241 research outputs found

    Artificial Neural Network Utilization for FSO Link Performance Estimation

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    This paper describes FSO link performance prediction based on available meteorological data using different Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approaches. Several types of ANNs were compared and their performance were evaluated. The paper introduces an ANN application utilizing real delayed data. This approach has been validated to be more precise than common feed-forward neural networks

    Universal Design for Learning

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    This literature review identifies the Universal Design for Learning or UDL method, which consists of educators representing information in multiple formats while providing numerous pathways for students\u27 expression and several ways to engage students\u27 interest and motivation. UDL is one way to address the NCLB (No Child Left Behind) act with a solution that will not only benefit the special needs children, but all children. With UDL, student curriculum focuses on every child during the design phase. Graphic organizers are a part of every textbook and aide to understand the main topics. Assistive technology devices are available to all children, not just the children with special needs. There exist textbooks and curriculum materials that are re-designed with all children in mind. These resources with additional visuals for better understanding, outlines of main ideas, definitions of harder words, and fonts and colors that are easy to read. There are many other ways to incorporate the UDL principles that will be mentioned in this paper. Some of the ideas mentioned with the UDL principles in mind include: special software, educational games, access to assistive technology, and other learning materials. This review answers the questions: What types of changes in designs for curriculum materials can be made to help all children to be successful? What types of assistive technology are important to have available to all children? The literature reviewed supports the concept that the Universal Design for Leaming methodology is the answer for better education of all children

    Géochimie et distribution de métaux à l'intérieur de carottes de sédiment prises du lac Saint-Louis (fleuve Saint-Laurent) et datées par radioactivité

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    La distribution de la grosseur des particules, la composition géochimique et la concentration en métaux (Cu, Cr, Pb, Co, V, Ni, Hg et Zn) furent déterminés dans des carottes datées (à l'aide de matériel radioactif) provenant du lac Saint-Louis et du fleuve Saint-Laurent. Environ 20 cm de sédiments fins se sont accumulés durant les 30 dernières années à deux endroits situés à proximité du centre du lac. Par contre, une couche de sédiment de 20 cm d'épaisseur s'est déposée pendant les cinq dernières années à deux différents endroits de la partie sud du lac. Les profils de concentration des éléments majeurs et de la plupart des métaux présents dans les carottes de sédiment indiquent un apport continu de matériel de nature géochimique semblable aux aires d'échantillonnage. Une distribution uniforme de la grosseur des particules à l'intérieur du profil de sédiment montre que ces aires constituent des zones de dépôt pour des particules de propriétés hydrodynamiques semblables que transportent les eaux du fleuve. Les profils de concentration du mercure (Hg) et du zinc (Zn) dans les sédiments sont significatifs d'une charge provenant d'une source locale située sur le lac Saint-Louis. Les concentrations en métaux mesurées dans les sédiments du lac Saint-Louis dépendent du tri des particules, du transport et du dépôt des particules de la fraction limoneuse (taille comprise entre 2 µg et 63 µg) qui peuvent contenir de plus faibles concentrations en métaux comparativement aux particules de grosseur comparable à l'argile (taille < 2 µg) qui caractérisent les bassins de dépôt du lac Ontario.Particle size distribution, geochemical composition and concentrations of metals (Cu, Cr, Pb, Co, V, Ni, Hg and Zn) were determined in radiodated cores collected from Lake St. Louis, St. Lawrence River, Quebec, Canada, to assess the significance of the lake as a sink of contaminants transported through the St. Lawrence River. The cores were collected at four stations in the depositional areas identified by earlier surveys of Lake St. Louis. Stations Nos. 3 and 9 were located in the northern part of the lake, and stations 17 and 21 along the southern shore. A modified Kajak-Brinkhurst curer was used to collect the sediment cores. The concentrations of major elements and metals were determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The concentrations of Hg and inorganic C were determined by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry and Leco carbon analyzer, respectively. The total Pb-210 and Ra-226 levels in one centimeter sediment core sections were measured by low-energy gamma-ray spectrometry for calculation of sediment age. The effects of mixing on sediment age has been estimated.About 20 cm of fine grained sediment accumulated during the past 30 years at two sites near the centre of the lake. However, a 20 cm thick sediment layer was deposited over the past five years at two different areas in the southern part of the lake. Calculated sedimentation rate for surface sediments were 207, 296, 1837, and 2912 mg cm-2 y-1 for stations 3, 9, 17, and 21, respectively. The concentration profiles of ten major elements (Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Ti, P, and Mn), organic and inorganic C and most of the investigated metals were similar and consistent in the sediment profiles at all stations, and indicated a continuous input of geochemically similar material at the sampling sites.A uniform particle size distribution within the sediment profile showed that these areas are settling zones for particles of similar hydrodynamic properties transported by the St. Lawrence River. The concentration profiles of Hg in the cures indicated e continuous input of Hg along the southern shore of the lake. The concentration profile of Hg in the core from the northern part of the lake had a similar pattern to that from Lake St. Clair and Lake Ontario, showing a decrease of Hg in the surficial sediments. This decrease corresponds to implemented contrat of Hg losses by industry in Canada and the USA over the past 15 years. The concentration profiles of Hg and Zn in the sediments indicated an input from local sources along Lake St. Louis.The concentrations of Cr, V and Co in sediments in the depositional zones were similar to both background and surficial sediment concentrations in depositional basins of Lake Ontario. The concentrations of Cu, Ni and Pb were lower than those in surficial sediments in Lake Ontario depositional basins. Observed concentrations of investigated metals in Lake St. Louis sediments were ascribed to the particle sorting, transport and deposition of silt-size (2 to 63 µm grain size) particles which may contain smaller concentrations of metals than clay-size (< 2 µm grain size) particles in the depositional basins of Lake Ontario. It was concluded that Lake St. Louis provides only a temporal storage for metals associated with clay-size sediment particles which may eventually become resuspended and moved downstream

