223 research outputs found

    Buckinghami kanali taastamine Chennai linnas kui juhtumiuuring

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    Master’s Thesis Landscape ArchitectureThe present study investigates the existing condition of the Buckingham Canal located in Chennai, India, with a particular emphasis on the environmental hurdles, sources of pollution, and viable approaches for rejuvenation. The canal, which was previously a prominent means of transportation, has experienced a decline in its condition as a result of urbanization, discharge of industrial waste, insufficient sewage treatment, and improper disposal of solid waste. The aforementioned factors have led to significant degradation of water quality and disturbance of the canal's hydrological regime. The study employs a comprehensive methodology, commencing with an initial evaluation of the canal's state, proceeded by the collection of information on industrial waste, and culminating in the examination of this data to pinpoint the principal sources of pollution. The results obtained from these phases provide valuable insights for the formulation of a comprehensive pollution mitigation plan, which includes the implementation of wastewater treatment plants, the installation of litter interception devices, and the dissemination of educational initiatives targeting the general public. The thesis postulates the implementation of a mechanism for continuous monitoring to evaluate the efficacy of pollution control measures, thereby ensuring the sustainable management of the canal. The study concludes by examining the prospective opportunities for infrastructure expansion adjacent to the canal, encompassing the creation of a 2km segment of pedestrian and bicycle pathways, a recreational area for children, and an uncovered exhibition space for art. The objective of this study is to provide significant contributions to the field of sustainable urban water management by presenting a roadmap for the revitalization and rehabilitation of the Buckingham Canal.Käesolev uuring käsitleb Buckingham kanali praegust olukorda Chennais Indias, keskendudes eriti keskkonnahäiringutele, saasteallikatele ja kanali võimalikele taastamise meetoditele. Kanal, mis oli varem oluline transpordivahend, on linnastumise, tööstusjäätmete, ebapiisava reovee puhastamise ja tahkete jäätmete ebaõige kõrvaldamise tõttu oluliselt halvenenud. Antud tegurid on põhjustanud vee kvaliteedi olulise halvenemise ja kanali hüdroloogilise režiimi häirimise. Uuring rakendab põhjalikku metoodikat, alustades kanali seisundi esialgsest hindamisest, jätkates tööstusjäätmete info kogumisega ja lõpetades selle andmete uurimisega saaste peamiste allikate kindlakstegemiseks. Nendest etappidest saadud tulemused pakuvad väärtuslikke teadmisi põhjaliku saaste vähendamise kava koostamiseks, mis hõlmab reoveepuhastite kasutuselevõttu, prügi korjamise seadmete paigaldamist ja üldisele avalikkusele suunatud hariduslike algatuste levitamist. Lõputöö postuleerib pideva jälgimismehhanismi rakendamist saasteohje meetmete tõhususe hindamiseks, tagades seeläbi kanali jätkusuutliku haldamise. Uuring lõppeb kanali kõrval asuva infrastruktuuri laienemise võimaluste uurimisega, hõlmates kahel kilomeetril jalakäijate ja jalgrattateede lõiku, laste puhkeala ja kunstile avatud näituseala. Selle uuringu eesmärk on anda oluline panus jätkusuutliku linnavee majandamiseks, esitades tegevuskava Buckinghami kanali taaselustamiseks ja taastamiseks

    Heteroarylazo derivatives of cyclohexane-1,3-dione and their metal complexes

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    The coupling of diazotized 2-aminothiazole and 2-aminobenzo-thiazole with cyclohexane-1,3-dione yielded a new type of tridentate ligand systems (HL). Analytical, IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and mass spectral data indicate the existence of the compounds in the intramolecularly hydrogen bonded azo-enol tautomeric form. Monobasic tridentate coordination of the compounds in their [CuL(OAc)] and [ML2] complexes [M = Ni(II) and Zn(II)] has been established on the basis of analytical and spectral data. The Zn(II) chelates are diamagnetic while Cu(II) and Ni(II) complexes showed normal paramagnetic moment

    1-Naphthylazo derivatives of some 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds and their Cu(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) complexes

