1,280 research outputs found

    Sastra Lisan Wolio

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    -xi, 85 hlm. ; 21 cm

    Analisis Hubungan Motivasi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (Studi Kasus pada Kantor Wali Kota Sorong Papua Barat)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh motivasi terhadap kinerja pegawai pada kantor wali kota sorong Papua barat tahun 2018. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah pegawai kantor wali kota sorong Papua barat yang diambil sampelnya sebanyak 50 orang pegawai. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey Analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional Study ,Yaitu jenis penelitian untuk melihat hubungan antara variabel Dependent dan variabel independent.sedangkan analisis yang digunakan analisis univariat,bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Insentif yang diberikan kepada pegawai belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan,dimana dari 50 orang pegawai yang dijadikan sampel memiliki insentif cukup sebanyak 22 orang pegawai dengan persentase 44,0 %, sedangkan yang memiliki insentif kurang sebanyak 28 orang pegawai dengan persentase 56,0 %. tunjangan yang diberikan kepada pegawai dari 50 sampel yang diambil terdapat 25 orang pegawai memiliki tunjangan cukup dengan persentase sebesar 50,0 %, sedangkan yang memiliki tunjangan kurang sebesar 25 orang pegawai dengan persentase 50,0 %. penghargaan yang diberikan kepada pegawai belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan,dimana dari 50 orang pegawai yang dijadikan sampel memiliki penghargaan cukup sebanyak 22 orang pegwai dengan persentase 44,0 %, sedangkan yang memiliki penghargaan kurang sebanyak 28 orang pegawai dengan persentase 56,0 %

    Evaluasi Desain Struktur Gedung Training Centre II Universitas Diponegoro

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    Desain struktur dari Gedung Training Centre II Universitas Diponegoro Semarang memiliki jarak antar kolom yang relatif dekat dan jumlah tingkat yang tidak terlalu tinggi, namun memiliki dimensi kolom dan balok yang besar. Dimensi tersebut merupakan hasil perencanaan Konsultan Perencana yang mengacu pada kriteria desain SNI 1726-2002 mengenai struktur gempa, SNI-1727-1989 mengenai pembebanan, dan SNI 2847-2002 mengenai struktur beton, dimana standar-standar tersebut bukan merupakan standar terbaru saat gedung tersebut dilaksanakan pada tahun 2015. Beberapa hal tersebut menjadi dasar dilakukannya evaluasi desain struktur ini. Evaluasi desain struktur gedung dilakukan dengan melakukan perhitungan ulang dengan mengacu pada kriteria-kriteria saat ini yaitu SNI 1726-2012, SNI 1727-2013, dan 2847-2013. Berdasarkan analisis gempa menunjukkan gedung tersebut termasuk dalam Struktur Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus (SRPMK) dan harus menggunakan konsep kolom kuat - balok lemah. Hasil evaluasi menunjukan terjadinya overdesain pada desain eksisting yang direncanakan Konsultan Perencana, perbedaan paling signifikan terjadi pada struktur kolom dan fondasi. Pada beberapa elemen struktur seperti pada pelat untuk ruangan tertentu dan tulangan torsi balok desain eksisiting tidak memenuhi standar yang berlaku

    Analisis Hubungan Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah; Studi Kasus Perimbangan Keuangan Kota Makassar

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    : The purpose of this study is to find out as well as analyzing the pattern applied da-lam policy decisions regarding financial balance for improving the quality of being of people in the region, especially the city of Makassar. As well as knowing exactly constraint what actually always in the process of implementing the financial balance policies, particularly on the city of Makassar. The results showed that in implementation of the policy on the financial balance, the superiority of the central government is still very strong marked with funding mechanisms for pro results and indicators central allocation of block grants still pro central government. Besides, the system of equalization funds implemented by the government are still susceptible to some constraints such as the low level of professionalism of the central government with the frequent delays in the disbursement of the balance, no synergetic long experienced location funds from the center to the policies issued by centers in other sectors, as well as opportunities mafia presence is still very large budget

    Efektivitas Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Bagi Pelaku Usaha Kecil Menengah di Kabupaten Sikka (Studi Kasus PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan Kecamatan Nita Tahun 2010)

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    : The study was done in order to obtain a description and explanation of the implementation of PNPM Mandiri Rural community development in the district in Sikka district Nita. To obtain an explanation of the effectiveness of PNPM Mandiri Rural community development in the district in Sikka district Nita. To determine the factors that influence community development in District Nita Sikka regency. Data collection is done by way of interviews, documentation, and observation to support the acquisition of data.Based on the analysis of data showed that the implementation of PNPM Mandiri Rural District in community development in Small and Medium Enterprises Nita especially those carried out on non-physical development. Consists of PNPM Mandiri program implemented in the field of Rural Productive Economic Enterprises (UEP) and the Special Women's Savings and Loans (SPKP). With indicators of participation in the planning of a) participation in brainstorming, b) active in submitting proposals / ideas, participation in the implementation of a) the willingness to take the time / and the power, b) willingness to provide material / materials, participation in the maintenance process with activity in the maintenance of the activity

