229 research outputs found

    Analisis Empirik Multimedia Interaktif Pembelajaran Fisika Menggunakan Lectora Inspire Pada Materi Cahaya Di SMP

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    This study aims to analize the interactive multimedia in physics learning empirically. The approach used in this study is research and development (R&D) with instructional design model, ADDIE. Data were collected through the questionnaires. Respondents of this research were from teachers and students, teacher as an expert user while student as a user. The data of instrument were analyzed using product moment SPSS and Ms. Excel. The highest validity score of each teacher as expert and student as user is 0,821 & 0,776 while the reliability score each is 0,955 & 0,906. The results of this research indicate that the interactive multimedia is valid and reliable

    Implementasi Pembinaan Akhlakul Karimah Peserta Didik di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Putra DDI Mangkoso

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    Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Impelementasi pembinaannakhlakul karimah peserta didik di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Putra DDI Mangkoso dilaksanakan melalui pembinaan akhlakul karimah peserta didik, diantaranya: pembinaan melalui keteladanan, pembiasaan, nasehat, teguran dan hukuman; 2) Faktor penghambat dan pendukung dalam implementasi pembinaan akhlakul karimah peserta didik di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Putra DDI Mangkoso. Faktor penghambat: masih terdapat peserta didik yang belum memiliki tingkat kesadaran, lingkungan pergaulan yang kurang baik, perkembangan teknologi dan kurangnya perhatian orang tua. Faktor pendukung: kerja sama yang baik antara kepala sekolah, guru-guru dan orang tua peserta didik, sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, tata tertib yang harus ditaati dan adanya kesadaran dalam diri peserta didik untuk mengubah akhlaknya; 3) Hasil kondisi riil implementasi pembinaan akhlakul karimah peserta didik Madrasah Tsanawiyah Putra DDI Mangkoso sebagai hasil pembinaan akhlak menunjukkan bahwa pada dasarnya peserta didik sudah sopan dalam bertutur kata ataupun bertingkah laku. Selain itu, peserta didik sudah memiliki akhlak yang baik, meliputi akhlak pada Allah swt., akhlak pada Rasulullah dan akhlak pada sesama makhluk ditandai dengan perilaku peserta didik yang sudah sesuai dengan nilai-nilai akhlak

    Hasil Belajar Kognitif IPA Fisika Siswa melalui Penerapan Strategi Bowling Campus di Kelas Viii6 SMPN 15 Pekanbaru

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    This research aims at describe cognitive learning outcomes science of physics through the implementation strategy Bowling Campus on light subject at SMPN 15 Pekanbaru. The expected benefits of this research is for students implementation Bowling Campus strategy can improve the cognitive learning to become a better student. For teachers can be used as an alternative teaching strategies to improve the quality of science physics teaching. This research was conducted in SMP 15 Pekanbaru precisely in March 2015 until June 2015 in class VIII6 totaling 39 students. The design of the research is Pre-experimental design shapes One Shot Case study. From the research results obtained by the average value of absorption of students by 76.53% and categorized as good. Based on the average value of absorption was also found that the effectiveness of learning by applying Bowling Campus declared effective strategy. Based on 20 indicators of achievement of competencies in a given light material, 14 indicators declared complete with a percentage of 70%. It can be concluded that the application of Bowling Campus strategy can be used as an alternative in order to achieve the learning outcomes of cognitive learning better students in the classroom VIII6 SMP 15 Pekanbaru


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    As a building for worship and one of the important symbols in Islam, a mosque is usually designed with its architectural grandeur. Among of the characteristics is its spacious interior to create a perception so that people will feel ’small’ when entering the house of God. Most mosques therefore have high ceiling and are usually constructed with dome shape. In Malacca, Malaysia however, the architectural of the mosque resembles the traditional Malay house where the ceiling follows a pyramidal shape. This paper discusses the acoustical condition of the mosque in Malacca. The Sayyidina Abu Bakar Mosque is presented here for a case study. Measurement of its reverberation time was conducted and the results are validated with simulation data from CATT room acoustics software. Other important acoustical parameters are evaluated such as the early decay time, clarity, definition, lateral fraction and speech transmission index

    Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Dengue Fever among University Students

