130 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Arabic-Indonesian and Arabic-English Translation Techniques in The Al-Hikam Aphorism

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    This study examines the translation techniques used in the Arabic, Indonesian, and English languages. One of the studies in textual equivalence involves the translation of the information structure of Themes (starting point of speech) and Rheme (new information). Mapping the structure of the Themes and Rheme in the source language text (SL) will assist the translator in determining the flow of information and identifying the type of genre in both the source and the target text. Thus, the research problems can be stated as follows: (1) what the form of information structure is in Al-Hikam aphorisms, and (2) how to apply translation techniques in Al-Hikam aphorisms. The results show that Arabic-to-Indonesian and Arabic-to-English aphorism translations employ a variety of translation techniques. There are 1,169 different translation techniques utilised in Al-Hikam aphorisms (Arabic to Indonesian). Meanwhile, the number of translation techniques in Al-Hikam aphorisms (Arabic – English) amount to 962. On the other hand, the dominance of established equivalent techniques in Arabic – Indonesian and Arabic – English translations indicates that there are many terms or expressions that have been recognised in the dictionary or are commonly used to achieve equivalence from the source language to the target language, thereby increasing the readability of aphorism. The results of macro level data analysis indicate that translation of Al-Hikam’s aphorisms in Arabic - Indonesian and Arabic - English tends to be oriented towards the target language and adopts the ideology of domestication

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Kontekstual Berbasis Hands On Activity dalam Pembelajaran Fisika pada Materi Gerak Melingkar

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    This research is a development research that aims to produce products in the form of hands on activity based contextual teaching materials that are feasible and practical to use in learning. The research design is the development of a 4D model which consists of 4 stages, namely Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate. The product developed is contextual teaching materials based on hands on activity. Research data obtained from validation sheets and student response questionnaires. The results of data analysis determine the level of feasibility and practicality of the teaching materials developed. Feasibility of teaching materials in terms of the value of validity and reliability. The practicality of teaching materials in terms of the value of the results of student responses. The results showed the feasibility of teaching materials based on the validity value obtained a percentage of 87.18% with very valid criteria and the reliability value showed the acquisition of a percentage value of 94.521% with a reliable category. The results of the practicality of teaching materials based on the student's response value showed a percentage value of 91.42% with a good category. Thus, it can be concluded that the hands on activity based contextual teaching materials developed are feasible and practical to use in learning


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    The purpose of this report is to discuss the progress of the Final Year Project of the topic Design and Implementation of Unmanned Ground Vehicle (Movement Control). The main objective of the project is to build a movement control device that can control the movement of the Unmanned Ground Vehicle. The Unmanned Ground Vehicle operates by receiving instruction from human in a remote location via Radio Frequency (RF) communication channel. The movement will be determined by the direction of rotation of the motor inside the Unmanned Ground Vehicle. The project made use of RF transmitter and receiver modules, encoder, decoder, and microcontroller. C codes for both RF transmitter and receiver modules have been develop using PICC Compiler software

    Why Political Parties Colonize the Media in Indonesia: An Exploration of Mediatization

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    Mediatization has become more relevant in exploring relations between media and politics in post-Suharto Indonesia. However, the media's roles as the fourth estate of democracy has been hijacked by wealthy politicians and political parties. As a result, most mainstream media have failed to enhance public dabates democratically. Based on existing mediatization literature, politico-economy analysis, and data collected through extensive in-depth interviews and relevant documents in the 2013-2015 period, this article theoretically aims to develop the mediatization concept and explore the degree of mediatization of politics in contemporary Indonesia

    Why Political Parties Colonize the Media in Indonesia: an Exploration of Mediatization

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    Mediatization has become more relevant in exploring relations between media and politics in post-Suharto Indonesia. However, the media's roles as the fourth estate of democracy has been hijacked by wealthy politicians and political parties. As a result, most mainstream media have failed to enhance public dabates democratically. Based on existing mediatization literature, politico-economy analysis, and data collected through extensive in-depth interviews and relevant documents in the 2013-2015 period, this article theoretically aims to develop the mediatization concept and explore the degree of mediatization of politics in contemporary Indonesia


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    High content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) such as arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acids are typical for the red alga. Analysis of fatty acid composition and prostaglandin content was conducted in the red alga Gracilaria sp. from Indonesia. Total lipid of the alga was extracted with CHCl3-MeOH (2:1, v/v). Analysis of the fatty acids composition was performed on gas chromatography (GC) equipped with omega wax column (30 m x 0,32 mm i.d., Supelco, PA, USA) and analysis of prostaglandins were carried out by HPLC on ODS column (Mightysil RP-18 GP, 250 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 μm). The content of fatty acids high for were palmitic acid (50%) and arachidonic acid (26.9%), whereas prostaglandin E2 was identified and found lower concentration (44.2 μg/gram total lipid)

