2,594 research outputs found

    Prestasi Belajar Anak dalam Keluarga Marginal di Desa Merangin Kecamatan Kuok Kabupaten Kampar

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    This research was conducted in the village of Kampung Long Merangin Kuok District of Kampar regency. how socio-economic conditions of the working population as a mountain rock-breaking and self-employed in the village of Kampung Long Merangin Kuok District of Kampar regency. This study entitled "Children in Family Learning Achievement Marginal In the village of Kuok Merangin District of Kampar regency". Topics focus of this research is how the learning achievement of children in the family stone-crushing mountain in the village of Kuok Merangin District of Kampar regency. Samples from this study is that people are classified into families breaking stones Mountains. Pengambikan samples was done by simple random sampling technique. Samples are numbered 10 family heads mountain rock breaker. The author uses qualitative descriptive method and the data was analyzed qualitatively. Data instrument is observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The results showed that the socio-economic life of the respondents rely on the natural, economic respondents rooted in the rocks of the mountain. Due to insufficient income to meet the needs of their families reponden cause childrens education respondents tend terbangkalai family. However, some respondents prioritize education for their families. They finance their childrens education although they had owed to neighbors, friends and relatives. Childrens achievement in marginal families in the village Merangin very satisfactory in the majority of respondents. Many family child respondents have satisfactory progress, despite the lack of funds did not make their childs desire to recede in continuing education and improve their family educationKata kunci: Marginalisasi, education and fami

    Pembuatan Sistem Wiper Otomatis pada Kendaraan Menggunakan Aplikasi Arduino Uno

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    Sistem wiper konvensional saat ini masih sepenuhnya dikendalikan secara manual oleh pengemudi untuk mengatur kecepatan wiper berdasarkan intensitas air di kaca kendaraan. Salah satu inovasi yang dapat membantu pengemudi untuk lebih nyaman berkendara yaitu dengan menambahkan mode otomatis pada sistem wiper. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu membuat  sistem wiper untuk kendaraan ringan yang lebih praktis dan menguji kelayakan nya.Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan adalah pre-eksperimental design dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa angket yang memiliki dua aspek yaitu ergonomi dan teknis, dengan hasil dari uji kelayakan mencapai 92% untuk aspek ergonomi dan 92% untuk aspek teknis. Berdasarkan hasil uji kelayakan dua aspek tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem wiper otomatis ini termasuk kategori sangat layak berdasarkan kategori dari 92% sistem wiper ini dirancang untuk mempermudah pengemudi, dan pengujian kinerja sudah mencapai semua pengkondisian wiper

    Pembuatan Sistem Wiper Otomatis pada Kendaraan Menggunakan Aplikasi Arduino Uno

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    Sistem wiper konvensional saat ini masih sepenuhnya dikendalikan secara manual oleh pengemudi untuk mengatur kecepatan wiper berdasarkan intensitas air di kaca kendaraan. Salah satu inovasi yang dapat membantu pengemudi untuk lebih nyaman berkendara yaitu dengan menambahkan mode otomatis pada sistem wiper. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu membuat  sistem wiper untuk kendaraan ringan yang lebih praktis dan menguji kelayakan nya.Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan adalah pre-eksperimental design dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa angket yang memiliki dua aspek yaitu ergonomi dan teknis, dengan hasil dari uji kelayakan mencapai 92% untuk aspek ergonomi dan 92% untuk aspek teknis. Berdasarkan hasil uji kelayakan dua aspek tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem wiper otomatis ini termasuk kategori sangat layak berdasarkan kategori dari 92% sistem wiper ini dirancang untuk mempermudah pengemudi, dan pengujian kinerja sudah mencapai semua pengkondisian wiper

    Prevalence of falls and its characteristics among Malaysian older adults: a review

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    Falls are major public health issues which highly associated with older adults worldwide. Falls can cause a negative debilitating effect on the individual and may lead to fatal injury in certain cases. Current studies on falls characteristics are limited in Malaysia. The aim of this study was to pool the current studies conducted in Malaysia regarding the fall and its characteristics. Articles were identified by using the following electronic databases; EBSCOhost, ClinicalKey, ScienceDirect, Wiley Online Library, SpringerLink and Google Scholar. Article identification was limited to English language which were published between 2013 to 2019. This study looked into older adults aged 60 years old and above; conducted either in a residential, community-dwelling or medical institute. A total of nine articles was identified and investigated. Studies indicate a huge variation in the prevalence falls among older adults in Malaysia ranging between 4-74%. A study that was conducted in the community indicated lower prevalence of falls. Majority of the falls occurred in the morning as reported by three studies which covered and ranged between 49-64.7%. Indoor accounted as the highest number of falls in term of location and ranged between 50-87% while outdoor falls were between 13-49.3%. Location in bathroom and toilet had the highest percentage of indoor falls. Fallers that sustained injury ranged between 47-82%. A variation on the fall prevalence among older adults was determined by factors such as location and existing medical conditions. Pooled information in our study indicates that there is lack of standardised measuring tools for falls characteristics in Malaysia. There is a need for large scale longitudinal prospective study to establish the prevalence and the causal-effect relationship of falls in Malaysia

