13 research outputs found

    A Review: Synthesis of Biodiesel from Low/Off Grade Crude Palm Oil on Pretreatment, Transesterification, and Characteristics

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    Biodiesel from natural materials has proven its contribution as a renewable energy source. Exploration of natural materials has expanded until many studies have begun to consider natural waste materials to reduce the impact of environmental damage. A natural material that is still considered waste is Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Low/Off Grade. Research on this waste has begun to be projected as a raw material for biodiesel. Research on the use of various catalysts in the transesterification and esterification reaction of this waste has expanded. Then, the biodiesel produced has unique characteristics. Thus, some of these studies have been reviewed on a small scale. From that, it is proposed a route to utilize CPO Low/Off Grade which is sustainable and renewable. Therefore, this review article aims to provide a unique understanding of research on the use of Low/Off Grade CPO as biodiesel. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i4.163

    Synthesis of Biodiesel from Refined Waste Cooking Oil with Active Natural Zeolite

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      This research evaluates refining waste cooking oil with active natural zeolite, utilizes it for biodiesel synthesis, and characterizes the synthesized methyl ester. This experimental laboratory research was carried out: (1) activation of natural zeolite, (2) refining waste cooking oil with active natural zeolite, (3) determination of free fatty acid (FFA) content of the oil, (4) transesterification with KOH catalyst, (5) characterization of the synthesized methyl esters according to the SNI 7182:2015, and (6) identification of the methyl ester component by GC-MS. The results showed that the FFA content of the refined waste cooking oil using active natural zeolite with concentrations of 10%, 20%, and 30% per mass of oil were 2.97, 2.0, and 1.56%, respectively. The yield of methyl ester transesterified with various concentrations of KOH (0.8, 1.0, and 2% per mass of oil), respectively, were 80.13, 85.34, and 74.98%. The synthesized methyl ester resulted in the characteristics: 0.867 g/mL of density; 5.72 cSt of viscosity; 1.449 of refractive index; 1.46 g KOH/g of acid number; and 0.023% of water content. Identification of GC-MS obtained the synthesized methyl esters, which include: 46.10% of methyl hexadecanoic, 41.68% of methyl 9-octadecanoic, 6.42% of methyl octadecanoic, and 5.80% of methyl eicosanoic

    Karakterisasi Metil Ester Dari Minyak Biji Bunga Matahari dan Minyak Zaitun di Bawah Katalis KOH

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    Fatty acid methyl esters can be obtained from the synthesis of vegetable oil with methanol using a base catalyst. Vegetable oil has potential as biodiesel feedstock, the methyl ester character of various vegetable oils is different, for example from sunflower seed oil and olive oil. The synthesis of methyl esters by conventional transesterification reactions generally takes 1-2 hours. The purpose of this study was to synthesize methyl esters from sunflower seed oil and olive oil with a KOH catalyst and to determine the yield and its characteristics. This research is a type of laboratory experimental research. The research was carried out in 3 stages which included (1) determination of the free fatty acid content (ALB) of the oil, (2) transesterification of the oil with methanol and potassium hydroxide as a catalyst, and (3) characterization of the synthesized methyl ester which included density, viscosity, and number. acid. The results showed that the yield of methyl esters synthesized by transesterification reaction of sunflower seed oil was 95.61% and the yield of methyl esters synthesized by transesterification reaction of olive oil was 95.09.%. The methyl ester characters synthesized from sunflower seed oil are, density of 0.906 g/mL, viscosity of 5.035 cSt, acid number of 1.21 g KOH/g. The methyl ester characters synthesized from olive oil by transesterification reaction are density of 0.909 g/mL, viscosity of 12.203 cSt, acid number of 0.629 g KOH/g

    Analisis Kandungan Mineral Pasir Pantai Bajul Mati Kabupaten Malang Menggunakan XRF dan XRD