    Geochemistry and Organic Contaminants in the Sediments of Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada

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    A study was carried out in the summer of 1987 to determine the geochemistry and distribution of trace elements, PCBs and 16 other chlorinated hydrocarbons in sediments from selected areas in Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada. Sediment cores were collected at three sampling stations in the west basin of the lake on a transect from the Slave River delta to the outlet of the Mackenzie River. The geotechnical composition of the sediments showed the deposition of similar material at all sampling stations. Sediment dating indicated a very high sedimentation rate (46.6 g/cm&sup2;/year) at a 110 m water depth in the vicinity of the Slave River delta and mixing of bottom sediments at the southwestern part of the lake. The concentrations of trace elements (Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, V, Pb and Zn) were uniform in all sediment profiles. However, surficial sediments were enriched by arsenic, Canadian standard CLB-1 containing 51 PCB congeners was used in the determination of PCBs in the sediment. Thirty-three PCB congeners were detected and their concentrations determined in selected sections of sediment cores. The most abundant congeners were 15 and 18, 44, 49, 52 and 101 (IUPAC numbering) with maximum concentrations 3.52, 2.68, 2.44, 6.20 and 2.44, 6.20 and 2.13 ng/g respectively. The concentration pattern of PCBs in Great Slave Lake sediments indicated considerably greater quantities of lower than higher chlorinated biphenyls. Several congeners, particularly those having 7-10 chlorine atoms, were determined in concentrations smaller than 0.20 ng/g only at one sediment depth. Hexachlorobutadiene, 1, 2, 3, 4-tetrachlorobenzene, pentachlorobenzene, alpha-HCH, hexachlorobenzene, pentachloroanisol and alpha-chlordane were present at all stations at different sediment depths. Maximum concentrations of the 16 chlorinated hydrocarbons analyzed in Great Slave Lake sediments were between 0.08 and 1.04 ng/g. The concentrations of PCBs and other chlorinated hydrocarbons were about two orders of magnitude lower than those in Lake Ontario sediments.Key words: Great Slave Lake, sediments, geochemistry, PCBs, chlorinated hydrocarbonsR&Eacute;SUM&Eacute;. Au cours de l&rsquo;&eacute;t&eacute; de 1987, on a proc&eacute;d&eacute; &agrave; une &eacute;tude pour d&eacute;terminer la geochimie et la r&eacute;partition des oligo-&eacute;l&eacute;ments, des BPC et de 16 autres hydrocarbures chlorts dans des sediments provenant de zones s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;es du Grand Lac de l&rsquo;Esclave dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest auCanada. On a pr&eacute;lev&eacute; des carottes de s&eacute;diments &agrave; trois postes d&rsquo;&eacute;chantillonnage dans le bassin ouest du lac le long d&rsquo;un axe allant du delta de la rivi&egrave;re Slave &agrave; l&rsquo;embouchure du fleuve Mackenzie. La composition g&eacute;ochimique des sediments a r&eacute;v&eacute;l&eacute; un d&eacute;p&ocirc;t de mat&eacute;riau similaire &agrave; tous les postes d&rsquo;&eacute;chantillonnage. La datation des s&eacute;diments a montr&eacute; un fort taux de sedimentation (46,6 g.cm-* par an) h 110 m sous l&rsquo;eau, dans la zone du delta de la Slave, et un m&eacute;lange des s&eacute;diments de fond dans la partie sud-ouest du lac. Les concentrations d&rsquo;oligo-&eacute;l&eacute;ments (Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, V, Pb, et Zn) &eacute;taient uniformes dans tous les profils de s&eacute;diments. Les s&eacute;diments de surface cependant contenaient en plus de l&rsquo;arsenic. On a utilis&eacute; des CLB-1 canadiens normalists contenant 51 cong&eacute;n&egrave;res de BPC pour d&eacute;terminer+les BPC dans les s&eacute;diments. On a d&eacute;tect&eacute; 33 congtntres de BPC et d&eacute;termin&eacute; leurs concentrations dans des sections choisies des carottes de suiments. Les cong&eacute;n&egrave;res les plus abondants &eacute;taient les num&eacute;ros 15 et 18,44,49,52et 101 (num&eacute;rotation de I&rsquo;IUPAC) avec des concentrations maximales respectives de 3.52, 2.68, 2,44,6,20 et 2,13 ng.g-l. Le sch&eacute;ma de concentration des BPC dans les sediments du Grand Lac de l&rsquo;Esclave r&eacute;v&eacute;l&eacute; des quantit&eacute;s considerablement plus importantes de biphenyles peu chlor&eacute;s parrapport aux biph&egrave;nyles tr&eacute;s chlor&eacute;s. On a trouv&eacute; plusieurs cong&eacute;n&egrave;res, en particulier ceux ayant de 7 &agrave; 10 atomes de chlore, en concentrations inf&eacute;rieures &agrave; 0,20 ng.g&rdquo; &agrave; seulement une certaine profondeur de s&eacute;diments. On a trouv&eacute; de l&rsquo;hexachlorobutadi&egrave;ne, du t&eacute;trachlorobenz&egrave;ne-1,2,3,4, du pentachlorobenz&egrave;ne, du H.C.H.-A, de l&rsquo;hexachlorobenz&egrave;ne, du pentachloroanisole et du chlordane-A &agrave; tous les postes &agrave; diff&eacute;rentes profondeurs de s&eacute;diments. Les concentrations maximales des 16 hydrocarbures chlor&eacute;s analysts dans les sediments du Grand Lac de l&rsquo;Esclave se situaient entre 0,08 et 1,04 ng.g&rdquo;. Les concentrations de BPC et d&rsquo;autres hydrocarbures chlor&eacute;s &eacute;taient d&rsquo;environ deux ordres de grandeur inf&eacute;rieures &agrave; celles contenues dans les s&eacute;diments du lac Ontario.Mots cl&eacute;s: Grand Lac de l&rsquo;Esclave, s&eacute;diments, g&eacute;ochimie, BPC, hydrocarbures chlor&eacute;

    Travel time prediction

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    Táto práca sa zaoberá predikciou dojazdových dôb vozidiel na cestných komunikáciách založenej na metódach strojového učenia. Je v nej rozobraná teória týkajúca sa dojazdových dôb a jednotlivé vedecké práce, ktoré sa venujú tejto problematike. V práci je vypracovaná analýza reálnych dát týkajúcich sa dojazdových dôb a sú navrhnuté príznaky, ktoré sú následne použité na tvorbu predikčných modelov. V rámci diplomovej práce bol navrhnutý a implementovaný komplexný predikčný systém, ktorého funkčnosť bola overená v praxi.This thesis discusses travel time prediction of vehicles on roads based on the methods of machine learning. It describes theory of travel times and summarizes scientific papers dealing with this topic. Within the thesis, analysis of real travel time data was done and the features to be used in prediction models were engineered. Finally, the complex prediction system was designed and implemented and has been tested in production environment.

