331 research outputs found


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    AbstractThis article is about the hermeneutic analysis of Pa’rewatang Baca-Baca in Accera’ Kalompoang ceremony case study of Gowa regency aimed to find out the truth meaning or interpretation of Pa’rewatang Baca-Baca. This research used descriptive qualitative method. All the data of this research were collected from observation and interviews. In this research, the researcher found several findings about the hermeneutic analysis through the theory that offered by Gadamer. First is from pre-understanding theory that based on the prejudice of researcher that this magic spell contains of commends, praying, invitation of Lord, and thankful feeling of the author. Then, Historical affected consciousness, the societies were really religious in that time, they believed the lords were in the sky, water and land. The people conducted the ceremony with two purposes. Next is theory of hermeneutic circle. The author was a holy man who created a magic spell with holy old Makassarese language. The last is theory of application. The researcher found two applications, the ceremonial application and message application. This Baca-Baca is applied in a ceremony called Accera’ Kalompoang ceremony. AbstrakTesis ini mengalisis Pa'rewatang Baca-Baca di Accera 'Kalompoang upacara Kabupaten Gowa bertujuan untuk mengetahui makna sebenarnya atau interpretasi Pa'rewatang Baca-Baca itu sendiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Semua data dari penelitian ini dikumpulkan dari observasi dan wawancara. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menemukan beberapa temuan tentang analisis hermeneutik melalui teori yang ditawarkan oleh Gadamer. Pertama adalah dari teori pra-pemahaman yang berdasarkan prasangka peneliti dimana mantra ini mengandung pemujaan, doa, mengundang tuhan, dan ungkapan rasa syukur pengarang. Kemudian, Historical affected conciousness, masyarakat yang benar-benar religius pada waktu itu, mereka percaya para penguasa berada di langit, air dan bumi. Orang-orang melakukan upacara dengan dua tujuan. Berikutnya adalah teori lingkaran hermeneutik. Penulis adalah seorang suci yang menciptakan mantra sihir dengan Bahasa Makassar suci yang sudah sangat tua. Yang terakhir adalah teori aplication. Peneliti menemukan ada dua aplikasi, aplikasi dalam upacara dan aplikasi dalam pesan. Baca-Baca ini diterapkan dalam upacara yang disebut upacara Accera' Kalompoang


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    A range of criminal acts such as juvenile delinquency, sexual harassment, cheating, stealing, bullying in school, widespread access of porn videos, and others are skyrocketing nowadays. One of its trigger relates closely to the decreasing quality of children’s character due to partial, instead of holistic, approach to the implementation of character education. The theory of developmental ecology is one of many theories aimed at explaining the development of children’s character education by applying ecological approach. This approach operates in three subsystems; 1) Micro-system, 2) Eco-system, and Macro-system. Micro-system seeks the role of family, peers, school, and environment to character education. Eco-system seeks the role experiences within other social settings where children do not play active role but included in the development of character. Macro-system, in other hand, concerns to studies about the role of culture in character education.Keywords: Education, character, theory of ecolog

    Implementasi Teori Ekologi Bronfenbrenner Dalam Membangun Pendidikan Karakter Yang Berkualitas

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    A range of criminal acts such as juvenile delinquency, sexual harassment, cheating, stealing, bullying in school, widespread access of porn videos, and others are skyrocketing nowadays. One of its trigger relates closely to the decreasing quality of children's character due to partial, instead of holistic, approach to the implementation of character education. The theory of developmental ecology is one of many theories aimed at explaining the development of children's character education by applying ecological approach. This approach operates in three subsystems; 1) Micro-system, 2) Eco-system, and Macro-system. Micro-system seeks the role of family, peers, school, and environment to character education. Eco-system seeks the role experiences within other social settings where children do not play active role but included in the development of character. Macro-system, in other hand, concerns to studies about the role of culture in character education

    Hermeneutic Analysis of Pa'rewatang Baca-Baca in Accera' Kalompoang Ceremony in Gowa Regency (A Case Study)

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    Based on the research result, the researcher did interview. The researcher concluded the truth meaning of pa'rewatang Baca-Baca based on four theories of Gadamer. So that the truth meaning is God, You are the only one. All the goodness are yours. You have power to create anything you want

    Dinamika Gender dan Peran Perempuan dalam Ekonomi Keluarga

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    This paper describes the dynamics and discourse of gender issues that have successfully penetrated hard paternalistic culture. Gender discourse takes attention a lot of various parties, and even have become mainstreaming which significantly influence social changes. Gender issues have broken every corner of thought and life by putting "women" as an object of discussion. The central theme is equality between men and women in any cases. This issue, with all of its problems became a very interesting discourse discussed by intellectuals over the world. Struggle and gender movement has ripped off people\u27s perception that women are weak creatures and become the second in social reality. In pragmatic area, gender understanding give impact on relationship between men and women as husband and wife. Gender awareness has opened up equality of right and obligation between them in running domestic life. The responsibility for the protection, safety, prosperity, and living for families which used to be on men\u27s shoulder, it is played also by women

    Dinamika Gender dan Peran Perempuan dalam Ekonomi Keluarga

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    This paper describes the dynamics of gender discourse and the discourse that hasmanaged to penetrate paternalistic culture. Gender discourse drew the attention ofmany parties, even the mainstream has become a significant influence on socialchange. Gender struggles and movements have paved the public perception ofwomen as weak creatures are subordinated to the social reality of society.Pragmatically, the dynamic of gender has influenced the relationship between menwith the women in the marital status. Acknowledgment of gender equality hasopened up the space between the husband and wife in the same position in mattersof rights and obligations in the conduct of family life. It is including responsibility ofprotection, safety, welfare, and living for the family

    The Effectiveness of Pre Reading Plan (PReP)Technique to Improve Student’s Reading Comprehensionof Narrative Text

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    The present study intended to investigate the effectiveness of pre reading plan (PReP) technique to improve student’s reading comprehension of narrative text at one senior high school in Pinrang. How is the students’ reading comprehension. This study is aimed to know the students’ reading comprehension before and after applying Pre Reading Plan Technique and to finding outis applying Pre Reading Plan Technique able to improve students’ reading comprehension. Beside that, the purpose of writing this article is to describe how teaching of reading through the PReP technique. The article support by a literature review  of PReP technique theory in teaching reading. The information about of PReP technique supported by expert theory, it can be used as a source of information about English teaching technique especially reading that can be applied by teachers in high school.  This study employed a quantitatif research design which is a case study using pre-experimental design  which applied (one group pre-test and post-test design). The study found out that the students’ reading comprehension had increased after doing the learning process by usingpre reading plan (PReP) technique. So, it can be concluded that the pre reading plan (PReP) technique is effective to improve student’s reading comprehension of narrative text. This study also provides a set of recommendation to avoid the overlapped researches in education technology


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    The     development     of     communication     technologyincreasingly  ease  current  of  information  exchange.  Also  by  the existing   of   facebook   social   connection   which   has   fenomenal members so that Indonesia becomes the second biggest country of facebook users. There is no more separating by distance or place nowadays, because we can easily using the facebook facility, that is a website which is based on inter personal introduction. Facebook can pierce to all over the world without knowing who and how are the people who will interact with us by this site. We can find our friend who never met for years and communicate, even we can get friends  who  never  known  from  any  parts  of  the  world.  As  a communication media, facebook can be used as a gathering media, alternative media to struggle people interest,  as learning media, and as an effective marketing strategy on the internet. Key words: Internet, facebook, communicatio
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