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    Mineral exploration in Indonesia has not been evenly distributed, so a study with title analysis of the sand mineral content of Bajul Mati Malang Regency was carried out using XRF and XRD. The aims of this study to determine the percentage of mineral that containing in the sand of Bajul Mati beach in Malang Regency. The instruments used XRF and XRD where the samples were placed in a sample holder and irradiated with X-rays then. The result of analysis of mineral content and metal oxide in Bajul Mati beach sand showed that the beach sand of Bajul Mati has the big potential to be used as a base for making nanomaterials. The results of analysis of XRF showed that the content of SiO2 was 46.7% and the results of analysis of XRD showed that the SiO2 mineral has the quartz phased. Bajul Mati beach sand has the potential to be a source of mineral material

    The Perception of Islamic Youth to The Phenomenon of Hubbu Ilahi

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    Youth life is closely related to spiritual activity. The phenomenon that is still encountered is Hubbu Ilahi, or the love attitude of Allah SWT. This phenomenon is presumed that adolescents only state and do not know the consequences of their attitudes. So, this study aims to determine the perceptions of today's adolescents on the phenomenon of Hubbu Ilahi. This research is descriptive qualitative research with a survey research method. This study used a purposive random sampling technique to 39 adolescents. Data collection used a questionnaire with the google form platform. Then, the data were analyzed using: data presentation, data reduction, and concluding. The results showed that adolescent respondents stated the consistency of love of the Quran, love of Rasulullah (SAW), love of the Prophet's Sunnah, and love of the Akhirat life. However, the busyness of the world blocks the proven proof of love. The analysis concluded that only 7.7% of adolescents fit Hubbu Ilahi's criteria

    Utilization of Banana Stem Waste Extracts Assisted by Electrode of Cu/Mg as an Environmentally Friendly Electricity Producer

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    The high consumption of electricity from year to year and the depletion of the availability of fossil energy have triggered an increase in energy prices and scarcity of fossil resources. This problem gives a strong impetus to seek alternative energy sources that are environmentally friendly. One of the recent technologies is the Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) on banana stem, which can convert chemical energy into electrical energy. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of banana stem waste extract assisted by Cu/Mg electrodes as a source of electricity as well as how the manufacturing and testing methods, and the effect of variations in the volume of banana stem extracts on the performance of electrical energy. The used steps were electrode preparation and banana stem waste preparation, then incubating the banana stem waste for 7 days, assembling the construction for research on the potential of the banana stem waste as a power producer, and research with variations in the volume of the extract and testing its strength, electric current, electric voltage, and power density. Based on the research, it was found that the greater the volume of the extract of banana stem, the greater the power density, electric voltage, and also the strong electric current produced. The volume variation of 130 mL produced a voltage of 500 mVolt, a strong current of 0.86 mA, and a power density of 84 (mW/cm2). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v14i1.1677 &nbsp

    Pengembangan Virtual Laboratory Pada Praktikum Pemisahan Kimia Terintegrasi Telefon Pintar

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     Abstrak: Inovasi metode pembelajaran di dalam laboratorium telah mengalami perkembangan sangat pesat. Salah satu inovasi tersebut melalui penggunaan kelas virtual laboratorium dalam kelas IPA, seperti halnya pada kelas pemisahan kimia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) menciptakan kreasi media pembelajaran Virtual Laboratory pada praktikum pemisahan kimia terintegrasi android untuk menunjang pembelajaran praktikum, (2) mendeskripsikan uji validitas dan keterbacaan mengenai kreasi media pembelajaran Virtual Laboratory pada praktikum pemisahan kimia terintegrasi telefon pintar. Metode pengembangan yang dipakai yaitu 4-D (four-D). Data yang didapat berupa data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data kualitatif berupa saran/masukan dari validator dan data kuantitatif berupa angket validasi dan keterbacaan. Hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa validasi materi sebesar 95% (sangat layak), validasi media 88,5% (sangat layak). Selain itu, hasil uji coba diperoleh sebesar 83,5% (sangat layak). Secara praktis, media yang telah dikembangkan sangat bermanfaat untuk menunjang pembelajaran praktikum.Abstract: Innovation of learning methods in the laboratory has experienced very rapid development. One of these innovations is through the use of virtual laboratory classes in science classes, as well as in chemical separation classes. The purpose of this research is (1) to create a virtual laboratory learning media on chemical separation practicum integrated with the android to support practical learning, (2) to describe the validity and readability test on the creation of the Virtual Laboratory learning media on chemical separation practicum integrated with the android. The development method uses a 4-D (four-D) development model. The data obtained in the form of qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data in the form of input from the validator and quantitative data in the form of a validation and readability questionnaire. The validation results show that the material validation is 95% (very feasible), the media validation is 88.5% (very feasible). In addition, the trial results obtained by 83.5% (very feasible)


