133 research outputs found

    Sustainable construction logistics in urban areas: A framework for assessing the suitability of the implementation of construction consolidation centres

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    Transport in construction is responsible for up to 30% of freight movement in cities, with a subsequent impact in terms of pollutant emissions. Different solutions have been provided to alleviate the negative impact of freight transport related to construction activity, although no guidance has been provided for replicability in cities. One solution whose potential benefits are being studied with the support of policy makers is Construction Consolidation Centres (CCC). This paper proposes a method based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and provides an index based on 45 indicators to evaluate the suitability of the implementation of a CCC in terms of the pillars of sustainability in combination with a technical pillar. Three real construction projects were assessed in Luxembourg City, Paris, and Valencia. Two critical attributes were identified: the estimated operational costs of the construction company and the potential demand level in the area. The results of the analysis allow for: (i) the extraction of knowledge related to the sustainability of the construction project, and (ii) logistics to be integrated into the planning and design stages of the construction activity. Furthermore, a general structure is also proposed for integrating other construction solutions where CCC is not suitable. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Analysis model to quantify potential factors in the growth of air cargo logistics in airports

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    This paper presents an analysis model that allows evaluating the growth opportunities of air cargo in an airport. For this, a model which identifies the elements that affect the capacity of an airport to attract cargo operations and air cargo airlines has been developed. The identification of the elements of the model has been performed through a sectoral review of air cargo, an analysis of the entire logistics chain including the physical flow, the documentary flow, and all the agents involved in it. The analysis of the logistics chain has been carried out from the operational, technological, socio-economic and environmental standpoint, considering all the factors that influence the competitiveness of the logistics chain. Specifically, the operational characteristics that an air cargo transport requires both at the airport infrastructure and the logistics operators level, the technologies for the handling of freight and its control (on land and on-board) have been examined. Other characteristics include the different types of products transported according to their characteristics, the associated supply chains considering locations and routes with their origins and destinations, and the existing markets with the main demands of each type of merchandise. The model has been developed by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process methodology with absolute measurements. This methodology considers the judgements of experts in terms of the weightings of the different factors and attributes that constitute the model. The Zaragoza airport has been used for the model assessment. Furthermore, minimum thresholds were established for the attributes. Thus, it is obtained a model that allows an analysis of the improvement capabilities of airports focused on air cargo activity

    La información científica en la prensa de referencia: el caso español a partir de un análisis comparativo

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    El presente artículo se basa en las conclusiones de la tesis defendida en la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV-EHU) Estudio del periodismo de información científica en la prensa de referencia: el caso español a partir de un análisis comparativo. El trabajo se desarrolló principalmente en dos grandes bloques. Por un lado, una aproximación teórica al fenómeno del periodismo científico y la divulgación, y por otra, un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de tres noticias (fusión fría, oveja Dolly y Atapuerca) aparecidas en La Vanguardia, El País, El Correo, Le Monde, The Times y The New York Times


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    [EN] In the study of the improvement of urban transport in terms of energy efficiency and environmental improvement, one of the best options is the use of electric vehicles for both passengers and freight distribution. Depending on the type of transport operation to be performed, it is necessary to select the most appropriate vehicle that meets the necessary requirements, so that the result is an improvement in energy efficiency and low environmental impact. It is therefore necessary to design architectures for electric vehicles, specially adapted to the different scenarios in which are to be used, and where they can optimize the transport operation in both reducing energy consumption and reducing emissions, maintaining a cost competitive with current vehicle operation. The electrical vehicles (EV) are composed of different systems. A typical EV structure involves five subsystems: (i) drive system, (ii) power system, (iii) control system, (iv) vehicle structure and (v) auxiliary systems. This paper focuses on the development of a multicriteria decision procedure based on the use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), to prioritize among the five vehicle systems, in which the design efforts should be guided to improve the vehicle performances in a given scenario of vehicle use.Larrodé, E.; Muerza, V.; Arroyo, J. (2016). PRIORITIZATION AND SELECTION OF ELECTRICAL VEHICLE SYSTEMS TO IMPROVE ITS PERFORMANCES: AN AHP APPROACH. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 2529-2537. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2016.3380OCS2529253

    Designing Sustainable Systems for Urban Freight Distribution through techniques of Multicriteria Decision Analysis

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    [EN] This paper focuses on the analysis and selection of the parameters that have a major influence on the optimization of the urban freight distribution system by using sustainable means of transport, such as electric vehicles. In addition, a procedure has been be studied to identify the alternatives that may exist to establish the best system for urban freight distribution, which suits the stage that is considered using the most appropriate means of transportation available. To do this, it has been used the Analytic Hierarchy Process, one of the tools of multicriteria decision analysis. In order to establish an adequate planning of an urban freight distribution system using electric vehicles three hypotheses are necessary: (i) it is necessary to establish the strategic planning of the distribution process by defining the relative importance of the strategic objectives of the process of distribution of goods in the urban environment, both economically and technically and in social and environmental terms; (ii) it must be established the operational planning that allows the achievement of the strategic objectives with the most optimized allocation of available resources; and (iii) to determine the optimal architecture of the vehicle that best suits the operating conditions in which it will work and ensures optimum energy efficiency in operation.Muerza, V.; Larrodé, E.; Moreno- Jiménez, J. (2016). Designing Sustainable Systems for Urban Freight Distribution through techniques of Multicriteria Decision Analysis. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 702-709. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2016.3304OCS70270

    Influencia y evolución de Internet en la Comunicación de la Ciencia y sus fuentes

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    Internet es un invento que ha revolucionado las comunicaciones y la historia de la civilización humana. Los científicos - hablando de manera amplia- han sido los pioneros, creadores y usuarios tempranos de los distintos avances de la Red, y han posibilitado que posteriormente se extendieran al resto de la sociedad. En este artículo se muestra cómo Internet se ha convertido en una herramienta básica ya desde sus orígenes para la Comunicación de la Ciencia y sus fuentes, influyendo y mejorando su labor. Los comunicadores de ciencia, divulgadores o periodistas han aprovechado desde el principio las diferentes herramientas y aplicaciones que han ido surgiendo en la evolución de la Red: desde la Internet “veterana” (correo electrónico, web, listas de correo, foros de debate, etc.) hasta la Web 2.0 (blogs, wikis, redes sociales, podcasts, streaming, etc.). Asimismo, se apuntan las posibilidades de la virtualización (cloud computing, realidad virtual y aumentada, metaverso) para marcar el presente y futuro de Internet

    Modelling the problem of parcel distribution in urban environments and analysis of the determining factors

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    This research has the objective to develop a model for the location selection of Automated Parcel Delivery Terminals to optimize the overall service, increasing satisfaction and consumption of users and reducing costs. A combination of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology with a geographic information system (GIS) has been applied to identify the influencing factors and perform the analysis of the alternatives. A case study focused on the city of Zaragoza, and specifically to a Spanish postal parcel delivery company, has been carried out to assess the model behavior. For this, a representative sampling of the postal districts and sections of Zaragoza has been performed, identifying the characteristics of the study areas. Next, sections and all possible locations have been identified and selected for study. Finally, the AHP methodology has been applied for the prioritization of alternatives. Results have shown that the operative criterion, accessibility (both pedestrian and with vehicle), time availability and safety are the most important elements to focus on, for solving the location selection problem. In addition, the use of GIS allows analyzing diverse urban areas in an agile and effective way

    El uso de las redes sociales por parte de los programas deportivos nocturnos de la radio española

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    Las redes sociales han modificado las técnicas de producción de los programas deportivos nocturnos de la radio generalista española. Los nuevos canales de comunicación posibilitan una relación más estrecha entre los programas y los oyentes, provocando que éstos se sientan más partícipes del día a día del programa y que tengan una voz más activa en los distintos espacios deportivos. La comunicación entre los equipos de producción y los oyentes no se establece ahora solo durante el horario del programa, sino que gracias a estas plataformas puede mantenerse activa durante las 24 horas del día. Este artículo analiza las intenciones de los programas a la hora de comunicarse con sus oyentes a través de estos canales. La información, la promoción de contenidos o la intención de interactuar con la audiencia son algunos de los objetivos que se plantean estos espacios en la red

    #OceanOptimism: Balancing the Narrative About the Future of the Ocean

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    The ocean is facing multiple pressures from human activities, including the effects of climate change. Science has a prominent role in identifying problems and communicating these to society. However, scientists are also increasingly taking an active role in developing solutions, including strategies for adapting to and mitigating climate change, increasing food security, and reducing pollution. Transmitting these solutions to society changes our narrative about the ocean and motivates actions. The United Nations triple initiatives for this decade—the Sustainable Development Goals, the Decade on Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, and the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration—provide the momentum for this change in narrative and focus. Here, we reflect on the search for solutions and the need for better ways of communicating science in a positive way. We synthesize insights from a summer school held during the COVID-19 pandemic and present some examples of successes and failures and the lessons learned from these.#OceanOptimism: Balancing the Narrative About the Future of the OceanpublishedVersio