194 research outputs found
Financial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from a Heterogeneous Panel of High Income Countries
This paper examines the empirical relationship between financial development and economic growth for high income countries. The study focuses on both indirect finance and direct finance, separately as well as jointly. Applying the methodology of Nair-Reichert and Weinhold (2001) for causality analysis in heterogeneous panel data, two sets of results are reported. First, the evidence regarding the relationship between financial development and economic growth from a contemporaneous non-dynamic fixed effects panel estimation is mixed. Negative and statistically significant estimates of the coefficient of the inflation and financial development interaction variable indicate that financial sector development may even be harmful to economic growth when inflation is rising. Second, in contrast with the recent evidence of Beck and Levine (2003), heterogeneous panel causality analysis applied on a refined model indicates that there is no definite evidence that finance spurs economic growth or growth spurs finance. Most of our findings are in line with the Lucas (1988) view that the importance of financial matters is over-stressed. The only exception is the case of activity in stock markets where our result supports the Robinson (1952) view that finance follows enterprise.
One of the powers and responsibilities of the regional government in carrying out the wheels of government is regulated in Article 69 paragraph (1) of the 2014 Regional Government Law. The scope of the LKPJ material is the same, even though the Regional Head conveyed the scope of the LKPJ material there are 5 materials. Second, there is no clear standard for providing recommendations by the DPRD regarding the submission of Regional Head LKPj, even though the government has issued Government Regulation Number 3 of 2007 in terms of the body, explanation and attachments of government regulations. The purpose of this study is to analyze the legal construction of the district / city LKPj concept to achieve good regional autonomy. The research method is normative juridical research. The results showed the LKPj concept conveyed by the three Regional Heads (Mayor of Bekasi, Mayor of Tangerang, and Regent of Karawang) in order to realize good regional autonomy, in its implementation it has implemented good regional autonomy according to Van Der Pot, namely material household systems, home systems. stairs formally, and the real household system
The efficiency of horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) blades is examined in this paper concerning the effect of cross-section airfoil type. Three dif-ferent airfoils were examined: symmetric (NACA 4412), asymmetric (NACA 0012), and supercritical (NACA 4412). (EPPLER 417). The anal-yses that were performed combined theory and experiment. Theoretical analyses were carried out using Fortran 90 code and the blade element momentum-based Qblade code. The blade was created using SolidWorks software and a 3D printer for testing purposes. The findings of experi-mental tests supported the conclusions of the theory. Research revealed that the EPPLER 417 blade, which has a supercritical airfoil, performed better than other examined objects. NACA 4412, NACA 0012, and EPPLER 417 each have a power coefficient of 0.516, 0.492, and 0.510. According to the experimental data, the EPPLER 417 airfoil outperforms other air-foils in terms of power and speed reduction. To calculate the deformation and stresses of the three blades with various cross sections, CFD analysis was done in ANSYS Workbench. The CFD results showed that NACA 4412 has the highest strength but EPPLER 417 was considered the optimum cross-section based on power generation and acceptable stress values
