2,611 research outputs found

    Acoustic excitation on flame properties caused by two sound sources

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    Research and development in understanding the responses of acoustic excitation as a meant to influence flame behavior have become one of the significant issues in combustion instability. This interaction can be found in most processing, power generating, and propulsion application. Some of the responses that can be seen from the interaction are lift-off phenomenon, changes of flame macroscopic structure, and production of emission that contribute to the environment. However, it seems there are insufficient data that were focusing mainly on the change of flame properties and how it's being affected by the increase of acoustic excitation. The need to publish some of the significant results and helps improve the understanding of combustion instabilities became the major motivational in conducting the research. This study adopted experimental research and understanding the change of flame behavior by differentiates two number of speakers (source of acoustic) excited to the flame. For data collection, it employs a direct imaging technique using a DSLR camera. The data obtained were analyzed using image processing software, Image J. This experiment focuses on the change of flame properties based on the number of the speaker (source of acoustic) used with the increased number of frequencies. The flame shape obtain in this experiment is divided into disturbances and un-disturbance categories, and each shape is then thoroughly discussed by focusing on the change of its length, width, and angle. The results from this experiment shows that the response of flame is significantly affected by the configuration of speakers (sound source) and the magnitude of amplitude used. It indicated that for dual speakers and higher amplitude in terms of its flame characteristic shows a promising flame response compare with a single speaker and lower amplitud

    Portrait of Islamic Economic Literacy on Students of Department Sharia Economics IAIN Kerinci

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    This study aims to investigate the level of Islalmic Economic Literacy (IEL) among students of the Department of Sharia Economics (DSE) Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci (IAIN Kerinci). Investigation IEL levels in terms knowledge, understanding, and ability to apply attitudes (actions) from Islamic economics material that has been stuDSEd into everyday life. The research data comes from primary data collected using the Miles and Huberman model as a qualitative data analysis tool. This study shows that the level of IEL among students DSE IAIN Kerinci is in the pretty good category. This is evidenced by the fact that there are still many students who lack knowledge and understanding of Islamic economics material. Even though academic achievement or Grade Point Average (GPA) is above 3.50. It was even found that a higher GPA still lacks knowledge and understanding compared to a low GPA. Even though knowledge and understanding are still very minimal, the ability to apply attitudes (behavior) in daily economic activities has been applied in accordance with Islamic economics. This study can be the target of related parties to focus their full attention on increasing IEL in students DSE IAIN Kerinci. This study can also contribute to the reading of Islamic economics literature and the study of IEL, and at the same time, it opens up the door for further research.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelediki tingkat literasi ekonomi Islam / Islamic Econmic Literacy (IEL) pada mahasiswa Jurusan Ekonomi Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci (IAIN Kerinci). Penyelidikan tingkat literasi ekonomi Islam dilihat dari sisi pengetahuan, pemahaman dan kemampuan menerapkan sikap (tindakan) dari materi ekonomi Islam yang sudah dipelajari kedalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Data penelitian bersumber dari data primer dengan mempergunkan model Miles dan Huberman sebagai alat analsis data kualitatif. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa tingkat IEL pada mahasiswa DSE IAIN Kerinci masuk dalam katogori cukup baik. Ini dibuktikan masih banyak mahasiswa yang minim pengetahuan dan pemahaman terhadap materi ekonomi Islam. Padahal prestasi akademik atau Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) diatas 3.50. Bahkan ditemukan IPK yang lebih tinggi masih minimnya pengatahuan dan pemahaman dibadingkan dengan IPK rendah. Walaupun pengetahuan dan pemahaman masih sangat minim, kemampuan menerapkan sikap (perilaku) dalam kegitan ekonomi sehari-hari sudah diterapkan sesuai dengan ekonomi Islam. Penelitian ini dapat menjadi sasaran pihak terkait untuk memusatkan perhatian penuh terhadap peningkatan literasi ekonomi Islam pada mahasiswa DSE IAIN Kerinci. Penelitiain ini juga dapat menambah bacaan lieteratur ekonomi Islam dan dalam kajian IEL, serta sekaligus membuka bagi penelitian lanjutan