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    The coupling of diazotized 1-aminonaphthalene with 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds (acetylacetone, methylacetoacetate and acetoacetanilide) yielded a new series of bidentate ligand systems (HL). Analytical, IR, 1H-NMR and mass spectral data indicate that the compounds exist in the intramolecularly hydrogen bonded keto-hydrazone form. With Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II), these potential monobasic bidentate ligands formed [ML2] type complexes. The IR, 1H-NMR and mass spectral data of the complexes are consistent with the replacement of the chelated hydrazone proton of the ligand by a metal ion, thus leading to a stable six-membered chelate ring involving the hydrazone nitrogen and the hydrogen bonded carbonyl oxygen. The Ni(II) and Zn(II) chelates are diamagnetic, while the Cu(II) complexes are paramagnetic. In the metal complexes of the naphthylazo derivatives of acetylacetone and methylacetoacetate, the acetyl carbonyl is involved in coordination, whereas in the chelates of the naphthylazo derivative of acetoacetanilide, the anilide carbonyl is bonded with the metal ion

    Performance Monitoring of Cover-Zone Concrete

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    The concrete cover-zone is a major factor governing the degradation of concrete structures as it provides the only barrier to aggressive agents which initiate corrosion of the reinforcement. Knowledge of the protective qualities of cover-zone concrete is critical in attempting to make predictions as to the in-service performance of the structure with regard to likely deterioration rates for a particular exposure condition and compliance with specified design life. To this end, a multi-electrode array was used to study the surface 50mm of concrete specimens thereby allowing a detailed picture of the response of the covercrete to the changing environment. In the current work, CEM I, CEM II/B-V and CEM III/A cements were used and comprised field studies representing a range of exposure conditions

    Retrofit versus new-build house using life-cycle assessment

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    This paper reports the findings of research on the environmental performance of two case-study houses, a retrofit and new build. The retrofit was completed to a Passivhaus standard while the new build was completed to current Irish building regulations. Environmental performance of the retrofit and new build was measured using life-cycle assessments, examining the assembly, operational and end-of-life stage over life spans of 50 and 80 years. Using primary information, life-cycle assessment software and life-cycle assessment databases the environmental impacts of each stage were modelled. The operational stage of both case studies was found to be the source of the most significant environmental damage, followed by the assembly and the end-of-life stage respectively. The relative importance of the assembly and end-of-life stage decreased as the life span increased. It was found that the retrofit house studied outperformed the new build in the assembly and operational stage, whereas the new build performed better in the end-of-life stage; however, this is highly sensitive, depending on the standards to which both are completed. Operational energy savings pre- and post-retrofit were significant, indicating the future potential for adoption of high-quality retrofitting practices. </jats:p

    Performance Analysis of New 2D Spatial OCDMA Encoding based on HG Modes in Multicore Fiber

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    This paper presents a pioneering 2D spatial Optical Code-Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) encoding system that exploits Mode Division Multiplexing (MDM) and Multicore Fiber (MCF) technologies. This innovative approach utilizes two spatial dimensions to enhance the performance and security of OCDMA systems. In the first dimension, we employ Hermite-Gaussian modes (HG00, HG01, HG11) to modulate each user's signal individually. This unique approach offers a robust means of data transmission while ensuring minimal interference among users. The second-dimension leverages MCF encoding, introducing two incoherent OCDMA codes: the Zero Cross Correlation (ZCC) code (λc=0) and the ZFD code (λc=1). These codes are thoughtfully designed and simulated, taking into account their cross-correlation properties to guarantee minimal interference and heightened data security. To assess the efficiency of this novel OCDMA encoding system, we implemented simulations with three active users using the Opti system software. At the transmitter end, each user's signal is modulated individually by their designated HG mode (HG00, HG01, HG11), resulting in separate channels. Subsequently, at the multicore fiber, each user's data is encoded with a unique code-word, and they are directed through specific core groups, ensuring data isolation and integrity. In this paper, the BER and eye pattern are examined with respect to different parameters such as data rate and distance. At a distance of 5 km and data rate of 10 Gbit/s, a BER value around 10-70 is achieved