In the current era, social media is very tied to people's daily lives, this makes social media have great potential for various fields, especially in the field of education. Social media such as Tik Tok, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook have become a place for learning in addition to being a medium of interaction. In fact, Tik Tok is one of the apps with the most users. In this study, the author aims to explain the results of observations from the development of public speaking skills of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta journalism students on the Tik Tok application. This research uses a qualitative approach with a questionnaire method. As a result, new journalism students of UIN Jakarta were helped by the Tik Tok application for their ability to speak in public. Although, the confidence to speak and appear in front of the camera is still low.Pada era saat ini media sosial sudah sangat terikat dengan keseharian orang-orang, hal ini membuat media sosial berpotensi bear bagi berbagai bidang, terutama dalam bidang pendidikan. Media sosial seperti Tik Tok, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook sudah menjadi wadah untuk pembelajaran selain sebagai media interaksi. Faktanya, Tik Tok merupakan salah satu aplikasi dengan pengguna terbanyak. Dalam penelitian ini penulis bertujuan untuk memaparkan hasil pengamatan dari perkembangan kemampuan berbicara di depan umum mahasiswa jurnalistik UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta pada aplikasi Tik Tok. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode kuesioner. Hasilnya, mahasiswa bar jurnalistik UIN Jakarta terbantu pada aplikasi Tik Tok terhadap kemampuan mereka berbicara di dean umum. Walaupun, kepercayaan diri untuk berbicara dan tampil di depan kamera masih rendah
Integration of Optimum Power for Wind Turbine Blade at Different Cross Section
البحث يقوم بتحليل وتحسين براميترات الخاصة بتورباين رياح افقي ذو اداء عالي المستوى مع تغير زاوية خطوة الريشة لمقاطع مختلفة من الريش ذو مطيار غير متماثل نوع (NACA 4412) وكذلك لمطيار غير متماثل انشطاري نوع (EPPLER 417) ومن اجل دقة أكثر تم تثبيت بعض البرامترات خلال التحليل لكي يتم التكامل والحصول على اعلى معامل قدره لتوربين الرياح. تم اجراء التحليل باستعمال برنامج (FORTRAN 90) تم المقارنة مع برنامج الماني ثم تم تحسين الاداء باستعمال طريقة شمز وبيتز الخاصة لوتر الريشة وكذلك الخاصة بالرفع والكبح ولزاوية خطوة الريشة من مناقشة النتائج النظريه تم توضيح ورسم الاستنتاجات المهمة وكذلك عمل توصيات ومقترحات مستقبلية. من خلال النتائج وجد قيم معامل القدرة ازدادت بمقدار (10.3%) لمطيار انشطاري نوع (EPPLER417) و(9.5%) لمطيار غير متماثل نوع (NACA 4412).This research analysis and optimizes the main wind horizontal turbine blade parameters for high-performance altitude with variable pitch blade angle for different blade cross-section unsymmetrical airfoil NACA 4412 and unsymmetrical airfoil supercritical Eppler 417. For deep specification, some wind horizontal turbine parameters kept constant through the proses method to integrate the highest behavior of windmill turbine power coefficient. The procedure analysis with FORTRAN.90 code ,then compare with German code and then optimized using Schmitz and Betz method for blade chord and lift to drag for blade pitch angle. From theoretical results discussion, important conclusions figured; also a recommendation for further work was suggested. Best optimization methods were Schmitz chord optimization and Lift/Drag twist optimization which increases the Cp 10.3% for Eppler 4417 and 9.5% for NACA 4412.All results were tabulated and plotted for all optimization result
Power optimization of wind mill turbine blade for different cross section
الهدف من هذا البحث هو الحصول على زاويه التواء والوتر الامثل لريشه التوربين الهوائي باستخدام برنامج السوائل الحسابيه الديناميكيه (CFG) والمتضمن نظريه (Schmitz) ونظريه (Betz) وطريقه الرفع الى الكبح (Lift To Drag) باستخدام طريقه ( Genetic Algorithm ) .
