101 research outputs found

    Organizational capabilities and performance of manufacturing companies in developing economies

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    AbstractThe purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between organizational capabilities and manufacturing performance using multidimensional measure within the context of developing countries. The work is part of the ongoing research that has conducted in Nigeria. Data was collected from 313 selected Chief executives officers, managers and, owner-managers of manufacturing companies in Nigeria through structured questionnaires. The analysis was done using PLS-SEM version3.0 and the result show a positive effect for all the exogenous latent variables (marketing, research and development and, technological capabilities) on endogenous latent variable (organizational performance). This study contributes to the literature on the importance of competencies. It also serves as guides for managers to pursue policies that enhance organizational capabilities.

    Business strategy, distinctive capabilities, business environment and performance of manufacturing companies in Nigeria

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    Despite the contributions of manufacturing sector to economic and technological development of various countries, the sector is faced with many challenges leading to poor performance in many developing countries including Nigeria. Many factors are found to influence organizational performance of the sector. These include among others; poor electricity service, inadequate access to finance, competition from foreign goods and others. To address these challenges, strategic management academics and practitioners have conducted a lot of investigations focusing on business strategies, distinctive capabilities and organizational performance. However, it appears that very little empirical research efforts are available to address the issues in line with the peculiarity of the developing countries such as Nigeria. The objective of this study is to examine the relationships between business strategies, distinctive capabilities and performance of manufacturing companies with the moderating roles of electricity service and access to finance representing business environment. The study used adopted survey instruments to collect data from 309 selected manufacturing companies in Nigeria. Using SPSS 22.0, Multiple Regression and moderated analyses were employed to measure relationships between the predictor and criterion variables as well as determine the roles of the moderators. Results indicated that differentiation strategy, research and development capabilities and technological capabilities have significant positive relationships with organizational performance. Findings also revealed that both access to finance and reliability dimension of electricity service moderated only the marketing capabilities and organizational performance relationship. Whereas, responsiveness dimension of electricity service moderated marketing capabilities-performance relationship and technological capabilities performance relationship. These results imply that manufacturing companies need to pay attention to access to finance and electricity service quality while implementing strategies and capabilities. Apart from contributing to the existing literature, this study also extended Resource Based View by incorporating finance and electricity as situational factors

    The antiviral activity of the compound chalcone (4-ethoxy-2-hydroxy-4, 6-dimethoxy-chalcone) against rubella virus in vitro

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    The studies on the antiviral compound chalcone in vitro in both tissue and organ culture systems against rubella virus glass that this compound relatively non toxic to the cell culture and organ culture of the concentration of 8 ug/ml or less, chalcone have significantly antiviral activity against rubella virus in tissue culture and organ culture. We find that a concentration of 0.03ug/ml or more inhibit the IOOTCID50 of rubella virus. The therapeutic index (TI) used in this study to evaluate the drug, the (TI) which is the ratio of the dose of drug which is just toxic (Maximum tolerated dose) to the dose which is just effective (Minimum effective dose). If this index is one or less it not possible to use the drug under the conditions outlined without causing side effect, if the index is larger than the margin of safety is accordingly great, the TI of chalcone against rubella virus more than 70, therefore this compound if used in man have no side effect

    The Impact of Net-Migration on Total Fertility Rate in Sub-Sahara African Countries: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria

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    The aim of the study is to empirically analyse the impact of netmigration on total fertility rate in Sub-Sahara African countries using data from Nigeria. The rational for the study is under-scored by the need for Sub- Sahara African Countries to have a balanced fertility rate that will enable them to achieve their desired economic growth and development, a situation which their current fertility rate cannot sustain; partly due to the migration activities of its working population. Secondary time series data on targeted variable covering the period from 2000 to 2016 were collected and analysed using econometric packages. Findings show that net-migration impact on total fertility rate positively in Nigeria. It is recommended that government should evolve and maintain a balance migration policy that will help to reduce the current high fertility rate through a cultural re-orientation of Nigeria communities which still places preference on large families

    The Effect of Entrepreneurial Knowledge on the Third Age Entrepreneurial Intention

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    The retirement income is not large enough to satisfy Nigerian’s expectations for a better standard of living upon retirement, a phenomenon that made most retirees to experience painful declines in their standard of living after retirement leading to various socio-economic challenges for the retirees, thus, this study examines the effect of entrepreneurial knowledge in inducing the third age entrepreneurial intention.Using Stratified sampling method, 176 retired federal workers that attended the mandatory pre-retirement entrepreneurial training programmes which cut across the military, para military and civil retirees residing in Kwara and Kogi states of Nigeria were used for this study through self-administered questionnaires. The Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model was employed to test the hypothesis.The result suggests a positive and significant relationship between entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurial intention among the third age entrepreneurs, suggesting that entrepreneurial knowledge can simulate intention towards a later career in entrepreneurship among the retirees. However, it is found that despite the individual entrepreneurial intention and the decision to continue their labour force upon retirement, through entrepreneurship, most retirees still continue to remain doing nothing and jobless due to lack of financial capital, non-access to information and unfriendly government regulation. The study recommends that retiring individuals must embrace retirement planning through participation in cooperative society and involvement in early saving for retirement. In addition, Individuals should be encouraged to start business few years before retirement age to gain foundation necessary for business experience

