242 research outputs found

    The effects of revegetation in the natural environment and perception of the people linked to Camero Viejo (Iberian System)

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    During the 20th century, Euro-Mediterranean mountains underwent a process of marginalization, with high rates of emigration, land abandonment, reduction of livestock census and poor use of pasture and forest products. Marginalization, with the abandonment of most of the fields and pastures, encouraged secondary succession processes that favored the expansion of shrubs and forests. Simultaneously, the administration encouraged the reforestation of large areas for economic purposes (the increase of wood and paper pulp production) and environmental objectives (the regulation of floods and prevention of soil erosion and degra- dation). As a result of these changes, Mediterranean mountain landscapes have been simplified and homogenized, fragmentation has been reduced and many of their cultural values are being degraded, a trend that also involves the loss of local knowledge on sustainable land management. The expansion of vegetation shows other negative effects, including an increase of fire risk, a reduction in water availability, the concentration of sediment sources in ancient agricultural terraces (which maintain the most fertile and deepest soils), loss of biodiversity and problems for the economic sustainability of the mountain, due to pasture degradation, and the loss of an attractive landscape. On the other hand, we must take into account that the impacts of land use changes in mountain areas occur not only at a local scale, but also at regional and global scales, as mountain ecosystems provide a range of goods and services to the society. The aim of this study is to investigate the diversity of opinions that people linked to Camero Viejo (Iberian Range) present about the major environmental changes since the mid-twentieth century: (i) vegetation cover dynamics, (ii) soil erosion, (iii) water yield and quality, (iv) fire risk, and (v) changes in wildlife and landscape. This perception will be related to current changes, quantified from land cover and land uses maps, information taken in the administration, and literature of the study area. The final objective is to find out which social groups have a closer or unrealistic perception; in that way, decision-makers could obtain more information to develop and implement new public policies

    Consumer Acceptability of Dry Cured Meat from Cull Ewes Reared with Different Linseed Supplementation Levels and Feeding Durations

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    Dry cured meatcecina''is a traditional, although not well-known, dry product that could add value to cull ewes. Because of this, the aim of the study was to assess consumer acceptability of cecina'' from cull ewes finished with different levels of linseed (5, 10 or 15%) for different periods before slaughtering (30, 50 or 70 days). One hundred and fifty consumers evaluated colour acceptability, fatness and odour, flavour and overall acceptability of cecina'' from those 9 treatments. Additionally, habits of consumption of cured products and preferences for different species and willingness to pay for cecina'' were investigated. Linseed supplementation was identified as the most important factor for sensorial attributes (p < 0.01), with the preferred cecina'' being that with 5% and 10% supplementation. Feeding duration only modified the fatness acceptability (p < 0.01). Cecina'' from small ruminants is a product consumed occasionally by the majority of participants; however, it presented an adequate overall acceptability. Consequently, elaborating cecina'' would be a feasible strategy to improve the income of farmers

    Percepciones del consumidor sobre la carne de caprino en España

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    Se ha realizado una encuesta a consumidores (n=119) con el fin de conocer la percepción que tenían de la carne de caprino frente a la carne de ovino en función de diversos aspectos relacionados con la intención de compra y la percepción de su calidad. El cuestionario constó de 11 enunciados afirmativos, respondidos hedónicamente mediante una escala categórica de 7 puntos (1: “totalmente en desacuerdo”, 7: “totalmente de acuerdo”). El análisis de las respuestas se realizó mediante frecuencias. Los resultados obtenidos han demostrado, globalmente, una sensibilidad positiva hacia la carne de caprino tanto en parámetros decisivos a la hora de la intención de compra como en parámetros de calidad sensorial de la carne. Esto ha sucedido en contra de lo que podría pensarse dado, en nuestro país, el alto consumo y consideración de calidad que tiene la especie ovina.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología AGL2005-05777- C02-01/GA

    Sustainability indicator for the prevention of potential thermal interferences between groundwater heat pump systems in urban aquifers

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    The steady increase of geothermal systems using groundwater is compromising the renewability of the geothermal resources in shallow urban aquifers. To ensure sustainability, scientifically-based criteria are required to prevent potential thermal interferences between geothermal systems. In this work, a management indicator (balanced sustainability index, BSI) applicable to groundwater heat pump systems is defined to assign a quantitative value of sustainability to each system, based on their intrinsic potential to produce thermal interference. The BSI indicator relies on the net heat balance transferred to the terrain throughout the year and the maximum seasonal thermal load associated. To define this indicator, 75 heating-cooling scenarios based in 23 real systems were established to cover all possible different operational conditions. The scenarios were simulated in a standard numerical model, adopted as a reference framework, and thermal impacts were evaluated. Two polynomial regression models were used for the interpolation of thermal impacts, thus allowing the direct calculation of the sustainability indicator developed as a function of heating-cooling ratios and maximum seasonal thermal loads. The BSI indicator could provide authorities and technicians with scientifically-based criteria to establish geothermal monitoring programs, which are critical to maintain the implementation rates and renewability of these systems in the cities

