35 research outputs found

    On Developing a New 5G Spectrum Usage Fee Model for Indonesia

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    This paper reports on the development of the 5G spectrum usage fee in Indonesia. The fee was first applied in 2010 to charge mobile network operators (MNOs) that provided cellular services. However, cellular technologies have improved rapidly from 2G, 3G, 4G to 5G, and many modern innovative cellular services demand larger spectrum bandwidth. Therefore, the existing spectrum usage fee must be revised to meet the needs of the community better and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of spectrum use. This study modifies the characteristics of the existing cost structure of the Indonesian spectrum usage fee, designing and proposing a new 5G spectrum usage fee model to support 5G technology usage scenarios and maximize the benefits of the mid-band (3.5 GHz), mmWave, or high band radio frequencies (26 GHz and 28 GHz). The new spectrum usage fee model includes spectrum-sharing parameters (non-orthogonal spectrum-sharing and orthogonal spectrum sharing) and private network to optimize the use of the available spectrum because the new proposing formula does not use the nationwide population, but instead, it uses the population within a specific area with both human and non-human (machine) populations. This new model is expected to help regulators prepare 5G technology regulations for application in Indonesia

    Ship Speed Estimation using Wireless Sensor Networks: Three and Five Sensors Formulation

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    Intrusion detection on the sea is an important surveillance problem for harbor protection, border security, and commercial facilities such as oil platforms, fisheries facilities and other marine wealth. Widely used methods for ship detection are using radar or satellite which is very expensive. Besides the high cost, the satellite image is easy affected by the cloud. And it is difficult to detect small boats or ships on the sea with marine radar due to the noise or clutters generated by the uneven sea surface. In this paper, we propose ship speed estimation by taking advantage of ship-generated wave’s characteristics with Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). We use a grid fashion for sensor node deployment that can be clustered into three and five sensors. We propose the ship speed formulation for each type of claster. We use three sensors, we may expect to improve energy efficiency by involving small number of sensor for detection. We use five sensors, we may expect to improve accuracy of detection. We also propose an algorithm for detection by incorporating individual sensor detection. The individual sensor detection produces a time stamp that records the ship-generated waves intruding the sensors

    Towards 4G Mobile Technology: Identifying Windows of Opportunity for A Developing Country

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    Mobile technology is continuously evolving towards the development of fourth generation (4G) cellular telephony. Many countries are anticipating such a new technological deployment while developing countries may also see it as the opportunity for catching up. Within the orientation of innovation building, 4G may act as the medium for triggering country’s innovation policies. This paper aims to identify the windows of opportunity from the upcoming implementation of 4G mobile technology. The methodology is constructed based on the perspective of an innovation system in which mobile cellular is regarded as a series of technological innovations. By utilizing the relevant data of 3G and 4G standard development, we predicted the 4G implementation profile. They consist of a set of technologies which can be the main area of science and technology (S&T) as well as research and development (R&D) activities in a developing country. Policymakers may utilize such opportunities to foster the acquisition and generation of the relevant knowledge in both manufacturing and service industries

    On Developing the Noise Reduction Model for Indonesian Aviation

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    Aircraft noise exposure is still one of many abandoned pollution problems in Indonesia. The effects on human life have been studied more thoroughly in Europe and other regions. We review how some efforts have been implemented and how others must be further developed to support an integrated solution. Following several studies on noise exposure effects in Indonesia, future research must take part in reducing these effects. Indonesian research on noise reduction should follow the track of international research to develop sustainability and protect human capital. This paper reports the developing work aims for building a noise reduction model in the field of Indonesian aviatio

    Pengaruh Quick Ratio (QR) dan Debt To Asset Ratio (DAR) Terhadap Return On Assets (ROA) (Studi Pada Perusahaan Sektor Pertanian Yang Terdaftar di Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia (ISSI) Periode 2015-2019)

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Pengaruh Quick Ratio (QR) Dan Debt To Asset Ratio (DAR) Terhadap Return On Asset (ROA) Pada Perusahaan Sektor Pertanian Yang Terdaftar Di Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia (ISSI) Periode 2015-2019.  Penentuan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deksriptif dan metode  analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis data kuantitatif.Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa Quick Ratio (QR) tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap Return  On  Assets  (ROA) pada Perusahaan Sektor Pertanian Yang Terdaftar Di Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia (ISSI) Periode 2015-2019. Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR) memiliki pengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap Return  On  Assets  (ROA) pada Perusahaan Sektor Pertanian Yang Terdaftar Di Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia (ISSI) Periode 2015-2019. Secara pengujian simultan Quick Ratio (QR) dan Debt to Asset Ratio  (DAR) berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap Return  On  Assets  (ROA) pada pada Perusahaan Sektor Pertanian Yang Terdaftar Di Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia (ISSI) Periode 2015-2019. Persentase kontribusi pengaruh Quick Ratio (QR) dan Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR) terhadap terhadap Return On  Assets (ROA) sebesar 48,2%,sedangkan sisanya sebesar 51,8% dapat dijelaskan oleh faktor-faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Kata Kunci: Quick Ratio (QR), Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR), Return On  Assets (ROA

