65 research outputs found

    Effect of pre-sowing hardening treatments using various plant growth substances on cowpea germination and seedling establishment

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    Seed germination and seedling establishment of two cowpea varieties IT87D-941-1 (IPI) and Kanannado (LPI) were carried out in the laboratory in Kano, Nigeria under the prevailing laboratory conditions of 25±2°C and 45-60% relative humidity. The cowpea seeds were presoaked in various solutions of 5ppm and 10ppm Indole acetic acid (IAA), Gibberellic acid (GA3) and Ascorbic acid (AA), concentrations respectively. The soaked seeds were air dried for 24hrs and thereafter sown in various flasks containing dried cotton wool. The result of the study showed significant difference in percentage germination among the cowpea varieties and hormone concentrations (


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    The process of flattening nutmeg is one of the steps that must be carried out before it becomes a dish that can be enjoyed or marketed. The dimensions of the fruit and the relatively unequal surface structure between each other can hinder the flattening process if done in a conventional way. The addition of a profile to increase the surface roughness on the rollers of the flattening machine will affect the performance of the flattening process using a contra-rotary roll type flatter machine. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adding a surface profile to increase roller roughness on the flattening performance of nutmeg. The research was conducted by experiment where the profile was made with a pattern of transverse grooves on the rollers using variations in the number of grooves including 4; 6; and 8. Machine performance analysis includes the duration of the flattening process and the physical characteristics of the fruit being processed. The results showed that the maximum weight difference occurred in the 6 groove roller variation of 4.8 g with the highest thickness difference in the 6 groove variation of 3.35 mm. The fastest duration is shown in groove 8 variation of 1.98 sec. The lowest use of electric power is found in the variation of the 8 roller groove of 35.64 W

    Sosialisasi Handsanytizer Otomatis Guna Mencegah Penularan Covid-19 bagi siswa-siswi TPQ Darussalam di Banyuwangi

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    The purpose of this Community Partnership Program (PKM) activity is to provide knowledge about the importance of maintaining personal hygiene to prevent the spread of Covid-19 which is increasingly widespread among children. Partners in the activities of TPQ Darussalam students. Stages of activity 1) Planning at this stage the activities carried out are, observation, writing proposals, preparation of socialization materials, preparation of making automatic hand sanitizer tools, debriefing materials, 2) Implementation and socialization. The results of this activity are 1) socialization of automatic hand sanitizers can prevent the transmission of Covid -19 and increase public understanding and knowledge, especially students of TPQ Darussalam, Purwoharjo. 2) the availability of automatic hand sanitizer products in the students of TPQ Darussalam, Purwoharjo. Socialization activities for the use of automatic hand sanitizers and socialization to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 need to be carried out regularly

    Allometric scaling of thermal infrared emitted from UK cities and its relation to urban form

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    As a result of differences in heat absorption and release between urban and rural landscapes, cities develop a climate different from their surroundings. The rise in global average surface temperature and high rates of urbanization, make it important to understand the energy balance of cities, including whether any energy-balance-related patterns emerge as a function of city size. In this study, images from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer (MODIS) satellite instrument, covering the period between 2000 and 2017, were sampled to examine the seasonal (winter and summer) night-time clear-sky upwelling long-wave energy for 35 UK cities. Total (area-summed) emitted energy per overpass per city is shown to correlate closely (R2 ≥ 0.79) with population on a log-log ‘allometry’ plot. The production of emitted energy from the larger cities is smaller than would be produced from a constellation of smaller cities housing the same population. The mean allometry slope over all overpasses sampled is 0.84±0.06, implying an ‘economy (or parsimony) of scale’ (i.e., a less-than-proportional increase) of about 21% (i.e. 100(2-100.84log(2))) for each doubling of city population. City area shows a very similar economy of scale, so that the scaling of night-time emitted energy with urban area is close to linear (1.0±0.05). This linearity with area indicates that the urban forms used in UK cities to accommodate people more efficiently per unit area as the urban population grows, do not have a large effect on the thermal output per unit area in each city. Although often appearing superficially very different, UK cities appear to be similar in terms of the components of urban form that dictate thermal properties. The difference between the scaling of the heat source and literature reports of the scaling of urban-rural air (or surface) temperature difference is very marked, suggesting that the other factors affecting the temperature difference act to decrease strongly its scaling with population