من وجه النظر الفنيه هو هو تغير المقطع العرضي للريشه باستخدام المطيار المتناظر (Symmetrical) والغير متناظر (Unsymmetrical ) ومطيار ابلر(Eppler-417) في الطرق اعلاه حيث تبين ان نظريه (Schmitz) للوتر الامثل وطريقه الرفع الى الكبح (Lift To Drag) لزاويه الالتواء المثلي هي احسن الطرق لرفع معامل القدره الكهربائيه 10.3% لمطيار ابلر (Eppler-417) و9.5% للمطيار الغير متناظر(Unsymmetrical ) و16% للمطيار الغير متناظر(Symmetrical) . جميع النتائج مثبته بالاشكال والجداول المرفقه .The aim of this paper was to attain best optimization for twist angle and the chord of wind mill blade by using CFD code with Schmitz, Betz and .Lift to drag twist optimization along with Genetic Algorithm method. The technical point of view to change the cross section of the blade by using symmetry airfoil (NACA-0012), unsymmetrical airfoil (NACA-4412) and supercritical airfoil (Eppler-417). The best optimization Method was Schmitz chord optimization and lift to drag for twist optimization which increase the Cp 10.3% for Eppler 417 , 9.5% for NACA 4412 and 16% for NACA 0012. All results were plotted and tabulated for all optimization results
Implementasi pendidikan multikurtural melalui pendekatan nilai luhur budaya dan pancasila untuk membangun karakter mahasiswa dalam meghadapi arus globalisasi
Globalization is indeed very strongly felt in every aspects of life of society, nation and state. The joints are ediologi, political, economic, social, cultural, defense and security. The fade of nationalism and solidarity is one of the diseases that are suffered by children of this country. This factor is also the background for the emergence of awareness of the importance of education implementation multikurtural in building character/good manners. Characters based on a multicultural nation in accordance with the motto "Bhineka Tunggal Ika/Unity in Diversity" should be the foundation in the development of the character / character the future of the nation of Indonesia. The purpose of this research are: (1) knowing how to approach memalui implementation of multicultural education and cultural values of Pancasila to build student character in meghadapi globalization in STKIP PGRI Sumenep; (2) determine the factors supporting and implementing multicultural education memalui approach and the cultural values of Pancasila in STKIP PGRI Sumenep. This research is a case study with research subjects covering STKIP PGRI Sumenep, chairman, faculty, and students. The approach used is a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. The results of this study are: (1) to implement multicultural education through the approach of cultural values and Pancasila run very and able to build student character STKIP PGRI Sumenep (2) factors pendukunggnya is good cooperation between all the components in STKIP PGRI Sumenep, starting from the chairman, lecturers, students and parents of students. Their breadth to students in developing their potential through both intra and extra school.Keywords: Multicultural Education, Student Character. http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um022v1i22016p08
Beton merupakan suatu bahan komposit yang dihasilkan dari pencampuran bahan-bahan agregat halus, agregat kasar, air, semen atau bahan lain yang berfungsi sebagai bahan pengikat hidrolis, dengan atau tanpa menggunakan bahan tambahan. Kuat tekan beban beton adalah besarnya beban per satuan luas yang menyebabkan benda uji beton hancur bila dibebani dengan gaya tekan tertentu yang dihasilkan oleh mesin tekan. Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kuat tekan beton yang dihasilkan dari metode compression test dan hammer test menggunakan agregat halus Pasir Tenggarong. Benda uji yang digunakan pada penelitian ini ada 2 jenis yaitu silinder berdiameter 15 cm dan tinggi 30 cm, kubus berukuran 15 cm X 15 cm X 15 cm dengan total 16 buah sampel benda uji yang dibagi menjadi 8 sampel untuk silinder dan 8 sampel untuk kubus, dengan sampel direndam/curing selama 28 hari. Hasil penelitian yang didapat untuk metode compression test benda uji kubus nilai tertingginya yaitu 307,73 kg/cm2 dan nilai terendahnya yaitu 269,20 kg/cm2 sedangkan untuk benda uji silinder nilai tertingginya yaitu 293,28 kg/cm2 dan nilai terendahnya yaitu 253,26 kg/cm2. Lalu untuk metode hammer test benda uji kubus nilai tertingginya yaitu 193,74 kg/cm2 dan nilai terendahnya yaitu 142,76 kg/cm2 sedangkan untuk benda uji silinder nilai tertingginya yaitu 203,94 kg/cm2 dan nilai terendahnya yaitu 122,36 kg/cm2. Yang terakhir nilai persentase hammer test terhadap compression test untuk benda uji kubus nilai tertingginya 70,08% dan terendahnya 51,55% sedangkan benda uji silinder nilai tertingginya 69,54% dan terendahnya 46,48%
Experimental Study to Design and Manufacturing of NACA 0012 Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade
في هذا البحث تم تصميم وتحليل وتحسين وتصنيع ريشة توربين رياح افقي المحور ذات مقطع متنـاظر نـوع NACA) (0012. للحصول على اداء وسلوك أفضل من الضروري تثبيت بعض العوامل والتحكم في عوامل اخرى للوصول الى أفضل أداء لريشة توربين الرياح.
