56 research outputs found

    The Role of p24 Immunohistochemistry to Identify HIV Lymphadenitis

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    Introduction : That was a difficulty to diagnose the early stage of HIV while the symptoms was only enlargement of the lymph nodes, so that the pattern A of HIV lymphadenitis that presented on histopathological examination is expected to be a determinant of early-stage. Although the staining of p24 antibody has already be used to detect HIV infection in the tissue, but the positivity of p24 in pattern A HIV lymphadenitis has not been investigated.   Aim of study : To identify pattern A of HIV lymphadenitis on histopathological examination and to identify p24 antibody to be a determinant of early-stage HIV infection. Methods : This  is a retrospective descriptive study. We collected 64 cases of non spesific lymphadenitis from the Anatomical Pathology archive, Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital and examined these cases by using the criteria of pattern A HIV lymphadenitis in the tissue specimen. Then we performed the staining of p24 antibody by immunohistochemistry. Results : There were twelve by sixty four (12/64) cases of that have pattern A HIV lymphadenitis on microscopic evaluation. Only three cases was clinically noted as Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) by clinician, while 11 of 12 cases showed immunohistochemistry positive for p24 antibody. Conclusion : Most of the patten A HIV lymphadenitis (11/12) showed the positive staining for p24 antibody. In patients who had received Anti Retro Viral (ARV) therapy, the staining of p24 antibody was negative. This study still needs more samples, the serologic data of the patient to be more reliable

    Geriatric with Diabetes Melitus Uncontrolled with Family History of Diabetes Melitus

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases with characteristic hyperglycemia that occurs due to abnormal insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Based on data from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in 2011, there were 329 million people worldwide suffer from type 2 diabetes with deaths reaching 4.6 million people. Indonesia, in 2011, was ranked the world's tenth the number of patients with T2DM as many as 6.6 million people in 2030 and is projected to occupy the ninth position with an estimated 10.6 million people. Family medicine services based on EBM in elderly women with diabetes mellitus (DM) type II is not controlled with family history of diabetes melitus, identification of risk factors and clinical and management based on patient and family-centered approach. Obtained internal factors such as the age of 64 years, gender: female, elderly, patients' knowledge about diabetes are lacking, often not taking medication on schedule, family history of diabetes mellitus, patients move lightly and just stay home External Factors: None caregiver, support of family members is less, sometimes patients want to feel noticed by the patient's children. Improved quality of life at the time following an intervention by WHOQOL-BREF scale. The role of the family is very important in the care and treatment of sick family members. Family influence the onset of a disease and heal an illness. In intervention for patients not only in terms of looking at the clinical but also the psychosocial, by thriving required examination and handling of holistic, comprehensive and sustainabl

    The Influence of Green Tea Infusion (Camellia sinensis) on Renal Histopathological Overview of Male White Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) Sprague Dawley Strain Induced by Ethanol

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    Aims: This sudy aims to determine the effect infusion  of green tea (Camellia sinensis) to the renal histopathology picture of male white rats (Rattus norvegicus) Sprague dawley strain ethanol-induced. Methods: This study used 30 rats divided into 5 groups. The negative control (K-) was given distilled water 2 mL/day, the positive control (K +) was given ethanol 2 mL/day, the treatment group (P1, P2, P3) was given ethanol 2 mL and green tea infusion with respective doses of 0.375, 0.75 and 1.5 grams orally for 14 days. Then the renal retrieval is done to be examined microscopically. Results: The mean kidney damage score obtained was K- = 0.36; K + = 3.24; P1 = 2.52; P2 = 2,4; and P3 = 2.2. Data analysis with One Way Anova Test and continued with Pos Hoc and found significant differences in K- to K+, P1, P2, P3; K+ is significant to K-, P1, P2, P3; and P1, P2, P3 are significant to K- & K+. Conclusion: There is an effect of infusion of green tea (Camellia sinensis) on the renal histopathological picture of male white rats (Rattus norvegicus) ethanol-induced Sprague dawley strain. Keywords: alcohol, antioxidant, ethanol, green tea, renal histopatholog

    Correlation of Lymphocyte-Monocyte Ratio with Grading of Breast Cancer Malignancy

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    Introduction: Breast cancer cases are increase and fast becoming the leading cause of oncologic mortality among women worldwide. Delay in management will worsen the prognosis of breast cancer patients. The poor prognosis is correlate with high grade of breast cancer malignancy. Histology can be used as an indicator to assess the grade of breast cancer malignancy. In addition, a high predictive value of lymphocyte-monocyte ratio (LMR) has been suggested to indicate favorable prognosis of various cancer, and used as parameters for assessing breast cancer prognosis. Method: This study is a quantitative research, using an observational approach. Laboratory examination results are collected from 43 breast cancer patients who will conduct treatment at Urip Sumoharjo Hospital from June to September 2019. Data are processed by the Spearman rank test using SPSS 22.0. Results: Correlation test results between lymphocyte-monocyte ratio with histological grading of breast cancer obtained a P value of 0.376. Conclusions: Lymphocytes to monocytes ratio (LMR) value cannot be utilize as a parameter for evaluating prognosis of breast cancer


