527 research outputs found

    Physical layer security for machine type communication networks

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    Abstract. We examine the physical layer security for machine type communication networks and highlight a secure communication scenario that consists of a transmitter Alice, which employs Transmit Antenna Selection, while a legitimate receiver Bob that uses Maximum Ratio Combining, as well as an eavesdropper Eve. We provide a solution to avoid eavesdropping and provide ways to quantify security and reliability. We obtain closed-form expressions for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output and Multi-antenna Eavesdropper (MIMOME) scenario. The closed{-}form expressions for three useful variations of MIMOME scenario, i.e., MISOME, MIMOSE, and MISOSE are also provided. A low cost and less complex system for utilizing the spatial diversity in multiple antennas system, while guaranteeing secrecy and reliability. Similarly, it is also assumed that Alice, Bob, and Eve can estimate their channel state information, and then we evaluate the performance of closed-form expressions in terms of secrecy outage probability and provide Monte Carlo simulations to corroborate the proposed analytical framework

    Kebijakan Rumah Layak Huni Pemerintah Kota Pekanbaru Dalam Mengatasi Kemiskinan Tahun 2016

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    In order to achieve the vision and mission of Pekanbaru City and poverty alleviation of Pekanbaru city government since 2012 has determined the program of Rumah Diak Huni. That is a program that helps the provision of housing needs for poor families and in realizing the national program of a million homes. In addition, as an effort to accelerate and equitable development for the welfare of the community. The research problem can be formulated as follows: "How is the Housing Policy Eligible Pekanbaru City Residents in Overcoming Poverty in 2016?" The purpose of this study are: "To Know House Decent Policy Huni Pekanbaru Municipal Government in Overcoming Poverty in 2016 ". Qualitative research methods. This research was conducted in Pekanbaru City. Primary data sources through interviews as well as secondary data sources. Data analysis technique is conducted by qualitative descriptive analysis The variables of Van Meter and Van Horn are described in the following research results: Basic measures and policy objectives, helping Pekanbaru City residents have a habitable home that accelerates the community to achieve welfare. Policy sources, Pekanbaru Municipality government is not Have sufficient funds available to meet the entire society that meet the criteria for a decent home, human resources available in the home program have good qualifications ranging from the level of education, experience, and kepangkatan.Komunikasi between organizations and implementation activities, There is no problem of inter-organizational communication. Characteristics of implementing agencies, the characteristics are adjusted to the applicable regulations. The economic, social and political conditions of the political conditions of the legislative election and presidential election in 2014 have little or no effect on the home program Habitation implemented by the government of Pekanbaru City, the economic problem is the limited Budget Acceptance and Expenditure (APBD) owned by the government of Pekanbaru City. The tendency of implementors, executors to run as desired, this is known from the lack of protest about the implementation of the house habitable program, the mechanisms ranging from proposal to developmentcarried out in accordance with the rules, and no problems experienced by the contractor implementing the development

    Receipt Of An Integrated Computerized PT. Jasa Raharja (Persero)

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    PT. JASA RAHARJA (PERSERO) is an enterprise which is engaged in insurancewhich seeks to protect people who are victims of public passenger vehicle accidentsand road traffic. So no one when formed Passenger Vehicle Accident InsuranceCompany General and Motor Vehicles who implement and manage the compulsoryaccident insurance funds, and funding public passenger road traffic accidents in theform of a fund for people who become victims of equipment passenger trafficaccidents, and vehicle road traffic.In connection with the duties that all need to known that. PT. JASA RAHARJA(PERSERO) is very careful in monitoring of the insured, given the need to reduce therisk of error for smooth firm. Then run the companies of the importance andcomputerized system to facilitate their work and the data storage security for theinsured. Because the data that the insured will be insured solely the responsibility ofthe company

    Analisis Variabel-variabel Penentu Cleanliness Factor dan Performance Factor untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Kondensor Unit 1 Pltu Sektor Asam-asam