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui penerapan strategi digital entrepreneurship yang dilakukan perusahaan bisnis online di Jawa Tengah dalam perspektif Islam. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan masih dijumpainya perusahaan yang melakukan kegiatan bisnis secara digital, namun belum menerapkan prinsip-prinsip Islam sesuai yang telah dicontohkan Rasulullah SAW. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data dilakukan menggunakan cara inventarisasi atau pengumpulan data, identifikasi, analisis, dan interpretasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi digital entrepreneurship yang diterapkan perusahaan bisnis online di Jawa Tengah dalam perspektif Islam didasarkan pada empat prinsip yaitu customer oriented, transparansi, persaingan sehat, dan fairness atau keadilan Pertama, prinsip customer oriented diterapkan dengan memberikan pelayanan sopan, lemah lembut, bersahabat dan siap memberikan solusi. Kedua, prinsip transparansi diterapkan dengan sikap terbuka, menyampaikan spesifikasi produk dengan sebenarnya. Ketiga, prinsip persaingan sehat diterapkan dengan pengiriman cepat, free konsultasi memberikan diskon, meningkatkan kualitas produk. Keempat, prinsip fairness atau keadilan diterapkan dengan memberikan reward dan perlakuan sama kepada konsumen.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui penerapan strategi digital entrepreneurship yang dilakukan perusahaan bisnis online di Jawa Tengah dalam perspektif Islam. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi dengan masih dijumpainya perusahaan yang melakukan kegiatan bisnis secara digital, namun belum menerapkan prinsip-prinsip Islam sesuai yang telah dicontohkan Rasulullah SAW. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data dilakukan menggunakan cara inventarisasi atau pengumpulan data, identifikasi, analisis, dan interpretasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi digital entrepreneurship yang diterapkan perusahaan bisnis online di Jawa Tengah dalam perspektif Islam didasarkan pada empat prinsip yaitu customer oriented, transparansi, persaingan sehat, dan fairness atau keadilan Pertama, prinsip customer oriented diterapkan dengan memberikan pelayanan sopan, lemah lembut, bersahabat dan siap memberikan solusi. Kedua, prinsip transparansi diterapkan dengan sikap terbuka, menyampaikan spesifikasi produk dengan sebenarnya. Ketiga, prinsip persaingan sehat diterapkan dengan pengiriman cepat, free konsultasi memberikan diskon, meningkatkan kualitas produk. Keempat, prinsip fairness atau keadilan diterapkan dengan memberikan reward dan perlakuan sama kepada konsumen

    Phytochemical and Antifungal Studies of Tapinathus globiferus Extract and Fractions

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    T. globiferus growing on Tamarindus indica is a hemi-parasitic plant used in ethomomedicine to treat different ailment including fungal infections. The aim of the study was to conduct phytochemical and antifungal studies of T. globiferus growing on Tamarindus indica. The plant material was collected, identified and air dried. Powdered plant material was subjected to maceration using methanol to obtained crude methanol leaf extract which was partitioned using n-hexane, chloroform ethyl acetate and n- The extract and the fractions obtained were subjected to phytochemical evaluation sing standard protocols. The antifungal studies of the methanol extract and its fractions against Aspergillus fumugatus, Aspergillus niger, Trychophytom rubrum and Trychophyton mentagrophyte were investigated using agar well diffusion method at different concentration (100 - 1.25 mg/mL). The phytochemical screening revealed the presence of various secondary metabolites which varies in the extract and fractions. The methanol  extract and its fractions showed significant (p< 0.05) antifungal activity against all the fungal isolates with the ethyl acetate fraction having the highest zone of inhibition ranging from 10-39 mm then followed by the n-butanol fraction with the mean zone of inhibitions from 10-28 mm. The methanol extract and the n-hexane fraction recorded lower zone of inhibition from 9-24 mm and 8-26 mm respectively. The standard drug ketoconazole had zone of inhibition from 6-22 mm. The most sensitive organism was A. niger while the least sensitive organisms were T. mentagraphyte and A. rubrum for the ethyl acetate fraction. The study has validated the ethnomedicinal claim for the use of this plant in treatment of the fungal infections. Keywords: Phytochemical; Tapinanthus globiferus; Tamarindus indic