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    Mucoxin merupakan salah satu jenis asetogenin yang diisolasi dari daun Rollinia mucosa yang dapat dijadikan sebagai agen anti tumor, diduga bekerja dengan cara menghambat proliferasi dan meningkatkan apoptosis, dan berperan meningkatkan ekspresi p53 dan Bax serta menurunkan ekspresi cyclin D1. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji ekspresi gen p53, Bax dan cyclin D1 pada kanker payudara cell line T47D setelah pemberian mucoxin. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental dengan sampel cell line T47D yang dibagi berdasar kelompok jam 0, 24, 48 dan 72 jam . dan masing‒masing kelompok jam dengan kontrol dan pemberian mucoxin 0,1x10‒3 µg/ml; 0,5x10‒3 µg/ml; 1x10‒3 µg/ml; 5x10‒3 µg/ml; 10x10‒3 µg/ml, dilakukan 3 kali pengulangan. Ekspresi gen p53, Bax dan cyclin D1 diperiksa menggunakan RT‒PCR, ekspresi protein p53, Bax dan cyclin D1 diperiksa menggunakan teknik imunohistokimia dan nilai apoptosis dan proliferasi diperiksa menggunakan metode flow cytometry. Data diuji statistik menggunakan uji Anova, Kruskal Wallis, Mann Whitney, regresi linier sederhana dan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat penurunan nilai proliferasi dan peningkatan nilai apoptosis dengan meningkatnya dosis dan waktu pemaparan mucoxin. Hasil uji Kruskal Wallis pada pemeriksaan proliferasi pada 0, 24, 48 dan 72 jam didapatkan nilai p=0,007; 0,009; 0,006 dan 0,006. Hasil uji Kruskal Wallis pada pemeriksaan apoptosis pada 0, 24, 48 dan 72 jam didapatkan nilai p=0,008; 0,012; 0,005 dan 0,005. Terdapat pengaruh mucoxin tehadap ekspresi p53, cyclin D1 dan Bax pada cell line T47D. Hasil uji Kruskal Wallis dan Anova ekspresi p53 pada 0, 24, 48 dan 72 jam didapatkan nilai p=0,0001; 0,008; 0,0001 dan 0,005. Hasil uji Kruskal Wallis dan Anova ekspresi cyclin D1 pada 0, 24, 48 dan 72 jam didapatkan nilai p=0,0001; 0,0001; 0,0001 dan 0,006. Hasil uji Kruskal Wallis dan Anova ekspresi Bax pada 0, 24, 48 dan 72 jam didapatkan nilai p=0,007; 0,011; 0,0001 dan 0,012. Hasil uji regresi linier sederhana ekspresi p53 dengan nilai proliferasi didapatkan nilai p=0,0001, R2 0,085 dengan korelasi negatif (‒0,675); ekspresi cyclin D1 dengan proliferasi nilai p=0,0001, R2 0,534, dengan korelasi positif (0,240); ekspresi p53 dengan nilai apoptosis didapatkan nilai p=0,0001, R2 0,664, dengan korelasi positif (0,202); ekspresi Bax dengan apoptosis dengan nilai P=0,0001 dengan korelasi positif; Hasil analisis regresi linier berganda ekspresi gen p53 dengan ekspresi gen Bax dan gen cyclin D1 didapatkan nilai p=0,004. Simpulan, terdapat pengaruh mucoxin terhadap ekspresi p53, cyclin D1 dan Bax serta proliferasi dan apoptosis pada cell line T47D. Mucoxin dapat menurunkan proliferasi yang disebabkan penurunan cyclin D1 dan meningkatkan apoptosis yang dimediasi oleh p53. Kata kunci: Apoptosis, Bax, Cyclin D1, Mucoxin, P53, Proliferasi, T47D

    Effect of Exposure to High Voltage Electrical Field in Abnormalities Myocardial Nucleus Mouse (Mus Musculus L.)

