13 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Suhu dan Jenis Perekat Terhadap Kualitas Biobriket dari Ampas Kopi dengan Metode Torefaksi

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    Penggunaan energi biomassa sebagai sumber energi alternatif terbarukan diupayakan untuk mengurangi emisi CO2. Ampas kopi merupakan limbah biomassa yang dihasilkan dari proses produksi yang digunakan sebagai raw material dalam pembuatan biobriket. Limbah biomassa mempunyai calorific value yang relatif tinggi jika diolah menjadi biobriket dengan perekat. Jenis perekat yang digunakan adalah tepung tapioka dan getah pinus dengan komposisi tepung tapioka yang digunakan 0%, 10% dan 20% sedangkan jumlah perekat getah pinus 0%, 10%, 20%, dan 40%. Dengan mengetahui pengaruh jenis dan jumlah perekat dalam pembuatan biobriket menggunakan metode torefaksi, diharapkan limbah ampas kopi dapat menjadi biomassa sebagai energi alternatif. Penelitian dilakukan pada suhu torefaksi yaitu 200 oC, 250 oC dan 300 oC. Suhu torefaksi yang optimal untuk pembuatan biobriket dari ampas kopi adalah 300 oC dengan perekat getah pinus 40% yang menghasilkan biobriket lebih padat dan tidak mudah hancur dengan nilai kalori sebesar 6124 kal/gr

    Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Clearance Effect in High Solid Loading Polydisperse Solid-Liquid Mixing

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    A high solid loading concentration of solid-liquid mixing was investigated to observe the effect of ratio C, Clearance, and T, diameter tank, with C/T 0.33; C/T 0.25 and C/T 0.17 on local volume of hydrodynamic and spatial distribution of polydisperse solid suspension using CFD, Computational Fluid Dynamics. The 45o pitch blade turbine, diameter 0.5T, with down pumping flow simulation was used to remove solid particle from bottom of the tank. The tank is also equipped with four baffle with the size of 0.1T.. A solid-liquid mixing consists of five fractions of glass beads with equal proportion (X1=X2=X3=X4=X5=0.2X) have 40% wt total solid concentration with liquid fraction is aqueous solution of NaCl. The effect of ratio C/T at impeller speed 612 rpm create a flow pattern in the tank different. Effect ratio C / T also indicated the distribution on solid had a good uniformity index when N≥ Njs, just suspended speed. The highest uniformity was obtained on C/T 0.17. it also made difference power consumption on each geometry with C/T 0.17, 0.25, and 0.33 respectively are 251.18, 238.13, and 270.65watt

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Gelatin Tulang Ikan Patin (Pangasius pangasius) terhadap Karakteristik Mutu Permen Jeli

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    The aims of this research was to determine the effect of the concentration of catfish bone gelatin on the quality characteristics of jelly candy based on the level of consumer acceptance through hedonic tests, water content, ash content, reducing sugar, and gel strength level. The method of processing catfish bone gelatin using a 5% hydrochloric acid solution for 36 hours. Jelly candy was made with three concentrations of catfish bone gelatin of 8% (P1), 11.5% (P2), and 15% (w/w) (P3). Jelly candy processing methods include dissolving gelatin at a temperature of 60–70°C for 1 minute, mixing the ingredients, cooking at a temperature of 90–100°C, molding, cooling at a temperature of 4–10°C for 24 hours, and coating. The results showed that the concentration of gelatin in jelly candy had a significant effect on the taste and texture of jelly candy. The best treatment of jelly candy in the hedonic test was obtained in treatment P2 with the addition of catfish bone gelatin of 11.5% with an average value of appearance 7.22 (like), smell 6.28 (somewhat like), taste 7.44 (like) and texture 6.84 (like). The best treatment on chemical test and gel strength was obtained in P3 treatment with 32.90% water content, 0.062% ash content, 21.85% reducing sugar and 89.06 g/cm² gel strength.Keywords:    catfish bone, gelatin, fish waste, gel strength, jelly candy. Tujuan pada penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi gelatin tulang ikan patin terhadap karakteristik mutu permen jeli berdasarkan tingkat penerimaan konsumen melalui uji hedonik, kadar air, kadar abu, gula reduksi, dan tingkat kekuatan gel. Metode pengolahan gelatin tulang ikan patin menggunakan larutan asam klorida 5% selama 36 jam. Pembuatan permen jeli dilakukan dengan tiga konsentrasi gelatin tulang ikan patin sebesar 8% (P1), 11,5% (P2), dan 15 % (b/b) (P3). Metode pengolahan permen jeli meliputi pelarutan gelatin pada suhu 60–70°C selama 1 menit, pencampuran bahan-bahan, pemasakkan pada suhu 90–100°C, pencetakkan, pendinginan pada suhu 4–10°C selama 24 jam, dan pelapisan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan konsentrasi gelatin pada permen jeli memberikan pengaruh nyata pada rasa dan tekstur permen jeli. Perlakuan terbaik permen jeli pada uji hedonik diperoleh pada perlakuan P2 dengan penambahan gelatin tulang ikan patin sebesar 11,5% dengan nilai rata-rata kenampakan 7,22 (suka), aroma 6,28 (agak suka), rasa 7,44 (suka) dan tekstur 6,84 (suka). Perlakuan terbaik pada uji kimia dan kekuatan gel diperoleh pada perlakuan P3 dengan kadar air 32,90%, kadar abu 0,062%, gula reduksi 21,85% dan kekuatan gel 89,06 g/cm².Kata kunci:  gelatin, kekuatan gel, limbah ikan, permen jeli, tulang ikan patin

    Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Clearance Effect in High Solid Loading Polydisperse Solid-Liquid Mixing

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    A high solid loading concentration of solid-liquid mixing was investigated to observe the effect of ratio C, Clearance, and T, diameter tank, with C/T 0.33; C/T 0.25 and C/T 0.17 on local volume of hydrodynamic and spatial distribution of polydisperse solid suspension using CFD, Computational Fluid Dynamics. The 45o pitch blade turbine, diameter 0.5T, with down pumping flow simulation was used to remove solid particle from bottom of the tank. The tank is also equipped with four baffle with the size of 0.1T.. A solid-liquid mixing consists of five fractions of glass beads with equal proportion (X1=X2=X3=X4=X5=0.2X) have 40% wt total solid concentration with liquid fraction is aqueous solution of NaCl. The effect of ratio C/T at impeller speed 612 rpm create a flow pattern in the tank different. Effect ratio C / T also indicated the distribution on solid had a good uniformity index when N≥ Njs, just suspended speed. The highest uniformity was obtained on C/T 0.17. it also made difference power consumption on each geometry with C/T 0.17, 0.25, and 0.33 respectively are 251.18, 238.13, and 270.65watt


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    Teripang merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor yang cukup besar di Indonesia. Pemanfaatan teripang di Indonesia kurang popular disebabkan penampilan yang kurang diminati oleh konsumen. Ekstrak teripang pasir dapat diaplikasikan untuk meningkatkan kesehata\n kulit menggunakan masker kertas/sheet mask. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui formulasi dan uji aktivitas antioksidan sediaan sheet mask dengan penambahan ekstrak air teripang pasir. Pembuatan sheet mask menggunakan bahan utama ekstrak air teripang pasir.Pengujian ekstrak teripang pasir meliputi uji aktivitas antioksidan, uji viskositas, uji kadar air, uji ALT dan uji hedonik. Hasil pengujian antioksidan menunjukkan konsentrasi ekstrak teripang pasir yang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi adalah konsentrasi 9% dengan dengan nilai IC50 pada konsentrasi 999,39 ppm dan nilai ALT 1,9 x 101 cfu/gram. Nilai uji hedonik menunjukkan pada konsentrasi 9% disukai kenampakan dan aromanya dengan skor rata-rata 7,87 dan 7,93 secara berurutan

    Product Quality of Quercetin Extract From Carica Papaya L Flower by Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE)

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    These work aims are to determine the best condition extraction and product quality of quercetin from Carica papaya L flowers extract. The extraction of quercetin from Carica papaya L flowers had done by microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) method.  Dried flowers prepared by cutting into 0,125 mm of particle size. Dried flowers were extracted using methanol 80% (w/w) to determine  influence of solid to liquid, S/L, ratio (1:10, 1:15, 1:20), microwave power (120, 200, 280, 400 W), and extraction time (1-5 minutes) on extraction process. Using the phytochemical test by Mg-HCl-amyl alcohol and UV-Vis spectrophotometer techniques, the quercetin detected by qualitative and quantitative analysis. As a result, the presence of flavonoids detected by the formation of a brownish red-colored flavylium compound.  Increasing extraction time, power, and S/L ratio increased the extraction temperature. Consequently, yield quercetin decreased when the temperature extraction exceeds its temperature degradation. The highest quercetin yield, 0.214%, was detected with solid to liquid ratio (1:15), microwave power (400 Watt), and extraction time (4 minutes). FTIR spectrophotometer technique on the highest yield quercetin proved that have product quality with 91,17% similarity on group function like –OH, C=O, C=C, and C-H with quercetin standard spectrum

    Penentuan Kadar Alkaloid Total pada Ekstrak Bunga Pepaya (Carica papaya L) dengan Metode Microwave Assisted Extraction

