380 research outputs found


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    This research aims to determine the implementation of mediation in divorce cases in The Religion Court Semarang, the substance perspective for PerMA No. 1 of 2008 on Mediation Procedure in the Court, and the legal culture for citizen proposing their problem to the court. This study uses the non-doctrinal law approach that puts the law as "skin out system" or the study of the law in action and also uses doctrinal law approach as a "skin in the system" or the study of law in book, PeMA No. 1 of 2008. The next, the study analysis uses the theory of Lawrence M. Friedman in law enforcement, Lucy V. Kazt theory in the mediation process, and content analysis. The researcher concludes that the mediation in the Religious Courts has not been effective yet because the litigants do not want to make peace, the lack of knowledge about science mediation judge, Religious Court cases are overload and limited means. Besides the existing mediation has just been done in court by requirement in which the parties should attend, whereas this requirement sometimes becomes the mediation success constraints. That is why, the success of mediation must be supported by a legal culture that preceded the dissemination and socialization of justice of peace in the mediation process, prioritybased divorce amicably and based on culture and local wisdo


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    Mediation as one of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is seen as a way dispute resolution humane and just. Humanist because the mechanism decision-making (the peace agreement) become the authority of the parties dispute and maintain good relations. Fair because each party negotiate to option a problem solution from his problem and outputs a win-win solution. Therefore, dispute resolution with litigation is becoming obsolete and people turn to mediation. Through the Supreme Court Regulation (Perma) No. 1 In 2008, mediation has been integrated into the proceedings in the court system. Every civil matters must completed first by way of mediation. Each judge's decision not by way of mediation first, the decision shall be considered null and void. This paper discusses the effectiveness of mediation in the settlement of divorce cases in the Religious Court Central Java, because of a divorce case is a matter of the highest ranks in the Religious Court. The focus of the study is the implementation of divorce mediation cases, mediation success standard divorce cases and the litigants public response to the peace efforts through mediation procedure


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    Historical study of the Muhammad’s behavior and business ethics before being appointed as messenger is an interesting study, because the conduct and business ethics that Mohammed applied was based on the study of the verses of the Koran. After appointed as messenger (40 years old), the life of prophet Muhammad was more guided by the revelations of the Qur'an. Some principles which the prophet applied are honest, amanah, accurate in weighting, avoid gharar, not hoard goods, not execute al-ghab and tadlis among seller and buyer.***Kajian sejarah mengenai perilaku dan etika bisnis Muhammad sebelum ditunjuk sebagai nabi merupakan kajian yang menarik, karena peri laku dan etika bisnis yang diterapkan oleh Muhammad didasarkan pada kajian ayat-ayat al-Qur’an. Setelah ditunjuk sebagai nabi (usia 40 tahun), kehidupan Nabi Muhammad lebih dibimbing oleh wahyu-wahyu al-Qur’an. Beberapa prinsip yang diterapkan oleh Muhammad adalah jujur, amanah, timbangan yang tepat, menghindari gharar, tidak menimbun barang, tidak melakukan al-ghalb dan tadlis di antara penjual dengan pembeli


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    Etos kerja pengusaha etnis Tionghoa di desa ketamputih bisa dilihat dari semangat kerja mereka di bandingkan pengusaha etnis Melayu. Dimana pengusaha etnis Tionghoa sudah bangun dari subuh buta dan sudah membuka toko mereka, mereka sudah bersibuk-sibuk menyiapkan dan membersihkan toko mereka. Sementara pengusaha etnis Melayu di manjakan oleh lingkungan geosgrafisnya, yang tidak mendorong orang Melayu untuk bersaing, sehingga mereka menjadi lemah dan tidak mampu bekerja lebih giat. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu penelitian lapangan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, angket, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa etos kerja pengusaha etnis Tionghoa dan etos kerja pengusaha etnis Melayu di Desa Ketamputih sangat berbanding dimana pengusaha etnis Tionghoa sangat ulet, bekerja keras, pantang menyerah dan berani mengambil resiko sehingga mereka bisa mempertahankan usaha mereka dan mampu bersaing dengan pengusaha lainnya. Sementara etos kerja pengusaha etnis Melayu mereka mudah sekali merasa tidak percaya diri dan malas bersaing. Mereka dimanjakan oleh keadaan sekitar dan mereka mudah sekali merasa puas atas apa yang sudah mereka capai sehingga usaha mereka tidak berkembang dan mengalami kegagala


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    Heavy crude oil specifically contains paraffm of varying chain length and complex molecular structure with aromatic properties. This structure of molecule had made them higher in molecular weight which affected the viscosity and the rheology properties of the crude oil to be undesirable. In extracting and transporting the heavy crude oil in the most efficient way in term of avoiding energy losses and costs saving is to reduce the viscosity effects. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to design a special mixture of chemicals that will be named as Viscosity Reducer (VR) that able to reduce the viscosity of crude oil more than 50%. This research outcome solely based on series of testing and experiments conducted. The idea of reducing the viscosity is to reduce the molecular weight of the crude oil in improving its rheology properties. Therefore, a cutter or also known as cold cracker were applied into the crude oil to aher the properties of crude oil by cutting the paraffm chain length into small chunks which reduces the molecular weight of the composition of crude oil. This will reduce the viscosity of the crude oil and improve the mobility whether in reservoir or in transporting media. The cutter and the cold cracker will needed to be blend accordingly to treat a specific heavy crude oil because not all the heavy crude oil in this world share the same properties. Therefore ensuring the right chemical with the right concentration and percentage of composition are crucial to avoid permanent aheration of crude oil and also damage to the reservoir and fucilities. This research has already produce a prototype but still under research to enhance its performance. It is known as M6. M6 had successfully reduced the viscosity of the heavy crude oil sample up to almost 70%. M6 is as benchmark to this research. M6 also needs several alteration and modification to enhance its performance to he able to be commercialized

    Model Development Of The Energy Demand By Utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technique

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    Load forecasting has been one of the major researches in electrical engineering in the recent years. It plays a very important role in power system planning and operation. Through load forecasting, power generation can be balanced with load demand, which subsequently contributes to an efficient electricity management in power system. One way of forecasting load demand is by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technique. There are two AI technique’s methods discussed in this project which are Artificial Neural Network (ANN) method and Fuzzy Logic (FL) method. Both approaches utilize MATLAB software. The accuracy of the forecast is based on the Mean Absolute Average Error (MAPE). Instead of using a year-long historical data, this project uses selective seasonal historical data, focusing on the autumn season. 1-hour ahead and 24-hour ahead load forecasts are developed for each approach. The first chapter of this report discusses the fundamental of each method and also statistical analysis of data. The following chapter describes how each method is developed by using MATLAB. Followed next is a chapter consisting of results of both models and followed by discussions of the results obtained. The last chapter is on conclusion as well as recommendations for any possible future continuation of the project

    The Influence of Macroeconomic Variables on Inflation After Inflation Targeting Framework Implementation in Indonesia

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    The global economic crisis that occurred in 1997, which led to the collapse of the rupiah exchange rate and soaring inflation, made the country realize the importance of economic stability. The problem was then responded by Bank Indonesia by implementing the Inflation Targeting Framework policy. The focus of this study is to observe the inflation condition in Indonesia after the implementation of the Inflation Targeting Framework policy. The purpose of this study is to see the influence of macroeconomic variables such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Interest Rates, and Exchange Rates on Inflation in Indonesia. The method used is Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) analysis with the research period from 2005Q4-2021Q4. The results found that GDP and interest rates have a positive effect on inflation. While the Exchange Rate has a negative effect on inflation in Indonesia

    A study on awareness of personal accident insurance among policyholder in Pontian City, Johor / Muhammad Saifullah Sulaiman

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    Personal Accident Insurance is the protection that provided to road users that result from accident. The protection given by the Personal Accident Insurance will be able to secure a one off monetary payment to the driver and passengers who are suffering a physical harm, permanently disability & death. The study is conducted to survey on the factors that influence to level awareness of Personal Accident Insurance among motor insurance policyholders in Pontian city, Johor. This is because nowadays, many road accidents may result with serious bodily injury and the most unfortunately may result as a death. Therefore, Personal Accident Insurance are important to reduce the impact of financial loss to the policyholders and beneficiaries. This study shows that there are three factors will influence the level of awareness of policyholder towards the personal accident insurance, which are the marketing, level of income and level of knowledge. As a conclusion, the marketing, level of income and level of knowledge have a positive strong correlation in influencing the policyholders to buy the Personal Accident Insurance

    Motion Based Learning for Preschools Mathematics via Kinect (Counting Number)

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    Kids start learning numbers since they in preschools. Every kids have difficulties to start learn about mathematics. They do not recognize and might be difficult for them to remember the numbers at first. Teacher will help them to teach and assist them to solve this problem and it usually happens after some stages and time. The only problem is education system use currently is not helping much in increasing the speed of children's learning. With current education system that sometime bored and only use whiteboard as medium of teaching, kids cannot give their full commitment in class. In Malaysia, traditional and conventional teaching still widely being practiced. However, with the advancement of technology nowadays, it can help to overcome this problem. By using current technology, it can help to complement current education system. Education system can utilize the advancement of technology to overcome problem such as boring and not interactive learning. Example of technology that can be use is Kinect. Kinect is a device that can track human body to interact with an application. It can help make learning become active, interactive and at it also involving all body parts. The objective of introducing kinect in education is to develop a motion based learning application for preschools' mathematics. To achieve this objective, the author has decided to test the application for preschools kid age from 3 to 6 years old. It will focus on teaching simple numbers. Kinect in mathematic will cover on basic numbers among preschool kids. Since the time given to develop this project is very limited, the methodology chosen for this development is throwaway prototype methodology. By using throwaway prototyping methodology this project have improved and increase user involvement. Results showing that kids enjoy the kinect technology in mathematics and teachers have found one of interactive ways of teaching. From data collected and analyzed, results showed that kids enjoy this kinect technology in mathematics and at same time teachers have found one of interactive ways of teaching
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