36 research outputs found

    The Effect of Electronic Customer Relationship Management on Organizational Performance with Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction

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    The purpose of this paper is to measure the effect of E-CRM on Organizations Performance. The Information technology plays an important role in every organization. And customer satisfaction needs to also be measured as a mediator to judge the efficiency. The research was conducted by randomly sampling method in Pakistan. The Methods were used Qualitative and Quantitative for Research. A sample of 220 questionnaires was developed and interview was conducted to get response, through a well-organized strategy. How Technology Effect the customers and it gives a perceiving effect on businesses. The interviews were conducted from Managers of different banks. Our findings were related with positive impact on the organization practices to evaluate the effectiveness. This shows that the effect of electronic customer relationship is positively associated with organization because due to increase in competition it is compulsory for organization to maintain the ECRM. Our finding is E-CRM has an important effect on organization and its customers. This model has a practical implication on services based industry organizations. The firm would use the ECRM system to increase the efficiency of employees and retention rate of customer will increase. Keywords: Electronic Customer Relationship Management: Organizational Performance: Customer Satisfaction JEL Classifications:  M310; M1; M0 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/irmm.993

    Goal model integration for tailoring product line development processes

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    Many companies rely on the promised benefits of product lines, targeting systems between fully custom made software and mass products. Such customized mass products account for a large number of applications automatically derived from a product line. This results in the special importance of product lines for companies with a large part of their product portfolio based on their product line. The success of product line development efforts is highly dependent on tailoring the development process. This paper presents an integrative model of influence factors to tailor product line development processes according to different project needs, organizational goals, individual goals of the developers or constraints of the environment. This model integrates goal models, SPEM models and requirements to tailor development processes

    Histomorphometric effects of Raphanus Sativus leaf ex-tract on Carbon Tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity.

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    Introduction: Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) adversely affect the structural/ and or functional properties of the hepatic tissue, leading to grave implica-tions. Currently plant-based compounds have gained sufficient space in the treatment of liver diseases. Among such plants is Raphanus sativus, a cru-ciferous plant also commonly called Radish, which has since long been used in traditional medicine.Objective: To evaluate the protective role of Raphanus sativus in CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity through assessment of liver function and oxidative stress markers in albino Wistar rats.Methodology: This Quasi-experimental study was conducted between Sep-tember 2019 to March 2020 at the Postgraduate Research Laboratory Isra University, Hyderabad. Albino Wistar selected by non-random purposive sampling were divided equally into three different groups: Group A (control group), Group B (CCl4 experimental group), and Group C (CCl4 plus Raphanus sativus group). Blood samples were collected through cardiac puncture followed by hepatic histopathological analysis using light micro-scope. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 24, with ANOVA and Post hoc Tukey’s analysis used for comparison of different study variables.Results: Statistically significant rise relative liver weight of group B rats compared with the group A and C rats (P <0.05). Moreover, statistically sig-nificant (P <0.05) rise in serum markers of hepatic functions was observed after CCl4 administration in Group B. Treatment with Raphanus Sativus ad-ministration significantly reduced serum levels of LFTs (p<0.05). There was a significant decline in the plasma levels of oxidative markers in group B while marked histopathological changes like necrosis, sinusoidal dilatation and congestion observed among animals of group B.Conclusion: Raphanus Sativus exerts an anti-oxidative, and hepato-protective effect against CCl4-induced hepatic tissue damage.Keywords: CCl4, Hepato-protective, Raphanus Sativus

    A Cross-Cultural Examination of Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatment of Lumpy Skin Disease in Bovine Herds in Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan

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    Medicinal plants are being used for the treatment of various livestock ailments by the local peoples since earliest times. It is a recognized fact that plants are an important source of ethnoveterinary medicines. From the last decade, ethnoveterinary practices have gained tremendous importance due to the discovery of some effective ethnoveterinary products. Ethnoveterinary practices are more common in developing countries including Pakistan due to different socioeconomic factors. The studies showed that many medicinal plants used for the treatment of Lumpy skin disease (LSD). Ethno-pharmacological content was obtained from 200 people with knowledge and experience of using plants as medicines for this disease in different areas of Sargodha and Khushab, Punjab, Pakistan. The field study was carried out from January-2023 to June-2023. All the data was collected by evaluation and interviews by calculating Use value (UV). The result from this study shows that 20 medicinal plants that belong to fifteen families greatly represented by Family Meliaceae were significant in treating LSD. This study indicated that the ethno-medicinal practices and knowledge are still used in District Sargodha and Khushab plants that support health care and help in the improvement of alternative system of medicines. These results gave commencing information on the significance use of medicinal plants. It can be tested for use in the future that leading to new discoveries of medicines in the treatment of LSD and other diseases of cattle