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    The fabrication industry is an effort to produce raw goods into finished goods, PT. X is oneof the fabrication companies engaged in steel fabrication which focuses on working on steel structures,working on vessels and boilers. Through the production process of large quantities of boiler work afterthe welding process there are things that must be considered, one of which is post weld heat treatment(PWHT). But in fact PWHT has many shortcomings due to several factors such as relatively expensivecosts and long time consuming. Therefore, there is a method that can be used as an alternative to thepost weld heat treatment (PWHT) process, namely the Temper Bead Welding technique, which is ableto provide efficiency and effectiveness in its implementation. Within the framework of this research,two methods, Half Bead Technique and Controlled Deposit Weld, were analyzed in comparison withthe PWHT method. The welding process applied is Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), with theimplementation of a series of tests including tensile testing, bending test, hardness test, andmicrostructure analysis. The overall mechanical test results meet the predetermined acceptancecriteria for SA 387 Grade 11 materials. From the hardness test results, the results obtained show thatthe Half Bead Technique and Controlled Deposit Weld techniques each produce the highest averagevalue in the Heat Affecte region

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Koneksi Matematis Dan Kemandirian Belajar Siswa Dengan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Metakognitif Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    Salah satu permasalahan yang terjadi dalam pembelajaran matematika adalah rendahnya kemampuan koneksi matematis (KKM) siswa SMP dan kurangnya kemandirian belajar siswa (KBS) sebagai hasil dari proses pembelajaran yang menempatkan KBS sebagai objek daripada sebagai subyek. Pembelajaran dengan pendekatan metakognitif memfasilitasi dan membekali siswa untuk membangun pengetahuannya secara aktif. Penelitian ini berbentuk kuasi eksperimen dengan disain kelompok kontrol pretes-postes, a two-phase design yang bertujuan untuk membandingkan peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematis dan kemandirian belajar siswa SMP. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMP negeri di kota Bandung. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMP dengan sasaran untuk meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi matematis dan kemandirian belajar siswa. Prosedur pengumpulan data dengan teknik tes, angket, obeservasi, dan wawancara. Data penelitian ini adalah (1) tes kemampuan awal matematika siswa, (2) tes kemampuan koneksi matematis, (3) angket kemandirian belajar siswa, (4) lembar observasi kegiatan pembelajaran, dan (5) pedoman wawancara, Analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji t, ANOVA satu jalur, dan ANOVA dua jalur. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) secara keseluruhan, KKM dan KBS siswa yang mendapat pembelajaran PPMG dan pembelajaran PPMK memperoleh peningkatan yang secara signifikan lebih tinggi daripada siswa yang mendapat pembelajaran konvensional. Namun demikian, N-Gain KKM siswa yang mendapat pembelajaran PPMG dalam kategori sedang sementara N-Gain KKM siswa yang mendapat pembelajaran PPMK dan pembelajaran PB termasuk dalam kategori rendah, 2) Tidak terdapat interaksi antara pendekatan pembelajaran (PPMG, PPMK, dan PB) dengan level sekolah (tinggi, dan sedang) atau pendekatan pembelajaran dengan KAM terhadap peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa, 3) Terdapat interaksi antara pendekatan pembelajaran dengan level sekolah terhadap peningkatan kemandirian belajar siswa namun tidak terdapat interaksi antara pendekatan pembelajaran dengan kemampuan awal matematika terhadap peningkatan kemandirian belajar matematika siswa. Kata Kunci: kemampuan koneksi matematis, kemandirian belajar, pembelajaran dengan pendekatan metakognitif dan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan metakognitif klasikal


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    PENGARUH LAMANYA PENYIMPANAN TERHADAP DAYA TETASTELUR ITIK LOKALOleh:Muhammad FauziABSTRAKSuatu pengamatan pengaruh lamanya penyimpanan terhadap daya tetas teluritik lokal telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Ilmu dan Teknologi Unggas Program StudiPeternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala. Tujuan pengamatan untukmengetahui hubungan lamanya penyimpanan terhadap daya tetas telur itik lokal.Materi yang digunakan dalam pengamatan ini adalah 60 butir telur itik lokal denganrata-rata berat telur 60-65 gram. Parameter yang diamati dalam pengamatan iniadalah fertilitas, daya tetas, dan mortalitas. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan fertilitastelur itik hanya 45 % pada lama penyimpanan 5 hari, daya tetas yang paling tinggiterdapat pada lama penyimpanan 3 hari dimana daya tetasnya 28.32% serta mortalitasyang paling tinggi yaitu pada telur itik lama penyimpanan 5 hari dimanamortalitasnya 45.4%.Kata kunci : Lamanya Penyimpanan, Daya Tetas, Telur Itik Lokal


