42 research outputs found

    In-Medium properties of the omega meson in photon induced nuclear reactions

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    We discuss the possibility to study the in-medium changes of the properties of the omega meson in reactions on ordinary nuclei with elementary electromagnetic probes. We present a tree-level calculation of the elementary gamma p -> omega p process which is extended to describe also the photoproduction of medium-modified omega mesons in nuclear matter. Using a semi-classical transport approach we obtain results for e+e- and pi0 gamma photoproduction off heavy nuclei in the invariant mass range of the rho and omega mesons. Both reactions are also studied experimentally and are presently being analyzed at accelerator facilities in Bonn and at Jefferson Lab. We show that the in-medium signals expected can be as large as those obtained in heavy-ion reactions.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, Contribution to the "Workshop on In-Medium Hadron Physics", Giessen, Germany, 11-13 November 200

    The spectral function of the omega meson in nuclear matter from a coupled-channel resonance model

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    We calculate the spectral function of the omega meson in nuclear matter at zero temperature by means of the low-density theorem. The omega N forward scattering amplitude is calculated within a unitary coupled-channel effective Lagrangian model that has been applied successfully to the combined analysis of pion- and photon-induced reactions. While the peak of the omega spectral distribution is shifted only slightly, we find a considerable broadening of the omega meson due to resonance-hole excitations. For omega mesons at rest with respect to the surrounding nuclear medium, we find an additional width of about 60 MeV at saturation density.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures, added short discussio

    Study of in-medium ω\omega meson properties in Ap, pA and AA collisions

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    We propose to investigate the in-medium properties of vector ω\omega mesons at the normal nuclear density in Ap(pA) collisions and at higher density in AA collisions at the ITEP accelerator facility TWAC. Using of the inverse Ap kinematics will permit us to study the ω\omega meson production in a wide momentum interval included the not yet explored range of small meson momenta relative to the projectile nuclei where the mass modification effect in nuclear matter is expected to be the strongest. Momentum dependence of the in-medium ω\omega meson width will be studied in the traditional pA kinematics. We intend to use the electromagnetic calorimeter for reconstruction of the ω\omega meson invariant mass by detecting photons from the ω→π0γ→3γ\omega \to \pi^{0}\gamma \to 3\gamma decay. The model calculations and simulations with RQMD generator show feasibility of the proposed experiment. Available now intensity of the ion beams provides a possibility to collect large statistics and make decisive conclusion about the ω\omega meson properties at density of normal nuclei. At the second stage of the investigation the ω\omega meson properties will be studied in AA collisions at higher density. Interpretation of these measurements will be based on the results obtained in Ap(pA) interactions. Further investigation of the in-medium properties of light unflavored and charmed mesons can be performed at ITEP and at GSI(FAIR) where higher ion energies will be accessible in near future.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    In-medium Properties of Hadrons -- Observables

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    We first briefly review the theoretical basis for calculations of changes of hadronic properties in dense nuclear matter. These changes have usually been investigated by means of relativistic heavy-ion reactions. Here we discuss that observable consequences of such changes can also be seen in more elementary reactions on nuclei. Particular emphasis is put on a discussion of actual observables in photonuclear reactions; we discuss in detail η\eta- and vector-meson production. We show that photoproduction of η\eta's can yield essential information on in-medium properties of the S11(1535)S_{11}(1535) resonance while the ϕ\phi meson properties will probably not be accessible through the K+K−K^+K^- decay channel. However, for ω\omega mesons the π0γ\pi^0\gamma decay channel, due to its reduced final state interaction, looks more promising in this respect. Completely free of final state interactions is dilepton production in the few GeV range. We show that the sensitivity of this decay channel to changes of hadronic properties in medium in photonuclear reactions on nuclei is as large as in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions. Finally we discuss that hadron production in nuclei at 10 -- 20 GeV photon energies can give important information on the hadronization process.Comment: Invited Lecture by U. Mosel at Erice International School on Nuclear Physics 200

