65 research outputs found

    Controlling the Coverage of Wireless Sensors Network Using Coverage in Block Algorithm

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    This research investigate the modeling of Blocks, Present in the sensing field and its impact in the computation of coverage path in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The solutions of these problems are proposed using techniques from Approximation algorithm. In order to accomplish the designated task successfully, sensors need to actuate, compute and disseminate the acquired information amongst them. Intuitively, coverage denotes the quality of sensing of a sensor node. While a sensor senses. It needs to communicate with its neighboring sensor nodes in order to disseminate the acquired data. That is where connectivity comes in to place. In fact, coverage and connectivity together measure the quality of service (QoS) of a sensor network. Coverage and connectivity in wireless sensor networks are not unrelated problems. Therefore, the goal of an optimal sensor deployment strategy is to have a globally connected network, while optimizing coverage at the same time. By optimizing coverage, the deployment strategy would guarantee that optimum area in the sensing field is covered by sensor, as required by the underlying application, whereas by ensuring that the network is connected, it is ensured that the sensed information is transmitted to other nodes and possibly to a centralized base station (called sink) which makes valuable decision for the application. Many recent and ongoing research in sensor networks focus on optimizing coverage and connectivity by optimizing node placement strategy, minimizing number of nodes to guarantee required degree of coverage, maximizing network lifetime by minimizing energy usage, computing the most and least sensed path in the given region and so on. To solve these optimizing problems related to coverage, exiting research uses mostly probabilistic technique based on random graph theory, randomized algorithm, computational geometry, and so on. Of particular interest to us is the problem of computing the coverage in block (CIB), where give

    Allelopathy and Agricultural Sustainability: Implication in weed management and crop protection—an overview

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    Crop plants have defined roles in agricultural production and feeding the world. They are affected by several environmental and biological stresses, which range from soil salinity, drought, and climate change to exposure to diverse plant pathogens. These stresses pose risk to agricultural sustainability. To avoid the increasing biotic and abiotic pressure on crop plants, agrochemicals are extensively used in agriculture for attaining desirable yield and production of crops. However, the use of agrochemicals is also challenging the integrity of ecosystems. Thus, to maintain the integrity of ecosystem, sustainable measures for elevated crop production are required. Allelopathy, a process of chemical interactions between plants and other organisms, could be used in the management of several biotic and abiotic stresses if the basic mechanisms of the phenomena and plants with allelopathic potentials are known. Allelopathy has a promising future for its application in agriculture for natural weed management, improving soil health and suppressing plant diseases. The aim of this review is to discuss the importance of allelopathy in agriculture and its role in sustainability with a specific focus on weed management and crop protection


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    A Mobile Ad hoc Network MANET are classified as single or multihop wireless network in which nodes can freely move and dynamically self-organize also the network is highly dynamic in terms of topological changes Mobile nodes can communicate with themselves without any need of predefined infrastructure But due to the dynamic nature of MANETs in terms of mobility and no infrastructure they are provided with limited bandwidth and limited battery power Due to these characteristics the MANETs are best suited for military operations in battlefield grounds Disaster relief and rescue operations Choosing the mobility model is very much crucial for specific application area that represents the moving behaviour of a mobile node that should be realistic Changing the mobility scenario allows changes in routing performance of a routing protocol in terms of routing metrics such as Delays Throughput and Routing Overhead etc within the current application area Main aim of this research paper focus to study the effects of Transmission Control Protocol TCP and Constant Bit Rate CBR from different angles over Dynamic MANET on demand routing protocol known as DYMO in order to find out the performance degradation on the basis of Data packets and Control packets Using the Network Simulator 2 experimental results show that functions of the routing protocol vary across different parameters like sending and receiving ratio of data packets and numbers of Control packets send during the simulation perio

    Transformation of Flat File into Data Warehouse

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    A Flat file Semi Structured Data comes from different sources or operational systems for storage in the data warehouse Extraction transformation and loading of the data could be necessary Moreover input flat file data must be transformed into a uniform format which could be more suitable for analytical purposes Aim of this research is to analysis the delimiters of the flat file to transform flat file into uniform format and suggest a suitable algorithm for implementation such type of algorithm could be solve the problem of transformation of the flat file data and such algorithm could be useful for extraction transformation and loading of huge amount of flat file data into data warehous

    Comparative Analysis of Fly Ash-based Geopolymer Concrete and Ordinary Portland Cement Concrete

