21 research outputs found

    Exploring the effectiveness of demand management policy in reducing traffic congestion and environmental pollution: Car-free day and odd-even plate measures for Bandung city in Indonesia

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    Traffic congestion has been a major problem in big cities around the world, not to mention several large cities in Indonesia. Bandung is the second largest metropolitan area after Jakarta in Indonesia which suffers from extreme levels of congestion. With a high number of motorcycles and large private car population, congestion in this city is ever growing worsening the environment. While the local authorities struggle to find resources to fund capital intensive capacity expansion projects, this research explores the use of cost effective demand management policy measures to reduce the congestion and pollution. This study aims at assessing two relatively under-researched demand management policy measures that restrict vehicle flows viz., car-free day and odd-even plate schemes to investigate the effect on traffic congestion and the environment. SATURN traffic network modelling software has been used to predict the route choices of vehicles. Bandung city road network and origin destination matrix have been adapted to simulate the two measures during the peak hour. As well as providing the necessary inputs to a pollutant emission estimation model, traffic network modelling output forms the basis for assessing the congestion levels. Results show that both car-free day and odd-even plate measures have unintended consequences that undermine their effectiveness which if addressed could make them highly beneficial solutions. Car-free day scheme reduces the traffic flow levels in the vicinity of scheme but diverts the vehicle flow elsewhere to other routes which may adversely affect the congestion/pollution. Odd-even plate scheme is very effective at the beginning of its implementation but the performance gradually diminishes as drivers start to adapt by buying a second vehicle or even using fake number plates. Document type: Articl

    Model of Agents-Based Branchless Banking Services Development in Urban and Rural Area

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    The banking sector has experienced a far leap related to Information Communication and Technology (ICT)-based services. Among them is e-banking that has been used by the community, especially in urban areas. Likewise, the use of ATMs can be used to provide banking services to the wider community, so that it can replace most of the functions of services in banks. However, in communities outside of urban areas such as rural communities there are still limitations in accessing e-banking and ATM services. Limited use of e-banking because this service must use internet media or smart phones to access. Meanwhile, the limited use of ATMs due to the availability of ATMs in rural areas is not as much as in urban areas, considering that rural areas are areas with low settlement densities. Today, banks in Indonesia have provided branchless banking by enabling agents. Branchless banking is found in urban, suburban and rural areas. In previous research, the existence of branchless banking in the form of agents and their utilization by customers has been identified. From previous studies, maps of agent and customer density and analysis related to the condition of regional accessibility have been produced. This research is a further study focusing on sub districts area with high agent density in both rural, suburban and urban areas. The purpose of this research is to analyze the development model of agent-based branchless banking services. Data was collected through primary data through observation, structured interviews and measurement of coordinates of the location of agents and banking services in the form of ATMs and Banks. The final result is expected to be used as a model for the development of branchless banking services in Indonesia.


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    Kota Semarang mempunyai pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi, hal tersebut menyebabkan munculnya berbagai masalah transportasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) mengetahui persebaran tingkat kemacetan lalu lintas di Kota Semarang. (Studi kasus : Kec. Pedurungan, Gayamsari, dan Semarang Selatan), (2) memetakan jalur alternatif untuk mengatasi kemacetan lalu lintas menggunakan network analyst.Model yang digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat kemacetan lalu lintas menggunakan pengharkatan kuantitatif berjenjang tertimbang, sementara untuk pemodelan jalur alternatif menggunakan analisis jaringan dimana pemilihan rute didasarkan pada waktu tercepat.Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan persebaran tingkat kemacetan lalu lintas yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penentuan rute alternatif dengan mempertimbangkan rute tercepat berdasarkan waktu tempuh perjalanan. Dari total ruas jalan yang dikaji, 8,5 % masuk ke dalam kelas kemacetan tinggi, 15,5 % masuk pada kelas kemacetan sedang, dan sisanya 76 % masuk dalam kelas kemacetan rendah

    Demand Forecast of Jakarta-Surabaya High Speed Rail based on Stated Preference Method

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    Intercity roads, rail networks and air transport in Java, Indonesia, have suffered greatly due to the congestion of goods and passenger transport.  The plan to build a 730 kilometer high-speed rail (HSR) route from Jakarta, the state capital, to Surabaya, the capital of East Java Province, has been discussed in the public sphere for years. The Government of Indonesia (GOI) plans to connect these two cities by HSR to supplement the alternatives, such as conventional rail, air and toll roads. The HSR service is expected to reduce the existing average intercity train travel time from nine hours to five hours, or even to three depending on the maximum design speed. Currently, door-to-door air travel may take five hours. Another goal of the Jakarta-Surabaya HSR is to improve accessibility between major cities in Java, reduce congestion between them, and reduce air pollution, accidents and energy consumption along the transport corridor. The purpose of this study is to estimate the number of passengers from existing modes of transportation (e.g. road, rail and air) who would be willing to change their choice of mode to the planned high-speed trains. The data for the study are based on stated choice questions posed to respondents, in which the differences in attributes such as travel time and cost; service frequency or headway; and accessibility, such as the distance and cost to reach the stations, are the main factors influencing switching behavior to the new HSR services. The chosen model is the MNL III model, with 45.36% accuracy and 0.128 pseudo R-square. By using the Multinomial Logit model (MNL), the study reveals that the most important variable is travel time, followed by frequency and cost. The MNL model is also used to estimate the initial HSR ridership to produce the demand forecast along the planning horizon

    The Effectiveness of Azolla microphylla Flour Supplementation in Rations on Body Weight, Total Blood Plasma Protein and Total Microbial Contamination of Broiler Carcasses

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Azolla microphylla  flour supplementation in broiler feed rations on body weight, total blood plasma protein and total broiler carcass microbial contamination. The study was conducted for 6 months (May-October 2022) in the broiler cage unit at the Integrated Field Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. This experimental study used four treatments and five replications. Each replicate consisted of five Cobb CP 707broiler strains, bringing a total of 100 broilers. Giving Azolla microphylla flour as a supplement is added to the feed ration with different doses according to broiler body weight, namely P0: ration without Azolla microphylla flour supplementation (control); P1: ration supplemented with 2.5% Azolla microphylla flour; P2 5%; P3 7.5%. Sampling of carcasses and blood serum of 29-day-old broilers was 1 broiler per replication with a total of 20 samples. Samples were sent to the Lampung Veterinary Center to be analyzed for total meat microbial contamination (total plate count) and total plasma protein in blood serum. Data from the test results are arranged in a simple tabular form to be analyzed descriptively. The conclusion of this study wassupplementation with 5% Azolla microphyllaflour in rations were effective to increase body weight gain, maintain total blood plasma protein within the normal range, and maintain total broiler carcass microbial contamination within safe limits for consumption


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    Sebagai negara berkembang, Indonesia membutuhkan pemenuhan data spasial untuk kegiatan manajemen sumber daya wilayah dan perencanaan regional. Namun data penginderaan jauh yang ada sekarang masih mempunyai beberapa kekurangan dan batasan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan tujuan membangun suatu sistem dan prosedur pemetaan udara menggunakan teknologi aerial videography yang hasilnya diharapkan mampu menjadi alternatif produk data penginderaan jauh untuk menjawab keterbatasan yang ada. Teknologi aerial videography yang dibangun dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kamera video Hi-Def sebagai sensor utama dan paramotor sebagai wahana. Koreksi dan enchancement video, dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas video baik secara geometrik maupun radiometrik. Pemrosesan video dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan citra single image, stereoimages, mosaic2D, Near-orthomosaic and Stereomosaic3D. Citra yang dihasilkan mempunyai ground pixel size �0,16m dengan akurasi geometrik dalam sub meter baik horizontal maupun vertikal. Berdasarkan akurasi tersebut citra aerial videography dapat digunakan sebagai data spasial dalam penyusunan materi rencana detail tata ruang.Kata kunci: data penginderaan jauh, aerial videography, materi rencana detil tata ruan

    Physical and Chemical Quality of Corn Husks with Ammoniation, Biofermentation and Ammonia Fermentation Processing

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    This study aimed to evaluate the processing of ammoniated, biofermented and amorphous corn husks on physical quality, dry matter, ash content, crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), crude fiber (CF), and nitrogen free extract (NFE). This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) which consisted of 4 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments given were P1: untreated corn husks (control), P2: ammoniated corn husks (2% urea), P3: fermented corn husks (5% Aspergillus niger), and P4: amofered corn husks (2% urea + 5% Aspergillus niger). The variables observed included physical quality and nutrient content (dry matter, ash, crude protein, ether extract, crude fiber, and nitrogen free extract). The data obtained  analyzed using Analysis of Variety and followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results of the study had a significant effect on the physical quality, dry matter, ash, crude protein, ether extract, crude fiber and nitrogen free extract (P0,05) on the ash content. Amopheric processing has the best effect on physical quality, crude protein and crude fiber content of corn husks. Fermentation processing gives the best effect on ether extract and nitrogen free extract

    Pelaksanaan Fungsi Controlling Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah dalam Pembangunan Drainase Kota Bukittinggi

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of the supervisory function of the Regional People's Representative Council of the City of Bukittinggi in the 2021-2022 drainage development project. The drainage project implemented by the Bukittinggi city government has had an impact on community activities. Therefore, the role of people's representative institutions is needed to oversee so that good governance is realized. This research is descriptive in nature, namely research that aims to obtain a complete picture (description) of the legal situation that applies in a certain place, using an empirical juridical approach. The data sources consist of primary data and secondary data. Based on the results of the research, the supervisory function of the Regional Representatives Council of the City of Bukittinggi has not been carried out optimally. The form of implementation of the supervisory function is by summoning the relevant offices for hearings and conducting field inspections. The obstacle faced in carrying out the supervisory function by the Regional People's Legislative Assembly for the City of Bukittinggi is the lack of responsibility for members of the council in carrying out their duties according to their authority, as regulated by law