    In-Medium Properties of Hadrons - Observables II

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    In this review we discuss the observable consequences of in-medium changes of hadronic properties in reactions with elementary probes, and in particular photons, on nuclei. After an outline of the theoretical method used we focus on a discussion of actual observables in photonuclear reactions; we discuss in detail 2π2\pi- and vector-meson production. We show that the 2π02\pi^0 photoproduction data can be well described by final state interactions of the pions produced whereas the semi-charged π0π±\pi^0\pi^\pm channel exhibits a major discrepancy with theory. For ω\omega production on nuclei in the TAPS/CB@ELSA experiment we analyse the π0γ\pi^0\gamma decay channel, and illustrate the strength of the method by simulating experimental acceptance problems. Completely free of final state interactions is dilepton production in the few GeV range. We show that the sensitivity of this decay channel to changes of hadronic properties in medium in photonuclear reactions on nuclei is as large as in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions and make predictions for the on-going G7 experiment at JLAB. Finally we discuss that hadron production in nuclei at 10 -- 20 GeV photon energies can give important information on the hadronization process, and in particular on the time-scales involved. We show here detailed calculations for the low-energy (12 GeV) run at HERMES and predictions for planned experiments at JLAB.Comment: Invited Talk by U. Mosel, Proceedings of the Int. School on Nuclear Physics, 26th Course, "Lepton scattering and the structure of hadrons and nuclei", Erice (Sicily), September 16th-24th, 2004, short piece of text adde

    Inclusive omega photoproduction off nuclei

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    We investigate inclusive omega photoproduction off complex nuclei, concentrating on the feasibility to examine a possible in-medium change of the omega meson properties by observing the pi^0 gamma invariant mass spectrum. The simulations are performed by means of a BUU transport model including a full coupled-channel treatment of the final state interactions. In-medium changes of the omega spectral density are found to yield a moderate modification of the observables as compared to the situation in free space. Also the effects of a momentum dependence of the strong omega potential are discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, minor corrections, accepted for publication in EPJ

    Hadrons in Nuclei -- from High (200 GeV) to Low (1 GeV) energies

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    The study of the interaction of hadrons, produced by elementary probes in a nucleus, with the surrounding nuclear medium can give insight into two important questions. First, at high energies, the production process, the time-scales connected with it and the prehadronic interactions can be studied by using the nuclear radius as a length-scale. We do this here by analyzing data from the EMC and HERMES experiements on nuclear attenuation. Second, at low energies the spectral function, and thus the selfenergy of the produced hadron, can be studied. Specifically, we analyze the CBELSA/TAPS data on ω\omega production in nuclei and discuss the importance of understanding in-medium effects both on the primary production cross section and the final state branching ratio. In both of these studies an excellent control of the final state interactions is essential.Comment: Lecture given by U. Mosel at International School of Nuclear Physics: 29th Course: Quarks in Hadrons and Nuclei, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 16-24 Sep 200

    Absorption of phi mesons in near-threshold proton-nucleus reactions

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    In the framework of the nuclear spectral function approach for incoherent primary proton--nucleon and secondary pion--nucleon production processes we study the inclusive ϕ\phi meson production in the interaction of 2.83 GeV protons with nuclei. In particular, the A-dependences of the absolute and relative ϕ\phi meson yields are investigated within the different scenarios for its in-medium width as well as for the cross section ratio σpn→pnϕ/σpp→ppϕ\sigma_{pn \to pn{\phi}}/{\sigma_{pp \to pp{\phi}}}. Our model calculations take into account the acceptance window of the ANKE facility used in a recent experiment performed at COSY. They show that the pion--nucleon production channel contributes distinctly to the ϕ\phi creation in heavy nuclei in the chosen kinematics and, hence, has to be taken into consideration on close examination of the dependences of the phi meson yields on the target mass number with the aim to get information on its width in the medium. They also demonstrate that the experimentally unknown ratio σpn→pnϕ/σpp→ppϕ\sigma_{pn \to pn{\phi}}/{\sigma_{pp \to pp{\phi}}} has a weak effect on the A-dependence of the relative ϕ\phi meson production cross section at incident energy of present interest, whereas it is found to be appreciably sensitive to the phi in-medium width, which means that this relative observable can indeed be useful to help determine the above width from the direct comparison the results of our calculations with the future data from the respective ANKE-at-COSY experiment.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure