10 research outputs found

    The Relationship Learning Education of Religion Islamic on Honest Behavior In Class 8 Junior High School of Ibnu Aqil Bogor

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    Islamic religious education is an effort made to develop all human potential both physically and mentally so that the formation of a whole Muslim person. Islamic education places humans as creatures created by Allah SWT. Thus, Islamic religious education is important in shaping the character of students, one of which is an honest character. The aim to be achieved is to find out the relationship between learning Islamic religious education towards students' honest behavior. The research method used is quantitative research by random sampling as a research sample selection technique. School chosen as research is a school that has implemented the 2013 Class 8 curricula in Ibnu Aqil Middle School, Bogor Regency. based on this, 54 students were selected as the study sample consisting of classes A to F, which each class took 9 people as the study sample. Data collection was done using a questionnaire based on a Likert scale assessment. Before being used to collect the data needed in research, the validity of the instrument was tested using SPSS. The results of the study explains that there is a significance of 0,000 less than 0.05 which means (Ho) is rejected, and there is a correlation value of 0.679 which means (Ha) is accepted, which means there is a significant positive relationship between learning Islamic education (variable X) on behavior honest students (variable Y), it can be concluded that learning Islamic education has a significant relationship to honest behavior in Ibn Aqil Middle School, Bogor Regency

    A mediating effect on erp km model for the performance of oil and gas sector in klang valley: A preliminary study

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    The development of information technology and the internet has created a borderless business environment and increased market competition. Driving globalization trends, information technology facilitates the organization in the aspect of the decision-making process, increasing productivity with cost-effective and fast delivery to meet customer needs. This article presents a conceptual study of ERP KM model and proposes a direction for further investigation. In this study, a literature review on Incentive as mediating effects in ERP KM model against operational and financial performance was analyzed. In order to achieve this target, to maintain the competitive advantage, oil and gas industry players implement Knowledge Management (KM) on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. However, most studies focus only on the implementation and improvement of the ERP process flows as compared to KM concepts. This paper covers literary studies related to KM and ERP as well as merging these two concepts to form the appropriate ERP KM model for the oil and gas sector in Klang Valley, Malaysia. The new model of ERP KM Rizam 2019 introduced in this study will be tested for its effectiveness in the oil and gas sector especially in the Klang Valley. It was found that the mediating effect ā€˜Incentivesā€™ in addition to KM is expected to have a positive relationship on operational and financial performance compared to the direct influences of ERP usage on performance. Ā© 2019, World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering. All rights reserved

    Impact of Service Quality Dimensions on Internet Banking Adoption, Satisfaction and Patronage

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    Banking, a demand-driven industry is vastly growing to date by consistently expanding its client network via internet banking. The rendered service quality by banks has nevertheless been the essential tool for attracting prospective customers. Although, impact of service quality on satisfaction and patronage is well researched, investigating the same for internet banking and in Malaysian context is a definite research gap. This study is conducted to see the impact of service quality on the adoption of internet banking and then to identify if the service quality dimensions of reliability, responsiveness, communication, access and security leads to customer satisfaction and subsequently leads to patronage in Malaysia. The data is gathered from 202 bank customers using judgmental sampling through two sets of questionnaires viz. User of Internet Banking and Non-User of Internet Banking. Based on the determined results produced using SPSS 20 indications were obtained that the customers place great emphasis towards the service quality dimension of security and accessibility of internet banking respectively. The service quality has been found to significantly influence the adoption of internet banking in Malaysia. Service quality aspects, specially access and security, impact satisfaction and satisfaction impacts patronage, therefore, in accelerating the adoption rate, the banks should further enhance their offering in internet banking and concurrently provide a more efficient and easy to user interface


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    Harimau Sumatera (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) merupakan satu-satunya subspesies harimau yang masih bertahan di Indonesia dan kini terancam punah. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya sosialisasi secara menyeluruh kepada masyarakat Indonesia melalui iklan layanan masyarakat. Media televisi dipilih sebagai media kampanye pada iklan layanan masyarakat yang berjudul ā€˜Selamatkan Harimau Sumateraā€™. Tema yang diangkat adalah ancaman kepunahan harimau di antaranya pengrusakan hutan dan berburuan. Strategi dalam mendekati khalayak agar tepat sasaran, menggunakan bentuk animasi 3D dengan pendekatan naratif. Pendekatan naratif digunakan dengan harapan penonton dapat terlibat dalam emosi cerita sehingga pesan akan lebih mudah tersampaikan.Kata kunci : Iklan Layanan Masyarakat, Harimau Sumatera, Narati


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    Manajemen pengelolaan data siswa di laksankan untuk mengatur tata tertib administrasi di lembaga pendidikan guna kebutuhan administrasi sekolah. Manajemen pengelolaan data siswa menjadi bagian dari ketertiban administrasi sekolah, dalam bidang pengamaman data peserta didik dan penentuan jumlah siswa yang ada di lembaga tersebut. Metode penelitian pada jurnal ini menggunkan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, dengan metode pengumpulan data menggunakan sistem wawancara dan pengamatan dokumentasi. Manajemen pengelolaan data siswa yang menggunakan sebuah aplikasi EMIS (Education Management Information System). Pada tahapan pengelolaan data sisiwa yang di damping oleh perenan manajemen, menghasilkan penertiban secara teratur dalam pengelolaan data peserta didik. Pengelolaan sangat tertatur dan sesuai dengan arahan yang ada dalam juknis penggunaan aplikasi EMIS yang di regulasikan oleh Kementrian Agama dalam bidang pendidikan

    Detecting using ERP data fraud the first digits formula of Benford's Law

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    Frauds in managing ERP system have been widely reported in Malaysia. The management should initiate a series of anti fraud measures, as a leverage of cost control, while offsetting an existing resource. Fraud involves a significant financial risk that may threaten profit, as well as the image of the business entity. In this situation, where the development of the IT system plays a key role in the creation of competitive companies, the amount of processed data has grown rapidly. The integrated ERP system is growing rapidly in the country, so the increase in financial data becomes faster and risky. Internal control teams need to take a look at every transaction that has been done, but unfortunately, this issue can no longer be done manually, instead of requiring the use of data analytics tools. Since companies typically operate with large amounts of data, it is necessary to implement a continuous monitoring process, to identify anomalies in data flow or behavioral patterns, which are potentially fraudulent. Such new and important information will then be used in directing the inquiry, as well as making recommendations to enhance control activities. This research paper describes a method to identify and detect any potential fraud in ERP data using the application of Excel program based on Benfordā€™s law