11 research outputs found

    Membangun Jaringan Virtual Private Network (Vpn) Dengan Metode Tunneling Menggunakan Ubuntu 11.10 Pada Laboratorium Jaringan STMIK PPKIA Pradnya Paramita Malang

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    Local computer network is a computer network that is built on the college STMIK PPKIA Pradnya Paramita Malang and serves as a support learning tool for students. This private network built and designed by an Admin. Admin should always monitor network construction. In order for the construction of the network remains stable. But not forever a network admin will continue to be on a server computer, there are times when an Admin has a personal interest that requires Admin leave his job. It takes a special application that can to remote computers with a remote server.Virtual Private Network or VPN is better known by the tunneling method is implemented on a local network to develop local networks that exist in universities, facilitate an Admin to connect to servers and computers to remote computers with a remote server.VPN has been tested on a local network STMIK PPKIA Pradnya Paramita Malang Ubuntu11.10 operating system. The result of this research is the establishment of a network virtual private network (VPN) with tunneling method in laboratory network Ubuntu11.10 STMIK PPKIA Pradnya Paramita Malang

    Jember Creative Industry Distribution Model Towards the International Market

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    The creative industry is one of the industries that currently supports the Indonesian economy. The purpose of this study is to formulate the distribution model of Jember's creative industry towards the international market, especially in the performance art sector. This study is quantitative-eksploratif research conducted in Jember using SMEs as a population. The analytical tool used in this study was FGD and a fishbone diagram. The results of the fishbone diagram analysis showed several causes of SME growth problems such as the lack of HR skills in foreign languages, the inadequate sophisticated technology in business, and the minimal amount of business capital. The inappropriate adoption of the technology was then identified as the root cause of the problem. Thus, the distribution model for the creative industry to increase competitiveness in the international market is the technology application in every element of the SMEs


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    Human Resource Management (HRM) is one of the most strategic parts in  organization. HRM is the art and science of managing the relationship and role of the workforce effectively and efficiently to achieve organizational goals. The development of human resource management changes every time. Currently the role of HRM is becoming more complex and full of challenges. Therefore, the preparation of a strategy in human resource management must be in line with the organization's business strategy. The management of the organization has now realized that employees are a strategic asset and must be developed in order to provide opportunities that the organization can take advantage of. Employee potential development programs that are currently being carried out are by increasing employee competencies. This also applies to educational institutions like University. This study uses a literature study that analyzes the role of Human Resource Business Partner in achieving higher education success. Competency improvement and development programs for lecturers and students have often been held with various activities such as seminars, training, competency tests, etc. It is intended that universities can produce professionals in their respective scientific fields. The employee management model that is considered capable of assisting higher education institutions in improving the competence of academics is to use the Human Resource Business Partner (HRBP). HRBP positions HR practitioners to be partners for organizational managers and as consultants in selecting employee competency development programs. In implementing HR management activities in University HRBP is the right model, especially for lecturers and students who want to improve their competence and develop their knowledge. This HRBP management model is also very helpful in the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program by Higher Education, where the goal of MBKM is in line with HRBP, namely to increase the competence of academics and be able to produce academics who are professional in their fields


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    The creative industry is one of the industries that currently supports the Indonesian economy. The purpose of this study is to formulate the distribution model of Jember's creative industry towards the international market. This study is quantitative-descriptive research conducted in Jember using SMEs as population. Furthermore, samples were taken by using a non-probability sampling technique with a convenience sampling method. The analytical tool used in this study was a fishbone diagram. The results of the fishbone diagram analysis showed several causes of SMEs growth problems such as the lack of HR skills in foreign languages, the inadequate of sophisticated technology in business, and the minimal amount of business capital. The inappropriate adoption of the technology was then identified as the root cause of the problem. Thus, the distribution model for the creative industry to increase competitiveness in the international market is the technology application in every element of the SMEs. Keywords: creative industry, distribution model, fishbone diagram, international marke

    Jember Creative Industry Distribution Model Towards the International Market

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    The creative industry is one of the industries that currently supports the Indonesian economy. The purpose of this study is to formulate the distribution model of Jember's creative industry towards the international market, especially in the performance art sector. This study is quantitative-eksploratif research conducted in Jember using SMEs as a population. The analytical tool used in this study was FGD and a fishbone diagram. The results of the fishbone diagram analysis showed several causes of SME growth problems such as the lack of HR skills in foreign languages, the inadequate sophisticated technology in business, and the minimal amount of business capital. The inappropriate adoption of the technology was then identified as the root cause of the problem. Thus, the distribution model for the creative industry to increase competitiveness in the international market is the technology application in every element of the SMEs