    Konsep Kampung Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kerja

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    Pembangunan perdesaan adalah bagian integral dari pembangunan Indonesia, hakekat pembangunan adalah pembangunan manusia dan sumber daya manusia di perdesaan masih sangat rendah sehingga, arah pembangunan desa sebaiknya mengutamakan manusia dan penciptaan lapangan kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mengetahui fasilitas yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat perdesaan sebagai prasarana belajar, (2) menemukan rumusan kawasan binaan kampung kerja sebagai kawasan aglomerasii pendidikan sebagai upaya peningkatan kualitas sumber daya masyarakat desa. Penelitian ini diselenggarakan di Kabupaten Muna dan metode penelitian ini berlandaskan pada paradigma post-positivisme yakni metode studi kasus pendekatan kualitatif dimana aspek – aspek yang dianalisis adalah angkatan kerja, sektor ekonomi, kebutuhan bangunan, infrastruktur, dan zonasi keruangan. Penelitian ini menemukan dua temuan (1) kebutuhan akan fasilitas yang dibutuhkan untuk peningkatan kualitas angkatan kerja, (2) rumusan model kawasan binaan kampung pendidikan dan pelatihan kerja sebagai kawasan aglomerasi peningkatan sumber daya manusia perdesaan.Rural development is an integral part of Indonesia\u27s development, the essence of development is human development and human resources in rural areas are still very low so that the direction of rural development should prioritize humans and job creation. The objetives of this research are (1) find out the facilities needed by rural communities as learning infrastructure, (2) find the formulation of the working area of the working village as an educational agglomeration area as an effort to improve the quality of rural community resources. This research was conducted in Muna Regency and this research method was based on the post-positivism paradigm, a case study method of qualitative approach where the aspects analyzed were labor force, economic sector, building needs, infrastructure, and spatial zoning. This study found two findings (1) the need for facilities needed to improve the quality of the workforce, (2) the formulation of the model of the village built area of education and job training as an agglomeration area to increase rural human resources

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Mutasi Jabatan di Pemerintah Kabupaten Luwu Utara

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    : This study aims to obtain a description or explanation of the implementation of positions of mutations in Luwu Utara District Government is already in line with the competence of civil servants in their respective fields and what are the implications of political, governmental, and administrative positions in the implementation of mutations in Luwu Utara District Government. The results of this study are expected to be input or evaluation for local governance institutions in the implementation of the District Forestry office mutations in Luwu Utara. In terms of academic, results from this study are expected to be useful for the development of the repertoire of the science of government, especially the study of mutation positions. The results showed that the mutation positions in Luwu Utara District Government held in order to refresh the organization in order to avoid saturation for civil servants as well as for career advancement of civil servant

    Design and development of automatic inner mirror endurance test system

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    - The main role of inner rear mirror is to prevent an accident from happening by giving the driver a line of sight to the rear of the vehicle. In this study, we design and develop an automatic inner rear-view mirror endurance system with an integration of Human Machine Interface (HMI) and the actuator. The objective is to test the endurance of the pivot point of the inner rear-view motor by equipping it with force sensor to measure the force applied in moving the inner rear-view mirror to its limit angle. HMI is used as interaction between user and the actuator because the system requires limit angle and the number of repeated cycles from the user. This paper covers the initial works of the development process. It discusses the design of the system’s actuator, design of the HMI and component selection. A few experiments are conducted to establish communication between PC and the microcontroller. There are still more things need to be done to make the inner rear-view mirror endurance test system a realit

    Quality and Storability of Mango During Zero Energy Cool Chamber (ZECC)

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    Many researchhavefound thatthe use of zero energy coolchamber (ZECC) extend the shelf life of stored fruits and vegetables. There is a lack of study conducted in Indonesia about the use of ZECC to keep mangos after harvesting though. The present study, therefore, was aimed to understand the quality and storability of stored mangos in ZECC. Three different storage containers, a ZECC, ambient, and refrigerator with different average RH and temperature, were used to place selected ripe mangos (Mangifera indica L) that were manually harvested from farmers’ field nearby. The ZECC was set up at the residential complex for lecturer of Hasanuddin University as the experiment site. Results showed that mangos inside ZECC were acceptable until eleven days of storage after considering both quality and sensory evaluation. The result suggests that ZECC can maintain mango’s quality and extend its shelf life, which reveals that ZECC seems promisingfor commercial applicatio