. The originality of this study is that it confirms that philosophical Sufism has a symbolic and implicit aspect and characteristics that are difficult to understand. Therefore, if one is trapped in a narrow understanding of symbols, then philosophical Sufism is only a "skin" which is different from the substance or "content" inside
Workshop Pembuatan Soal Literasi Membaca Berbasis Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum bagi Guru MGMP Bahasa Indonesia Kabupaten Rokan Hilir
The background to the implementation of this service is that the assessment of reading literacy competence is one of the assessments carried out by schools and the government in mapping the overall quality of students in the aspect of reading literacy. Therefore, students need to get reading literacy questions as their provision and experience to face the assessment. Teachers as the frontline in training and teaching students must also have the competence to make reading literacy questions based on AKM. Initial information was obtained by the teacher's obstacles in making reading literacy questions based on AKM. These constraints are 1. Setting an interesting stimulus and according to the student's level. 2. Create a question model that is in accordance with the AKM level. 3. Make a form of complex multiple choice questions. 4. determine the assessment criteria of each form of questions. 5. Determine the question indicators. These constraints become a reference and basis for giving workshops to participants. The results of PKM activities can be concluded that activities can provide experience to participants in making AKM-based reading literacy questions. Participants or teachers are very happy to get the training. As a result, it is expected that teachers can expand and create reading literacy questions that require critical thinking skills. Furthermore, it is hoped that all participants can inspire other teachers in their respective schools
The Mainstreaming Policy of Religious Moderation Education in West Sulawesi Province
This research is oriented to describe and elaborate on the mainstreaming policy of religious moderation on education in West Sulawesi Province, which the government is currently reviewing through the Ministry of Religion Affairs. The study conducted qualitative methods with specific data collection. It analyzed the instruments and found that the informants, consisting of educators and religious figures, deeply understood religious moderation based on the al-Qur'an and hadith, which emphasized Islam as a moderate religion. The principle of restraint (Wasathiyyah) in Islam is, in fact, equivalent to the direction or value of religious moderation programmed by the current government. Then, religious moderation is to be implemented in education. In that case, some components should be prepared carefully to avoid overlapping or duplicating with other programs. For example, several implementation models, with their respective advantages and disadvantages, include autonomous, integrative, collaborative, and enrichment models in education. In addition, what is also very urgent to formulate is the right curriculum, tools and learning designs, and competencies of educators, including an assessment tool which, of course, is more oriented towards attitudes and behavior no longer trapped in the pathology of learning that has been ongoing, more focused on fulfilling the cognitive domain
Numerical simulation of liquid atomisation
The focus of this study was to investigate the spray characteristics and atomization performance of gasoline fuel (G100) and ethanol fuel (E100) in a high pressure chamber. The overall spray and atomization characteristics such as an axial spray tip penetration, spray width, and overall SMD were measured experimentally and predicted by using ANSYS Fluent. The development process and the appearance timing of the vortices in the test fuels were very similar. Moreover, the increased injection pressure induced the occurrence of a clear circular shape in the downstream spray and a uniform mixture between the injected spray droplets and ambient air. The axial spray tip penetrations of the test fuels were similar, while the spray width and spray cone angle of G100 were slightly larger than the other fuels. In terms of atomization performance, the E100 fuel among the tested fuels had the largest droplet size because E100 has a high kinematic viscosity and surface tension
Evaluasi Sistem Penilaian Maturitas Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah (SPIP) Pada Pemerintah Daerah
The purpose of this research is to identify problems existing in the maturity assessment system of Government Internal Control System (SPIP) based on the Regulation of the Head of Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) Number 4 of 2016 and provide the solutions. The research method was qualitative, using primary data through interview and focus group discussion. Secondary data were in the form of laws and regulations, guidelines, as well as maturity assessment instrument for SPIP. The data analysis used an interactive model. This research found that the current assessment system did not direct the assessment team and quality assurance team to perform an analysis of relationship among SPIP indicators and between SPIP indicators and other governance indicators. In addition, the scoring system is considered to be emphasized more on the fulfillment of administrative evidence rather than the substance of the assessment. Therefore, the assessment system should consider the relationship of variables in the assessment process and put forward the substance of the assessment rather than the completeness of documentation.