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    Background: Dengue is a viral disease transmitted to humans by the bite of infested females of the main vector Aedes aegypti and to lesser extent Aedes albopictus mosquitoes.Knowledgeregardingdenguefever(DF)isveryimportantamongstudents to create awareness for practicing the prevention and increase the student’s attitude levels. Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding Dengue Fever among University Students. Methods: The study design was cross-sectional design. This study was conducted in at nine campuses in two states in Malaysia. A purposive sampling technique was used of 1144 students who residing in this public university collegesfrom the selected setting and willing to participate in the study. Self-administered questionnaire consisted of four sections, socio-demographic profile, the knowledge, attitude and practice related to dengue/ mosquito control. The data were entered and analyzed using IBM Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) for Window, version 23 and descriptive analyses were executed for each variable. Results: In total, 74% of the participants were female and 26% male, ages ranged from 18 to 39 years. Overall 97.8% of them ever heard of DF and the predominant source of the information was media (86.4%). Fever, joint pains and headache was well known as a symptom of DF for most of students. They knew that Aedes mosquitoes transmit DF(94.8%)andstagnantwateristhemainsourceformosquitobreeding(94.8%).Many participants aware that removal of stagnant water (89.2%), using mosquito repellents (88.9%),tightlycoveringwatercontainers(86%)andtheuseofwindowsscreenandbed nets (82.5%) able to prevent mosquito breeding and reduced contact with mosquitoes. Consulting a physician for DF (92.7%), taking plenty of rest (86.1%) and drink plenty of water (81.4%) was the best management for DF. Most of the students agreed (97.3%) that dengue is a serious illness. They agreed that communities should actively participate in controlling the vectors of dengue virus (94.7%) in which controlling the breeding places of mosquitoes, a good strategy to prevent DF (97.5%). Thus, this study revealed that the respondents had perceived inadequate knowledge (85.0%), poor attitude (58.0%) and poor practice (88.0%) of Dengue fever. Conclusion: In conclusion, although this study discovered that the students’ had basic knowledge, aware of the seriousness of the disease and practiced some level of prevention related to DF but the needs of educational programs adapting transformational learning and strategies by the university such as developing student’s friendly and continuous information regardingDFaspartofhealthpromotionstrategiesandtheneedsofholisticapproach, community participation and cooperation is important to impart knowledge and foster good practices in the prevention and controlling of dengue not only in the campus but trigger good practice among the community in general

    Waste management: a qualitative study exploring the perception of food waste management among the community of Pasir Mas

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the 2014 post-flood waste management in affected area. For this purpose, Pasir Mas in Kelantan was chosen as the sample area and interviews were conducted with the residents. The interviews aim to gather information about post-flood waste produced,sources of the waste, actions taken by the residents and related authorities bodies to clear the waste, impact of the waste on their living surroundings and health, and assistance needed to manage the waste. A total of 39 respondents consisted of 20 men and 19 women were selected at random for focus group discussion. These respondents represent persons of age 25 years old and above, local and whose living quarters have been affected by the flood. The large volume of mud left by the flood has been identified by the participants as the main source of the post-flood waste. In addition, good cooperation between government agencies and the residents is important to speed up the waste clearing works.However, residents are in much needed support, awareness and education about the impact of long due waste clearing on their health and living environment