    Deradicalization in Textbooks of Islamic Religious Education Material with Radicalism in Schools

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    This article is limited to a literature study dealing with radicalization in educational institutions. More specifically, the authors want to add as much information as possible, so that this paper strengthens the study of literature and data that can strengthen further research. The preliminary results are as follows: radicalism enters through textbooks, by changing the religious understanding of teachers and students, the books used are official books published by the government and private institutions through worksheets. Based on the above problems, the author has indeed tried to look back at some of the teaching materials for Islamic religious education which are mixed with radical ideas as revised by the government and by the community to improve textbooks so that radical understanding can be lost. So it is necessary to reorientate the handling of radicalization which has been done and understood by great people. Efforts to stem radicalism, which have so far been more focused on terrorists or warfighters, have not been carried out much as an understood precaution and radical action

    Building Cultural Literacy through the Pattingalloang Boat Library

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    Menjadikan Indonesia negara maju adalah pekerjaan yang tidak mudah dan tidak dapat diwujudkan dalam waktu yang singkat. Dalam pengertian sederhana, literasi ialah kemampuan untuk memahami setiap bahan bacaan dan menulis. Pembangunan literasi budaya ialah syarat yang mesti dimiliki sebuah negara agar dapat memiliki sumber daya unggul. Penelitian ini menganalisis tantangan dan peluang Perpustakaan Perahu Pattingalloang dalam membangun literasi budaya. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat berkontribusi secara ilmiah kepada pemerintah dan bermanfaat bagi masyarakat luas dalam membangun literasi budaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menyajikan data-data empiris yang diperolah dari bahan bacaan yang relevan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, pertama masyarakat Indonesia memiliki minat baca yang besar akan tetapi akses ke bahan bacaan masih sangat terbatas. Kedua, Perahu Pustaka Pattingalloang hadir karena dua alasan yakni budaya literasi dan literasi budaya, dan ketiga perahu ini menjadi kontribusi nyata masyarakat dalam membangun literasi.ABSTRACT:Building Indonesia to become a developed country is not an easy task and cannot be realized in a moment. Literacy is the ability to understand reading materials and the ability to write. The establishment of cultural literacy is the main prerequisite that can build a nation's human resources. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the challenges and opportunities of the Pattingalloang boat library in developing cultural literacy. The expected of this study is to scientifically contribute to the government and the public in harmonizing acceleration and description of building a cultural literacy. The study uses a descriptive qualitative method by presenting various relevant empirical facts and the data were obtained through relevant documents. The results concluded that firstly the Indonesian people have an interest in reading but the media to support it is still very limited. Secondly, the presence of the Pattingalloang library boat boils down to two things namely literacy culture and cultural literacy. The last was the Pattingalloang library boat became a means of evidence of community contributions in developing cultural literacy


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    Lamun di Kepulauan Spermonde Kota Makassar diketahui memiliki kandungan senyawa yang berpotensi sebagai antimikroba, namun belum ada yang meneliti mengenai tingkat toksisitas dan sitotoksitas lamun. Uji toksisitas dapat dilakukan dengan metode Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) karena metode ini murah, aman, cepat, memakai peralatan sederhana, serta memiliki korelasi terhadap uji spesifik antikanker dengan tingkat kepercayaan hingga 95%.\ud Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui potensi antikanker bahan aktif ekstrak lamun dari Kepulauan Spermonde Kota Makassar dengan menggunakan metode Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) atau menggunakan Artemia salina.\ud Penelitian ini menggunakan 720 ekor larva Artemia salina yang dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok kontrol positif (methanol p.a.), satu kelompok kontrol negatif dan 3 kelompok seri konsentrasi ekstrak lamun, masing-masing terdiri dari 10 ekor larva Artemia salina dengan replikasi 3 kali untuk kelompok seri konsentrasi ekstrak. Kelompok perlakuan kontrol positif dan kelompok ekstrak lamun terdiri dari konsentrasi 10 ppm, 100 ppm, dan 1000 ppm. Data kematian Artemia salina dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis probit untuk mengetahui nilai LC50.\ud Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai LC50 yang berbeda-beda tiap jenis ekstrak lamun pada lokasi yang berbeda. Nilai LC50 masing-masing ekstrak lamun ialah sebagai berikut; jenis Enhalus acoroides zona 1, >1000 ppm, Enhalus acoroides zona 2 sebesar 404,88 ppm, Halophila ovalis zona 1 dan 2, >1000 ppm, dan Cymodocea rotundata zona 2 sebesar 136,398 ppm.\ud Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak lamun jenis Enhalus acoroides dan Cymodocea rotundata pada zona 2 memiliki potensi sitotoksik terhadap Artemia salina menurut metode BSLT karena nilai LC50 yang didapatkan <1000 ppm
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