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    This research focuses on carnival performing arts as the sub-sector of performing arts. Banyuwangi, as one of the regencies in East Java Province, must evaluate its creative industry potential through the value chain to maintain business continuity. The pandemic has decreased the performance of all business sectors, including the creative industry in the performing arts (carnival) sub-sector. The main concern of business recovery should be related to the sustainability of the carnival performing arts sub-sector in the Banyuwangi region. This qualitative research aims to describe and explore the application of value chains and culture in the creative industry in the carnival performing arts sub-sector in Banyuwangi. The study results showed that the Value Chain Sustainability event model in Banyuwangi has five value chains, meaning that the carnival has five values in line with its basic concept. The chain of production, dissemination, exhibition, and consumption are the elements of the potential chain that can be used as a source of comparative advantage to maintain the continuity of the Banyuwangi carnival event

    Infrastructure and Ecosystem Analysis of Creative Craft Industry

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    The creative industry contributes greatly to the Indonesian economy but the export contribution of Indonesia's creative industry is still weak. Therefore, it is necessary to study the analysis of the ecosystem and infrastructure of MSMEs. The purpose of this study is to analyze the competitive position of the craft cluster creative industry. This type of research is descriptive quantitative research with the simple consisting of the craft cluster SMEs. The sample was taken using multistage sampling method, which consisted of purposive sampling and convenience sampling. Analytical tool used is the BCG Matrix. Competitive position of creative industries can be identified from several aspects, including infrastructure and ecosystem aspects. Competitive position of the infrastructure aspect is known through market share on the horizontal axis of the BCG Matrix and competitive position of the ecosystem aspect is known through market growth on the vertical axis of the BCG Matrix. Based on analysis of the BCG Matrix, the craft cluster is in dog quadrant. Dog quadrant has low infrastructure and low ecosystem conditions. The right strategy to apply to craft clusters to get their products out of the dog quadrant is a defense strategy that includes downsizing, diversification or liquidation


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    Pelayanan kesehatan merupakan salah satu masalah terpenting dalam kehidupan manusia. Ilmu komputer, jaringan, teknik elektro dan  informatika mampu mengubah proses pelayanan kesehatan. Teknologi Informasi pada bidang Kesehatan menjadi fokus banyak penelitian saat ini. Kebutuhan terhadap IT semakin meningkat di bidang kesehatan. Informasi kesehatan terdiri dari informasi terkait tindakan medis atau administratif yang dicatat dalam bentuk apapun, yang dibuat atau diterima oleh penyedia layanan kesehatan. Berdasarkan uraian diatas, maka penulis merancang sebuah sistem pelayanan kesehatan terpadu mulai yang sesuai dengan Standard Operation Prosedure (SOP) pada fasilitas kesehatan pemerintah mulai dari masuknya pasien hingga keluarnya pasien yang terintegrasi pada setiap prosesnya menggunakan internet dan peralatan pendukung yang sesuai. Sistem pelayan terpadu pada fasilitas kesehatan memiliki 4 modul yang dikembangakan secara bertahap menggunakan metode feature driven development. Terdapat banyak manfaat jika sistem pelayanan terpadu berbasis IoT ini diterapkan di fasilitas kesehatan

    The Protective Effect of Gynura procumbens Adventitious Root against Lead Acetate Toxicity in Mice

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    Lead induced oxidative stress contributes to increase the productivity of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and to disrupt the antioxidant balance. Gynura procumbens adventitious root (GPAR) methanol extract contains abundant phenolic and flavonoids compounds as antioxidants and can be used as traditional medicinal plants. The objective of this study is to evaluate the protective effect of GPAR against lead acetate toxicity in mice to haematological parameter, histological of hepatic cells, and activities of antioxidant enzymes. The data obtained from five groups of treatment: P1 (control), P2 (Pb acetate-100 mg/L), P3 (GPAR-100 mg/L + Pb acetate-100 mg/L), P4 (GPAR-200 mg/L + Pb acetate-100 mg/L), P5 (GPAR-300 mg/L + Pb acetate-100 mg/L). The results indicated that administration of methanol extract of GPAR can prevent the decreasing of haematological parameter, maintain the percentage of normal hepatic cells, activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) due to lead acetate treatment. The effective dose of GPAR extract was 300 mg/L. This study provides that methanol extract of G. procumbens adventitious root exerts protective effects against lead acetate toxicity in mice.


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh mekanisme corporate governance, kualitas auditor, dan manajemen laba terhadap nilai perusahaan pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2009-2012. Variabel yang diuji dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari kepemilikan institusional, kepemilikan manajerial, komisaris independen, kualitas auditor, manajemen laba yang diukur dengan akrual diskresioner diestimasi dengan menggunakan model Jones yang dimodifikasi (1995), dan nilai perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling dalam menentukan jumlah sampel yang digunakan dan diperoleh 19 perusahaan yang digunakan sebagai sampel. Model regresi dan statistik deskriptif digunakan untuk analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mekanisme corporate governance yang diproksi dengan kepemilikan institusional, kualitas auditor tidak berpengaruh terhadap manajemen laba hanya komisaris independen yang berpengaruh negative terhadap manajemen laba. Manajemen laba berpengaruh positif terhadap nilai perusahaan