    Kemiskinan Adalah Satu Fenomena Multidimensi: Suatu Pemerhatian Awal

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    Kemiskinan merupakan satu fenomena yang dialami oleh seseorang individu tanpa kerelaan dan kehendak mereka. Kemiskinan boleh dikategorikan kepada dua jenis iaitu material dan bukan material. Miskin material terdiri daripada miskin pendapatan dan bukan pendapatan iaitu pendidikan, akses kepada kesihatan, pekerjaan dan kemudahan awam. Manakala miskin bukan material ialah berkait berkenaan ciri-ciri sahsiah seperti emosi, psikologi dan rohani. Kesemua keadaan yang berlaku ini menyebabkan seseorang yang miskin mengalami kesukaran untuk keluar dari situasi kemiskinan sekiranya tiada tindakan yang dilakukan oleh pihak bertanggungjawab. Pengukuran kemiskinan adalah langkah awal dalam mengenal pasti golongan miskin. Terdapat dua jenis iaitu pengukuran kemiskinan undimensi yang melihat kemiskinan dari sudut pendapatan sahaja dan pengukuran kemiskinan multidimensi yang melihat pada aspek holistik serta kemanusiaan. Terdapat banyak kelemahan pada pengukuran unidimensi kerana ia hanya mengukur kemiskinan dari perspektif pendapatan sahaja. Hal ini sudah tentulah tidak komprehensif dalam pengenalpastian golongan yang miskin. Oleh itu pengukuran kemiskinan multidimensi akan diterokai bagi memahami dengan lebih lanjut seperti perbezaannya dengan pengukuran unidimensi dan mengapakah Indeks Kemiskinan Multidimensi (IKM) adalah pengukur kemiskinan yang paling sesuai lagi berkesan. Kajian ini menggunakan data sekunder sebagai metodologi kajian. Hasil kajian ini dijangka bukan sahaja boleh mengetahui berapa ramai yang miskin dan peratusannya, malahan kita juga boleh mengetahui dimensi penyumbang utama kepada masalah kemiskinan. Melalui pengukuran ini, sesuatu program atau pemberian insentif dapat disalurkan dengan tepat kepada kumpulan sasaran

    Microbiological quality on food handlers’ hands at primary schools in Hulu Langat District, Malaysia

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    A total of 85 food handlers participated in this study to determine the hygienic status of their hands in primary schools located in the state of Selangor (Malaysia). Overall findings revealed that the fecal contamination and personal hygiene of the food handlers were well maintained with the range of mean bacterial counts from 0.18 to 0.47 log 10 Colony Forming Units/cm 2 during the three intervals of hand swabbing (before, during and after) preparation of ready-to-eat foods. However, the general indication of the microbiological quality (Aerobic Plate Count) was out of the standard (range of mean bacterial counts from 1.39 to 1.56 log 10 Colony Forming Units/cm 2) based on previous literature. This study highlighted that the food handler’s adherence to Good Manufacturing Practice and Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures was insufficient and suggested that attention should be emphasized on their practices at the intervals of school recess: before, during and after the preparation of ready-to-eat foods. In addition, there is also a need in the implementation of an effective HACCP program in Malaysia school foodservice operations


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    This paper investigates cooling condition in the air-conditioned room working concurrently with air supply and discharge systems. Case studies were conducted for a kitchen located at INTI Subang, Malaysia. The study was conducted by measuring temperature, humidity, pressure and air velocity, followed by simulation studies using ANSYS-Fluent workbench to predict indoor thermal condition and other useful parameters. Simulation results were validated with experimental results, after which four case studies were performed to analyze their effects on human comforts and observe an optimal condition of each case. The four cases considered were: both windows and doors open (additional window) (Case 1), closed doors and windows open (additional windows) (Case 2), additional ventilation system (Case 3), and exhaust with half closed valve (Case 4). It was observed that Case 1 provided best indoor condition with the room temperature only at 296.4 K, which was 8.3 K lower than that of the original kitchen. The peak temperature for this case was also found the smallest. The addition of electronic valve between the main ventilation pipe and the negative outlet reduced the room temperature less efficiently compared to Case 1

    Partial Discharge Monitoring System on High Voltage Equipments using Electroacoustic Technique

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    Partial discharge (PD) monitoring system is considered as one of the most promising solutions for monitoring and detecting possible faults. PD is able to diagnose faults within the system in the most fundamental and simplest way. PD monitoring and measurement of high voltage equipment substations panel and power transformers have not gained the same attention in the electrical community as compared to those of rotating machines. PD tests are conducted on-site to verify the insulation of bushings, termination box and windings. The cost of an unexpected outage may be considerably more significant for a high voltage substation panel and power transformers system than just for a single motor failure. In this research, the electroacoustic PD monitoring technique is used, which is a combination of internal PD detection and ultrasound or surface PD detection was used. The testing equipment which will be used in this research is UltraTEV Plus+ equipment from EA Technology. Result shows the transient earth voltage (TEV) PD magnitude fluctuates with time. Significant high value of PD magnitude (> 19 dB) was detected and recorded at several switchgear panel and transformer. However, for the ultrasound or surface PD, from the monitoring and measurement record, no detection of PD signal was recorded at the UltraTEV Plus+ testing equipmen