65 research outputs found

    Study of the efflux velocity induced by two propellers

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    Present analysis is related with seabed erosion caused during docking and undocking maneuvering. Twin propellers without rudder were studied using a physical model with a fixed clearance distance and three different rotating velocities. Experimental results were compared to theoretical expressions of the efflux velocity, axial velocity and finally maximum bed velocity. Efflux velocity equations overestimate the experimental results, whereas axial velocity computed using the Dutch method fits reasonably well the experimental data. However, when maximum bed velocity expressions are compared to experimental results, German method behaves better with an over estimation if a quadratic superposition of the single jets is used.Postprint (published version

    Study of the bed velocity induced by twin propellers

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    Twin propellers without a rudder were studied using a physical model with a fixed clearance distance and three different rotating velocities. Experimental results were compared with results from theoretical expressions developed over the past 50 years for the efflux velocity, axial velocity, and maximum bed velocity. It was found that the efflux velocity equations overestimated the experimental results, whereas the computed axial velocities matched the experimental data reasonably well. However, when maximum bed velocity expressions were compared with experimental results, only one method was found to behave better; overestimation resulted if a quadratic superposition of single jets was used.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. TRA2015-70473-

    Evaluating the existence of vertebrate deadfall communities from the Early Jurassic posidonienschiefer formation

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaLarge vertebrate carcasses contain significant amounts of nutrients that upon death are transferred from the water column to the benthos, enriching the immediate environment. The organisms exploiting these ephemeral resources vary as the carcass decays, creating an ecological succession: mobile scavengers arrive first, followed by enrichment opportunists, sulfophilic taxa, and lastly reef species encrusting the exposed bones. Such communities have been postulated to subsist on the carcasses of Mesozoic marine vertebrates, but are rarely documented in the Jurassic. In particular, these communities are virtually unknown from the Early Jurassic, despite the occurrence of several productive fossil Lagerstätte that have produced thousands of vertebrate bones and skeletons. We review published occurrences and present new findings related to the development of deadfall communities in the Toarcian Posidonienschiefer Formation of southwestern Germany, focusing on the classic locality of Holzmaden. We report the presence of the mobile scavenger, enrichment opportunist, and reef stages, and found potential evidence for the poorly documented sulfophilic stage. Although rare in the Posidonienschiefer Formation, such communities do occur in association with exceptionally preserved vertebrate specimens, complementing a growing body of evidence that a temporarily oxygenated benthic environment does not preclude exceptional vertebrate fossil preservation

    Estimating fishing effort from highly resolved geospatial data : focusing on passive gears

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    TM, JM and MJ appreciate the financial support provided by the University of St. Andrews Impact and Innovation Fund 2018. TM and MJ acknowledge financial support provided by the “Conserving Atlantic Biodiversity by Supporting Innovative Small-scale Fisheries Co-management” (CABFISHMAN) Project. This project is co-financed by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme through the European Regional Development Fund. Project N°: EAPA_134/2018”.Increasing competition for marine space requires the appropriate development of indicators to best represent the use of marine areas and the value (whether economic, social and/or cultural) derived from such use. Fishers (the largest group of users) are often under-represented in marine spatial planning processes. Highly-resolved vessel tracking data provide opportunities to map the activities of fishing vessels at a level of detail never before available. Most effort mapping methods have focused on active gears such as trawls or dredges in large scale fisheries. For these fisheries, the time spent fishing at sea (hours) is usually a representative indicator of fishing effort, enabling a straightforward mapping of the most important fishing grounds. However, for passive gears generally used in small-scale fisheries, we show that spatial indicators of effort (here, length of vessel track) greatly outperform time-at-sea as an indicator of fishing effort. We further demonstrate and validate a method to estimate gear soak time from vessel tracking data and show how maps of effort that account for soak time can be different from those solely based on time spent fishing at sea. The development of adequate methods to quantify the spatial distribution of passive gear effort is particularly relevant to fisheries management because globally about a fifth of all catches (by weight) are landed by passive gears. Appropriate, fine scale effort maps will provide better tools for spatial planning to support sustainable fishing.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Extending the footprint record of Pareiasauromorpha to the Cisuralian : earlier appearance and wider palaeobiogeography of the group

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    Pareiasauromorpha is one of the most important tetrapod groups of the Permian. Skeletal evidence suggests a late Kungurian origin in North America, whereas the majority of occurrences come from the Guadalupian and Lopingian of South Africa and Russia. However, Pareiasauromorpha footprints include the ichnogenus Pachypes, which is unknown from strata older than late Guadalupian. A revision of several Pachypes-like footprints from the Cisuralian-Guadalupian of Europe and North America confirm the occurrence of this ichnogenus and of the ichnospecies Pachypes ollieri comb. nov. beginning in the Artinskian. This is the earliest known occurrence of Pachypes and it coincides with the Artinskian reptile radiation. Based on a synapomorphy-based track-trackmaker correlation, P. ollieri can be attributed to nycteroleter pareiasauromorphs such as Macroleter. Therefore, the earliest occurrences of pareiasauromorph footprints precede by at least 10 myr the earliest occurrence of this group in the skeletal record. Moreover, the palaeobiogeography of the group is extended to the Cisuralian and Guadalupian of western Europe

    Constraining the Permian/Triassic transition in continental environments: Stratigraphic and paleontological record from the Catalan Pyrenees (NE Iberian Peninsula)

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    The continental Permian–Triassic transition in southern Europe presents little paleontological evidence of the Permian mass extinction and the subsequent faunal recovery during the early stages of the Triassic. New stratigraphic, sedimentological and paleontological analyses from Middle–Upper Permian to Lower–Middle Triassic deposits of the Catalan Pyrenees (NE Iberian Peninsula) allow to better constrain the Permian–Triassic succession in the Western Tethys basins, and provide new (bio-) chronologic data. For the first time, a large vertebra attributed to a caseid synapsid from the ?Middle Permian is reported from the Iberian Peninsula—one of the few reported from western Europe. Osteological and ichnological records from the Triassic Buntsandstein facies reveal a great tetrapod ichnodiversity, dominated by small to medium archosauromorphs and lepidosauromorphs (Rhynchosauroides cf. schochardti, R. isp. 1 and 2, Prorotodactylus–Rotodactylus), an undetermined Morphotype A and to a lesser degree large archosaurians (chirotheriids), overall suggesting a late Early Triassic–early Middle Triassic age. This is in agreement with recent palynological analyses in the Buntsandstein basal beds that identify different lycopod spores and other bisaccate and taeniate pollen types of late Olenekian age (Early Triassic). The Permian caseid vertebra was found in a playa-lake setting with a low influence of fluvial water channels and related to the distal parts of alluvial fans. In contrast, the Triassic Buntsandstein facies correspond to complex alluvial fan systems, dominated by high-energy channels and crevasse splay deposits, hence a faunal and environmental turnover is observed. The Pyrenean biostratigraphical data show similarities with those of the nearby Western Tethys basins, and can be tentatively correlated with North African and European basins. The Triassic Pyrenean fossil remains might rank among the oldest continental records of the Western Tethys, providing new keys to decipher the Triassic faunal biogeography and recovery.E. Mujal and J. Fortuny received funding from the SYNTHESYS Project http://www.synthesys.info/ (DE-TAF-2560, FR-TAF-3621, FR-TAF-4808 to E. Mujal and FR-TAF-435 and FR-TAF-3353 to J. Fortuny) which is financed by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Capacities” Program. E. Mujal acknowledges “Secretaria d'Universitats i de Recerca del Departament d'Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya” (E.M., expedient number 2013 CTP 00013, at ISE-M, Université Montpellier-2) for funding used for visiting collections. E. Mujal obtained financial support from the PIF grant of the Geology Department at UAB. A. Arche, J. Barrenechea, R. De la Horra, J.B. Diez and J. López-Gómez received support from the CGL2011-24408 and CGL2014-52699 research projects of the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. This paper is also a contribution to the following research projects: “Sistemas Sedimentarios y Variabilidad Climática” (642853) of the CSIC, and Basin Analysis (910429), and Palaeoclimatology and Global Change (910198) of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. J. Fortuny acknowledges the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya postdoc grant 2014 – BP-A 00048. Fieldwork campaigns have been developed under the projects “Vertebrats del Permià i el Triàsic de Catalunya i el seu context geològic” and “Evolució dels ecosistemes amb faunes de vertebrats del Permià i el Triàsic de Catalunya” (ref. 2014/100606), based by the Institut Català de Paleontologia and carried out thanks to the financial support of the Departament de Cultura (Generalitat de Catalunya).Peer reviewe

