307 research outputs found

    Abductive knowledge induction from raw data

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    For many reasoning-heavy tasks with raw inputs, it is challenging to design an appropriate end-to-end pipeline to formulate the problem-solving process. Some modern AI systems, e.g., Neuro-Symbolic Learning, divide the pipeline into sub-symbolic perception and symbolic reasoning, trying to utilise data-driven machine learning and knowledge-driven problem-solving simultaneously. However, these systems suffer from the exponential computational complexity caused by the interface between the two components, where the sub-symbolic learning model lacks direct supervision, and the symbolic model lacks accurate input facts. Hence, they usually focus on learning the sub-symbolic model with a complete symbolic knowledge base while avoiding a crucial problem: where does the knowledge come from? In this paper, we present Abductive Meta-Interpretive Learning (MetaAbd) that unites abduction and induction to learn neural networks and logic theories jointly from raw data. Experimental results demonstrate that MetaAbd not only outperforms the compared systems in predictive accuracy and data efficiency but also induces logic programs that can be re-used as background knowledge in subsequent learning tasks. To the best of our knowledge, MetaAbd is the first system that can jointly learn neural networks from scratch and induce recursive first-order logic theories with predicate invention

    Diversity, urban space and the right to the provincial city

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    Using three vignettes of the same physical space this article contributes to understanding of how the right to the city is contested in provincial England in the early twenty-first century. Oral history and ethnographic material gathered in Peterborough between 2010 and 2012 are drawn on to shed new light on the politics of diversity and urban space. This highlights the multiple place attachments and trans-spatial practices of all residents, including the white ethnic majority, as well as contrasting forms of active intervention in space with their different temporalities and affective intensities. The article carries its own diversity politics, seeking to reduce the harm done by racism through challenging the normalisation of the idea of a local, indigenous population, left out by multiculturalism. It simultaneously raises critical questions about capitalist regeneration strategies in terms of their impact both on class inequality and on the environment

    A New Algorithm for Learning Range Restricted Horn Expressions

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    A learning algorithm for the class of range restricted Horn expressions is presented and proved correct. The algorithm works within the framework of learning from entailment, where the goal is to exactly identify some pre-fixed and unknown expression by making questions to membership and equivalence oracles. This class has been shown to be learnable in previous work. The main contribution of this paper is in presenting a more direct algorithm for the problem which yields an improvement in terms of the number of queries made to the oracles. The algorithm is also adapted to the class of Horn expressions with inequalities on all syntactically distinct terms where further improvement in the number of queries is obtained

    Strategies to parallelize ILP systems

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    It is well known by Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) practionersthat ILP systems usually take a long time to nd valuable models(theories). The problem is specially critical for large datasets, preventingILP systems to scale up to larger applications. One approach to reducethe execution time has been the parallelization of ILP systems. In thispaper we overview the state-of-the-art on parallel ILP implementationsand present work on the evaluation of some major parallelization strategiesfor ILP. Conclusions about the applicability of each strategy arepresented

    Meta-interpretive learning of higher-order dyadic datalog: predicate invention revisited

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    Since the late 1990s predicate invention has been under-explored within inductive logic programming due to difficulties in formulating efficient search mechanisms. However, a recent paper demonstrated that both predicate invention and the learning of recursion can be efficiently implemented for regular and context-free grammars, by way of metalogical substitutions with respect to a modified Prolog meta-interpreter which acts as the learning engine. New predicate symbols are introduced as constants representing existentially quantified higher-order variables. The approach demonstrates that predicate invention can be treated as a form of higher-order logical reasoning. In this paper we generalise the approach of meta-interpretive learning (MIL) to that of learning higher-order dyadic datalog programs. We show that with an infinite signature the higher-order dyadic datalog classH22H^2_2H22has universal Turing expressivity thoughH22H^2_2H22is decidable given a finite signature. Additionally we show that Knuth–Bendix ordering of the hypothesis space together with logarithmic clause bounding allows our MIL implementation MetagolD_{D}Dto PAC-learn minimal cardinalityH22H^2_2H22definitions. This result is consistent with our experiments which indicate that MetagolD_{D}Defficiently learns compactH22H^2_2H22definitions involving predicate invention for learning robotic strategies, the East–West train challenge and NELL. Additionally higher-order concepts were learned in the NELL language learning domain. The Metagol code and datasets described in this paper have been made publicly available on a website to allow reproduction of results in this paper

    Inferring the most probable maps of underground utilities using Bayesian mapping model

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    Mapping the Underworld (MTU), a major initiative in the UK, is focused on addressing social, environmental and economic consequences raised from the inability to locate buried underground utilities (such as pipes and cables) by developing a multi-sensor mobile device. The aim of MTU device is to locate different types of buried assets in real time with the use of automated data processing techniques and statutory records. The statutory records, even though typically being inaccurate and incomplete, provide useful prior information on what is buried under the ground and where. However, the integration of information from multiple sensors (raw data) with these qualitative maps and their visualization is challenging and requires the implementation of robust machine learning/data fusion approaches. An approach for automated creation of revised maps was developed as a Bayesian Mapping model in this paper by integrating the knowledge extracted from sensors raw data and available statutory records. The combination of statutory records with the hypotheses from sensors was for initial estimation of what might be found underground and roughly where. The maps were (re)constructed using automated image segmentation techniques for hypotheses extraction and Bayesian classification techniques for segment-manhole connections. The model consisting of image segmentation algorithm and various Bayesian classification techniques (segment recognition and expectation maximization (EM) algorithm) provided robust performance on various simulated as well as real sites in terms of predicting linear/non-linear segments and constructing refined 2D/3D maps