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian yang berjudul analisis kandungan mineral pasir pantai Peh Pulo Kabupaten Blitar menggunakan XRF dan XRD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana persentase kandungan mineral dalam pasir pantai Peh Pulo Kabupaten Blitar. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah XRF dan XRD dimana sampel ditempatkan dalam sample holder kemudian diradiasi dengan sinar X. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kandungan unsur dan mineral dalam pasir pantai peh Pulo maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pasir pantai Peh Pulo memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan material nanoteknologi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis XRF menunjukkan adanya kandungan CaO sebesar 94,46 % dan hasil analisis XRD menunjukkan adanya kandungan mineral jenis Aragonit

    Utilization of Banana Stem Waste Extracts Assisted by Electrode of Cu/Mg as an Environmentally Friendly Electricity Producer

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    The high consumption of electricity from year to year and the depletion of the availability of fossil energy have triggered an increase in energy prices and scarcity of fossil resources. This problem gives a strong impetus to seek alternative energy sources that are environmentally friendly. One of the recent technologies is the Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) on banana stem, which can convert chemical energy into electrical energy. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of banana stem waste extract assisted by Cu/Mg electrodes as a source of electricity as well as how the manufacturing and testing methods, and the effect of variations in the volume of banana stem extracts on the performance of electrical energy. The used steps were electrode preparation and banana stem waste preparation, then incubating the banana stem waste for 7 days, assembling the construction for research on the potential of the banana stem waste as a power producer, and research with variations in the volume of the extract and testing its strength, electric current, electric voltage, and power density. Based on the research, it was found that the greater the volume of the extract of banana stem, the greater the power density, electric voltage, and also the strong electric current produced. The volume variation of 130 mL produced a voltage of 500 mVolt, a strong current of 0.86 mA, and a power density of 84 (mW/cm2). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v14i1.1677

    Profil Kebutuhan dan Pemetaan Pemahaman Pelaku Pendidikan SMAN 3 Sidoarjo terhadap Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum

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    Abstract: Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) is an assessment of the essential competencies needed by all students to develop their capacity and participate positively in society. The AKM component consists of literacy and numeracy. This study aims to determine the needs and understanding of education actors at SMAN 3 Sidoarjo towards AKM. The research method used is a qualitative survey method. The data collection process was carried out by distributing research questionnaires to 30 students and 25 teachers at SMAN 3 Sidoarjo. The results showed that AKM is very important and needed by both teachers and students because AKM can improve teacher and student competencies, both literacy and numeracy competencies. Teachers' and students' understanding of AKM showed a general level of understanding without any misconceptions. Therefore, teachers and students make careful preparations in dealing with AKM. Keywords: Minimum Competency Assessment; Literacy; Numeracy Abstrak: Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum (AKM) adalah penilaian kompetensi mendasar yang diperlukan oleh semua siswa untuk mampu mengembangkan kapasitas diri dan berpartisipasi positif pada masyarakat. Komponen AKM terdiri dari literasi dan numerasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan dan pemahaman pelaku pendidikan SMAN 3 Sidoarjo terhadap AKM. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif survei. Proses pengembilan data dilakukan dengan membagikan angket penelitian kepada 30 siswa dan 25 guru semua mata pelajaran di SMAN 3 Sidoarjo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa AKM sangat penting dan dibutuhkan baik oleh guru maupun murid karena AKM dapat meningkatkan kompetensi guru dan siswa baik kompetensi literasi maupun numerasi. Pemahaman guru dan murid tentang AKM menunjukkan tingkat pemahaman yang umum tanpa miskonsepsi. Oleh karena itu, guru dan siswa melakukan persiapan yang matang dalam menghadapi AKM. Kata kunci: Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum; Literasi; Numeras