21 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Desain Sistem Pegas Pada Olah Gerak Piston Dari Motor Bakar Gerak Linier Bersilinder Tunggal

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    Permasalahan pada linear engine adalah siklus kerja Baliknya. Banyak cara untuk mengganti posisi piston dari chrankshaft pada conventional engine, saalah satunya menggunakan system pegas. Keunikan penggunaan pegas sebagai siklus kerja Balik untuk linear engine ssatu silinder adalah defleksi dari pegas. Namun untuk daya yang kecil piston tidak dapat terdefleksi sempurna sampai titik mati bawah. Karena itu dibutuhkan kajian pada linear engine dengan menggunakan pegas sebagai siklus kerja Baliknya,Terutama ketika piston tidak dapat terdefleksi sampai titik mati bawah. Solidwork cosmos motion dapat digunakan untuk menganalisa kajian ini. Model dari engine termasuk conventional dan linear engine sudah ada desain, perakitan dan disimulasikan pada piston dynamic. Beberapa data meliputi daya dan dimensi pegas sudah dilakukan sebelum simulasi. Pegas yang asli akan digantikan dengan pegas yang fleksibel dimana tersedia data base dari cosmos motion. Gesekan meliputi dalam kajian akan disimulasikan dengan dua body contact pada kondisi terlumasi. Hasilnya menunjukan olah gerak piston dari conventional engine dan linear engine seperti displacement, velocity dan acceleration sudah jelas berbeda. Pengaruh dari gesekan juga ada pada pada kajian ini. Namun, olah gerak piston pada linear engine berputar pada sumbu z

    Experiment and Simulation Study of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Performance, Using Soybean Oil Biodiesel

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    Abstract— The most common fuel uses in the world is made from fossil. Fossil fuel is categorized as a non-renewable energy source. For that reason, there should be an alternative fuel to replace fossil fuel by using biodiesel and one of the stock comes from soybean bean. Before using the biodiesel made from soybean bean oil, there should be a research to find out the properties and the effect of biodiesel from soybean bean oil regarding the performance of the engine. The research can be conducted in experiment and simulation. The properties result of soybean oil biodiesel should be tested to confirm whether this biodiesel have meet the standard requirement of biodieselor not. This biodiesel sproperties are Flash Point value is 182 o C , Pour Point value is -7 o C, Density at 15 o C is 890 Kg/m3, Kinematic Viscosity at 40 o C is 5.58 (cSt), and Lower Heating Value is 42.27686 MJ/kg. The result from this research is the highest power from simulation is 9% higher than the experiment. The highest torque from the experiment is 37% lower than the simulation’s torque. Lowest SFOC from experiment is  28% lower than the simulation’s SFOC. Highest BMEP from simulation is 20% higher than the highest BMEP from experiment. The  highest thermal efficiency from experiment is 6% higher than the highest thermal efficiency from simulation. The engine performance result using soybean oil biodiesel is not better than the Pertamina Dex. For that reason, the use of this biodiesel is not suggested to substitute Pertamina Dex

    Pengaruh Desain Sistem Pegas pada Olah Gerak Piston dari Motor Bakar Gerak Linier Bersilinder Tunggal

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    Permasalahan pada linear engine adalah siklus kerja baliknya. Banyak cara untuk mengganti posisi piston dari chrankshaft pada conventional engine, saalah satunya menggunakan system pegas. Keunikan penggunaan pegas sebagai siklus kerja balik untuk linear engine ssatu silinder adalah defleksi dari pegas. Namun untuk daya yang kecil piston tidak dapat terdefleksi sempurna sampai titik mati bawah. Karena itu dibutuhkan kajian pada linear engine dengan menggunakan pegas sebagai siklus kerja baliknya,Terutama ketika piston tidak dapat terdefleksi sampai titik mati bawah. Solidwork cosmos motion dapat digunakan untuk menganalisa kajian ini. Model dari engine termasuk conventional dan linear engine sudah ada desain, perakitan dan disimulasikan pada piston dynamic. Beberapa data meliputi daya dan dimensi pegas sudah dilakukan sebelum simulasi. Pegas yang asli akan digantikan dengan pegas yang fleksibel dimana tersedia data base dari cosmos motion. Gesekan meliputi dalam kajian akan disimulasikan dengan dua body contact pada kondisi terlumasi. Hasilnya menunjukan olah gerak piston dari conventional engine dan linear engine seperti displacement, velocity dan acceleration sudah jelas berbeda. Pengaruh dari gesekan juga ada pada pada kajian ini. Namun, olah gerak piston pada linear engine berputar pada sumbu z

    Effect of Biodiesel Candlenut Seed (Aleurites Moluccana) to NOx Emission and Combustion Process on Single Cylinder Diesel Engine

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    Fossil fuels are non-renewable fuels but are still the main fuel choice however, it is now becoming increasingly recognized that the availability of fossil fuels are dwindling which further encourages research on renewable fuels. One of the renewable fuels under development and research is biodiesel. The use of vegetable and animal oil is one of the primary choices to decrease the use of non-renewable fuels. Candlenut oil is one of the alternatives under research and development to produce biodiesel as a replacement for non-renewable fuels. In this research is expected to know the NOx emission level and combustion process of single cylinder diesel engine using candlenut oil biodiesel and compared with diesel fuel High-Speed Diesel (HSD). The results of NOx emission comparison between biodiesel candlenut and HSD showed an increase of 0.76 gr / kWh for biodiesel candlenut and 0.51 gr / kWh for HSD fuel. In the burning process test results showed the knocking value of better candlenut biodiesel than HSD which is 5.69 bar for biodiesel candlenut and 6.19 bar for HSD fuel