    Leaving against medicaladvice in paediatric unit of aminu kano teaching hospital, Kano, Nigeria

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    Children are vulnerable and cannot make decisions about their health care. There are many cases of parents leaving against medical advice (LAMA) and this can lead to adverse health problems in the children. Objective: The study was aimed at determining the prevalence of, and factors associated with, leaving against medical advice at the Paediatric Unit of the Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano. Methods: All patients who left against medical advice were included in the study. The study was a prospective one and information sought were age, sex, duration of hospital stay, socio-economic class of parents and reasons for leaving against medical advice over a five-year period (Jan. 2001 to Dec. 2005). Results: Prevalence rate of LAMA was 2.2%, comprising 68 patients of 3,095 discharges, HIV/Pulmonary uberculosis 17(23%) were the commonest causes of admission in the group of patients aged (10months-12years). Seventy-five percent of the patients were discharged within two weeks of admission. Sixty patients (88.2%) belonged to the lower soci-economic class. Conclusion: LAMA has multifactorial aetiololgy. Low social economic class, poor financial support and unpreparedness for hospital admission are risk factors

    Land accessibility and implications for housing development in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria.

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    The thesis explores access to land with particular reference to implications for housing development in Kano metropolitan area, Nigeria. It specifically addresses access for the urban low-income groups who are more likely to experience housing difficulties because of their socioeconomic disadvantages. The thesis provides an in-depth empirical and theoretical analysis of policy formulation and implementation with respect to land and housing in Nigeria. Two research methods are utilised to generate the required data for the study; a questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews. The thesis is divided into two parts; the first part addresses the philosophical and methodological issues employed in the research and introduces the contextual background of the study. The second part presents the major empirical findings of the study. Chapter Five discusses past and present access to land in Kano metropolis. It explores how policies relate to the operation of an illegal land market and explains the implications of this for the proliferation of informal settlements. Analysis has shown that state policies have benefited most members of the Kano community. Chapter Six discusses the policy process concerning land and housing in Kano and considers the interface between policy guidelines, policy implementation and the success of the state housing programmes especially in the metropolitan area. The chapter shows that there is a wide gap between policy formulation and policy implementation, a reason that has affected the success of government land housing policies in Kano. Lapses in policy formulation, unnecessary bureaucracy, government officials playing the role of 'gatekeepers', corruption and shortages of basic working equipment were identified as major obstacles to achieving effective and efficient land allocation and housing development in Kano. Chapter Seven unravels the housing experiences of Kano residents concerning how they acquired or built their residences, the type of moral or financial assistance they utilised and their satisfaction with facilities in their respective residences. It shows how residential and neighbourhood satisfaction varies among different socio-economic groups and among households residing in different neighbourhoods. The study notes a general dissatisfaction with the government's provision of services and infrastructure in the entire metropolis


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    Dalam menghadapi era globalsisasi, Indonesia sebagai negara berkembang membutuhkan suatu strategi besar dalam pembangunan ekonomi. Dalam kaitannya dengan Indonesia yang merupakan negara agraris yang besar dan memiliki keanekaragaman hayati, seharusnya Indonesia memiliki sektor andalan yang dapat dijadikan sebagai tumpuan harapan pembangunan ekonomi dalam rangka mewujudkan tujuan nasional. Sangat disayangkan jika pembangunan ekonomi di Indonesia tanpa mengindahkan kelestarian keanekaragaman hayati dan tidak memperhitungkan kondisi yang akan terjadi di masa mendatang. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan suatu strategi pembangunan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan. Pembangunan ekonomi yang berbasis agribisnis merupakan salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkan daya saing ekonomi bagi Indonesia
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