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    Bunga pepaya (Carica papaya L) mengandung senyawa bioaktif alkaloid seperti carpaine, pseudocarpaine dan dehydrocarpaine. Alkaloid tersebut dipercaya bermanfaat untuk sebagai obat antidengue, anti­cancer, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic activities. Pada penelitian ini, bunga pepaya diekstrak menggunakan metode ekstraksi padat-cair menggunakan metode Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) dan ekstraksi cair-cair. Sebelum proses ekstraksi, bunga pepaya dikeringkan dan dikecilkan hingga memiliki ukuran partikel sebesar 0,125 mm. Bunga pepaya yang telah kering diekstraksi menggunakan metanol 80% (v/v untuk menentukan pengaruh waktu ekstraksi (1-5 menit), daya microwave (40, 120, 200, 280 Watt), dan rasio sampel terhadap pelarut ( 1:10 ; 1:15 ; 1:20 b/v) terhadap kadar alkaloid total. Hasil ekstrak menunjukkan hasil positif adanya alkaloid setelah diuji dengan pereaksi Mayer dengan terbentuknya endapan berwarna putih kekuningan. Adapun kadar  alkaloid total  terbesar adalah 0,02981 mg/g sampel dengan kondisi operasi ekstraksi waktu ekstraksi 3 menit, rasio sampel terhadap pelarut 1:10 (m/v) serta daya microwave 40 Watt

    Study of the effect of processing techniques on the quality of galantine made from milkfish (Chanos chanos)

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    Milkfish (Chanos chanos) is one of the commonly consumed fishery commodities in Indonesia. However, diversification of processed products from milkfish, such as pindang (fish brine) and soft bone milkfish, is considered too simple. Whereas, milkfish has a high nutritional content. An innovation to attract more people to consume this highly nutritious commodity is to process it into fish galantine. Milkfish galantine is processed with the basic ingredients of milkfish, bread flour, and eggs that are seasoned then molded and processed at high temperatures. The process of making milkfish galantine includes preparing milkfish as raw materials, scaling and gutting the fish, mincing the milkfish meat, mixing it with other ingredients, molding, and processing. Fish galantine is generally made through high-temperature processing, such as roasting and steaming. Different high-temperature processing techniques can affect the quality of fish galantine. Therefore, this research aimed to assess the effect of milkfish composition and different high-temperature processing techniques: roasting and steaming. The different milkfish galantine formulations in this research were made by giving different proportions of minced milkfish meat as treatments: 5%, 10%, and 15%. After that, galantines were processed by steaming. Furthermore, the formulation with the highest hedonic scale score was duplicated by processing using the roasting technique. The results of the four treatments were then tested for proximate composition, vitamins, and minerals.  The results of the hedonic evaluation of milkfish galantines processed by steaming showed that milkfish galantine with 15% fish meat proportion had the highest score. The test results showed that the addition of milkfish meat caused significant differences in water, ash, total fat, carbohydrate, protein, and potassium contents. In addition, the processing technique also caused significant differences in all parameters tested. Keywords: Milkfish Fish galantine Steaming Roastin

    Kajian Formulasi Fortifikasi Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) pada Karakteristik Mutu Snack Ekstrusi

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    Snack cemilan sehat yang berbahan dasar ikan menjadi salah satu pilihan untuk menambah nilai gizi pada snack ekstrusi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan snack ekstrusi serta menentukan formulasi terbaik dengan menggunakan jumlah penambahan lumatan daging ikan nila yang berbeda-beda yakni 5%, 10% dan 15% berdasarkan parameter mutu uji hedonik, uji proksimat (kadar air, abu, protein, lemak) dan analisis total cemaran mikroba (angka lempeng total). Snack ekstrusi dibuat melalui tahap penerimaan bahan baku, penyiangan, pencucian, lumatan daging ikan nila, preparasi bahan tambahan dan penimbangan, pengadonan, penggilingan dan cetak, penggorengan, penirisan dan pengemasan. Hasil analisis formulasi P2 snack ekstrusi dengan penambahan 10% lumatan daging ikan nila merupakan formulasi yang paling disukai oleh 25 panelis dengan nilai rata-rata 6,5, kenampakan 7 (suka), aroma 6 (agak suka), rasa 7 (suka), dan tekstur 6 (agak suka). Hasil uji proksimat menunjukkan bahwa jumlah penambahan lumatan daging ikan nila berbanding lurus dengan peningkatan kadar air, abu, protein dan lemak. Dimana formulasi P2, memiliki nilai uji proksimat kadar air 5,07%, kadar abu 1,81%, kadar lemak 31,47%, kadar protein 13,03%, dan nilai ALT <2,5 x 104 Cfu/ml