    Predator- Prey Interaction In Plant –Associated Ecosystems. Effect On Plant Fitness And Trophic Cascade

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    Predator-prey interactions in plant-associated ecosystems play a crucial role in shaping ecosystem dynamics and stability. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the implications of these interactions, highlighting the intricate web of relationships among predators, herbivores, and plants. The findings underscore the importance of maintaining predator-prey interactions for ecosystem stability and functioning. Trophic cascades initiated by predator-prey interactions have been shown to regulate herbivore populations, indirectly benefiting plant communities. However, human activities can significantly impact predator populations and trophic cascades, emphasizing the need for conservation efforts to preserve these important ecological dynamics. The integration of molecular techniques and modeling approaches can enhance our understanding of trophic cascades in plant-associated ecosystems. Conservation strategies aimed at promoting predator diversity and enhancing plant fitness are essential for maintaining ecosystem stability and promoting sustainable management of plant-associated ecosystems. Further research is needed to investigate the complex dynamics of predator-prey interactions and trophic cascades, as well as to develop effective conservation strategies to preserve these important ecological dynamics

    Mitigating Salt-Induced Damages in Wheat with Foliar-Applied Nigella sativa Seed Extract: A Comprehensive Study

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    Nigella sativa, a medicinal plant, known for its diverse bioactive compounds, including antioxidants and phytohormones, have shown potential in mitigating salt stress in various plant species. Amongst naturally occurring plant growth stimulants, it has attained enormous attention being rich in thymoquinineand carvacrol in seeds for scavenging free radicals. This research aimed to investigate the effect of Nigella sativa seed extract (NSE) as foliar spray (0, 50, 100 and 150g seeds per liter each) on wheat growth under salt stress (0mM, 75mM and 150mM). Results revealed that salinity decreased growth attributes and accumulation of photosynthetic pigments. On the other hand, salinity stress boosted the contents of malondialdehyde, hydrogen peroxide, glycinebetaine, leaf free proline, Na+ and Cl-. Foliar application of NSEameliorated the negative effects of salinity to considerable extent by enhancing growth traits, chlorophyll contents, glycinebetaine and prolineand decreased Na+, Cl-,malondialdehyde andhydrogen peroxide. This research provides valuable insights into the potential use of NSE as natural and sustainable solution to alleviate salt stress in wheat crop. These findings contribute to the development of eco-friendly strategies for enhancing crop resilience in saline environments, ultimately addressing the global challenge of food security in the face of increasing soil salinity

    Inoculation With Azospirillum spp. Acts as the Liming Source for Improving Growth and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Potato

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    Nitrogen (N) is one of the limiting factors for plant growth, and it is mainly supplied exogenously by fertilizer application. It is well documented that diazotrophic rhizobacteria improve plant growth by fixing atmospheric N in the soil. The present study investigates the nitrogen-fixing potential of two Azospirillum spp. strains using the 15N isotope-dilution method. The two diazotrophic strains (TN03 and TN09) native to the rhizosphere of potato belong to the genus Azospirillum (16S rRNA gene accession numbers LN833443 and LN833448, respectively). Both strains were able to grow on an N-free medium with N-fixation potential (138–143 nmol mg−1 protein h−1) and contained the nifH gene. Strain TN03 showed highest indole acetic acid (IAA) production (30.43 μg/mL), while TN09 showed highest phosphate solubilization activity (249.38 μg/mL) while both diazotrophs showed the production of organic acids. A 15N dilution experiment was conducted with different fertilizer inputs to evaluate the N-fixing potential of both diazotrophs in pots. The results showed that plant growth parameters and N contents increased significantly by the inoculations. Moreover, reduced 15N enrichment was found compared to uninoculated controls that received similar N fertilizer levels. This validates the occurrence of N-fixation through isotopic dilution. Strain TN09 showed higher N-fixing potential than TN03 and the uninoculated controls. Inoculation with either strain also showed a remarkable increase in plant growth under field conditions. Thus, there were remarkable increases in N use efficiency, N uptake and N utilization levels. Confocal laser scanning and transmission electron microscopy showed that TN03 is an ectophyte, i.e., present outside root cells or within the grooves of root hairs, while TN09 is an endophyte, i.e., present within root cells, forming a strong association withroot it. This study confirms that diazotrophic Azospirillum spp. added to potato systems can improve plant growth and N use efficiency, opening avenues for improvement of potato crop growth with reduced input of N fertilizer