    Comparation of the properties of the perovskit photovoltaic cells

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    V tejto bakalárkej práci je predstavená technológia výroby a premena elektromagnetického žiarenia na elektrickú energiu s využitím perovskitov. V práci sú popísané známe druhy štruktúr perovskitových fotovoltaických článkov a materiály ktoré sa využívajú na ich výrobu. Ďalej sú v teoretickej časti popísané vlastnosti perovskitových článkov, merané elektrické veličiny a metódy fotospektroskopie, impedančnej spektoskopie a fotoimpedančnej spektroskopie, ktoré sú využité pri meraní a analýze článkov. V nasledujúcej praktickej časti je popísaná výroba článkov, meranie a vyhodnocovanie vlastností perovskitových článkov.In this bachelor’s thesis it is introduced production technology and conversion of electromagnetic radiation into electric energy employing perovskites. In this paper are also described known types of perovskite photovoltaic cell structures and materials that are used to produce them. Furthermore, the theoretical part describes properties of perovskite photovoltaic cells, measured electric quantities and methods of measurement such as photospectroscopy photoimpedance spectroscopy and impedance spectroscopy that are also used to analyze cells functionality. In the following practical part is described fabrication of perovskite cells and evaluation of measured results of the perovskite cell.

    Transaction Avoidance in Insolvency Proceedings. Comparison of Czech and British Legislation

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    NÁZEV DIPLOMOVÉ PRÁCE A ABSTRAKT NÁZEV: Neúčinnost právních úkonů dlužníka v insolvenčním řízení Komparace české a britské právní úpravy ABSTRAKT: Snahou odpůrčího práva v insolvenčním řízení je zamezit nepříznivým důsledkům spojeným s úpadkem ekonomického subjektu, které jsou multiplikovány jak postranními úmysly dlužníka - v jehož zájmu je často z potápějící se lodi odklonit poslední majetek - tak mnohostí věřitelů, z nichž každý z principu disponuje protichůdným ekonomickým zájmem a motivací se pravidlům insolvenčního řízení vyhnout. V českém přístupu k právní úpravě nejen insolvenční odporovatelnosti se odráží skutečnost, že tato právní úprava neměla možnost se v době socialistické nesvobody rozvíjet, a proto se v současné době potýká s mnohými právně- teoretickými i aplikačními komplikacemi, které sousední právní řády vyřešily již před mnoha desetiletími. Cílem této práce je provést zevrubní analýzu české a v rámci obsahových mezí této práce také britské právní úpravy odporovatelnosti / neúčinnosti právních úkonů, a to jak z pohledu de lege lata, tak de lege ferenda, a poukázat na nejpalčivější nedostatky české právní úpravy a možné inspirativní zdroje z britské právní úpravy pro úpravu českou. Diplomová práce je rozdělena do čtyř částí. První část je zaměřena na obecné ekonomické a právní důvody,...THE TITLE OF THE DIPLOMA THESIS AND ABSTRACT TITLE: Transaction Avoidance in Insolvency Proceedings Comparison of Czech and British Legislation ABSTRACT: The general goal of transaction avoidance in insolvency proceedings is to prevent the adverse effects of economic entity's collapse that might be multiplied both by an interest of the collapsing entity to dispose the residual property to connected or associated subjects and by a plurality of creditors with conflicting interests and logical motivation not to be subjected to the mandatory rules of the insolvency proceedings. The current attitude and status of Czech legislation and jurisprudence to transaction avoidance is affected by the fact that within the socialism (and the related decadence of jurisprudence) this legislation could not sufficiently evolve which resulted in a situation that Czech legislation is currently dealing with multiple theoretical and practical deficiencies that neighboring legal systems have dealt with many decades ago. The main goal of this theses is to provide thorough analysis of both Czech and (with regards to the content limit of this theses) also the British legislation and to point out the most crucial deficiencies in Czech legislation and possible inspiration in the British legislation. The theses is divided into four...Katedra občanského právaDepartment of Civil LawFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult