406 research outputs found


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    This research is aimed to increase the interactive activity and concept mastery of the students of chemistry education study program on Strategy and Method of Chemistry Instruction Subject through jigsaw model with lesson-study-based. Lesson study activity with steps plan, do and see was conducted at Chemistry Department of Mathematics and Science Faculty, State University of Makassar with 7 involved observers. Methods used in this research is learning cycle (plan, do, and see) and collaborated with several SMPK lecturer through collegiality principle and mutual learning. Present research was done on odd semester academic year 2012/2013 with four cycles. The research subject is students of chemistry education study program, received year 2010/2011

    Strategi Pengelolaan Hulu Daerah Aliran Sungai Jeneberang Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan: Strategy Management The Upstream Of Jeneberang Watershed In South Sulawesi Province

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    ABSTRACT   The implementation of Jeneberang watershed management is a watershed management priority plan that has been determined by the Government. However, there is no common ground and commitment between the government and all stakeholders, so there are still various problems in the upstream Jeneberang watershed. This study aims to determine the management strategy in the upstream area of ​​the Jeneberang River Basin and to analyze the factors that determine the success of the Jeneberang watershed management strategy. This research uses qualitative and quantitative methods with descriptive analysis techniques and SWOT-AHP analysis. The results of this study explain that the Jeneberang watershed is in the critical category and a priority national watershed in handling. So that it requires the handling of all stakeholders to work together. All stakeholders have the same management goal, which is to maintain sustainability, balance the ecosystem, and help community welfare. However, due to lack of coordination between all stakeholders and budget constraints. The results of the SWOT – AHP analysis show that the success factors in managing the Jeneberang watershed are: 1. Requiring commitment of all stakeholders and providing incentives, education, opening jobs, training and assistance to communities who maintain the sustainability of the upstream Jeneberang watershed. 2. Maximizing and prioritizing the management of the Jeneberang watershed so that erosion and flooding does not occur. 3. Land conversion occurs around the Jeneberang watershed so that it requires intensive handling and supervision from all parties who manage the Jeneberang watershed


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    The teaching of the educational levels including at the university level is still emphasized on the aspect of cognitive ability. The emphasis on the aspect of empowering the metacognitive is not touched yet. As a matter of fact, there are some techniques of teaching that can be applied to empower their metacognitive ability such Problem-based Learning (PBL) and cooperative Group Investigation (GI) strategy applies. This study aims to explain the effect of PBL and cooperative GI strategy to the metacognition and this study use “Pretest-Posttest Nonequivalent Control Group Design”. This study indicates that students that learned with PBL and GI strategy have scores of metacognition from pretest to posttest higher than students that learned with conventional strategy. Based on the ANACOVA test showed that there were significance differences of students’ metacognition ability between the students who were thought through PBL strategy and the students who were thought through conventional and GI strategy. Kata kunci: PBL, kooperatif GI, metakognis


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    The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is globally unavoidable since it becomes a booster for all life aspects, including but not limited to teaching and learning. Internet provides limitless resources teaching and learning media, one of those are videos in YouTube. The objective of this study is to know, whether or not YouTube media can improve students’ listening skill in English teaching. The subject of the study was eleventh grader (11) SMK Negeri 2 Majene. The total population is 65 students from two classes, as the sample is consisted of 30 students. In this study, researcher used quantitative method on pre-Experimental research, with one group pre-test and post-test. The pre-test result was compared to the post-test result to determine whether or not the trajectory is successful. This research uses quantitative research. Result from pre-test to post-test students can hear English well. Thus, using YouTube media in learning process is effective to improve students' listening ability. This is proved by the mean score of pre-tests which is 17 and post-test obtained score of 30.1. That means the ability to listen to students increase 13.1 points. T-test value is 6,89 and T-table is 1,699 with degree of freedom (df) 29 and significant level at 5% is 1,699. Based on the analysis data, alternative hypothesis (HI) in this research is accepted because the result of T-value is higher than T-table (6.89> 1.699). It indicates that YouTube media can be effectively applied in learning English for the 11th students in SMK Negeri 2 Majene


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    By using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) program, the impeller's output could be visualized without creating a prototype which would cost the time and money. For this research, simulation of computational fluid dynamics is performed on two forms of impeller design (Counterflow and Sawtooth) and modification of their design (4-Sided Impeller and Inclined Blade Sawtooth Impeller) for evaluation 2 technique of simulating was used to analyse the rotation of the impellers which are the Multiple Reference Frame method and the Moving Wall method. The simulations result shown by vector of velocity and wall shear of vectors. The efficiency of the impellers is then measured on the basis of the result obtained comparatively. The results of this project are important in determining an effective impeller to mix industrial paint in a homogeneous way

    Hubungan Tingkat Miskonsepsi Peserta Didik dengan Pemahaman Konsep Matematika Kelas XI SMAN 2 Kabupaten Bulukumba

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    Berdasarkan hasil analisis data menggunakan analisis data deskriptif untuk jawaban miskonsepsi peserta didik diperoleh nilai rata-rata 7,26 berarti bahwa nilai miskonsepsi peserta didik memusat atau berada disekitar nilai 7,26 yang berada pada kategori sedang, skor tertinggi 12 dan terendah 0. Untuk pemahaman konsep matematika diperoleh nilai rata-rata 16,42 berarti bahwa nilai pemahaman konsep peserta didik memusat atau berada disekitar nilai 16,42 yang berada pada kategori rendah, skor tertinggi 37 dan terendah 0. Adapun hasil analisis statistik inferensial diperoleh nilai signifikan 0,00. Dalam hal ini nilai signifikan lebih kecil dari (0,00<0,05) jadi H ditolak. Dengan demikian, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara miskonsepsi peserta didik dengan pemahaman konsep matematika kelas XI SMAN 2 Kabupaten Bulukumba. Berdasarkan uji koefisien korelasi, diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar -0,905 yang berarti bahwa kedua variabel memiliki hubungan negatif yang sangat kuat. Dengan demikian, semakin tinggi miskonsepsi peserta didik maka semakin rendah pula pemahaman konsepnya, sebalikya semakin rendah miskonsepsi pesrta didik maka semakin tinggi pula pemahaan konsepnya.

    A Study of Acoustic Properties of Coconut Coir and Vermiculite Composite as Noise Insulation in Vehicles

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    Coconut coir and vermiculite composite is a promising front on the research on natural fiber sound insulation panels. Vermiculite particles are introduced in the matrix to prop up the pores in the coconut coir fibers thus allowing for sound energy to be dissipate as it passes through the pores. Since the composite can be compressed considerably while still maintaining the pores, the acoustic performance can rival that of conventional noise insulation materials but with added value of sustainability and possible cost savings. By using a mix of 7:2:1 ratio of coconut coir fibers to vermiculite particles to PVA binder in weight percentages, an improvement of 18.7% can be seen with the acoustic absorption coefficient with respect to the control sample. The 8:1:1 variations also sees an improvement of over 16% but in both cases, chopped fibers were used with an average length of 60mm. In the long fibers specimens, only 8% improvement was seen with the 8:1:1 variation and the 7:2:1 variation was only marginally better than the former
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