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    京都大学新制・課程博士博士(医学)甲第24519号医博第4961号新制||医||1065(附属図書館)京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻(主査)教授 川口 義弥, 教授 辻川 明孝, 教授 大鶴 繁学位規則第4条第1項該当Doctor of Medical ScienceKyoto UniversityDFA


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    Penelitian ini di latar belakangi oleh counter attack karena bagian penting dari suatu serangan dalam pertandingan futsal. Kiper atau penjaga gawang mempunyai peran yang sangat besar. Serangan dan bertahan dimulai dari penjaga gawang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas distribusi lemparan kiper terhadap hasil counter attack dalam pertandingan futsal. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dan dilakukannya observasi langsung dengan teknik purposive sampling sehingga sampel yang digunakan adalah tim yang lolos Final Four Profesional Futsal League tahun 2018, yaitu berjumlah empat tim. Tingkat keberhasilan distribusi lemparan kiper saat counter attack sangatlah kecil, hal ini disebabkan banyaknya kesalahan dalam pertandingan final four profesional futsal league 2018 diantaranya yaitu first kontrol tidak baik mencapai 19,23%, intercept 23,08%, lemparan tidak akurat 19,23%, dan finishing gagal 34,62%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah masih jauh dari kata sempurna. Dari data di atas dapat di simpulkan bahwa counter attack yang di awali dengan distribusi lemparan kiper dalam pertandingan ini masih rendah tingkat keberhasilannya dikarenakan oleh faktor kesiapan tim itu sendiri. ----- This research is in the background of a counter attack because of an important part of an attack in a futsal match. The goalkeeper has a very role. Attack and defense starts from the goalkeeper. The purpose of this research was to determine the effectivity of the distribution of goalkeeper throws against the results of counter attack in futsal matches. The method used is descriptive method and direct observation with purposive sampling technique so that the sample used is the team that passes Final Four of the Professional Futsal League in 2018, which is four teams. The success rate of distribution of goalkeeper throws when counter attack is very small, this is due to the many errors in final of the professional futsal league 2018 four of them, namely first control does not reach 19.23%, intercept 23.08%, inaccurate throw 19.23%, and failed finishing 34.62%. The percentage of distribution of goalkeeper throw when counter attack in the Final Four of Professional Futsal League 2018 Futsal League matches are 3.85% success rate and 96.15% failure rate. From the above data it can be concluded that the counter attack that begins with the distribution of goalkeeper throws in this match is still a low success rate due to the team's readiness factor itself

    Intertekstualitas Tafsir: Mengungkap Keterpengaruhan Anwār at-Tanzīl terhadap Al-Kasysyāf dalam Pemaknaan Kata Auliya

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    The interpretation of the word auliya in Islamic exegesis is a significant issue because it is linked to concepts of loyalty, friendship, and leadership within a religious framework. The classical tafsir works, Anwar at-Tanzil and al-Kasysyāf, provide differing perspectives on the meaning of auliya. This article seeks to bridge this gap by examining the interpretation of auliya in Anwar at-Tanzil and al-Kasysyāf and tracing the influence of one upon the other using Julia Kristeva's intertextuality approach. Employing a thematic method, this study focuses specifically on the meaning of auliyaas its primary subject of analysis. The findings reveal that al-Baiḍawī's interpretation of auliya is heavily influenced by the earlier interpretation found in al-Kasysyāf. Through Kristeva's intertextuality framework, it becomes evident that the principles of parallelism, modification, and expansion or haplology play a dominant role in this influence. The prevalence of these principles points to a tendency towards transposition as an ideologeme, marked by the inclusion of elements of addition, subtraction, adjustment, and the reorganization of ideas in al-Baiḍawī's interpretation of auliya