111 research outputs found

    Alternative Model of Cellular Immune Reactions in Insect

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    The cellular immune reactions involve mainly the insect blood cells or hemocytes and consist of adhesive reactions of hemocytes against microbes or parasites. Among these various hemocytes, the granulocytes and plasmatocytes are thought to be the most important hemocytes involved in insect cellular defense. According to the number and size of the foreign invaders in the insect hemocoel, three major cellular defense reactions can be classified: Phagocytosis, encapsulation and nodule formation. Many of the initial interactions leading to coagulation and phagocytosis reactions in insects are sugar-lectin binding reactions, involving homeostasis- and defense-related receptors, such as scavenger receptors and mucin-like immune receptors. However, the mechanism that cause the formation of endocytotic vesicles are not known. The major aims of this study are 1) To test the induction of cell-spreading and macropinocytosis, 2) To investigate the role of lectins in coagulation reaction. The observations suggest that in the presence of lectins hemocytes can either form coagulation products, such as globules, or perform cellular functions, such as adhesion and macropinocytosis. Since coagulation and cell activities are quite disparate processes, the balance between the two types of reactions is quite relevant for the overall outcome. In cell-free hemolymph (plasma) only coagulation reactions occur in the presence of externally added GalNAc-specific lectins

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Sasaran Penganggaran terhadap Kinerja Manajerial pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Polewali Mandar Provinsi Sulawesi Barat

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    The objective of this Research is to be know the effect of budgeting goal characteristics namely; budgetary goal participation, budgetary goal clarity, budgetary goal difficulty, and budgetary feedback on the manajerial\u27s performance on commanding Regency Polewali Mandar Western Sulawesi. The location of research is regency Polewali Mandar by takes sample 29 SKPD\u27S managers and 29 SKPD\u27S finance department managers of as much 57 SKPD .The Sample was selected using purpose sampling method. And data is analysed by using the Linear Regression. Based on the respons of 55 respondent, the result of this research shows that budgetary goal participation, budgetary goal Clarity, and budgetary feedback, have positive and signifikan effect on manajerial\u27s performance. The goal difficulty budgetary has negative insign and significant on managerial performance. The result of this research generally indicates thet hight managerial level can improved the middle managerial performance on Commanding Regency Polewali Mandar with strive budgetary goal participation, budgetary goal Clarity, budgetary goal difficulty and budgetary feedback to managerial performance

    Review of Chemical, Biological, and Epistemological Elements: Mamaq Tradition

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    Mamaq by the ancestors of the Sasak people was an activity of chewing betel nut, lime, betel leaf, and tobacco, and ending with shrinkage. Betel leaves contain glycosides, steroids, triterpenoids, flavonoids, tannins, and anthraquinones. These compounds contain antimicrobial activity that can fight Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans fungi. Meanwhile, whiting is a strong base because it has a pH of 11-12.5. This is because in the mouth there is saliva which can maintain a pH of around 6.8. Saliva contains phosphate buffer solutions H2PO4- and HPO42-. And gambir contains a component in the form of catechins which function as antioxidants and antibacterials. The purpose of this research is to study philosophical values, especially epistemology, which investigates the origin, and composition of methods and knowledge related to mamaq philosophy and natural science concepts, especially chemistry, and compounds, and what reactions occur in the mamaq process that has not been revealed. The study uses the library method. From the results of thestudy, it was concluded that in addition to the philosophy in the ingredients for mamaq it can also be described the chemical compounds contained in the ingredients for mamaq, starting from whiting, green betel leaf, gambier, and areca nut


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    In studying the behaviour of a motor selected to drive industrial equipment, the main problem being faced is to determine whether the characteristic of the motor suits the requirements imposed by the driven unit. Different kinds of machines and mechanisms as well as electrical motor exhibit different characteristics. The aim of this research is to compare the characteristic of induction motor using loop winding and concentric winding. The parametersobserved are current, voltage, power factor, torque and speed. The experiment was  conducted in the laboratory of Electrical Engineering Department of Tadulako University and the result of this study indicated that characteristic of the loop winding induction motor is better than that of  the consentric winding.   Keyword : induction motor,speed, torque, characteristic.

    Science Practicum and Mini Edupark School (MES) As Alternatives To Improve Environmental Care Attitude In Philosophy Perspective

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    Abstract:  This article aims to describe philosophically related to Science Practicum Activities and Mini Edupark School (MES) facilities which are expected to support future education, especially environmental conservation attitudes. This article uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Philosophically, ontology is obtained an overview related to the nature of the Science Practicum activities and the Mini Edupark School (MES) Facilities. From an epistemological philosophy, we get an overview of the procedures, types of science practicum and how the Mini Edupark School (MES) is implemented in science learning. Philosophically, axiologically, an overview of universal values is obtained from the existence of science practicum activities and the Mini Edupark School (MES), especially towards an attitude of caring for the environment.Abstrak: : Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan secara filsafat terkait Kegiatan Praktikum IPA dan sarana Mini Edupark School (MES) yang diharapkan dapat mendukung pendidikan masa depan khususnya sikap konservasi lingkungan. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Secara Filsafat ontologi diperoleh gambaran terkait hakekat dari kegiatan Praktikum IPA dan Sarana Mini Edupark School (MES). Secara Filsafat epistimologi diperoleh gambaran terkait prosedur, jenis praktikum IPA dan bagaimana Mini Edupark School (MES) itu dilaksanakan dalam pembelajaran IPA. Secara filsafat aksiologi diperoleh gambaran terkait nilai-nilai universal yang diperoleh dari keberadaan kegiatan praktikum IPA dan Mini Edupark School (MES) khususnya mengarah kepada sikap peduli lingkunga

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Administrasi Akademik terhadap Kepuasan Mahasiswa Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Alauddin Makassar Angkatan Tahun 2014

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    Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, di harapkan akan memberikan implikasi kepada pihak UIN Alauddin Makassar, sebagai salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Negeri agar hendaknya lebih meningkatkan lagi kualitas pelayanan administrasi akademik di setiap Fakultas, utamanya pada Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan. Hal ini sebaiknya dilakukan agar tingkat kepuasan mahasiswanya terhadap pelayanan administrasi akademik bisa menjadi tinggi, sehingga mahasiswa sebagai salah satu stakeholder akan merasa terpenuhi hak-haknya. Penelitian ini juga diharapkan memberikan implikasi kepada para pegawai administrasi akademik pada Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan untuk meningkatkan lagi kompetensi SDM dan kualitas pelayananny

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Sasaran Penganggaran Terhadap Kinerja Manajerial Pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Polewali Mandar Provinsi Sulawesi Barat

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    The objective of this Research is to be know the effect of budgeting goal characteristics namely; budgetary goal participation, budgetary goal clarity, budgetary goal difficulty, and budgetary feedback on the manajerial's performance on commanding Regency Polewali Mandar Western Sulawesi. The location of research is regency Polewali Mandar by takes sample 29 SKPD’S managers and 29 SKPD’S finance department managers of as much 57 SKPD .The Sample was selected using purpose sampling method. And data is analysed by using the Linear Regression. Based on the respons of 55 respondent, the result of this research shows that budgetary goal participation, budgetary goal Clarity, and budgetary feedback, have positive and signifikan effect on manajerial's performance. The goal difficulty budgetary has negative insign and significant on managerial performance. The result of this research generally indicates thet hight managerial level can improved the middle managerial performance on Commanding Regency Polewali Mandar with strive budgetary goal participation, budgetary goal Clarity, budgetary goal difficulty and budgetary feedback to managerial performance

    The Diversity of Major Insect Pests at Sugarcane Development Center In Dompu Distrcit, West Nusa Tenggara

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    Sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum Linn.) is a tropical plant that is very important because it can be used as one of the raw materials for making sugar. The development of sugar production in the last ten years has decreased by around 1.8% per year, this is due to several factors, one of which is due to the attack of sugarcane insect pests. Therefore, research was conducted to find out the diversity of important insect pests in sugarcane plants in the center of sugarcane development in the Dompu  District. This research was conducted at the Pekat Sub District of Dompu District, West Nusa Tenggara. The method used is a descriptive method with data collection techniques directly and indirectly in the field at a number of observation points. Based on the observations there were 5 species of insect pests in the research area such as Valanga nigricornis, Locusta migratoria, Ceratovacuna lanigera, Scirchopaga nivella F., and Lepidiota stigma. Insect pests with the highest population and dominance are Ceratovacuna lanigera with an average population of 70 insect/plant and a domination index is  0 .199808. Locusta migratoria has a level of damage with criteria for moderate attack intensity, it is found in sugarcane plants aged 3 months. The results of this study indicate that Scirchopaga nivella F. and Lepidiota stigma F. insect pests have the potential as important pest insects on sugarcane crop

    Implementasi Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) untuk Menghitung Persedian Bahan Baku Tahu

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    Proses manajemen persediaan bahan baku Tahu pada industri rumahan sangat krusial jika kedelai terlalu lama disimpan digudang maka kualitas kedelai pun akan menurun atau bahkan rusak sehingga hal ini menimbulkan kerugian bagi pabrik. Persediaan dapat dikendalikan dengan Model Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) metode dapat menghasilkan perhitungan jumlah pesanan ekonomis dengan biaya seminimal mungkin. Penelitian ini bertujuang untuk mengetahui jumlah persediaan bahan baku yang tepat. Hasil penelitian ini dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Visual Studio 2008 dengan Microsoft Acces untuk membangun databasenya dan data report yang merupakan paket dari Visual Basic itu sendiri untuk membuat laporannya
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