    Genetic Confirmation of Mungbean (Vigna radiata) and Mashbean (Vigna mungo) Interspecific Recombinants using Molecular Markers

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    The present study was conducted with the aim to investigate recombination between mungbean (female) and mashbean (male) interspecific crosses using molecular markers i.e., URP (Universal Rice Primers), RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) and SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats). As a first step parental screening was performed and polymorphic markers differentiating parent genotypes were identified. Recombinations were then confirmed through polymorphic DNA markers in many of the hybrids. The NM 2006 × Mash 88 was found to be most successful interspecific cross as many of true recombinants, confirmed by molecular markers, belonged to this cross combination. The SSR markers were more efficient in detecting genetic variability and recombinations with reference to specific chromosomes and particular loci, while SSR (RIS) and RAPD identified variability dispersed throughout the genome. The DNA based marker assisted approach provided evidence for genetic confirmation of mungbean and mashbean interspecific recombinants and escalated the authenticity of selection in mungbean improvement programme


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    AbstractOver time, the roads will inevitably suffer damage. Roads as a means of supporting the economy do not receive proper maintenance and repair. One of the problems is the limited budget and the inaccurate allocation of funds for priority road repairs. To solve the problem of road repairs, a system is needed to determine the priority order of the repaired roads first, thus optimizing the limited budget. The limited budget of funds from village infrastructure means that village officials must record which ones should be prioritized. In the village of Cilangkap, the village level records and reports on road repair problems or infrastructure are still using manual paper, making it vulnerable to document loss and budget misuse practices, so the author wants to create a system that can overcome these problems in the form of AHP Algorithm implementation to determine road infrastructure priorities in Cilangkap village. The method used is Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results of this enelitianis to create a website to calculate the value of alternatives such as road repair proposal based on the criteria that have been set, so it can be used as a basis for decision-making to determine the priority road improvements. Based on the calculation of the criteria and alternatives for the first road section of Cicenga-Ciburih 0.158980253, second Cigandok-Lengasar 0.153384629, third Cijeruk-Panyindangan 0.141288856, and finally Cijablog-Lengsar 0.108639971Keywords : Infrastructure, Road Repair, Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP, PrioritySeiring berjalannya waktu, jalan pasti akan mengalami kerusakan. Jalan sebagai salah satu sarana penopang perekonomian kurang mendapatkan perawatan dan perbaikan yang tepat. Salah satu masalahnya yaitu keterbatasan anggaran dan kurang tepatnya pengalokasian dana untuk prioritas perbaikan jalan. Untuk mengatasi masalah perbaikan jalan, dibutuhkan sistem yang menentukan urutan prioritas jalan yang diperbaiki terlebih dahulu, sehingga mengoptimalkan anggaran yang terbatas. Anggaran dana dari sarana prasarana desa yang terbatas membuat perangkat desa harus mendata mana yang harus diprioritaskan. Pada desa Cilangkap perngkat desa mendata dan melaporkan masalah perbaikan jalan ataupun infrastruktur masih menggunakan kertas manual, sehingga rentan terhadap kehilangan dokumen dan praktik penyalahgunaan anggaran sehingga penulis ingin membuat sebuah system yang dapat mengatasi masalah tersebut berupa Implementasi Algoritma AHP untuk menentukan prioritas infrastruktur jalan di desa cilangkap. Metode yang digunakan adalah Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah membuat sebuah website untuk menghitung nilai perangkingan dari alternatif-alternatif berupa usulan perbaikan jalan berdasarkan kriteria - kriteria yang telah ditetapkan, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai dasar dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk menentukan prioritas perbaikan jalan. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan kriteria dan alternatif ruas jalan pertama Cicenga-Ciburih 0,158980253, kedua Cigandok-Lengasar 0,153384629, ketiga Cijeruk-Panyindangan 0,141288856, dan terakhir Cijablog-Lengsar 0,108639971.Kata Kunci : Infrastruktur, Perbaikan Jalan, Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP, Prioritas