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    Studi Eksplorasi Berbasis Sistem Terintegrasi Terhadap Implementasi e-Government dalam Penyediaan Layanan Masyarakat di Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Kediri

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    Public services are currently entering the digitalization era or entering the industrial era 4.0. This condition was triggered again by the Covid-19 pandemic, which in 2020 cannot be said to have disappeared from human life and has even become part of human life side by side. The felt impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is the increasing number of poor people. This study aims to create a web-based application to serve the poor in Kediri, through the Public Service. The solution to the not optimal service by the bureaucracy is to answer the question, how is public service that is fast, accurate and right on target. This web-based application is expected to reduce and even avoid target errors. The findings that can be identified in this study are the elements that make up an information system that can be input in designing web-based applications.Pelayanan publik pada saat ini memasuki era digitalisasi atau memasukki era industri 4.0. Kondisi ini dipicu lagi dengan adanya pandemi Covid-19 yang pada tahun 2020 belum dapat dikatakan hilang dari kehidupan manusia dan bahkan menjadi bagian dari hidup manusia secara berdampingan. Dampak yang dirasakan dari pandemi Covid-19 adalah semakain meningkatnya jumlah orang miskin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan suatu aplikasi berbasis web dalam  melayani warga miskin di Kabupaten Kediri, melalui Dinas Sosial. Solusi atas belum optimalnya pelayanan  oleh birokrasi ini untuk menjawab atas pertanyaan, bagaimanakah pelayanan publik yang cepat, akurat dan tepat mengenai sasaran. Aplikasi berbasis web ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi dan bahkan menghindari kesalahan sasaran. Temuan yang dapat diidentifikasi dalam penelitian ini adalah unsur-unsur yang membentuk sebuah sistem informasi yang dapat menjadi inputan dalam mendesain aplikasi berbasis web


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    AbstrakKanker payudara merupakan keganasan yang paling sering ditemukan pada wanita. Kanker payudara jenis signet ring cell carcinoma (SRCC) sangat jarang ditemukan. Kasus SRCC paling banyak ditemukan pada saluran cerna (GIT). Dilaporkan kasus, wanita 46 tahun, terdapat benjolan di payudara. Pemeriksaan ultrasonografi payudara menunjukkan area hypoechoik. Mamografi menunjukkan payudara heterogen padat, distorsi arsitektur atau mikrokalsifikasi. Aspirasi jarum halus sitologi dari jaringan payudara menunjukkan bahwa tumor adalah ganas. Pada pemeriksaan endoskopi gastrointestinal normal. Pemeriksaan Patologi menunjukkan sel-sel neoplastik bentuk bulat, tersebar atau distribusi disertai musin intrasitoplasmik besar menekan inti menuju salah satu kutub sel. Secara klinis, usg, maupun endoskopi tidak ditemukan massa tumor pada GIT. Pada pemeriksaan imunohistokimia SRCC payudara GCDFP15+, ER+, CK7+, MUC1+, CK20-, MUC2- dan SRCC GIT CK20+, MUC2+, GCDFP15-, ER-, CK7-, MUC1-, Simpulan, SRCC payudara adalah tumor ganas yang sangat langka dan harus dibedakan dari metastasis GIT.AbstractBreast cancer is the most common malignancy in women. Breast cancer types signet ring cell carcinoma (SRCC) is very rare. SRCC case most commonly found in the saluran cerna (GIT). Reported cases, female 46 years, there is a lump in the breast. Breast ultrasound examination showed hypoechoic area. Mammography showed heterogeneous dense breasts, architectural distortion or microcalcifications. Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of the breast tissue showed that the tumor was malignant. In normal gastrointestinal endoscopy. Pathologic examination menunjukkan neoplastic cells rounded shape, spread or distribution with large intracytoplasmik mucin core pressing toward one pole of the cell. Clinically, ultrasound, and endoscopy was not found in the GIT tumor mass. On immunohistochemical examination breast SRCC on ER+, CK7+, MUC1+, MUC2-, CK20-; GIT SRCC CK20+, MUC2+, ER-, CK7-, MUC1-. Conclusion, breast SRCC is a malignant tumor that is very rare and should be differentiated from metastatic GIT

    Why Indonesia Should Develop Tuna Sea Farming to Overcome Overfishing? A Review of Two Sides Argument

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    Tuna is the mainstay of fisheries export commodities in Indonesia with a total export amounted to 201.159 tons and export value of 750 million dollars in 2012. The high demand tuna improve the practice of tuna captured in the sea, causing a decline in tuna stocks both in the number and size of tuna caught. This condition triggers the experts to culture tuna in laboratory scale to reduce the impact of overexploitation (overfishing). However, the tuna sea farming is under the spotlight because in practice, some countries do tuna farming without hatching of the parent tuna but merely enlarge a baby tuna are caught from the wild to market size. This gives rise to a difference of opinion of many experts on tuna farming practices. Therefore, this article highlights the pros and cons of experts on tuna farming from environmental, economic and technical, to determine whether Indonesia needs to develop tuna farming to cope with overfishing. The method used in this research is the study of literature writings on tuna farming and analyzed descriptively. Results of the analysis showed that despite the many negative opinions about the tuna sea farming, the Indonesian government should support the of tuna sea farming with tuna breeding research, as has been done by the Research Institute for Marine Fisheries Gondol. If the tuna breeding is successful, will have a great impact on the problems of the world tuna demand which increasing every year
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