    Hospitalización a domicilio

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    Hospitalització domiciliària; Revisió sistemàtica; Evidència científicaHospitalización domiciliaria; Revisión sistemática; Evidencia científicaHome hospitalization; Systematic review; Scientific evidenceInforme que evalúa la hospitalización domiciliaria en términos de eficacia y seguridad y analiza la situación de la hospitalización domiciliaria en Cataluña y EspañaInforme que avalua l’hospitalització domiciliària en termes d'eficàcia i seguretat i analitza la situació de l’hospitalització domiciliària a Catalunya i EspanyaReport that evaluates home hospitalization in terms of efficacy and safety and it analyzes the situation of home hospitalization in Catalonia and Spain

    Dendritic cells in cancer immunology and immunotherapy

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are a diverse group of specialized antigen-presenting cells with key roles in the initiation and regulation of innate and adaptive immune responses. As such, there is currently much interest in modulating DC function to improve cancer immunotherapy. Many strategies have been developed to target DCs in cancer, such as the administration of antigens with immunomodulators that mobilize and activate endogenous DCs, as well as the generation of DC-based vaccines. A better understanding of the diversity and functions of DC subsets and of how these are shaped by the tumour microenvironment could lead to improved therapies for cancer. Here we will outline how different DC subsets influence immunity and tolerance in cancer settings and discuss the implications for both established cancer treatments and novel immunotherapy strategies.S.K.W. is supported by a European Molecular Biology Organization Long- Term Fellowship (grant ALTF 438– 2016) and a CNIC–International Postdoctoral Program Fellowship (grant 17230–2016). F.J.C. is the recipient of a PhD ‘La Caixa’ fellowship. Work in the D.S. laboratory is funded by the CNIC, by the European Research Council (ERC Consolidator Grant 2016 725091), by the European Commission (635122-PROCROP H2020), by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades (MCNU), Agencia Estatal de Investigación and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (SAF2016-79040-R), by the Comunidad de Madrid (B2017/BMD-3733 Immunothercan- CM), by FIS- Instituto de Salud Carlos III, MCNU and FEDER (RD16/0015/0018-REEM), by Acteria Foundation, by Atresmedia (Constantes y Vitales prize) and by Fundació La Marató de TV3 (201723). The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, the MCNU and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505).S

    Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and early Permian ichnoassemblage from the NE Iberian Peninsula (Pyrenean Basin)

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    Recent finds of tetrapod ichnites in the red-bed and volcaniclastic succession of the Iberian Pyrenean Basin permits an assessment of the faunal diversity and palaeoenvironment of a late early Permian setting. The tetrapod ichnoassemblage is inferred with the aid of photogrammetry and constituted by Batrachichnus salamandroides, Limnopus isp., cf. Amphisauropus (these three ichnotaxa present associated swimming traces, assigned to Characichnos), cf. Ichniotherium, Dromopus isp., cf. Varanopus, Hyloidichnus isp. and Dimetropus leisnerianus. These ichnotaxa suggest the presence of temnospondyls, seymouriamorphs, diadectomorphs, araeoscelids, captorhinids and synapsid pelycosaurs as potential trackmakers. These faunas correlate to the late early Permian. Two ichnoassociations correspond to two different palaeoenvironments that were permanently or occasionally aquatic (meandering fluvial systems and unconfined runoff surfaces, respectively). Ichnotaxa in the fluvial system is more diverse and abundant than in the runoff surfaces system. The Iberian Pyrenean ichnoassemblage reveals the faunistic connection and similarities among nearing basins (Spain, southern France and Morocco) differing from the Central European basins (i.e. German Tambach Formation). Based on the palaeogeography and the climate models of the early Permian, we suggest the correlation of ichnofaunal composition with different palaeoclimate biomes. This results in a diffuse boundary of Gondwana–Laurasia land masses, indicating no geographic barriers but a possible climate control on the faunal distribution. Further studies, integrating data from distant tracksites, should refine these biome boundaries.This work was supported by the SYNTHESYS Project (E.M., DE-TAF-2560 at MfN, and FR-TAF-3621 and FR-TAF-4808 at MNHN; http://www.synthesys.info/) and Secretaria d’Universitats i de Recerca del Departament d’Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya (E.M., expedient number 2013 CTP 00013, at ISE-M) for visits to collections. E.M. received financial support from the PIF grant of the Geology Department at UAB. Field works have been developed on the project ‘Vertebrats del Permià i el Triàsic de Catalunya i el seu context geològic’ and ‘Evolució dels ecosistemes amb faunes de vertebrats del Permià i el Triàsic de Catalunya’ (ref. 2014/100606), based at Institut Català de Paleontologia and we acknowledge the financial support of the‘Departament de Cultura (Generalitat de Catalunya)’.Peer reviewe