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    Pemanatauan kierja kondensor PT. PLN Persero Sektor Asam-Asam pada keadaan operasi membuthkan nilai Cleanliness Factor dan Performance Factor. Analisis variabel-variabel yang menentukan Clinelines Factor dan Performance Factor diperlukan agar kinerjanya dapat ditingkatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan nilai Cleanlines Factor dan Performance Factor, mengetahui pengaruh Perubahan beban terhadap Cleanlines Factor dan Performance Factor, mengetahui variabel-variabel mempengaruhi kinerja kondenser dan mencari solusi untuk meningkatkan performance kondensor. Nilai Cleanlines Factor didapatkan dari rasio perbandingan koefisien transfer panas total keadaan aktual terhadap koefisien transfer panas HEI sedangkan PF didapat dari rasio koefisien transfer panas total keadaan aktual terhadap koefisien transfer panas ASME. Data-data operasi menunjukkan bahwa nilai Cleanlines Factor dan Performance Factor meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya beban pembangkitan listrik. . Hal ini membuktikan bahwa fouling bukan penyebab rendahnya nilai Cleanlines Factor dan Performance Factor. Variabel-variabel yang dianalisis yaitu suhu inlet cooling water (Tin), tekanan kondenser/back pressure (Pback) dan aliran volumetrik cooling water (Colling Water flow).Kata Kunci : Kondensor, Cleanliness Factor, Performance Facto

    Empowerment of Fishermen Household Saptagon Accessibilities to Solve Their Poverty

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    Accepted on August, 15 2007, Approved on January, 10 2008 The objectives of the study are: (1) to analyze fisherman household responses through the empowerment of saptagon accessibilities, (2) to choose a policy that can be used for developing the prosperity of poor fishermen household and the management of the sustainability fishery resources. The research uses a survey method and PRA (Poverty Rapid Appraisal), primary data are collected from fishermen household respondents using Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) and Sustainable Livelihood Approach (SLA). Quantitative and qualitative data are analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the research show: (1) the condition of fishermen human resources quality are (a) orderly, the highest rank is the quality of Master (Juragan) human resources, then Traders (Pedagang) and the lowest rank is the member of ship crews (ABK), (b) the skill and occupation of the fishermen's wives are an important factor that affect to the increasing income of the poor fishermen household, (c) the quality of human resources closely related to the improvement of all aspects in fishermen household saptagon accessibilities for increasing their prosperity. (2) The strengthening saptagon accessibilities' policies are: (a) be influential towards the repair of income and prosperity of fishermen household, (b) be implemented through training for the ship crews of fishermen household about: (i) vocational skill on ship engineering for fishermen, (ii) the alternative livelihood for fishermen's wives, (iii) supporting of participatory budgeting within the implementation of PEMDA's budgeting. (3) The strengthening saptagon accessibilities' policies are conducted by way of: (a) Social accessibility through reinforcing of Mutual Bussiness Community, (b) human resources accessibility through in- land vocational skill for the housewives in the activity of land alternative livelihood, (c) the environmental friendly technology accessibility through reinforcing of fishermen's vocational skill for fishing activity, (d) financial accessibility locally through reinforcing the finance institution of coastal area society, (e) nature resources accessibility through licensing affirmation and cooperation in management of fishery resources, (f) marketing accessibility through reinforcing of Mutual Business Community (KUB) within partnership business for affirmation of local economy, and (g) political accessibility through reinforcing participatory budgeting skill which is interconnected in implementation of strengthening community development through regional government (PEMDA) budgeting

    Pemetaan Distribusi Gas Polutan Menggunakan Quadcopter Berbasis Autonomous Waypoint Navigation