Keywords: SPIP, control, measurement, maturity
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang ada dalam sistem penilaian maturitas SPIP yang didasarkan pada Peraturan Kepala BPKP Nomor 4 Tahun 2016 dan memberikan solusi perbaikannya. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, menggunakan data primer hasil wawancara dan focus group discussion. Data sekunder berupa peraturan purundangan dan pedoman serta instrumen penilaian maturitas SPIP. Analisis data menggunakan interactive model. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa sistem penilaian saat ini tidak mengarahkan tim penilai maupun tim penjaminan mutu untuk melakukan analisis hubungan antar indikator dalam SPIP maupun antara indikator SPIP dengan indikator tata kelola pemerintahan lainnya. Selain itu, sistem penilaian ini dinilai lebih menekankan pada pemenuhan bukti administrasi daripada substansi penilaian. Oleh karena itu sistem penilaian ini perlu mempertimbangkan hubungan variabel dalam proses penilaian dan mengedepankan substansi penilaian daripada kelengkapan dokumentasi.
Keywords: SPIP, pengendalian, pengukuran, maturita
Design and fabrication of adjustable side table
This project is about designing and fabricating the adjustable side table. This project involves the process of designing the side table by considering the shape and also the ergonomic factor for people to use. After the design has completed, it was transformed to its real product where the design is used for guideline. In this project, turret punch machine, bending machine, MIG welding machine and drilling machine are being uses. The method used is SolidWork software, AutoCad software and TOP300R software. After all the process had been done, this side table may help us to understand the fabrication and designing process that involved in this project
The Position of Ministerial Instructions in the Indonesian State Administration System on the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM)
This study discusses the position of ministerial instructions in the Indonesian constitutional system for the implementation of restrictions on community activities as a result of the widespread spread of the corona virus disease (Covid-19) in Indonesia. The government issues policies that limit community activities, as well as other directives. Although the policy is considered effective by the government, it must be in line with the prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia. This research is a normative research that uses legal material collection techniques through library research methods and is described qualitatively. This study explains how the position of ministerial instructions in the Indonesian constitutional system, the legal basis for the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) to the legal politics of regulating the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). The conclusion of this study is that the PPKM policy is a formal policy that is flawed, because Article 8 paragraph (2) of Law Number 12 of 2011 is violated in the stipulation of legislation. Although there are formal defects in the training process, PPKM substantially has similar characteristics to PSBB, which is regulated in Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine and Government Regulation Number 21 of 2020. So it can be said that the legal product for implementing PPKM does not conflict with the rules laid down. above or above. Based on Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, health is not the absolute authority of the central government. Therefore, local governments have the authority to determine and enact regional regulations that specifically regulate PPKM.
Keywords: The Minister’s Instruction; Constitutional System; PPKMThis study discusses the position of ministerial instructions in the Indonesian constitutional system for the implementation of restrictions on community activities as a result of the widespread spread of the corona virus disease (Covid-19) in Indonesia. The government issues policies that limit community activities, as well as other directives. Although the policy is considered effective by the government, it must be in line with the prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia. This research is a normative research that uses legal material collection techniques through library research methods and is described qualitatively. This research will answer about the position of ministerial instructions in the Indonesian constitutional system, the legal basis for the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) to the legal politics of regulating the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). The conclusion of this journal is that several provisions relating to PPKM are considered to have formal defects in their formation. However, by making changes to Law Number 6 of 2018 and implementing PPKM as a form of minimizing the transmission of the epidemic, it is able to clarify the position and validity of the formation of a regulation that meets the requirements for establishing regulations. Based on Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, health is not the absolute authority of the central government. Therefore, local governments have the authority to determine and enact regional regulations that specifically regulate PPKM
Pelatihan Pembuatan Kemasan Produk-Produk Rumahan Bagi Masyarakat Di Desa Toniku
Tujuan pengabdian ini sebagai bentuk pemberdayaan Masyarakat desa dan kepedulian terhadap nelayan dalam meningkatkan ekonomi mereka, dimana metode yang dilakukan dengan pelatihan pengolahan ikan, pembuatan kemasan, desain, dan proses produksi ikan dalam kemasan bagi masyarkat di desa toniku. Adapun hasil pengabdian telah terlaksana proses pelatihan pada indistri rumahan “SARINA”, pemberian bantuan kemasan dengan merek “Ikan Teri Khas Tonuki, Sarina Toniku” dan proses pengemasan telah di laksanakan sehingga produk ikan teri kemasan siap untuk di pasarkan