تم استخدام برنامج فولرتران 90 لتحليل وحساب بيانات التصميم وكذلك مقارنة هذه البيانات مع نتائج CFD Code. كذلك تم استخدام طرق التحسين (Scmitz, betz and lift/drag optimization) لتحسين وتر وزاوية الملعب لريشة توربين الرياح. من ثم رسم ريش التوربين بواسطة برنامج solidwork بعد ذلك ارسال هذه البيانات الى 3D printer ليتم تصنيـع الريـش. علما ان الريـش صنعت من مـادة الاليـاف الزجاجية.
النتائج كانت كالتالي، حيث كانت قبل التحسين Cp =0.481 عند TSR=7، وبعد التحسين اصبحت
Cp = 0.556 .عند استخدام نظرية Schmitz لتحسين الوتر وطريقة lift/drag optimization لتحسين زاوية الملعب, وكانت
الـ Cp = 0.53 عند استخدام نظرية Betz لتحسين الوتر وطريقة lift/drag optimization لتحسين زاوية الملعب.In this research, the design, analysis, improvement, and manufacturing of a horizontal axis wind turbine with symmetrical blade section type (NACA 0012) airfoil have been achieved. For better performance and behavior, it is necessary to install some parameters and controlled the others to achieve the best wind turbine performance.
Fortran 90 computer programs are used to analyze and calculate the design data as well as compare these data with the results of CFD code. Then the optimization methods Scmitz, betz and lift/drag optimization were used to improve chord and pitch angle for a wind turbine. Turbine blades were drawn by solidwork program, and then this data was transferred to the 3D printer to manufacture the blades. Note that the blades were made of fiberglass material. The results were as follows, where the Cp =0.481 at TSR=7 before optimization and after optimization, the best results were as follows Cp = 0.556 at Schmitz chord optimization and lift/drag twist optimization, Also Cp = 0.53 at Betz chord optimization and lift/drag twist optimization at same TSR
Efektivitas Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dengan Menggunakan Metode Tugas Pada Siswa di SD Inpres Kantisang Kota Makassar
This research was motivated by the many learning methods at SD Inpres Kantisang Makassar, such as lecture methods, storytelling, discussions and assignments, so that the method of giving assignments became the focus of researchers because students in learning did not respond well to assignments given by educators. The aims of this study were 1) to find out the effectiveness of Islamic religious education learning using the assignment method, 2) to determine the supporting and inhibiting factors for the effectiveness of Islamic religious education learning using the assignment method at SD Inpres Kantisang, Makassar city. This type of research is field qualitative and descriptive in nature. Collecting data using interviews, observation, and documentation. Test the validity of the data using the time triangulation technique. The data analysis techniques that the researchers used were data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of this study indicate that the effectiveness of teaching Islamic religious education by using the assignment method at SD Inpres Kantisang, Makassar, has been effective. As evidence that the learning process of Islamic Religious Education is effective, namely the learning process, methods, facilities and media used, as well as the attitude of students in taking responsibility for the tasks given by educators.
PAI Learning Effectiveness, Task Method
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya metode pembelajaran di SD Inpres Kantisang kota Makassar seperti metode ceramah, bercerita, diskusi dan pemberian tugas, sehingga metode pemberian tugas menjadi fokus peneliti karena peserta didik dalam pembelajaran tidak merespon dengan baik tugas yang diberikan oleh pendidik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) Mengetahui efektivitas pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam dengan menggunakan metode pemberian tugas, 2) Mengetahui faktor pendukung dan penghambat efektivitas pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam dengan menggunakan metode pemberian tugas di SD Inpres Kantisang kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif lapangan dan bersifat deskriptif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Uji keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi waktu. Teknik analisis data yang peneliti nakan adalah data reduction (reduksi data), data dislay (penyajian data), danonclusion drawing/verification. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam dengan menggunakan metode pemberian tugas di SD Inpres Kantisang kota Makassar sudah efektif. Sebagai bukti bahwa proses pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam itu efektif yaitu proses pembelajaran, metode, sarana dan media yang digunakan, serta sikap peserta didik dalam mempertanggung jawabkan tugas yang diberikan oleh pendidik.
Kata kunci:
Efektivitas Pembelajaran PAI, Metode Tuga
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