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    Pencemaran udara adalah suatu kondisi dimana kualitas udara menjadi rusak dan terkontaminasi oleh zat-zat, baik yang tidak berbahaya maupun berbahaya bagi makhlup hidup. Seiring dengan perkembangan dan pembangunan industri di Indonesia, akan berdampak pada meningkatnya tingkat pencemaran udara. Sistem monitoring emisi gas polutan industri secara umum dilakukan dengan cara manual menggunakan sensor gas pada titik-titik tertentu. Hal ini memakan waktu dan biaya cukup banyak. Quadcopter merupakan salah satu jenis Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) yang mampu bergerak secara otomatis sesuai dengan sistem tracking waypoint. Sistem tracking waypoint merupakan sistem navigasi berdasarkan posisi Global Positioning System (GPS) dan kompas, sehingga quadcopter dapat berjalan secara otomatis. Implementasi sensor gas semikonduktor dapat menunjang quadcopter untuk mengukur kadar gas di udara, sehingga dapat diaplikasikan sebagai alat monitoring secara otomatis. Data posisi GPS quadcopter dapat diakses secara langsung pada google maps di software mission planner. Kadar gas polutan disimpan pada web server raspberry pi 2 dan mampu diakses secara online. Hasil pemetaan kadar gas ditampilkan dalam 3D analyzer google earth

    Bioactive Steroids and Saponins of the Genus Trillium

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    The species of the genus Trillium (Melanthiaceae alt. Trilliaceae) include perennial herbs with characteristic rhizomes mainly distributed in Asia and North America. Steroids and saponins are the main classes of phytochemicals present in these plants. This review summarizes and discusses the current knowledge on their chemistry, as well as the in vitro and in vivo studies carried out on the extracts, fractions and isolated pure compounds from the different species belonging to this genus, focusing on core biological properties, i.e., cytotoxic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory activities

    Kandungan Magnetit dan Distribusi Sedimen pada Pantai Anoi Itam, Pulau Weh

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    Keberadaan pasir besi dalam suatu wilayah memiliki peran ekonomis penting, umumnya dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan baku untuk industri. Di sisi lain, kandungan mineral dan magnetit dalam sedimen dapat digunakan sebagai bahan penjejak untuk menelusuri proses transport sedimen dalam suatu lingkungan perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran pola distribusi magnetit di lingkungan Pantai Anoi Itam (PAI) yang berada di bagian timur Pulau weh, Kota Sabang. Analisis komposisi magnetit bersama dengan parameter ukuran butiran rata-rata, digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan pola sebaran pasir besi yang terbentuk pada kawasan PAI. Sampel sedimen diambil pada bulan Februari 2017 menggunakan coring pada 20 stasiun di sepanjang pantai (alongshore). Parameter ukuran butiran rata-rata diperoleh menggunakan metode ayak basah, sedangkan kandungan magnetit dihasilkan dari separasi menggunakan magnet kuat Neodynium tipe n-35. Sedimen PAI dicirikan memiliki tekstur yang agak kasar, dimana tipe pasiran dengan sedikit kerikil (Slightly Gravelly Sand) umum ditemukan. Diperoleh nilai ukuran butiran rata-rata sedimen antara 0,30 mm hingga 1,72 mm, dengan rerata (average) 0,74 mm. Magnetit memiliki nilai ukuran butiran rata-rata antara 0,31 mm hingga 1,82 mm, dan diperoleh rerata sebesar 0,76 mm. Keterdapatan magnetit ditemukan dalam persentase yang tinggi pada bagian utara PAI dan menjadi lebih rendah menuju bagian selatan, sehingga disimpulkan bahwa pola sebaran magnetit berasal dari bagian utara PAI


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze internal factors, external factors and design development strategies that more appropriate for cassava farming. This study was conducted in two villages, namely Ujung Gunung Ilir Village and Kagungan Rahayu Village of  Menggala Subdistrict of Tulang Bawang Regency. This study uses census method involving 91 cassava farmers in the two villages. The method of analysis in this study are matrix of Internal Factors Analysis (IFAS),  matrix of External Factors Analysis (EFAS), and SWOT analysis. The results of the analysis of internal factors includes production and human resources for stregth component, also includes management, infrastructure, and organization for weaknesses component. The results of the analysis of external factors includes technology, demand, infrastructure, and land topographic for opportunities component, also includes another farming, the condition of weather and climate, price of cassava  for the threats component. The design of new strategies to develope this farm were: increasing production to fill the demand of tapioca and biofuel industry, optimizing the advanced mindset and environmental friendly, increasing economic activity for the welfare, improving the infrastructure to repair farm roads, and working efficiency to increase the competitiveness. Key words: cassava farming, development strategy, SWOT analysi
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