    Moderating effect of perceived social norms on the relationship between entrepreneurial knowledge and graduates entrepreneurial intention

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    This study examines the moderating effect of perceived social norms on the relationship between entrepreneurial knowledge and graduates entrepreneurial intention. Using purposeful sampling technique, 375 individual National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members serving in various locations in Kwara States, Nigeria were randomly selected and sampled by means of a structured questionnaire.The Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model was used to test the model hypotheses. Result reveals that there is a positive and significant relationship between entrepreneurial knowledge and graduates entrepreneurial intention, however, the moderating effect of perceived social norms on the relationship between entrepreneurial knowledge and graduates entrepreneurial intention was negatively supported, suggesting Nigerian graduate preference for white collar jobs due to the societal negative perception about graduates becoming entrepreneur upon graduation. It is recommended that the government at all levels should intensify effort towards promoting positive entrepreneurial perception, that will enhance the perception of the entrepreneur as a viable career alternative, and similarly, the government should create an enabling environment that promotes positive entrepreneurial culture

    Mother’s Characteristics, Knowledge and Practices about Children Burn Injury in Sulaimani City

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    Burn is described as one of the leading causes of injury throughout the world, and is one of the most frequent causes of hospitalization. The aim of this study was to determine mother’s characteristics, Knowledge and practices for burn injuries and burn infection prevention. A cross sectional descriptive study was undertaken in Sulaimani city, Iraq, from October 2015 to July 2016. Participants were evaluated using a structured questionnaire by face-to-face interview. Data were computerized and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 22.0 software. A total of 126 mothers who had burn injury in their children and admitted to burning hospital during the study period, the mean score knowledge of mothers was (3.63), the mean score practice of mothers accounted (4.63), the respondent practice score ranged from (1-8). They had poor, intermediate, and good score knowledge about burns injury and burn infection 79.37%, 18.25%, and 2.38% respectively. In regard to mother’s related practice, there were 66.67% within poor practice level, 30.95% of an intermediate level, and 2.38% had a good practice level. The study shows that mother knowledge and practice in Sulaimani city in relation to burn injury and infection among their children was at a low level and the local health authority should incorporate health education for parents, especially mothers in the prevention of pediatric burn at home involving hot liquid and flames also other domestic hazardous as well as the important activities after burn or pre-hospital admission

    Obstructive urolithiasis in ouda-yankasa ram: case report

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    Obstructive urolithiasis is the retention of urine subsequent to the lodgement of calculi inthe urinary tract from the kidney up to the urethral orifice. This report describes the postmortem findings and chemical analysis findings of the calculi in an 18-month old Ouda-Yankasa cross ram presented at the Large Animal Clinic of the Veterinary TeachingHospital, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. The patient was presented on 20th ofMarch, 2013 with reports of anorexia, disinclination to drink water and anuria thatdeveloped four days before presentation at the clinic. On clinical examination, urethralblockage and mild ascites were observed. Cystocentesis was performed to relieve thepatient and plain radiograph taken but was not diagnostic. The patient died beforedefinitive diagnosis was made for rational treatment. The post mortem findings includefrothy exudate in the trachea and bronchial airways, congestion of the lungs,hydroperitoneum with recovered fluid measuring 2,350 ml, splenomegaly,hydronephrosis, distended urinary bladder, severe haemorrhagic cystitis, urinary calculiin the bladder and throughout the urethral length and urethral stricture. The urinarycalculi recovered were white, friable and amorphous, ranging from small particles to 5mm in diameter. Histopathologic section of the kidney showed atrophied glomeruli. Itcan thus be concluded that the atrophied glomeruli in turn impaired glomerular filtrationthat invariably pre-disposed the patient to uraemia leading to its death. The chemicalanalysis of the calculi showed that the calculi was either oxalate, phosphate or silicate, orany of these mixtures.Keywords: Ouda-Yankasa ram, Obstructive urolithiasis, Calculi, Urethral blockage, Ascites, Uraemi

    The Influence of Annealing Temperature and Soaking Time on the Ductility of SG 255

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    This study deals with the effect of annealing temperature on the mechanical properties of SG 255 steel. Furthermore it aims to experimentally obtain better mechanical properties in particular ductility with lower annealing temperature and to minimize the cost of the manufacturing. The SG 255 steel is used in manufacturing of domestic LPG cylinder at Halala Company located in Sulaimanyah/Iraq. A number of samples were made according to ISO 6892, and then heat treated with different annealing temperature (850, 900 and 950 ºC). Moreover, the mentioned samples were broken by tensile machine to obtain the required mechanical properties, and to be compared with that of Halala factory. It was shown that higher elongation percentage 34.18%El with lower annealing temperature 900 ºC can be achieved and this leads to decrease the cost of manufacturing without degrading of cylinder’s quality
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