    Fluid Flow Analysis of Jacket Cooling System for Marine Diesel Engine 93 Kw

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    The main function of cooling system is to control the temperature in the engine. To know the flow in the jacket cooling system for marine diesel engine 93 KW and the couple simulation between 1D modeling and 3D modeling, the methodology used. The analysis process was performed by using 3 diffrent softwares. The methodology to analysis fluid flow is CFD (computational fluid dynamic) with steps were problem identification, literature study, design the jacket cooling system based on the cummin diesel engine 93 KW, 1D modeling of cooling system, 3D modeling fluid flow in jacket cooling system, and conclusion. The input of 3D jacket cooling simulation are mass flow, fluid temperature, wall temperature, and heat transfer. The result from this bachelor thesis is fluid flow in jacket cooling system and another parameter output such as temperature flow and velocity if fluid in the jacket cooling system. The result of the flow in jacket cooling is much turbulance in various are of jacket cooling its mean the jacket cooling have a good enfficiency of heat transfer, and the fluid temperature show the increasing temperature from inlet to outlet because of heat transfer happen in the jacket cooling between wall of jacket cooling and fluid. The engine speed will affect the cooling system, if the engine speed is increasing, the speed of flow will increase because the cylinder block need more coolant and the temperature of cylinder block will increas

    Experiment and Simulation Study of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine Performance, Using Soybean Oil Biodiesel

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    — The most common fuel uses in the world is made from fossil. Fossil fuel is categorized as a non-renewable energy source. For that reason, there should be an alternative fuel to replace fossil fuel by using biodiesel and one of the stock comes from soybean bean. Before using the biodiesel made from soybean bean oil, there should be a research to find out the properties and the effect of biodiesel from soybean bean oil regarding the performance of the engine. The research can be conducted in experiment and simulation. The properties result of soybean oil biodiesel should be tested to confirm whether this biodiesel have meet the standard requirement of biodieselor not. This biodiesel sproperties are Flash Point value is 182 o C , Pour Point value is -7 o C, Density at 15 o C is 890 Kg/m3, Kinematic Viscosity at 40 o C is 5.58 (cSt), and Lower Heating Value is 42.27686 MJ/kg. The result from this research is the highest power from simulation is 9% higher than the experiment. The highest torque from the experiment is 37% lower than the simulation's torque. Lowest SFOC from experiment is 28% lower than the simulation's SFOC. Highest BMEP from simulation is 20% higher than the highest BMEP from experiment. The highest thermal efficiency from experiment is 6% higher than the highest thermal efficiency from simulation. The engine performance result using soybean oil biodiesel is not better than the Pertamina Dex. For that reason, the use of this biodiesel is not suggested to substitute Pertamina Dex

    Prediksi Performa Linear Engine Bersilinder Tunggal Sistem Pegas Hasil Modifikasi dari Mesin Konvensional Yamaha RS 100CC

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    Linear engine adalah salah satu inovasi dari engine yang dikembangkan karena memiliki performa yang lebih baik bila dibandingkan dengan mesin konvensional. Peningkatan performa yang dialami karena berkurangnya gaya gesek yang terjadi. Sehingga perlu dilakukan pembuktian untuk mengetahui performa linear engine hasil modifikasi dari mesin konvensional Yamaha RS 100 CC dengan cara memprediksi melalui simulasi. Dalam analisa ini akan dibandingkan performa mesin  konvensional dengan linear engine dalam bentuk  perbandingan tekanan dengan volume, daya, torque, BSFC, Brake efficiency dalam variasi kecepatan antara 3.2 m/s – 19.2 m/s. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa performa yang dihasilkan linear engine hasil modifikasi tersebut meningkat. Daya maksimal dari linear engine meningkat sekitar 7.2% dari daya sebelumnya 6.9 kW menjadi  7.4 kW. Begitu juga torque yang dihasilkan meningkat menjadi 12.4 N/m , selain itu BSFC dari linear engine mengalami perbaikan sekitar 2 – 10% dari BSFC sebelumnya

    The Effect of Using Various Magnetic Materials on Diesel Engines using Biodiesel Fuel

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    One of method to improve engine performance and reduce fuel consumption is to use exposure to magnetic fields in the fuel lines. Several studies have proven that magnetic field exposure can improve diesel engine performance. This research aims to test the performance of a diesel engine using fuels that are given a magnetic field from 3 types of permanent magnets, namely magnets made from Neodymium Iron Boron (NdFeB), Aluminum Nickel Cobalt (AlNiCo), and Ferrite (Fe). Performance tests on the Yanmar TF85MH diesel engine include power and torque. The fuel used in this research is Biodiesel B20. The results showed that neodymium magnets (NdFeB) are the best magnets of the 3 types of magnets tested with an average increase in power of 2.30%, an average increase in torque of 2.35%