    A Novel Session Key Update Scheme for LoRaWAN

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    This paper proposes a novel Long-range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) session key updating scheme to enhance the security of LoRaWAN with cost-effective communication that provides a unique key for each communication session. The scheme consists of three sequential stages, i.e., initialization, keying material preparation, and key updating, on the basis of the truncated Photon-256 algorithm with updatable keying materials. These stages are structured by a set of novel communication protocols. To prove the uniqueness of the key, we validated its sequence bit randomness using the NIST 800-22 and ENT statistical test suites. The validation results show that the key passes all test parameters. Subsequently, the communication protocols were validated by using Scyther tools. We proved that these protocols ensure the security of the LoRaWAN key update scheme and guarantee that active interception does not occur. The analysis was performed by focusing on the security features of data confidentiality, integrity protection, mutual authentication, perfect forward secrecy, and replay attack resistance. Finally, a formal security analysis using GNY logic indicated that the overall security goals are achieved. The proposed scheme’s performance was evaluated in terms of computational cost, communication cost, and storage. The computational cost needed by the scheme is very small, indicating that there is no additional burden on the backend system. The communication cost requires less traffic than previous solutions, yet it offers more robust security for LoRaWAN by producing a new key in every communication session. The scheme needs insignificant additional storage that is considered negligible

    The Local Innovation Perspective: Development of Mobile-Herbal Service for Indonesia's Mobile Cellular Market

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    This paper reports the local-innovation perspective for the Indonesian mobile cellular market. Under the local perspective, the innovation opportunity appears when it suit characteristics of the country and the behavior nature of its people such concept is built into realization by making an applications of mobile-herbal (m-herbal) services applications. The service is designed by following the proposed framework, starting from scanning the market demand, defining specific applications, defining the actors, exploration of tacit knowledge of the actors, engineering development, implantation innovation and concurrent innovative development. We used the results of previous market survey emphasizing a need of health-related service for Indonesian market. Herbal remedy was chosen as the focal point of health-related service development since it is well-known indigenous method of treatment by using Indonesian natural ingredients. The service is developed to run on the Android-based smartphone, connects to the database called Indonesian HerbalDB. It consists two main features, i.e. query of herbal remedies and self evaluation assessment. Users of the services may search the names of Indonesian traditional plantation, its local names, and the kind of disease which can be cured. Through the features of self evaluation assessment, users are encouraged to give their personal perception of the herbal remedies, and being the recommendation to other users afterward. Finally, our proposed framework signifies the importance of communications channel among the actors in the mobile cellular facilitating mutual interaction between the multiple actors involved in the mobile herbal development

    Optimizing Search and Rescue Personnel Allocation in Disaster Emergency Response using Fuzzy Logic

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    Several models have been developed to facilitate decision-making in disaster management, especially in relation to emergency resource allocations. These models are required in order for search and rescue personnel to operate efficiently. However, in Indonesia, in general, technology has not been used to help make decisions during the response phase; rather, these decisions are still made subjectively. This paper presents a decision-making model that helps search and rescue teams determine the number of personnel to deploy. Therefore, it streamlines the allocation of personnel in a search area, and it determines the number of personnel that are needed based on the area, population density, equipment, and the number of high buildings. Then, those variables are processed using a fuzzy expert system and a decision tree. The data and knowledge acquired as a reference were obtained from disaster management experts as well as experienced practitioners in the field of Search and Rescue

    KEMASAN PINTAR PENDETEKSI KESEGARAN BUAH SEMANGKA POTONG DARI EKSTRAK KAYU SECANG (Caesalpinia sappan L.): Smart Packaging for Detection of Sliced Watermelon Freshness from Sappan Wood Extracts (Caesalpinia sappan L.)

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    ABSTRACT   Many supermarkets which sell the packaged-sliced watermelons use plastic styrofoam wrap. Moreover, to determine the freshness or quality of the packaged-sliced watermelons needs the packaging technology that cannot not only function as packaging, but can also give information regarding the change of the packaged foodstuffs which is known as smart packaging. This research aims to determine the color stability of the smart packaging that contains sappan wood extracts and the relationship of packaging color change to deterioration of sliced watermelon viewed from the characteristics of total solids, total acids, and pH during storages. The results show that the color change of smart packaging containing sappan wood extracts,  from red into orange was in line with the decreasing of total solids, pH, and the increasing of total acid of sliced watermelon for 2 days. On 2nd days, total solids value decreased from 8.70 obrix to 5.60 obrix, while the total acid value increased from 2.24% to 4.72%, this conditions was in accordance with the decreasing of pH value from 6.04 to 4,43 of sliced watermelons.   Keywords: Sappan wood Extract, smart packaging, Slice watermelon.   ABSTRAK   Banyak supermarket yang menjual semangka potong yang dikemas menggunakan styrofoam berplastik wrap. Untuk mengetahui kesegaran atau kualitas semangka potong dalam kemasan, diperlukan teknologi pengemasan yang tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai wadah, tetapi juga dapat memberikan informasi tekait perubahan bahan pangan yang dikemas yang dikenal dengan kemasan pintar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kestabilan warna kemasan pintar yang mengandung ekstrak kayu secang dan hubungan perubahan warna kemasan dengan penurunan mutu semangka potong yang dilihat dari karakteristik nilai total padatan, total asam, dan pH. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadinya perubahan warna kemasan pintar yang mengandung ekstrak kayu secang dari merah menjadi oranye seiring dengan penurunan nilai total padatan, peningkatan nilai total asam, dan penurunan nilai pH dari semangka potong selama 2 hari. Pada hari ke-2 nilai total padatan menurun dari 8,70 obrix menjadi 5,60 obrix, sedangkan nilai total asam meningkat dari 2,24% menjadi 4,72%, hal ini sejalan dengan menurunnya nilai pH dari 6,04 menjadi 4,43 pada semangka potong yang diamati.   Kata kunci:  Ekstrak kayu secang, Kemasan pintar, semangk