61 research outputs found

    Synthesis of DBpin using Earth-abundant metal catalysis

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    The synthesis of DBpin was achieved using (EtBIP)CoCl2 or (tBuPNN)FeCl2 as pre-catalysts activated with NaOtBu. (EtBIP)CoCl2 was used as a pre-catalyst for the hydrogen isotope exchange of HBpin with D2, and (tBuPNN)FeCl2 for deuterogenolysis of B2pin2. The one-pot, tandem hydrogenolysis-hydroboration/deuterogenolysis-deuteroboration reaction of terminal alkenes could be catalysed by (tBuPNN)FeCl2 to give alkyl boronic esters

    Ultraviolet absorbance of Sphagnum magellanicum, S. fallax and S. fuscum extracts with seasonal and species-specific variation

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    Bryophytes, including Sphagnum, are common species in alpine and boreal regions especially on mires, where full sunlight exposes the plants to the damaging effects of UV radiation. Sphagnum species containing UV-protecting compounds might offer a biomass source for nature-based sunscreens to replace the synthetic ones. In this study, potential compounds and those linked in cell wall structures were obtained by using methanol and alkali extractions and the UV absorption of these extracts from three common Sphagnum moss species Sphagnum magellanicum, Sphagnum fuscum and Sphagnum fallax collected in spring and autumn from western Finland are described. Absorption spectrum screening (200–900 nm) and luminescent biosensor (Escherichia coli DPD2794) methodology were used to examine and compare the protection against UV radiation. Additionally, the antioxidant potential was evaluated using hydrogen peroxide scavenging (SCAV), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) and ferric reducing absorbance capacity (FRAP). Total phenolic content was also determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu method. The results showed that methanol extractable compounds gave higher UV absorption with the used methods. Sphagnum fallax appeared to give the highest absorption in UV-B and UV-A wavelengths. In all assays except the SCAV test, the methanol extracts of Sphagnum samples collected in autumn indicated the highest antioxidant capacity and polyphenol content. Sphagnum fuscum implied the highest antioxidant capacity and phenolic content. There was low antioxidant and UV absorption provided by the alkali extracts of these three species

    Metabolic Profiling of Water-Soluble Compounds from the Extracts of Dark Septate Endophytic Fungi (DSE) Isolated from Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Seedlings Using UPLC-Orbitrap-MS

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    Endophytes are microorganisms living inside plant hosts and are known to be beneficial for the host plant vitality. In this study, we isolated three endophytic fungus species from the roots of Scots pine seedlings growing on Finnish drained peatland setting. The isolated fungi belonged to dark septate endophytes (DSE). The metabolic profiles of the hot water extracts of the fungi were investigated using Ultrahigh Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array Detection and Electron Spray Ionization source Mass Spectrometry with Orbitrap analyzer (UPLC-DAD-ESI-MS-Orbitrap). Out of 318 metabolites, we were able to identify 220, of which a majority was amino acids and peptides. Additionally, opine amino acids, amino acid quinones, Amadori compounds, cholines, nucleobases, nucleosides, nucleotides, siderophores, sugars, sugar alcohols and disaccharides were found, as well as other previously reported metabolites from plants or endophytes. Some differences of the metabolic profiles, regarding the amount and identity of the found metabolites, were observed even though the fungi were isolated from the same host. Many of the discovered metabolites have been described possessing biological activities and properties, which may make a favorable contribution to the host plant nutrient availability or abiotic and biotic stress tolerance

    A systems approach delivers a functional microRNA catalog and expanded targets for seizure suppression in temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Temporal lobe epilepsy is the most common drug-resistant form of epilepsy in adults. The reorganization of neural networks and the gene expression landscape underlying pathophysiologic network behavior in brain structures such as the hippocampus has been suggested to be controlled, in part, by microRNAs. To systematically assess their significance, we sequenced Argonaute-loaded microRNAs to define functionally engaged microRNAs in the hippocampus of three different animal models in two species and at six time points between the initial precipitating insult through to the establishment of chronic epilepsy. We then selected commonly up-regulated microRNAs for a functional in vivo therapeutic screen using oligonucleotide inhibitors. Argonaute sequencing generated 1.44 billion small RNA reads of which up to 82% were microRNAs, with over 400 unique microRNAs detected per model. Approximately half of the detected microRNAs were dysregulated in each epilepsy model. We prioritized commonly up-regulated microRNAs that were fully conserved in humans and designed custom antisense oligonucleotides for these candidate targets. Antiseizure phenotypes were observed upon knockdown of miR-10a-5p, miR-21a-5p, and miR-142a-5p and electrophysiological analyses indicated broad safety of this approach. Combined inhibition of these three microRNAs reduced spontaneous seizures in epileptic mice. Proteomic data, RNA sequencing, and pathway analysis on predicted and validated targets of these microRNAs implicated derepressed TGF-\u3b2 signaling as a shared seizure-modifying mechanism. Correspondingly, inhibition of TGF-\u3b2 signaling occluded the antiseizure effects of the antagomirs. Together, these results identify shared, dysregulated, and functionally active microRNAs during the pathogenesis of epilepsy which represent therapeutic antiseizure targets