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    In Pakistan, the high year-over-year growth in the construction industry has led to a significant increase in the cost of construction materials, particularly cement. To reduce the cost of construction, alternative materials need to be sought. In Pakistan, approximately one million tons of fly ash are generated each year from coal-fired thermal power stations. A sample of fly ash was obtained from the 125 Megawatts Coal Fired Power Station Lakhra in Khanot, Hyderabad, Sindh Pakistan.A study was conducted on fly ash-based geopolymer concrete, using test data to identify the factors that influence its properties and to develop a simple method for designing geopolymer concrete mixtures. The mix design for fly ash was carried out using the standard ACI method. Various trial mixes were prepared using arbitrary ratios of cementitious materials, fine and coarse aggregates. The compressive strength of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete was 64% and 57% for geopolymer concrete (GPC) after 7 days. At 14 days, the strength of OPC was 83% and 76% for GPC. The strength of OPC reached 97% after 28 days, while GPC reached 91%

    Prevalence and Association of Diabetic Retinopathy with Diabetic Foot Ulcer: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study

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    We aimed to elucidate prevalence and association of diabetic retinopathy (DR) in patients with diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) from Pakistan. In this cross-sectional study, about 225 DFU patients who underwent ophthalmic examinations within 6 months of diagnosis of foot ulceration were included. The medical records of 305 diabetic patients without DFU were included as controls. The association of DR with DFU was assessed by comparing DFU patients with proliferative DR (PDR) and DFU patients without PDR. Out of 225 DFU patients, 215 patients (95.6%) had DR and 169 patients (75.1%) had PDR. The prevalence of DFU was significantly greater (P = 0.0527) among the male diabetic patients, whereas advanced age of these patients (≥41 years) had a significant effect (P = 0.0286) on development and progression of PDR. A longer duration of diabetes (≥10 years) was identified as a significant contributing factor for the development of both DFU (P = 0.0029) and PDR (P = 0.0299). Moreover, the risk of PDR increased in diabetic patients with higher DFU grades (grade 3 and grade 4). In conclusion, retinopathy was prevalent in DFU patients. Therefore, DFU patients with advancing age and longer duration of diabetes should undergo retinal examinations for timely diagnosis and management of DR

    A Case Study on Distribution of Gemstone in Bela Ophiolite, District Khuzdar, Balochistan

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    Bela Ophiolite and suture zone host several types of gemstones in the underlain and overlain rocks such as garnet (demantoid and almandine), quartz, brucite, malachite, chrysocolla, azurite, calcite, natrolite, green chert, jasper, serpentine, agate, epidote, augite and prehnite. However, the rare gemstones including demantoid garnet are found as dodecahedron green crystals associated with the altered peridotite rocks such as serpentinite. Brucite is found in the botryoidal habit in the ultramafic rocks of Bela Ophiolite associated with the chromite mines in the Baran Lak and Amorzai area of Wadh in the host rock dunite. The serpentine is found in several locations associated with the altered ultramafic rocks formed after the serpentinization of peridotite. Furthermore, one of the rare gemstones such as petroleum and diamond quartz is formed due to the hydrothermal intrusion in the sedimentary rocks such as limestone; calcite also occurs in limestone as dogtooth crystals. While azurite, malachite and chrysocolla are formed as secondary deposits in the oxidized zone of copper and sulphide mines in the Manjawi, Nal and Sonaro associated adjacent to basalt. Moreover, epidote is found as green crystals having porphyritic texture in the host rock granite mainly in the Bakhalo area, Wadh. Agate, jasper, green chert and several other kinds of chert are found associated with the basalt chert unit in the mélange and gossan. In addition to that natrolite is found in the Nal ophiolite mainly in the Hazarghanji town found associated with the cracks and vugs of dolerite dykes as fibrous and cylindrical crystals. In metamorphic sole rocks of Bela Ophiolite in the Sonaro area, marble and quartzite are associated with the metamorphic rocks such as greenschist and amphibolite facies that are formed during the e volution period of the ophiolite. In pegmatite gabbro, the elongated and prismatic black crystals of augite are found in the host rock gabbro near the Ornach cross area, and the prehnite gemstone is found associated with the basalt and gabbroic rocks transition zone in the Ornach area

    Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: a rare complication of acute viral gastroenteritis

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    Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy (TCM) is characterized by a transient but reversible ventricular dysfunction in post-menopausal females following, but not always, a recent emotional or physical stress. Typically, chest pain is reported as a presenting symptom in the majority of patients. The severe diarrheal illness secondary to acute viral gastroenteritis is not commonly reported as the stressor event prior to TCM. We report a unique case of a middle-aged male presented with syncope shortly after loose bowel movements. He was diagnosed with TCM and was successfully managed with supportive care. The purpose of this case is to make clinicians aware of this rare association