6 research outputs found

    Solvent-exposed lipid tail protrusions depend on lipid membrane composition and curvature

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    The stochastic protrusion of hydrophobic lipid tails into solution, a subclass of hydrophobic membrane defects, has recently been shown to be a critical step in a number of biological processes like membrane fusion. Understanding the factors that govern the appearance of lipid tail protrusions is critical for identifying membrane features that affect the rate of fusion or other processes that depend on contact with solvent-exposed lipid tails. In this work, we utilize atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to characterize the likelihood of tail protrusions in phosphotidylcholine lipid bilayers of varying composition, curvature, and hydration. We distinguish two protrusion modes corresponding to atoms near the end of the lipid tail or near the glycerol group. Through potential of mean force calculations, we demonstrate that the thermodynamic cost for inducing a protrusion depends on tail saturation but is insensitive to other bilayer structural properties or hydration above a threshold value. Similarly, highly curved vesicles or micelles increase both the overall frequency of lipid tail protrusions as well as the preference for splay protrusions, both of which play an important role in driving membrane fusion. In multi-component bilayers, however, the incidence of protrusion events does not clearly depend on the mismatch between tail length or tail saturation of the constituent lipids. Together, these results provide significant physical insight into how system components might affect the appearance of protrusions in biological membranes, and help explain the roles of composition or curvature-modifying proteins in membrane fusion.National Science Foundation (U.S.). MRSEC Program (award number DMR-0819762)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Faculty Early Career Development Program (Award No. DMR-1054671)United States. Department of Energy. Computational Science Graduate Fellowship Program (grant number DE-FG02-97ER25308)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant number OCI-1053575

    Origin of multiplexing capabilities of multifrequency magnetic ratchets

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    Through a combination of theory, numerical simulation, and experiment, we investigate the motion of magnetic beads on the surface of a magnetic ratchet driven by multifrequency fields. Here, we focus on the influence of static forcing terms, which were not included in previous models, and we derive analytical models that show why the static forcing terms are responsible for inducing beads of two different sizes to move in opposite directions on the same ratchet potential. We begin our analysis with the simplest possible forcing model, and we show that the main effect of the static forcing terms is to delay the phase of flux reversal. From there, we move onto the full analysis and theoretically derive the phase range for which opposite motion among two different bead types is achieved. Based on these theoretical results, we conduct experimental investigations that explore the effects of bead size and static forcing coefficient on the direction of bead motion, which confirm most of the expected trends. These results shed light both on past experimental work both by ourselves and others, as well as elucidate the more general multiplexing capabilities of ratchets

    Calcium-triggered fusion of lipid membranes is enabled by amphiphilic nanoparticles

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    Lipid membrane fusion is an essential process for a number of critical biological functions. The overall process is thermodynamically favorable but faces multiple kinetic barriers along the way. Inspired by nature's engineered proteins such as SNAP receptor [soluble N-ethylmale-imide-sensitive factor-attachment protein receptor (SNARE)] complexes or viral fusogenic proteins that actively promote the development of membrane proximity, nucleation of a stalk, and triggered expansion of the fusion pore, here we introduce a synthetic fusogen that can modulate membrane fusion and equivalently prime lipid membranes for calcium-triggered fusion. Our fusogen consists of a gold nanoparticle functionalized with an amphiphilic monolayer of alkanethiol ligands that had previously been shown to fuse with lipid bilayers. While previous efforts to develop synthetic fusogens have only replicated the initial steps of the fusion cascade, we use molecular simulations and complementary experimental techniques to demonstrate that these nanoparticles can induce the formation of a lipid stalk and also drive its expansion into a fusion pore upon the addition of excess calcium. These results have important implications in general understanding of stimuli-triggered fusion and the development of synthetic fusogens for biomedical applications.U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-FG02-97ER25308)National Science Foundation (Contract TG-DMR130042)U. S. Army Research Office (Contract W911NF-13-D-0001