    Polyamine metabolism of Scots pine under abiotic stress

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    Abstract Changes in climate will impose abiotic stress on plant species, and eventually affect their distributional range. This is a particular challenge especially to tree species with long generation times and slow rates of evolution. In the boreal zone, most of these species also hold high economic value. The aim of the study was to enhance understanding of the abiotic stress coping strategies of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in its vulnerable early growth phase. In particular, the study evaluates the role of polyamine (PA) metabolism of Scots pine under abiotic stress. Polyamines (PAs) are small, ubiquitous nitrogenous compounds involved in fundamental biological processes of plants such as growth, organogenesis, embryogenesis and abiotic and biotic stress defence. The effects of different water availabilities and spring frost temperatures on shoots and roots of young seedlings were investigated in two growth chamber experiments. Proembryogenic liquid cell culture system was established and used as a controllable platform. Effects of polyethylene glycol (PEG) induced osmotic stress was investigated at the cellular level in liquid cultures. Responses to treatments were evaluated by quantifying changes in the expression of PA metabolism, stress, cell death and cell division -related genes, metabolite concentrations, as well as stress-induced physiology and morphology. The results revealed that PA metabolism is tissue specific and strictly regulated. Drought stress induced the accumulation of putrescine (Put) in photosynthesizing tissues, whereas the prime response to spring frost was a reorganization of root growth. Generally, drought and osmotic stress decreased the expression of PA catabolizing genes, leading to consistent PA levels in tissues even under severe stress. To conclude, PAs have a protective role in maintaining the growth and development of pine tissues subjected to abiotic stress.Tiivistelmä Ilmastonmuutos vaikuttaa eri kasvilajien levinneisyyteen. Nopeasti muuttuva ilmasto on haaste erityisesti metsäpuulajeille, jotka pitkän sukupolvenvälin takia kehittyvät evolutiivisesti hitaasti. Erilaisten ympäristötekijöiden aiheuttamien puolustusaineenvaihdunnan muutosten tunteminen metsäpuilla on tulevaisuuden kannalta myös taloudellisesti tärkeää. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää millainen merkitys polyamiineilla on metsämännyn (Pinus sylvestris L.) abioottisessa stressivasteessa. Polyamiinit (PAt) ovat pienimolekyylisiä typpiyhdisteitä, joiden tiedetään olevan mukana solujen perusaineenvaihdunnassa, kasvien kasvussa ja kehityksessä ja stressivasteissa. Tutkimus koostuu kolmesta kokeesta, joissa selvitettiin PA aineenvaihduntaa osana männyn taimien ja erilaistumattomien somaattisista alkioista peräisin olevien soluviljelmien stressivasteita. Kahdessa kokeellisessa tutkimuksessa männyn sirkkataimia altistettiin erilaisille kasvualustan vesipitoisuuksille ja keväthallan lämpötilaolosuhteille. Kolmannessa kokeessa PA aineenvaihdunnan reagointia osmoottiseen stressiin tutkittiin erilaistumattomissa somaattisissa epäkypsissä männyn alkiosta peräisin olevissa solukoissa kontrolloidussa nesteviljely-ympäristössä. Tutkimuksessa tarkastelin PA aineenvaihduntaa säätelevien geenien ilmenemistä ja PA pitoisuuksien muutoksia suhteessa kasvuun, kehitykseen ja stressissä indusoituvien geenien ilmenemiseen. Tulokset osoittavat, että PA aineenvaihdunta on tiukasti säädeltyä erilaisissa solukoissa. Taimien yhteyttävät solukot kerryttivät putreskiinia (Put) kuivuudessa. Ensimmäiset vasteet keväthallaolosuhteisiin havaittiin muutoksena juurten kasvun säätelyssä. Sekä kuivuus että osmoottinen stressi laskevat PA hajottavien geenien ilmenemistä, mikä on metsämännyn tapa ylläpitää tasaiset PA pitoisuudet solukoissa stressitekijöistä huolimatta. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että PA aineenvaihdunta on tärkeä metsämännyn kasvun ja kehityksen kannalta

    Effect of endophytic root-asociated fungi of Scots pine on seedling growth and polyamines

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    Polyamine metabolism in embryogenesis of Scots pine

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