9,609 research outputs found

    Coupled-channels analyses for large-angle quasi-elastic scattering in massive systems

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    We discuss in detail the coupled-channels approach for the large-angle quasi-elastic scattering in massive systems, where many degrees of freedom may be involved in the reaction. We especially investigate the effects of single, double and triple phonon excitations on the quasi-elastic scattering for 48^{48}Ti,54^{54}Cr,56^{56}Fe,64^{64}Ni and 70^{70}Zn+208+^{208}Pb systems, for which the experimental cross sections have been measured recently. We show that the present coupled-channels calculations well account for the overall width of the experimental barrier distribution for these systems. In particular, it is shown that the calculations taking into account single quadrupole phonon excitations in 48^{48}Ti and triple octupole phonon excitations in 208^{208}Pb reasonably well reproduce the experimental quasi-elastic cross section and barrier distribution for the 48^{48}Ti+208+^{208}Pb reaction. On the other hand, 54^{54}Cr,56^{56}Fe,64^{64}Ni and 70^{70}Zn+208+^{208}Pb systems seem to require the double quadrupole phonon excitations in the projectiles in order to reproduce the experimental data.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    A Tablet Screen Cast Receiver for Classroom with Low End Android Devices

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    Salah satu aktivitas menggunakan tablet adalah presentasi. Saat ini, kebanyakan aktivitas presentasi dilakukan menggunakan adapter VGA untuk bisa tersambung dengan LCD Proyektor. Konfigurasi ini memungkin presentasi berbasis kabel. Dan ini adalah hal yang menyulitkan penggunaannya untuk perangkat tablet yang memiliki sifat mobilitas tinggi. Beruntung, sudah ada banyak vendor yang menyediakan sistem presentasi yang bersahabat dengan membuatnya menjadi nirkabel. Tapi sistem tersebut hanya mendukung perangkat tablet high end. Pada makalah ini, kami mengajukan sebuah penerima tablet screen cast untuk perangkat tablet android low end. Yang memiliki potensi untuk diimplementasikan di kelas. Dari eksperimen, kami memperoleh hasil 9 FPS dengan delay sebesar 2 detik

    Scotch Pine: Variation and Performance in Minnesota

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    Scotch pine exhibits clinal variation from north to south in two characteristics: viz., the number of days after April 15 to the time of maximum rote of height growth, and total height after the age of 17 years. There is east-west clinal variation with respect to two characteristics: viz., the number of days after April 15 to the beginning of height growth, and to the time of the maximum rote of height growth. The twelve out of the fifteen varieties analyzed showed the existence of valid sub-varieties or ecotypes. Varieties from central Europe were the fastest growing in each of four planting sites in Minnesota. Significant mortality was noticed among the seed sources from the 40°-45° N. latitudinal class, in six outplantings. Production of lammas shoots was found to be under strong environmental influence. The seed sources from the 50°-55° N. zone were found to be the most highly susceptible to attack by the white pine weevil (Pissodes strobi Peck.)

    Evaluation of a suitable material for soft actuator through experiments and FE Simulations

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    Soft actuators are generally built to achieve extension, contraction, curling, or bending motions needed for robotic or medical applications. It is prepared with a cylindrical tube, braided with fibers that restrict the radial motion and produce the extension, contraction, or bending. The actuation is achieved through the input of compressed air with a different pressure. The stiffness of the materials controls the magnitude of the actuation. In the present study, Silastic-P1 silicone RTV and multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) with reinforced silicone are considered for the evaluation. The dumbbell samples are prepared from both materials as per ASTM D412-06a (ISO 37) standard and their corresponding tensile strength, elongation at break, and tensile modulus are measured. The Ogden nonlinear material constants of respective materials are estimated and used further in the finite element analysis of extension, contraction, and bending soft actuators. It is observed that silicone RTV is better in high strain and fast response, whereas, silicone/MWCNT is better at achieving high actuation

    Strategi Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Kinerja Guru di SMA 7 Sarolangun

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    Pemimpin pendidikan dilingkungan sekolah yaitu kepala sekolah.  Seorang pemimpin harus mampu menciptakan iklim dan suasana yang kondusif, aman, nyaman, tentram, menyenangkan penuh semangat untuk guru, karyawan dan siswa sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskrpsikan strategi kepemimpinan kepala sekolah SMA 7 Sarolangun dalam meningkat kualitas kinerja guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif, subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah dan guru. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi kepala sekolah yaitu (1) perencanaan pembelajaran dalam hal ini, kepala sekolah menerapkan bebrapa teknik untuk membantu guru dalam mengembangkan perencanaan pembelajaran, meliputi (a) Pembinaan Kinerja Guru, (b) Diklat. (2) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran, strategi yang digunakan kepala sekolah meliputi (a) Pengawasan pertama (b) sarana memfasilitasi (c) ikut serta dalam keluasan, (d) pemberian motivasi (e) pemberian penghargaan. (3) Evaluasi

    Impact Assessment of SPC Tools on Quality Improvement in Pakistani Industrial Environment: A Dynamic Case Study

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    Whether one belongs to service or production industry, Quality is always a big issue for business persons and the customers. If we do not have any means of measuring the performance of manufacturing Unit in trouble, how can we improve it? As W. Edwards Deming said “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it”. Everybody in the field of TQM is familiar with control charts and statistical process improvement for Quality. A number of tools, including the Six Sigma tool box, are made up of seven simple tools: flow chart, check list, histogram, Pareto chart, cause and effect diagram, scatter diagram, control chart. The Japanese call them "seven QC (quality control) tools, which have been used for decades to support quality improvement efforts to solve the problem. Usually variation is the only main reason for varying or low quality of their product/service, increasing dissatisfaction among customers and decreasing business credibility as a result. For that purpose, we chosen a business organization “Silver Lake Foods Pvt. Ltd.” as a study object, as management of SLFL was highly willing to cooperate. SLFL is a Food Manufacturing organization which produces food items like Biscuits, toffees, candies and chocolates, drinks etc. Management of SLFL has found that the process average for critical characteristics i.e. weight, taste etc. were out of control and causing big losses. In some cases, they have some ideas about possible causes. However, in most cases, they do not want or lack of knowledge and resources restrict them to carry out experimental design to find out the reasons for the change or decline quality.We have decided to use statistical process control (SPC) procedures for quality control, quality improvement and then ultimately towards total quality management.There were some ideas about possible causes but, as in most cases, they were reluctant or lacking the knowledge and resources to perform experimental design to find out the causes of variation or the causes of decreased (/ing) quality. We decided to use statistical process control (SPC) program to make the steps towards quality control and from quality control to quality improvement and then ultimately towards TQM. The Proposed study intends to find out impact of SPC tools in Quality improvement in Pakistani Industrial environment by studying Silver Lake Foods Pvt. Ltd. This  research also identify the main  sources of variations and bottlenecks  through dynamic use of SPC tools and  suggest recommendations regarding higher quality improvement and customer satisfaction levels in future. Keywords: Six Sigma tool box, TQM, Customer satisfaction, SPC tools, SLFP (Silver Lake Foods Pvt. Limited), Food industry, Quality improvemen