    Large Scale Simulations for Dust Acoustic Waves in Weakly Coupled Dusty Plasmas

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    Dust acoustic wave of three-dimensional (3D) dusty plasmas (DPs) has been computed using equilibrium molecular dynamics (EMD) simulations for plasma parameters of Coulomb coupling strength (Γ) and Debye screening (κ). New simulations of wave properties such as longitudinal current correlation (LCC) CL(k, t) function have been investigated for 3D weakly DPs (WCDPs), for the first time. EMD results, CL (k, t) have been simulated for four normalized wave numbers (k = 0, 1, 2, and 3). Our simulations illustrate that the frequency and amplitude of oscillation vary with increasing of Γ and κ. Moreover, present simulations of CL (k, t) illustrate that the varying behavior has been observed for changing (Γ, κ) and system sizes (N). Current investigation illustrates that amplitude of wave oscillation increases with a decrease in Γ and N. However, there are slightly change in the value of CL (k, t) and its fluctuation increases with an increasing k. The obtained outcomes have found to be more acceptable than those that of previous numerical, theoretical, and experimental data. EMD simulation has been performed with an increasing sequence for WCDPs and it serves to benchmark improved approach for future energy generation applications

    Lead-Resistant Morganella morganii Rhizobacteria Reduced Lead Toxicity in Arabidopsis thaliana by Improving Growth, Physiology, and Antioxidant Activities

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    Biological remediation serves as a powerful technique for addressing heavy metals toxicity in metals-contaminated soils. The present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of lead (Pb)-resistant rhizobacterial strains on growth, photosynthetic traits, and antioxidant activities of the Arabidopsis plant under lead toxicity in pot conditions. Two pre-isolated and pre-characterized Pb-resistant Morganella morganii (ABT3) and Morganella morganii (ABT9) strains were used for inoculating Arabidopsis plants grown under varying Pb concentrations (1.5 mM and 2.5 mM) using PbNO3 as the lead source. The treatments were set up in a completely randomized design with four replications. Data on growth parameters, physiological characteristics, lipid peroxidation, and antioxidant activities were recorded at harvesting. It was observed that Pb contamination caused a significant reduction in Arabidopsis growth, chlorophyll content and quantum yield at both lead concentrations. The Pb concentration of 2.5 mM, showed a substantial decrease in all parameters, including shoot fresh weight (58.72%), shoot dry weight (59.31%), root fresh weight (67.31%), root dry weight (67.28%), chlorophyll content (48.69%), quantum yield (62.36%), catalase activity (65.30%), superoxide dismutase (60.88%), and peroxidase activity (60.54%) while increasing lipid peroxidation (113.8%). However, the inoculation with Pb-resistant M. morganii strains (ABT3 and ABT9) improved plant growth, photosynthesis and antioxidant activities, while reduced the malondialdehyde content of Arabidopsis compared to control plants without inoculation. The M. morganii strain ABT9 showed a maximum increase in the shoot fresh weight (67.18%), shoot dry weight (67.96%), root fresh weight (94.04%), root dry weight (93.92%), shoot length (148.88%), root length (123.33%), chlorophyll content (52.53%), quantum yield (58.57%), catalase activity (39.46%), superoxide dismutase (21.84%), and peroxidase activity (22.34%) while decreasing lipid peroxidation (35.28%). PCA analysis further showed that all nine treatments scattered differently across the PC1 and PC2, having 81.4% and 17.0% data variance, respectively, indicating the efficiency of Pb-resistant strains. The heatmap further validated that the introduction of Pb-resistant strains positively correlated with the growth parameters, quantum yield, chlorophyll content and antioxidant activities of Arabidopsis seedlings. Both Pb-resistant strains improved Arabidopsis plant growth and photosynthetic efficiency under lead stress conditions. Thus, both Morganella morganii ABT3 and Morganella morganii ABT9 strains can be considered as bio-fertilizer for reducing lead toxicity thereby improving plant growth and physiology in metal-contaminated agricultural soils.11s