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    AbstractOver time, the roads will inevitably suffer damage. Roads as a means of supporting the economy do not receive proper maintenance and repair. One of the problems is the limited budget and the inaccurate allocation of funds for priority road repairs. To solve the problem of road repairs, a system is needed to determine the priority order of the repaired roads first, thus optimizing the limited budget. The limited budget of funds from village infrastructure means that village officials must record which ones should be prioritized. In the village of Cilangkap, the village level records and reports on road repair problems or infrastructure are still using manual paper, making it vulnerable to document loss and budget misuse practices, so the author wants to create a system that can overcome these problems in the form of AHP Algorithm implementation to determine road infrastructure priorities in Cilangkap village. The method used is Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results of this enelitianis to create a website to calculate the value of alternatives such as road repair proposal based on the criteria that have been set, so it can be used as a basis for decision-making to determine the priority road improvements. Based on the calculation of the criteria and alternatives for the first road section of Cicenga-Ciburih 0.158980253, second Cigandok-Lengasar 0.153384629, third Cijeruk-Panyindangan 0.141288856, and finally Cijablog-Lengsar 0.108639971Keywords : Infrastructure, Road Repair, Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP, PrioritySeiring berjalannya waktu, jalan pasti akan mengalami kerusakan. Jalan sebagai salah satu sarana penopang perekonomian kurang mendapatkan perawatan dan perbaikan yang tepat. Salah satu masalahnya yaitu keterbatasan anggaran dan kurang tepatnya pengalokasian dana untuk prioritas perbaikan jalan. Untuk mengatasi masalah perbaikan jalan, dibutuhkan sistem yang menentukan urutan prioritas jalan yang diperbaiki terlebih dahulu, sehingga mengoptimalkan anggaran yang terbatas. Anggaran dana dari sarana prasarana desa yang terbatas membuat perangkat desa harus mendata mana yang harus diprioritaskan. Pada desa Cilangkap perngkat desa mendata dan melaporkan masalah perbaikan jalan ataupun infrastruktur masih menggunakan kertas manual, sehingga rentan terhadap kehilangan dokumen dan praktik penyalahgunaan anggaran sehingga penulis ingin membuat sebuah system yang dapat mengatasi masalah tersebut berupa Implementasi Algoritma AHP untuk menentukan prioritas infrastruktur jalan di desa cilangkap. Metode yang digunakan adalah Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah membuat sebuah website untuk menghitung nilai perangkingan dari alternatif-alternatif berupa usulan perbaikan jalan berdasarkan kriteria - kriteria yang telah ditetapkan, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai dasar dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk menentukan prioritas perbaikan jalan. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan kriteria dan alternatif ruas jalan pertama Cicenga-Ciburih 0,158980253, kedua Cigandok-Lengasar 0,153384629, ketiga Cijeruk-Panyindangan 0,141288856, dan terakhir Cijablog-Lengsar 0,108639971.Kata Kunci : Infrastruktur, Perbaikan Jalan, Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP, Prioritas

    Pathogenic mutations in TULP1 responsible for retinitis pigmentosa identified in consanguineous familial cases.

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    PurposeTo identify pathogenic mutations responsible for autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (arRP) in consanguineous familial cases.MethodsSeven large familial cases with multiple individuals diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa were included in the study. Affected individuals in these families underwent ophthalmic examinations to document the symptoms and confirm the initial diagnosis. Blood samples were collected from all participating members, and genomic DNA was extracted. An exclusion analysis with microsatellite markers spanning the TULP1 locus on chromosome 6p was performed, and two-point logarithm of odds (LOD) scores were calculated. All coding exons along with the exon-intron boundaries of TULP1 were sequenced bidirectionally. We constructed a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) haplotype for the four familial cases harboring the K489R allele and estimated the likelihood of a founder effect.ResultsThe ophthalmic examinations of the affected individuals in these familial cases were suggestive of RP. Exclusion analyses confirmed linkage to chromosome 6p harboring TULP1 with positive two-point LOD scores. Subsequent Sanger sequencing identified the single base pair substitution in exon14, c.1466A>G (p.K489R), in four families. Additionally, we identified a two-base deletion in exon 4, c.286_287delGA (p.E96Gfs77*); a homozygous splice site variant in intron 14, c.1495+4A>C; and a novel missense variation in exon 15, c.1561C>T (p.P521S). All mutations segregated with the disease phenotype in the respective families and were absent in ethnically matched control chromosomes. Haplotype analysis suggested (p<10(-6)) that affected individuals inherited the causal mutation from a common ancestor.ConclusionsPathogenic mutations in TULP1 are responsible for the RP phenotype in seven familial cases with a common ancestral mutation responsible for the disease phenotype in four of the seven families

    Compact rectifier circuit design for harvesting gsm/900 ambient energy

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    In this paper, a compact rectifier, capable of harvesting ambient radio frequency (RF) power is proposed. The total size of the rectifier is 45.4 mm x 7.8 mm x 1.6 mm, designed on FR-4 substrate using a single-stage voltage multiplier at 900 MHz. GSM/900 is among the favorable RF Energy Harvesting (RFEH) energy sources that span over a wide range with minimal path loss and high input power. The proposed RFEH rectifier achieves measured and simulated RF-to-dc (RF to direct current) power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 43.6% and 44.3% for 0 dBm input power, respectively. Additionally, the rectifier attained 3.1 V DC output voltage across 2 k omega load terminal for 14 dBm and is capable of sensing low input power at -20 dBm. The work presents a compact rectifier to harvest RF energy at 900 MHz, making it a good candidate for low powered wireless communication systems as compares to the other state of the art rectifier
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