    Influencia de la raza sobre la aceptabilidad en el hogar de la carne de cabrito y comparación con la especie ovina

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    Las razas autóctonas caprinas españolas de aptitud cárnica, aunque cuentan con un censo relativamente escaso (22.000 cabezas en pureza), cumplen una importante misión como agentes valorizadores de zonas y recursos marginales y suponen una importante reserva de nuestro patrimonio genético. Desgraciadamente, en muchos casos, ni el potencial productivo ni la calidad de sus productos están medianamente estudiados. De todas las especies de rumiantes que existen en España, la única que no posee ninguna marca de calidad es la especie caprina. La consecución de alguna distinción de este tipo podría ayudar a mejorar las rentas de los productores, a la propia subsistencia de las distintas agrupaciones y a la revalorización de la carne de esta especie. Por otra parte, existe la creencia de que los resultados de investigación que se pueden obtener con otras especies (bovino y ovino fundamentalmente) pueden ser fácilmente aplicables a las cabras, lo cual es definitivamente incierto debido a las múltiples especificidades de la especie caprina, incluyendo su carne (Sierra y Sañudo, 1987; Morand- Fehr y Lebbie, 2004). Por todo ello, se plantea el siguiente objetivo: Estudio de la apreciación global, por parte del consumidor en condiciones reales de cocinado en el hogar, de la calidad de la carne del cabrito de diversas razas caprinas en comparación con ovinos lechales, que podrían ser considerados como un producto de calidad de referencia.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) AGL2005-05777-C02-01/GA

    Estudio comparativo de la calidad de la canal y la carne de lechales de raza Churra Tensina y dos tipos ovinos comerciales amparados bajo marcas de calidad

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the rearing and slaughtering season (spring vs. autumn) on the carcass and meat quality of suckling lambs from Churra Tensina breed (n= 26), and to compared the results with two commercial lambs within Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) Lechazo de Castilla-León (n= 13) and Ternasco de Aragón (n= 13). All animals were reared, selected and slaughtered under commercial conditions. After slaughter, carcass and meat quality were evaluated in the Longissimus thoracis lumborum (LTL) muscle. Slaughter season mainly affected both the tissue composition of the carcass, presenting Churra Tensina breed suckling lambs from spring greater muscle and bone, and lower fat percentages (p=0.001) and a higher proportion of fatty acids: C 12:0, CLA, C 20:2 n-3 and C 22:0 (p=0.001) in IMF. However, those differences in quality were not reflected when sensory methodologies (trained panel or consumers analyses) were conducted. Related to commercial lambs from the GPI’s studied, meat from Churra Tensina breed showed a higher tenderness (p=0.001) evaluated by instrumental and sensory (trained panel), as well as a higher scores in overall, flavour or tenderness acceptabilities evaluated by consumers (p=0.001). Results would indicate a good potential of the Churra Tensina breed to produce high quality suckling lambs, in both seasons of the year

    Estudio comparativo de la calidad de la canal y la carne de lechales de raza Churra Tensina y dos tipos ovinos comerciales amparados bajo marcas de calidad

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the rearing and slaughtering season (spring vs. autumn) on the carcass and meat quality of suckling lambs from Churra Tensina breed (n= 26), and to compared the results with two commercial lambs within Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) Lechazo de Castilla-León (n= 13) and Ternasco de Aragón (n= 13). All animals were reared, selected and slaughtered under commercial conditions. After slaughter, carcass and meat quality were evaluated in the Longissimus thoracis lumborum (LTL) muscle. Slaughter season mainly affected both the tissue composition of the carcass, presenting Churra Tensina breed suckling lambs from spring greater muscle and bone, and lower fat percentages (p=0.001) and a higher proportion of fatty acids: C 12:0, CLA, C 20:2 n-3 and C 22:0 (p=0.001) in IMF. However, those differences in quality were not reflected when sensory methodologies (trained panel or consumers analyses) were conducted. Related to commercial lambs from the GPI’s studied, meat from Churra Tensina breed showed a higher tenderness (p=0.001) evaluated by instrumental and sensory (trained panel), as well as a higher scores in overall, flavour or tenderness acceptabilities evaluated by consumers (p=0.001). Results would indicate a good potential of the Churra Tensina breed to produce high quality suckling lambs, in both seasons of the year

    Effect of Texel crossbreeding on productive traits, carcass and meat quality of Segureña lambs

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    BACKGROUND: The present study aimed to assess the effect of crossbreeding a local breed (Segureña, S × S) with Texel as the sire line (Texel × Segureña crossbred, T × S) on productive traits and meat quality attributes. Sixty-eight lambs (both males and females) from each genotype, weaned at about 45 days old and intensively fed with concentrates and cereal straw ad libitum until they were 72 days old, were used to assess productive traits, and ten animals from each genotype were used to assess meat quality. RESULTS: The crossbreeding with Texel improves productivity, with a greater weight at birth (+1 kg) and at slaughter (+3 kg) and a greater average daily gain (+29 g). T × S lambs had a better conformation, less carcass fatness, and higher content of muscle (+45 g kg -1 ) as opposed to a lower fat content (-50.6 g kg -1 ). With regard to meat quality, crossbreeding with Texel provided a meat with a higher protein content (+4 g kg -1 ) and a lower oleic acid content (21% less), although the differences were very scarce from a sensory point of view, and non-existent with respect to instrumental quality. CONCLUSION: Crossbreeding could comprise a useful tool in the production of ovine meat in local breeds, such as Segureña, within the Mediterranean Area, and, consequently, a way of increasing the profitability of the farms

    Características de la canal y calidad instrumental de la carne en cabritos y corderos lechales

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    Meat from very young, milk-fed, small ruminants is an appreciated product in Mediterranean countries where milk is the main product derived from the herds. Nevertheless, many aspects of the quality of the products are virtually unknown for many goat breeds, especially among those that are reared for their meat. In this study, the quality from 50 animals from 5 local goat breeds (one dairy purpose and 4 meat purpose) and 19 lambs (from Churra, a dairy breed) was compared at commercial cold carcass weights of 4.4-6.6 kg. Carcass quality, ultimate pH and meat colour were assessed following standard procedures. Statistical differences (p < 0.05) were found in all of the variables analysed. Some of these differences might have been due to the influence of the genotype, the dam’s production potential, or differences in carcass weight and age, but most were species dependent. Lambs differed from the kids, especially from those of meat purpose breeds, due to their high proportion of bone (25.0 vs. 21.3 to 23.7%), and a more intense meat colour (higher hue: 29.2 vs. 23.4 to 28.7, and chroma: 14.6 vs. 12.1 to 14.6). Among the goat breeds, Murciano Granadina (dairy breed) and Blanca Celtibérica (meat breed) were the most different in terms of carcass morphology, fatness, and meat colour. The other three local meat-purpose goat breeds (Moncaína, Negra Serrana, and Pirenaica) differed little. To obtain a better understanding of goat species, the differences among breeds, in kids or in their most common products, require further studies. Additional key words: carcass morphology; colour; goat; pH; sheep; tissue composition.La carne de lechal es muy apreciada en los países mediterráneos, en los que la leche es una producción fundamental. Además, muchos aspectos de los productos de las razas caprinas locales son prácticamente desconocidos. En este estudio se analizó la calidad de 50 animales de 5 razas caprinas (una lechera y 4 de aptitud cárnica) y de 19 corderos (raza Churra de tipo lechero), a pesos comerciales de 4,4-6,6 kg de canal fría. Se evaluaron la calidad de la canal, el pH último y el color de la carne, siguiendo metodologías estandarizadas. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p < 0,05) en todas las variables analizadas. Algunas de estas diferencias se podrían justificar por diferencias raciales, potencial lechero de las madres o peso canal final, pero la mayor parte fueron debidas a la especie considerada. Los corderos fueron diferentes, especialmente de los cabritos de razas con orientación predominantemente cárnica, en la proporción de hueso (25,0 vs. 21,3-23,7%) y color de carne más intenso (superiores valores de tono: 29,2 vs. 23,4-28,7 y saturación: 14,6 vs. 12,1-14,6). Entre las razas caprinas, la Murciano Granadina (raza de aptitud lechera) y la Blanca Celtibérica (raza cárnica) fueron las más diferentes en morfología de la canal, engrasamiento y color de carne. Las otras tres razas de aptitud cárnica (Moncaína, Negra Serrana y Pirenaica) fueron poco diferentes entre sí. Para conocer mejor a la especie caprina, las diferencias entre razas y la calidad de sus productos, son necesarios una mayor cantidad de estudios